Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5364 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #585 on: March 26, 2016, 09:43:18 PM »
so i will talk about fear

comes later

i stand i will take on a dog many men

god knows in that moment maybe even a bike club from it

i growl wave my arm and yell get out to a dog

i am protecting blue

however i am already pretty flowered off about the stupid humans today


they are so close all around

with their noisy toys

bikes boats jet skis cars



they seem oblivious to anything and their worlds seem so alien and far from anything i know

i would have a holiday

quiet relaxation

not the hundred mile an hour type

they have all these things

toys noise children kites balls wandering all around as i try rest for

afternoon nap

talk about feeling human myself this moon brings

when i arc - ed up immense

i knew i would fight every body there in that moment

and grit my teeth

blue is only five months old

i have had one killed already i tell the lady that is why i am the way i am

about it

and our dog has been bashed up by a blue heeler she says

i have no words for them

i see it in the heavy tattooed mans eyes he will jump straight in

as far as i am concerned with my tunnel vision


i walk away as the dog backs away from me

in the next moment i switch

i feel anxiety i have felt in these type moments before

it seems a natural residue left in my system

at first i don't question it

let it start to take me

i pack every thing up and leave

i would rather take action and move than spend the easter weekend feeling this way

and complain

like a grumpy old man

talking to myself as they kick their footballs near the car

dogs on meter leads lied to posts barking yap yaps all day

snoring people



blue likes the new place for the moment

we will paddle new ways again soon

anxiety passes

the path of action

this moon

this moment


the eclipse christmas and easter

seems paranormal

remembering times

i have acted immediately regretted

movement important

proper movement

proper alignment

i dreamed i was taking off a couple nights ago then stayed now it makes sense


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #586 on: March 26, 2016, 09:59:27 PM »
so well sing this song again

gone gone so gone

until next time

whats hidden

like the time piercing inside my skull with ball bearing eyes

piercing inside my third eye with ball bearing eyes

like the time going up the road

were gone gone gone

and they always think its a game

and they have their reasons i suppose

their reason i suppose

why they chose

the words

that make their dreams

like another rhythm it goes

along lines

talking talking talk

liking to talk talk talk

and in and out of trouble we go

and talk talk talk

and trouble comes

and how they don't know

where trouble comes and goes

because they talk talk talk

inside their heads

they make trouble then it arrives

i fifo

fly in fly out

without a doubt

i cant live inside their heads too

it hurts

hurts to see

hurts to hear

hurts to be near

today i run away

some people like  the buzz


some people trapped by the pain

some insane

knowing no other way

i'm gone gone gone

like those down south

they say

its normal yet it ain't

its a pain

run away with me now

ill show you another way

there is no time to wait

like sarah conner

there is no time i feel

when i went into the trees

by the creek today

there is no other way

for me

no way

in the bush

chalk and cheese


were gone today again

gone gone gone

nice to see

all those humans i try to understand

with their pain

their toys

their brains


so gone


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Re: Story sake / Gone
« Reply #587 on: March 26, 2016, 10:12:49 PM »


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Re: Story sake / friend of humanity
« Reply #588 on: March 27, 2016, 01:46:09 PM »
and what is good

there is a good story been told

it is hard to understand for most people

for me when i became the sun i immediately knew what it all meant

and what i had to do

it is easy to underestimate people

spirit makes people more or less

depending on their character

some tried to be gods here

some have been before and will be again

some raised up some torn down

what is the purpose of having no connection to source

to chase power only to see your own reflection cast out into the world

they had formed castes of their own


put there eggs in baskets

and travelled along lines

linear lines

lines that return and edifices lived within

all that work has been tended to now

those gardens

ears that only hear themselves

not spirit dance

dancing like the flame all the flames together

not separate

only to separate eyes

today my body feels like steel

i have decided to treat it well

seeing much that is not in this alignment makes me stronger

i am glad for their weaknesses put forth as strength so that i could come

and exist at this time

to be a part of this great time

to be born this way

with these challenges

with these eyes spirit lends me

to watch the reflections in the water

song really starts at 2mins40sec

there is a reason i have chosen to wear these clothes


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #589 on: March 28, 2016, 09:31:22 PM »
so i whisper shout to the wind

wind ! so softly

do you hear me

they toot their horn as they drive past again i think wind hears me  ;)

i whisper wind


i hold my piece in tact

it does not tug as i follow this subtle feeling

its growing

or may be

its becoming aware of it

paying attention

movement all centers aligned

so simple

once trusted

no nonsense to deviate

wind !whisper shout

seeing draped across my third eye

the petal like wings of an insect like image

soon gone

by the power

no contest

seeing openings to go through

travelling through

flapping wings spread makes the hole

makes the view

im dreaming it as i write i see the images

and why not

whispering to the wind

listening to the wind

merging with the wind

bliss is the one that does not come so easy on the chart

its close so close at all times

the mutual space

feminine masculine merged


then return

its always one

if only to notice

combine the seeings

the doings

the beings


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Re: Story sake/curious theory
« Reply #590 on: March 28, 2016, 10:19:16 PM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #591 on: March 29, 2016, 09:30:50 PM »
So as with the age of Aquarius
Curious song
In a garden park at one time behind
My lodging at the time
I would practice movements in the dark
It looked like clear hair in the air of darkness
And would move with my hands

I had a doctor a keen photographer come
To try and photograph the phenomenon

Seemed an anomoly in the world's illusion
Reminded me of Dr who the old curly haired one


