Author Topic: Allowing  (Read 443 times)


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« on: March 09, 2007, 04:57:42 AM »
I think allowing is the hardest thing to do for me.  It really is better described as NOT-DOING, as in not doing anything that's in discord with my intention.  Sometimes it starts at the beginning when forming my intention.  If it's not clear, then the results probably will not be clear.  I view it as getting out of my own way.  If I look back at my frustrations with people and things, they seem to be signals to me, impressions that are signalling to me that I'm getting in my own way.  Have you ever been in a hurry to get to work and notice that there's more big trucks on the road, more idiots cutting you off and going slow, that you hit every light?  Those are examples of impressions that I'm speaking of as it applies to going to work.  Have you every had a bad day at work when everyone is stubborn, puters break down, and you REALLY need to get this project out, TODAY? Have you ever had one of those days at work where everything goes smooth as silk, all your resources are your fingertips, everyone you call seems to be waiting on your call? I've learned to notice what I'm feeling in both types of situations, and my vibrations were either fuzzy and my emotions were heavy and conflicting, or my vibes were clear and my emotions were light.  My thoughts were either focusing on what I couldn't do, or were focusing on what I could do, also. 

I've thought of "allowing" to be a new-age throw away word for being lazy,  or undisciplined, too.  But, you know what?  Alot of people in the new age movement who use that word are pretty wealthy. or are manifesting what they want to in other areas if wealth is not that important to them.

I think I've learned to be more allowing by stating my intention as clearly as possible ON WHAT I WANT, and not including in those thoughts any phrases suck as "I want this, but I don't want that."  Second clause is out of phase with the first, and they tend to cancel each other out.  Next, getting to know myself, in the moment as to what I'm feeling, doing and thinking that affects my intention as it is occurring, and also, in a deeper way, knowing what my beliefs, auto-responses, habits, general feelings about my self, self-trust, are also very helpful in getting out of my own way.

I'm doing well at allowing, now, and progress is occurring.  I've met some contacts with a motivational speaker just recently, and it has been a vague ambition of mine for a long time to do motivational speaking.  The subject matter has always been there, but the "how to's" have never crystalized.  This is the biggest area of creating my own reality I've had in a while, since my kids were born, and my divorce. There are many smaller ones.  I trust myself to stay out of my own way, and not press my energy on this, which are both keys for me in the NOT-DOING of allowing.

Last year I created a wonderful relationship, and I learned how I did so.  I also learned how worries and assumptions can ruin it, too.  At the end of that, I didn't know what happened and how it happened.  I had lots of self-doubts.  Self-doubt is one of my life long crosses to bear, and even thinking of it that way furthers the self-doubt.  Being good enough is an emotional tug at me.  That's why I posted that song in here, "Good Enough", by Evanessence.  That's also why I subsequently rephrased it, so that I could keep that feeling of being good enough.

I still weep, as I did this morning, when I hear that song.  Instead of weeping in sadness and doubt, I weep with joy, trusting I am good enough.

Offline daphne

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Re: Allowing
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 05:48:33 AM »
I still weep, as I did this morning, when I hear that song.  Instead of weeping in sadness and doubt, I weep with joy, trusting I am good enough.

hugs!!   :)

I am not sure what you mean by 'getting out of your own way". I have used that expression myself, and yet it feels somewhat different to what you are describing.

I think I've learned to be more allowing by stating my intention as clearly as possible ON WHAT I WANT, and not including in those thoughts any phrases suck as "I want this, but I don't want that."  Second clause is out of phase with the first, and they tend to cancel each other out.

Yes, they do tend to cancel each other out. I have found for myself that framing what I want holds within it the implication of what i don't want, and it does so whether I phrase it or not. That is just how my mind works, perhaps yours works differently?
One way out of this conundrum was to hold the vision of my desire, and at the same time acknowledge that I also didn't particularly want it not to be - otherwise why have it as a desire in the first place? With this, I then let it go, trusting that what would be would be for the best.  Again, acknowledging that I did desire a certain outcome. I called this way of holding both as "surrender". Was very difficult to get there cause I am not one that "gives up", and so I learnt a new meaning to 'surrender'.

I go along with your "creating our own reality" - up to a point. The mind is indeed a most powerful tool, and I have used it much in my own life. The mind also - for me - has different levels to it. There is a level at which "I" do not create my own reality - and by "I" I am referring to "daphne". That is the level I am exploring now, and that is the level which I refer to when i say "get out of my own way".
« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 05:50:19 AM by daphne »
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2007, 06:26:11 AM »
hugs!!   :)

I am not sure what you mean by 'getting out of your own way". I have used that expression myself, and yet it feels somewhat different to what you are describing.

Yes, they do tend to cancel each other out. I have found for myself that framing what I want holds within it the implication of what i don't want, and it does so whether I phrase it or not. That is just how my mind works, perhaps yours works differently?
One way out of this conundrum was to hold the vision of my desire, and at the same time acknowledge that I also didn't particularly want it not to be - otherwise why have it as a desire in the first place? With this, I then let it go, trusting that what would be would be for the best.  Again, acknowledging that I did desire a certain outcome. I called this way of holding both as "surrender". Was very difficult to get there cause I am not one that "gives up", and so I learnt a new meaning to 'surrender'.

I go along with your "creating our own reality" - up to a point. The mind is indeed a most powerful tool, and I have used it much in my own life. The mind also - for me - has different levels to it. There is a level at which "I" do not create my own reality - and by "I" I am referring to "daphne". That is the level I am exploring now, and that is the level which I refer to when i say "get out of my own way".

