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Author Topic: Death as Advisor  (Read 22166 times)

Offline daphne

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2007, 02:47:51 AM »
At the moment I am trying (rather desperately) to start up my world again... stopping the world is one thing.. how does it start up again, without going back into the same world?

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2007, 02:51:48 AM »
Do simple things.
Let go, try not guide the world.
We gain only by letting it all go.

Offline daphne

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2007, 02:55:22 AM »
Do simple things.
Let go, try not guide the world.
We gain only by letting it all go.

Ok - thanks   :)

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2007, 10:08:56 AM »
I am not sure about that.. sometimes I feel that to the 'me' I know it would be unknowable. To the 'me' that I don't know, it would be an unknown.

A little Buddhist puzzle for you. :)
Who is the 'I' that feels, who is the 'I' that knows your 'me'?
Who is the 'I' that does not know your 'me'?
Who is 'me'?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 10:10:59 AM by goggle-eyed dandelion »

Offline daphne

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2007, 10:16:42 AM »
A little Buddhist puzzle for you. :)
Who is the 'I' that feels, who is the 'I' that knows your 'me'?
Who is the 'I' that does not know your 'me'?
Who is 'me'?

That little puzzle nearly flipped me once.. or perhaps it did!   
Seems like it's time to revisit it..   :)

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2007, 10:20:05 AM »


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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2007, 10:45:38 AM »
It is interesting that meditation on death is closly linked with one's belief's also - otherwise there would be no need to mediate on death. Perhaps that accounts for the smiling Tibetan Buddhists? It kind of forms an alignment. Buddhist thought is on the impermanance of earthly life (simplified for of course there is more to it). Relief always brings smiles.

Having been through both meditations on death and suicidal tendencies, I have found that death is as mysterious to me as life. The value of death as an advisor to me is that I don't know it, and it is there to remind me of that.

Human life may be "guided by more than the wishes, desires, and beliefs of the little ego" - then again it may be not. It is the unknowable for that very reason. "Returning" from meditation, from dreaming, the mind takes over... that which is experienced can never really be expressed -though not through lack of trying. I suppose thats really why 'life' is the experience of all experiences..

One day we'll know.. until then, death is a good advisor to have - the ultimate unknowable.

I think though, I wouldn't want an individual who has suicidal tendencies meditating on death. Might be a bit much. Course might need more therapy than meditation. Definitely need something.

I'm sure the smiling has to do with some of these things. There's still a lot of peace on the path. The Dharma will make a Buddhist smile. Usually.


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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2007, 10:47:06 AM »
A little Buddhist puzzle for you. :)
Who is the 'I' that feels, who is the 'I' that knows your 'me'?
Who is the 'I' that does not know your 'me'?
Who is 'me'?

There is no "I" in Buddhism.

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2007, 11:28:20 AM »
That little puzzle nearly flipped me once.. or perhaps it did!   
Seems like it's time to revisit it..   :)

No wonder.
That contemplation is part of the hardest Buddhist meditation - on realisation of emptiness and superior seeing.

First contemplation
The emptiness of I

Identifying the object of negation
Although we grasp at an inherently existent I all the time, even during sleep, it is not easy to identify how it appears to our mind. To identify it clearly we must begin by allowing it to manifest strongly by contemplating situations in which we have an exaggerated sense of I, such as when we are embarrassed , ashamed, afraid, or indignant. We recall or imagine such a situation and then, without any comment or analysis try to attain a clear mental image of how the I naturally appears at such times. We have to be patient at this stage because it may take many sessions before we attain a clear image. Eventually we shall see that the I appears to be completely solid and real, existing from its own side without depending upon the body or the mind. This vividly appearing I is the inherently existent I that we cherish so strongly. It is the I that we defend when we are criticised, and that we are so proud of when we are praised.

Once we have an image of how the I appears in these extreme circumstances, we should try to identify how it appears normally, in less extreme situations. For example, we can observe the I that is presently meditating and try to discover how it appears to our mind. Eventually we shall see that although in this case there is not such an inflated sense of I, nevertheless the I still appears to be inherently existent, existing from its own side without depending upon the body or the mind.

Once we have ans image of the inherently existent I, we focus on it for a while with single-pointed concentration, and the proceed to the second stage.


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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2007, 01:08:57 PM »
Just become suicidal , its far easier and the pay off is great

To become suicidal is no option for a sound being.
Easier than what? Pay off for what?


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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2007, 01:15:59 PM »

Death expresses itself in many different ways - intellectually, and experientially, I can understand having 'died' to many things - but Death, with a capital D is something I have not experienced in it's entirety -

Then do like this Daphne,
take a glass that u are used to drink from - imagine that the glass is you and your tonal.

Stand before a wall and imagine the whole sequence were you take the glass and throw it in the wall. Where are you? Where is your Tonal when the glass has hit the wall?

That is Death.
For me and anyone else.

Offline daphne

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2007, 01:42:54 PM »
Additionally, James van Praagh that has worked as a medium on a preofessional basis and written the bestseller "Talking to Heaven" etc. wrote about a special encounter in one of his books.

The story was like this:
One evening he was contacted by a guide to a recently dead soul. The guide were in the form of a beautiful African woman, which has no importance for the story, but it was she who addressed van Praagh. The guy who had died was a middle aged man and the guide wanted van Praagh to convince this guy that he was dead. I mean the astral guide - on the other side - had to "go back" with her client to make assure that he was dead. "You must help me sir, he won't believe that he is dead" appealed the guide. The whole transformation can turn out to be that "funny".

Yes, it does give that strange twist to things..  :)

Offline daphne

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2007, 01:50:29 PM »
Then do like this Daphne,
take a glass that u are used to drink from - imagine that the glass is you and your tonal.

Stand before a wall and imagine the whole sequence were you take the glass and throw it in the wall. Where are you? Where is your Tonal when the glass has hit the wall?

That is Death.
For me and anyone else.

I've done something similar - with eggs...   :)



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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2007, 12:24:38 PM »
I've done something similar - with eggs...   :)


In your imagination?

Offline daphne

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Re: Death as Advisor
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2007, 12:31:45 PM »
In your imagination?

No. Real eggs..   :)