Author Topic: Ignorance  (Read 333 times)


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« on: December 13, 2014, 08:20:17 PM »
How can Ignorance be over come ?

is it possible to reach such a state of detachment to permanently

negate its influence from others and ourselves ?

do such people exist ?

or have they just separated themselves sufficiently to be able to switch off ?

if an annoying person were to poke buddha repeatedly and niggle at him ,

would he withstand that pressure ?


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2014, 08:51:00 PM »
i will try and articulate it a little more clearly

if a return to emptiness is necessary

has one still got a foot in the world?

what would one then travel upon ?

having renounced ordinary mundane existence

where does one then go


in the mean time

during normal workings of life

if one is continually met with ignorance

which beckons ones engagement

and attempts to address it are met with

a game like mentality of continuing on those lines

and keeping the games going

how does the re emerging or healing petty tyrant within ourselves further

continue existence s course?

is it a game of patience to arrive upon more favorable circumstances

is it ignorance alone to re enter upon ignorance in the same way again


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2014, 09:05:30 PM »
on another angle

would buddha still get pissed off

if he were to re engage with an annoying family member

or a past lover ?

what would he do with that side of affairs

if they were to exist

so then if we are to become an absolute renunciate

or a half variation

with lives which contain jobs and

worldly ties

how is it possible to be completely detached

Offline Michael

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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2014, 10:04:32 PM »
An old question, but today the answer is simple: we have to do both, at the same time as well as in sequence.

This is not the old days, when people retire to caves and monasteries, although you can still do that. The acolyte of today must excel in both worlds, simultaneously. Think this is onerous? Too right! This is much harder than the aspirants of old.

First, you have to ensure your actions in either world do not undermine the effectiveness of the other. That is extremely difficult.

Secondly, you have to learn the 'rules' of engagement in both worlds. You may be focused on your personal spiritual aspirations, and acquiring those rules is hard enough, but you also need to learn the worldly spirituality of the subway crowd - that is also difficult to grasp.

Lastly, you have to know in which world you are currently acting, and thus, which rules apply.

No one said this path is easy.


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2014, 08:28:09 PM »
i think if we could give them a moments pause

in detachment

we might stand a better chance

maybe it would be better to concentrate on that

moment of empty cup

as trying to turn water into wine

that way

the water can stay the same

because no new buckets enter the stream

i understand it is easy to crack a bucket

but that wont do it either

how to crack a bucket or pour water in the top

so it cracks itself to see through the hole


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2014, 08:49:55 PM »
it is frustrating watching people go around in circles

i can do it too

yet i seem to spiral out of it

how can a spiral be given

maybe cards could be made for christmas

and the receiver receives a spiral for christmas

at the beginning of spiral stands themself

somewhere in time

at the other end stands their self walking onwards

periodically within the stream

appearances come and dissappear

the learning or walking would be both their future time speakihg to them

and their past self walking and learning with and as them

as they had opened the gap "space" between such time

everything in between would inform them of their path also

now how to get that into a Christmas card


that would be a good lesson also

lite and heavy

both float within the stream

awakening to walking

in spiral

would mean

"come to the cafe , we will sit together and order a nice meal "

"i shall show you the pillar the man sat beneath with his baby / child "

the colors represent something one upon the other in spectrum

the roof is on fire

fire reaches ether burning off the old as its up

walking on water that way

take the had and we shall reach the winds which prevail yet leave no thing standing

winds that tear down the house

those winds what will be left standing ?

only that which can withstand the winds by being also and non being

having no clinging

to the ones passing

its a short story

across the road in another cafe

you might see one with a golden hue surrounding them

they might be the new ones walking in

there is something very centered and confident about them whilst the wind

whips every thing and one around them

very calm


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2014, 06:56:16 AM »

Find a model or an archetype of a person who has passed frustration and ignorance.
Start to imitate their behaviour and listen to their lessons.


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2014, 08:25:19 PM »
i seemed to have locked the topic again by accident


well i saw that photo of the arm wrestling incident

any way Eric these things were'nt created in a vacuum so lets get some bass in here


Lets get those guys your speaking about in here right now

because I have had enough of this your religion my religion bullshit

and if we get buddha Jesus mohammad

and chuck norris in here

we can sort this out

i have walked "with" jesus

and i don't mean that in the hansy pansy way either

his blood has coursed through my veins i suppose you could say

if jesus came to earth buddha came to earth and mohammad

with chuck norris

and sat down and you told them to look for a icon to follow what say you !

i'd dare say the pointy end of the spear

is in the hands of the modern seers

as we have their resources available

the devil visited me today

i felt him course through my veins

or my own devil

he through me tells me

standing between the sheets peeping out

and saying new age things like " every body is just a mirror"

and if you don't see it you don't give it power

yet if you can't really stay between the sheets like buddha

how does this help

chuck norris has an answer

im not sure its right

but the buffet after the delightful conversation

will be wonderful

the devil want's to know if i can let chuck norris loose by the way

and give him a blazing sword

Michael i agree with you

although i am trying to meld the two together

as my experience has brought me

I am all ears as to what buddha would bring jesus and chuck norris to the table

the biggest issue i find is assumptions pre ceeding communications

i would love to hear what buddha has to say

i would love to see the stick and ball model of all involved

turned into a fruit platter

i wold dare say the stick ball model would need be inclusive

as those melding the two

and those keeping them separated

might miss each other mid stream not even seeing

and buddha will be between the sheets

and chuck norris will be in a helicopter flying it by instinct alone

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2015, 09:46:08 AM »
i will try and articulate it a little more clearly

if a return to emptiness is necessary

has one still got a foot in the world?

what would one then travel upon ?

having renounced ordinary mundane existence

where does one then go

I saw a really good quote recently but I can not find it again.

It said soemthing like your task is to be open enough to feel the cares of the world and cry for it, but not be affected by it.
You must also become detached enough to sit across the table with mosters and killers and not be affected.

Anyone know the quote I mean?  Or did I dream that?  It's hard to tell sometimes.


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2015, 09:54:42 AM »
i am blazing a tail today

direction has a tail

and i need that tail wind to pull the stars with it


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2015, 11:02:56 AM »
about the meaning of faith

its no different than claiming your sovereignty

i spoke to a man before

his words said "best of luck with it"

yet he meant by it instead " your kidding yourself no hope"

i felt that

yet i am pulling all the stars with me

and i see him for what he is

so my faith knows he is testing me

it is my faith that will blaze a tail today and pull the stars with it

now i am pointing at the tail

don't look too hard or you might miss it

it will appear in front of you

i think it is necessary to use that faith and personal drive

to hold it dear

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2015, 11:35:23 AM »
Faith is a funny word.

Depending on your (personal) definition of it, can mean any number of things.  Me, not religious, never have been so a religious connotation of faith is not even in myscope of perception. have had discussions on faith though with people who are very anti religion and can't seem to see that my faith has nothing to do with any god or religious texts.  For me, it's close to intent.


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2015, 11:45:34 AM »
Then intent implies movement with direction

Faith as I used the term implies spirit or source coming from all angles towards us

Within time

So therefore "faith" yourself whole or the source you are

Is complete and now your are a force to be reckoned with in your movement

within this living water

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2015, 11:50:36 AM »
Then intent implies movement with direction

Faith as I used the term implies spirit or source coming from all angles towards us

Within time

So therefore "faith" yourself whole or the source you are

Is complete and now your are a force to be reckoned with in your movement

within this living water

We are on a similar page


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Re: Ignorance
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2015, 11:52:41 AM »
Then we are strong trees


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