Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5373 times)

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #570 on: March 18, 2016, 06:19:04 AM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #571 on: March 18, 2016, 09:12:45 PM »
Blue hugs my foot
I got traction to the wheels steep incline sharp
On wheel speed plus direction plus power
Equals skill
Or over kill
Reach depths pull out something
Blue the head phones a chew
The power lead too
Rain rain rain
Cyclone anniversity radio
Broken this broken that
Broken phone screen
Broken keyboard
Found a way
What a day
Found a way
Found money
Found a cb radio
Alternate form to message relay
Stand up open eyes wide
To see peircing sky for the dream
Black cockatoos ? Not to be seen
In its place feather new
Shining out new
Sea Eagle catches fish instead
Flies low brings to land
Foot long supper
We walked the shores
I give her the feather to eat she chew
White line stripe
Making spirit strong
Sometime the wall come
No good no bad
Struggle victory
Mother bites when child play rough even
Natures way learning all things needed in success
Of hunt or ettiquete
Generator went out too
Filthy the plug couldn't spark
Many things pulled through
Funny days
Moving objects around
Correct orders for efficient use
Avenues for finding
The way


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #572 on: March 19, 2016, 08:03:43 PM »
The adventures of
Sky moon clouds what words none
Celestite blue like the two cracked halves
Surounds her scape
I glow not paled
By her comparison
Grass so soft like pillows on horizon
What words.what words
No compare for her pastels in my
She rides the bow sun blazing through
Descent lighting luner
She rides in my arms
She almost makes us both fall from the vessel
Wobbly sea legs
Happy with it I show her the water
Like a child too see
Drinking fresh exhilarating wetness
Next we land
I stand inching further to come see
When we run out of legs where
Mode shifts to running inside wetness
Her paddle
Bounding pounced wetness
Excitements key
Until unbridled it begins
First puddles
Then this
New wonder
The adventures of
For life
And well chosen friend
I never can remember such
The tip to top til broken words
Almost tipped me over the top
Where the sky met the water
The sun met the moon
Giant pillows so soft in distance
I run like some boy who can run
Like forest gump
I see myself run before I feel it
Coming again
It filled us up
Me and blue

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #573 on: March 20, 2016, 04:32:46 AM »

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #574 on: March 20, 2016, 06:00:49 AM »
Both your images are on the beach!  8)
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #575 on: March 20, 2016, 06:38:01 AM »
At martha's
I picked up a piece of
and held in my hand
for a moment
the healing power
of the stone
and all the stones
in her office
on The window sill
looking out into the garden
about to bud
life back after a slow winter
Spring in the air
in her Office
and in my heart
martha heals
We heal


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #576 on: March 20, 2016, 09:26:39 PM »
I liked the feeling if it
Was given the piece after I asked
In new Zealand
Brought it back
Perhaps it was a helping stone shop
In a pace called dargaville
Or some such town
I tried to set alight
Sat and ate fish and chips
A river ran though the town
Brown water
Small town syndrome
Seemed like portals being opened
Like a different planet
New country feeling
New rhythms
And the tane mahute
Old tree
Alien creatures small hedgehog things
Thanks for the re visit
Was it fingerprint or retina scan
AT airport or both
The beaches there low ceiling dream I dream of
Smell of smoking fish driving around
Different skies clouds
Slower times
Less people
A good place to retire I said
Roads much quieter
Paddocks filled with fog and smooth stones
Like art each one magnificent
Use and familiarity or un of difference in lighting
Caves in earth
I state with vision to see inside
Deep om left me spin
Birds that don't fly
Slow driving
For concerned welfare
Birthplace of kindness
For the lucky
Who blessed be had fare welled
And then farewell
Back from returned holiday dreaming again
Just point
And off we go
Give purpose
Weaver threads


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #577 on: March 21, 2016, 11:45:26 AM »
What really makes dreams come true
Trust in the heart
The wind
Blows the blind
Towards the skin
Deep connection to heart
Not resides close to skin
Til work with wind sinks in
Golden bubbles on their heads
Shh listening to where comes subtley
A mans primary goal is to let go
Only then can he possess what is truly really
Stop the wind from place within Brings same
Use wind with
First seed dance
Rhythm enhance
Wind song true 
Why perfection
Now new song
Calm patience
No thing to leak
Only the heartsong
Ringing true
He stands on the ledge he always had talent
Flies and does not touch the ground or die
Floats down like a glider shows me how
A friend too
Sungasses twisted I find them in the engine bay
Not knowing theyre their
Calenders numbers
Close embraces
Stils the hearts flutter
Tale close calm drive
Safe keeping


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #578 on: March 22, 2016, 12:58:00 PM »
Like the saying write til your little hearts  content
Shares the same word its 'content ' meaning
Dust stamping upwind sun

Once upon a time
The sun looked into the water and saw itself
In the sky

The moon did too

All the stars also

Decided to have a battle for who owned

The reflection in that

Time they called it this tic toc

Swirling around in the wind

Forming images the dust as it was stamped up

To the sky

The horizon seemed another matter
Arguing over who owns it

Time as it was built one way

The orbits never thought to see what their battle would bring

Each pointed knowing the reflection
Never pondering the horizon

The space no one saw as connected to the presence
That arrived

As the arrival appeared of time
Within time
At a certain time
Appeared again

Time itself remembered itself
Though time and the empty horizon

The sun knew its reflection in the moon
The moons reflection in the water the suns too
The planets and stars direction and wind
And remembered the other suns too

