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Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on Today at 05:54:34 AM »
Oh Boy. This is why St Malachy says he is The Last Pope:

The pope said to vote for the ‘lesser of two evils.’ This is how you decide.
Many Americans have come to disparage the idea of choosing between the “lesser of two evils” instead of embracing it as our duty.

Sept. 17, 2024, 3:00 AM PDT
By Nicholas Mitchell, assistant professor of curriculum studies at the University of Kansas
Pope Francis, while on a plane from Asia to Rome last week, told reporters that he has problems with both candidates for U.S. president — he said they’re “both against life” and that Americans should vote for the person they believe to be the “lesser of two evils.”

“One must choose the lesser of two evils,” he asserted, even as he said he doesn’t know if that candidate is Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump.

Obviously, the idea of choosing the lesser evil did not start with Pope Francis. It is a phrase that voters have often used to characterize their ambivalence and lack of excitement over their choices on a ballot. Therefore, Francis was using the language American voters are likely to have used themselves. There is just one issue: Across the political spectrum, many people do not fully understand what the term “lesser of two evils” means or how those who originated the phrase intended it to work as a way of navigating essential decisions.

In fact, many Americans have come to disparage the very idea of choosing between the “lesser of two evils,” as if doing so means that they themselves are committing a kind of evil. When, in fact, we should see choosing the lesser of evils as our duty.

The concept itself is ancient. Aristotle articulated it in 350 B.C.E., and philosopher Baruch Spinoza wrote about it in 1677. Even so, if most people don’t fully grasp the concept of “lesser of evils,” that’s likely because “the lesser of evils” is only half of the original concept. In short, the principle states that if given a choice, the lesser of evils and the greater good in both the long term and the short term should be chosen. The problem with the typical American’s understanding of the concept is that “the greater good” gets dropped off. Some may argue that considering the greater good is inherent in the lesser of evils, but the framework demands that people look at a situation from all perspectives. What are the lesser evil, the greater evil, the lesser good and the greater good now and in the long term?

What does this mean practically for voters? The lesser of evils and the greater of goods is a way of thinking about harm reduction. According to the principle, people are supposed to choose what causes the least harm while also creating the best outcome. But all this rests on how a person thinks about good and evil and how the person judges what’s an acceptable amount of harm. In short, the lesser of evils/greater good framework requires people to engage in a hard factual analysis of the choices before them, rather than the choices they wish they had.

To give a hypothetical example that does not involve politics, imagine you are trapped in a burning house with only two ways out. One exit is engulfed in flames; if you take it, you will survive the fire but be badly burned over most of your body. The other exit is full of rattlesnakes; if you take it, you will be bitten. You choose the rattlesnakes. Why? Because antivenom can bring your body back to normal in ways that doctors could never restore a badly burned body.

A recent real-world example was the decision to shut down in-person learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, before vaccines or effective treatment were available, the question that confronted society was: Do you keep the schools open and expose students, staff members and whole families to viruses that can kill and debilitate, or do you close the schools, which will disrupt society for millions of people and inevitably cause learning loss among students? Different communities answered this question in various ways, yet they all grappled with what choice caused the least harm while also creating the best outcome in both the short term and the long term in light of the realities on the ground they faced.

“Everyone in their conscience should think on this and do it,” the pope said after he advised the public to vote for the lesser of two evils. That’s not surprising. Telling people to “vote your conscience,” which means vote how you want you and other people to be treated by the government, is used about as often as telling them to choose the lesser of evils.

But acts of conscience are not beyond scrutiny. People get to hold you accountable for how your conscience tells you to vote and the choices you made out of malice or ignorance, including any attempts you made to avoid accountability. To repeat a point made above, “I will not vote for the lesser of evils” is an abdication of responsibility. Contrary to its performative intent, it affirms that you are willing to accept either outcome, including the greater evil. It is the sort of stance made by people who have somehow convinced themselves that because they didn’t vote for the lesser evil, they’re somehow exempt from the greater evil that their failure to make a choice may have enabled.

