Author Topic: Stalking: Rule I - your job  (Read 590 times)

Offline Zamurito

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Re: Stalking: Rule I - your job
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2007, 04:41:12 AM »

The thing you've just described - stepping to the side of yourself and hearing your gums flapping - is a huge gift.  I have personally found it to be a function of the double - because when it happens to me, it's as if I side-step into Orlando, and stand there watching Della going through the motions of her humanform yada.  Sometimes it's entertaining, other times it's folly incarnate, still other times, I want to reach out, put a hand over her mouth and say exactly what you said, "Shut the f**k up and just breathe.  Just... breathe!"

The trick, of course, is learning to heed that little voice BEFORE the gums start flapping.  *LOL*  Much harder.   :-\

So true....
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Offline daphne

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Re: Stalking: Rule I - your job
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2007, 08:14:14 PM »

The trick, of course, is learning to heed that little voice BEFORE the gums start flapping.  *LOL*  Much harder.   :-\

Ahh... it's to catch it BEFORE eh??!!??!!   hahaha - that may explain quite a bit in my life!!  Thanks!!   ;) :D
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Offline Quantum Shaman

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Re: Stalking: Rule I - your job
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2007, 05:05:34 AM »
Ahh... it's to catch it BEFORE eh??!!??!!   hahaha - that may explain quite a bit in my life!!  Thanks!!   ;) :D

Yup - you & me both, Daphne!   8)
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Offline tommy2

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Re: Stalking: Rule I - your job
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2007, 05:20:25 AM »
Stalking "at work" update: 

1) the teenage drama/mentality/work ethic continues to sink in its own degradation.

2) policies/directives/procedures continue to be basically be ignored.

3) this attitude now slowly infiltrates into the newer staff as they come on board.

The Two Feathers growing response to this scenario;

1) He counts the months (now 47) 'til his retirement and "looks the other way".

2) And how do I reconcile my own "old school ethics" concerns with this?

I recapitulte my own work history and growth and just keep setting my own example by doing my finest work with an authentic smile and helping hand.  It's called attitude, my Friends.  It's called adjustment to inevitable change.

This I call self-stalking.  Isn't THAT what stalking is all about, anyway!??

But I ask you all for your honesty here.  Is this a cop-out on the Two Feathers' part?
Should he shake the place up and expose the mess, and then have a bunch of team members all pissed off about something they don't understand in the first place? 

Am I rationalizing this all away?  Or have I grown in my acceptance of "reality"?  At MY age, am I saying, "Ha, let them make their own damn mistakes!  I ain't the boss." ?

i.e., I had to learn to be a good team-player and very successful manager by making my own mistakes again and again until my own set of ethics came to the forefront.  I had to teach myself to be what I was when I suddenly realized that this "change" would take the power from me.

Self-stalking, at work and anywhere, is getting up in the front seat of lifes big wagon, grabbing the reigns, snapping them smartly and shouting "Gitty-up, Hank!" as I hit the road to freedom.

ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!

Offline daphne

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Re: Stalking: Rule I - your job
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2008, 04:41:42 PM »
I have been applying stuff from this post Stalking: Rule I - your job for a while now.. interesting how it precipitates changes. Again, I am reminded that perception is as fluid as one allows it to be.

I am being a 'perfect' employee   ;) - actually it's been quite fun, to be so ameniable; it certainly relieves stress levels somewhat! I'm wondering how long I can keep it up.. or will old demons rear their heads..and bite me.. ?

I have allowed my new boss to not be quite the idiot I thought he was   ;)  and its quite interesting how that also precipitates changes in our interaction and relationship. I wanted to rest on my past achievements; he wanted me to prove myself to him. Heh - was like waving a red flag in front of a bull!!

We'll be moving premises by month end; yesterday half the staff was retrenched, and I am working like a demon clearing out all old stuff and junking what we don't need to take with us. Kind of like what I have been doing at home too - turfing out furniture and stuff I don't need; got a new bed too!

The saga continues..   :)

"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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