Could see order of who would be first in heaven
The battle of the orbits

Was hurting the earth the reflection of the horizon
And the presence of time the dust upon the waters face
Decided to act as suns do with fire
Lit the water the moons face
The winds dust
The orbits complimenting
Drawing up
All time in timing
Towards present time
To make align

Seeing objects ad been placed in the dust
In the water
In the earth
In times suns

To make the dream of the sun
And of the moon
And of the orbits
No longer fight to be first
To work together

And align
The lines

Drawn that draw
Upon the face
Of the water
Of the moon
Of the dust
Upon the earth
In timing

So it was  written
Upon the face
Of the seven
And the one

When world's collide
Find solace
Solar reside

Waiting dor the winds to do their work
Waiting on the tides

Waiting for rest to
Upon the faces and places
Wherein all did reside


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #579 on: March 22, 2016, 10:28:59 PM »
So about antagonism
And entrenchment
Armies assembled
Differences of opinion
On the same horizon
About who brings the truth ?
Arguments with goals
Mysterious words
With direction
Fine weather


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #580 on: March 23, 2016, 02:24:00 PM »
These matters
With wind
Come onto forming time things

Perhaps small fish will
Always think they're large

Perhaps the loud
Always to drown out the reserved
Or quietened winds

Perhaps the small steps
Of times winds

Like mustard seeds

Large trees

Trees as breathed breathes


When I hear things like
Man throws scared dog to polar  bear
Do I want man to live ?
Dog to live polar bear to live ?

Together circulatory

Give me polar bears and dogs
And trees
And if someone gave you the keys

Slight breeze

Model in news names Gigi hadid seems a joke

Gravity circulation and wind

Human forms
Attachments and other options

New keyboard lasted less than fortnight

I m horrified taking the garbage out

How much unneccesary bulk of packaging

Things like and they cut a tree down for this thing ?

Human form and wind
The embodiments apply force

Binging it here into being

The branches cannot forego the roots

Perhaps it will turn out to be a relaxing

Away from technologies workings


Phone cues

I pushed a girl in a broken car off the road too

The wind banging chimes

Ease and difficult times


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #581 on: March 24, 2016, 10:47:21 AM »
The tales to political and emotional
Motivation underestimates no undemines
Krist story the bible

Through out time as always
Hidden to their eyes

Individuals tapped by spirit
Invisible world creating the visible

Random perfection expansion

Like pi       

And the sum of an infinite fraction may equal a finite number

Individuals tapped

Perfect order

Religion irrelevant

false churches

True churches within individuals

Remember on earth as it is in heaven ?

Reaching though the mirror built in perfection

To become one with the source

And taken up

Again time the relevant discussion

Fine light

As the church is built

The two sides aligned

Fast vibration fuses this double

The Toltec not so different

One stood on the 'word' of god

Built completion or totality third attention

Whilst even in the emotional and physical body

It is quite easy to see the misunderstanding

Applied to the social strata

As above aligns below
So it becomes

Proper order built from the ground up from the sky down

Of course you won't take your body with you in the spirit

Except image

Already dreaming the world

Its called an arc

The word self expalianatory

Through out time beings come give order back

As gods folly

Or the ' eagles command'

What aligns is not from the ground

Embodied by those upon it

Those pillars that cross

« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 12:35:15 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #582 on: March 24, 2016, 10:30:20 PM »
For misunderstandings

Here lies personal truth
Proper foundation
Universal and between
Time spectrum

The pure heart
Driven by the root source
Relegated through the divine
Reaching fusion through action
Equals truth in action of all centers
Reaching mutual purpose
By all external infusions
Of divinity infusion
Through service
Service extends also to self
As vehicle for motion reaching out
And reception
Though personal inspiration inspired by the clear heart
Path equals proper measure of truth
As without proper measure and complete
Truth relegated to suffering though
Incorrect alignment

Correct alignment brings truth to bare on circumstance
Personal which awareness brings spirit awareness of sport
Loosening the bindus
As arc is extended through
River eternal to divine vehicle of service


Service personal extends universally

Universally extending personally

Powers at it's source both root and
And 'source' eternal
Spirit offers the alignment
Fusion of both sides mutual purpose
Infusion of polarities work with truth
Though upright cross for service
And awareness of shadow albeit connected
Elsewhere in fusion
Brings information non linearly
To adhere service to malaligned
Path subject in perfection to align
As alignment subjugated to universality
Through cross alignment as self in service to all as self
Selfishness as held proper alignment by heart
Is all as self

Now we come to our issue with false church

Not been chosen and self appointed
Ritual advises purity of heart

Lack of such leads to distortion through root
Shadow and universal root shadow
Collective time  application annhialating

Connection and relating fall

Permeating unsavoury to collective
As built incorrectly mimicry from ground up
Self appointing yet not sustainable in structure

Corrupt preists and magicians

Drinking corrupt earths base lure to impurity

Very strong to impossible to achieve

Must be chosen


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Re: Story sake~river
« Reply #583 on: March 24, 2016, 11:36:19 PM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #584 on: March 25, 2016, 12:17:35 AM »
Strawberry field s forever radio
All I smell guavas I pick yesterday
So strong
Felt the wind strong last few days
Moons high
Feel the wind niggle
Hide from it
Move with it compelled
Closes turns towards ?
Not only away from
Subtle knowing
Like hearing the word run
Then run
Like feeling no
And not
First call
Not secondary guesses
Radio likes to repeat
Hides in the mountains
From the wind
Towards something


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