This is self-deception. No one is exempt from the effects of the greater evil, and if that greater evil were obvious, then nobody who failed to vote against it gets to avoid blame for helping bring it about.

It is important to reiterate that the pope stated that he did not know who the lesser of evils was in the election and never mentioned either candidate by name. You, the reader, may be wondering who I think is the lesser of evils after reading to this point. My goal in writing this essay is to describe how the lesser of evils and greater of goods way of thinking works and what “voting your conscience” means. I cannot and will not tell you whom to vote for, because deciding between the lesser of evils and voting one’s conscience is a personal decision.

What I will say is that these are serious times, and the lesser of evils and the greater good method of discernment is for serious people. It is a sober assessment of the state of affairs around us that culminates in a decision that affects everyone. Ultimately, voting your conscience demands that we all do what we think is right and fully own the consequences of that decision.


Really. The Pope calling anyone evil or saying either of them are "against life" is an absolute joke the horrors of child abuse and how many they have killed since their conception. I can hardly wait till the church is gone for good.

Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on Today at 03:17:15 AM »
Ok. This would make even the fiercest hater laugh at this clown. So at his most recent Rally, the Whiney Orange Shithole was on it saying he called Melania, and was like "hey baby I got the biggest crowd sizes!" Melania and he sleep in separate rooms for a reason, k slappy? But then he goes off he is "Bigger than Elvis, without a guitar." Does this clown ever look in the mirror, and watch himself say these things outloud, to see how stupid he looks? I mean, Elvis are you serious? Oh I think I need to bring on Shania Twain for this one folks, for sure!

Then, just, oh its too much he is done. Let's let the angry white suburban women take him down. And Shania too, I mean, Elvis?  ;D
Toltec [Public] / Re: Being in Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 17, 2024, 03:46:26 PM »
That shifted quickly.

So we finally move into where she is dreaming with the women sorcerers when she does. The energy is different.

But something I notice. I don’t know if coincidence. Once I get to that part, the heat in my body rises, a lot. It is cool in the duplex. It’s not hot at all. But I’m unreasonably hot. No fever tho. My head is fine.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 17, 2024, 03:28:03 PM »
I see why Don Juan warns us. Don’t take shit too seriously.

Only in America! A brilliant job of editing the debate into a music video. He hits on all of it. Just goes to show you can make something quite catchy when you have more than a concept of a plan
Toltec [Public] / Re: Being in Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 17, 2024, 02:45:38 PM »
Ok let me return to this. I had put it aside for a bit to reread the Art of Dreaming.

I am remembering why I like Taisha better. When I read The Sorcerers Crossing, she was very into discipline and technique. But I am on page 108. And so far, Florinda is making me want to puke her stupid school girl crush over Carlos. Now I know, this was an unusual connection they had. But like her getting upset and fighting folks or biting them or falling down. She just makes a total ass of herself. I don’t remember her being so sorry like this. Now I’m not done. I know it should get better. My memory is fuzzy. I’m trying to recall and relearn here. But she is flowering annoying me. If I go another hundred pages of this. I’m liable to quit this flowering book.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 17, 2024, 04:36:59 AM »
Let's unpack it and condense it in one post. Yesterday, someone tried to off the Deluded Melon. Who cares, moving on. Next, Mister Potatohead does a Freudian slip admitting (then tries to backtrack), his whole Haitians eating cats and dogs was a "created story." This has been debunked, but apparently, The Orange Dingleberry met his twin flame, the absolutely foul Laura Loonier (than him). She is so bad, even Big Bad Butch Bitch Marjorie Taylor Greene called her racist. Isn't that rich? Anywho, and the Orange Candyass melted down and cried he hates Taylor Swift. Well, I bet Melania listens to her, as she is the ex boyfriend singing a nice bash down, supreme and here is a takedown of MAGA the scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 15, 2024, 02:18:25 PM »
I’m not going to put the podcast up, cause upon listening to it, my fury was raised. But it did not shock me. Tonight, I listened a bit to two Christian men, trying to rationalize the vote. The takeaway. They know the Bloated Orange Windbag is a conman. Paid off a porn star. Incited an insurrection. Said he doesn’t need forgiveness. Caught with a bathroom of top secret documents to sell out America. Responsible for millions of Covid deaths. Blows Putin. But….because he is pro life, that’s their guy.