Took care of and ultimately perhaps undoing of knee

Hyperextension from old man in car in car park

Needle under knee cap quartazone
Weakening of tendon as

Perhaps leading to further arising dependant origination

Next current surgery from snapped tendon later

Where were we oh

The band

2 1111 7 timing

Age of aqarius

Magical numbers illuminating
Earth illusion
Instruments as orbits numbering 7

2 eqaling complimentary faces of moon and sun

Both illuminating and reflecting

4 timing of one
Within bars 4 ' 4 as 1111 yet spacing 7 units withing four timing respectively

Band to be played

As proper orbits within character true signs

Popping in an out of 2,faces illumination
As they appear within correct orbital timing

Procession and illumination

Sheet and refraction

Of harmonic

Existence of

Two Buddha's realisation

Into spheres

Being non being



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #592 on: March 29, 2016, 10:02:19 PM »
I dreamed of this double helix
Music some time ago

Seeing healing alignment potential

Individual extending

Also formed as

Mirror Potential universal consisting individuals

Breaking limited boundaries

Through corrected alignment energetic potentials

For expansion
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 10:21:51 PM by runningstream »

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #593 on: March 30, 2016, 07:06:14 AM »
Interrupting for a second to say that I love your avatar:;attach=8487;type=avatar
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #594 on: March 30, 2016, 11:22:45 AM »

the orangutan suit feels great !


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #595 on: April 03, 2016, 09:53:17 AM »
Like the legendary drovers sidekick
Blue taken up position with a bark and stare
Upon the box
Brings home a lot of flowers

Don't worry about the backward talkers
Talking backward in corners to disappear
In their mind when it suits

One report a hole bunch of talkers banging tables
Their beliefs beyond reproach
In their cordoned off backwards vortex
Zip and it's done
In heaven banging tables bunch of table bangers
Screaming see there's no such thing as the spiritual
Its all real
On the other side of vortex screaming
See nothings real
At the peak where its on the turn saying look I'm everywhere

In the centre originating union at point of seed not sprout
Singing no thing
Till their cornered again
The they whistle what is it you sing
Like your a dingaling
Ask them a question like Angela Merkel
They'll sing in a circle

The wind sings to me today

I went to those places
Was burnt live now I'm a live wire

So I have a table banger a gift
A denied of the wind

Where the word comes from the seed
Where balance is requires
Where those sides go all the way to the sky

Where ignorance will get you possibly killed
Arrogance too
And even worse
Where the wind goes all the way to the sky

And thyve already taken to the sky

You can't deny the wind
You can't deny the sky

When the voice comes from the seed

And the wind told me to spread the seed

Like a lover

A lover of the seed

The sun

The wind


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #596 on: April 03, 2016, 12:30:45 PM »
Earth`s self upholds this monument
To conquerors who won her when
Wooing was dangerous and now
Are gathered unto her again


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #597 on: April 04, 2016, 05:08:20 PM »
We sit in the dry waterhole
After days of digging
Suggestions of unclean exchanges
Formula's that produce salt
Suggested requirments not met
Whos spring ?
Not what im suggesting
Toltecs ball games in the court
Atanteans and such
We lay in the dry river bed
It was never a contest to find water
Despite suggestions if shortage
Impurities and such
Transferences requiring compromise
Shadow siphon
What was the alternative
Not forgetting
Not feeding it from itself
Not needing it to seek that way

So your standing on a hill top
Looking at your self on high
Whispering shout the way

Looking with fear

Hearing with fear

Kicking at your stairs

Steps dust from the past blocks the way

the sky comes  whilst doing

Something else with a clear heart steps

Guiding the way

Fear take a back seat

Not to stay trapped

Gritting teeth OK

To get to action for what's in the way

I wish you'd see

What was real or contaminated

As no they are not equal

Until what's let go makes them equal


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #598 on: April 04, 2016, 09:24:38 PM »
Is it too much to think
That religion was a stage
For a war
To unite what
Is divided

Is it too much
That our reflection
In the sky sees ourselves
Pass by

Is it too much
That through suffering
Must religions
As extensions
Of individual
Glimpses of a elephant
Through time

Must align

Is it too much
That everyone had
To be right

It is too much

I have my fish hooks

I do not catch fish when I am not hungry

I watched the Steven seagal clip

What does it take to change the essence

Of a man
From the movie on deadly ground

After reading Vicki's post on boddhisatvas

Where the oil workers beats on weak native man

And Steven seagal then beats on them

I think it becomes a question of patience

And not only patience

Of measure proportional to an issue

So what does it take o change the essence of a man

Sure essence is a vapourous term

Smell is also vapourous yet still discernible

Like smells in jars

Wanting to remain the same

I would love to shift the smells

When having to witness

What is done

I have a lot of words today

Something feels close


Larger scale

Yet people don't see more they seem to see less

When something if big and ominous

In front of them they focus in microscopic detail

To exclusion

Like sight being narrowed contained

Like essence in a jar

Like a dream

I try to wake them up

And they become angry

And ask to stay asleep

Sometimes accusing

Sure we die alone

Must we also

Be surrounded yet alone

Today I met a man

Aboriginl man

Shakes my hand

Tells me his name a Paul

His words are slow

I hear myself saying here we go

Then he surprises me

He says when he meets somebody

Who is a good person he shakes their hand


He says his father taught him that

And he teaches his kids that and passes it on

He says because we are in the world

And he says we are not alone in the world

I knew he was giving me something

I appreciated him


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Re: Story sake-pillars
« Reply #599 on: April 05, 2016, 09:44:59 AM »

What does it take to change the essence of a man


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