All of that. And much more. Like his racism. Entertaining Nazis at mar a lago. Threatening to round up and deport all brown folks. All that. They know he’s a malignant narcissist, psychotic, unhinged, vengeful. But these stupid Christian men, gotta save a fetus….

Those flowering idiots.

But school shootings. They vote for the creep who is in the NRA pocket.

It’s moments like these, I think there might be a hell. Cause where else is the universe going to send these stupid twats?
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 15, 2024, 10:49:44 AM »
Most often people want their truth.
Not THE truth.
Theirs. Which is hardly truth at all, obviously.

Even if some managed an inch out another thing would come their way as it's all controlled 

Even me telling Grandma once "the way I chose to love God isn't wrong it's just different" resulted in the radio telling her later "Spiritual people lie they are ran by the devil..don't believe them"

It seems their reality makeup will automatically kick out whatever is seeded in already by supernatural cause or their own subconscious. Anytime I have ever said anything to my grandmother the reality we're in denies what I've said. It's a strong grip. I doubt it'll be any different for those who think trump is a savior. It'll keep getting fed by whatever it is and unless it gets KNOCKED tf out....they may just stay incredibly delusional.

I suspect all the churches, pastors, that indoctrinated the masses with their bullshit going to have to answer for it one day. They programmed these people to not “lean on your own understanding.” The thing is, this whole time, these churches, since the beginning with Constantine and Council of Nicaea till now, have been teaching it, not the Christ way, but the Apostle Paul way. For one. But they are drunk on power, and this has caused countless to be misled. I am just thankful folks are waking up each day. But of course, we need more to do it, 
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Dorama no Hiroin on September 15, 2024, 08:28:37 AM »
Most often people want their truth.
Not THE truth.
Theirs. Which is hardly truth at all, obviously.

Even if some managed an inch out another thing would come their way as it's all controlled 

Even me telling Grandma once "the way I chose to love God isn't wrong it's just different" resulted in the radio telling her later "Spiritual people lie they are ran by the devil..don't believe them"

It seems their reality makeup will automatically kick out whatever is seeded in already by supernatural cause or their own subconscious. Anytime I have ever said anything to my grandmother the reality we're in denies what I've said. It's a strong grip. I doubt it'll be any different for those who think trump is a savior. It'll keep getting fed by whatever it is and unless it gets KNOCKED tf out....they may just stay incredibly delusional.
Toltec [Public] / Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 15, 2024, 07:43:08 AM »
I'm not sure how to feel about Carlos Castaneda anything. While I see something's true per experience the general vibe is dark and twisted. For a while I kept receiving the message Don Juan is a bully. This was in early 2023, I think.
I take what I can from what's written if it is alignment to my experiences but I don't trust it at all.

I have had more issues in Carlos realm of things than I even had as a Christian. Christianity suffocates the true self and spirit but Carlos is a whirlwind of flowerery soup satan himself made that would make people run back to religion because it -feels- safer.

I will not elaborate further 😂

I do question a lot of humanity is lost entirely. I don't see a way for humanity to make any correct turns. I'm not saying impossible..... But I know there's so many perspectives, stories, beliefs, ect for humanity to come together as a whole. Then we are being forced to reincarnate over and over as well planned out four-course meals.

Masculine and feminine energy is out of balance in many ways.
The masses are not awake and they have the bulk of the collective so....I feel that's an issue.

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless. Integrate that which is your own.”-  Bruce Lee
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