I think that the way you "get out your own way" is just perfect for you.  *smiles* Whether it's the same, or similar to mine, matters not.

I've known for a long time my mind works differently form others.  *smiles* That's fine.  Whatever choices others make, are as acceptable as my own.  Conversely, I tend to buck when I draw someone to me that wants me to think the way I do.  I understand, sometimes, when they feel the same way about what I'm doing towards them.  That's one of my issues.  I may retire from the fight to fight another day, but I never surrender, either.  LOL!!  Surrender has a different meaning to me, rather than allowing.

I think that you're statement of the implication, or implied opposite being contain within our intention is important to notice.  It's our focus of attention on the implied opposite that distorts the energy of our intentions.

Lastly, I think the getting to the point of conscious creation is what we are focused in this life to do.  The process of getting to that point is the life we've chosen to live, and whether we fully get to the point of total conscious creation is not really the object of our INTENT.


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2007, 04:04:42 AM »
Have you ever been in a hurry to get to work and notice that there's more big trucks on the road, more idiots cutting you off and going slow, that you hit every light?  Those are examples of impressions that I'm speaking of as it applies to going to work.  Have you every had a bad day at work when everyone is stubborn, puters break down, and you REALLY need to get this project out, TODAY? Have you ever had one of those days at work where everything goes smooth as silk, all your resources are your fingertips, everyone you call seems to be waiting on your call?


I have also tested that new-age idea to see if it is true that "my table" is available at the restaurant, or that I get "that" parking lot when I go to the super market.

I've learned to notice what I'm feeling in both types of situations, and my vibrations were either fuzzy and my emotions were heavy and conflicting, or my vibes were clear and my emotions were light.  My thoughts were either focusing on what I couldn't do, or were focusing on what I could do, also. 

That is a important check-up but is there a causal link, do the traffic get cloggy because your are emotionally fuzzy, do your clear vibes makes a good day or is it vice versa? Where the latter would be more common.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 04:07:04 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2007, 09:28:31 AM »

I have also tested that new-age idea to see if it is true that "my table" is available at the restaurant, or that I get "that" parking lot when I go to the super market.

That is a important check-up but is there a causal link, do the traffic get cloggy because your are emotionally fuzzy, do your clear vibes makes a good day or is it vice versa? Where the latter would be more common.

The "doings" in your first paragraph I sometimes somewhat derisively (unfairly) call "parlor tricks".  However, they are good reminders that this is possible.

I can't make a scientific reproduction of the traffic situations, but I have noticed, and it makes me laugh at the silliness of it.  As for a good day, that's always a matter of attitude; even a bad, messed up day can be improved with a little "hakuna matata" tune sung in your head.  Sounds goofy but it works.  (I hate to drag Jen into this, but she's an excellant example.)  Any day in which I can bend over to pull up my socks and I'm on the top side of the grass is a good day.  About 90% of reality creation is awareness, the rest is attitude (clear intention).  Your percentages may differ.

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Re: Allowing
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 12:32:37 PM »
Heres a test for how capable you are at "creating your own reality".

Take a needle, and heat it under a flame until it is white hot.  Slowly insert this needle into your eyeball. 

Can you create the reality of painlessness?  Can you create the reality where you dont go half-blind?

The subjective world of opinions, reactive thoughts and emotions is ephemeral fluff.  Its not even the icing on the cake - its like a sprinkling of powdered sugar on top.  However, mistaking it for the entire cake itself (and the table it is sitting on) is common.
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2007, 09:56:54 PM »
I can't make a scientific reproduction of the traffic situations, but I have noticed, and it makes me laugh at the silliness of it. 

But I can. It is good that you laugh at it because that release tension.
I hate to get stuck in a car gueues so I use what I know about the traffic jams in this city plus a 6th sense. So I can choose way, go by bus (they have their own lanes) or cycle. Best of all I can choose time for commuting, 8 o'clock=queues 8:30 = no queues.

attitude; even a bad, messed up day can be improved with a little "hakuna matata" tune sung in your head.  Sounds goofy but it works. 

Sounds "new age positive thinking" to me.


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2007, 05:25:56 AM »
In this, you are creating your own reality.  And yes, that little phrase is sorta "new age positive thinking", and that has its place.  There's a deeper understanding as to what it is, and why it works that is different from mere  "positive thinking."

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Re: Allowing
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2007, 01:28:59 PM »
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George

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Re: Allowing
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2007, 06:57:45 PM »
It is said that we attract to us certain things and perhaps repel others. I do believe this is true yet we have to look at the whole picture. I may attract certain things but others are also attracting certain things. The person I meet is not unnecessarily there because I attracted him, but because we both share a some what related reason for being in that place at that time. Also sometimes I think positive energy on the level of the tonal could possibly attract negative energy...perhaps.
I always ask myself do I understand every aspect of what is going on? If not then how can I be sure that I am right?

Another problem here is that this new age law of attraction stuff, how ever true it can be, can contribute to the person seeing them self as the center of the universe.

Then there is the fact that you may be trying to think positive on the surface but in the subconsciousness you have negative energy that is really running the show. In this case it isn't a matter of making the conscious mind produce more positive energy than the negative produced by the subconscious. The subconscious is closer to our center of being: conscious---->subconsciousness--has a wall of crap that blocks us from the---->unconsciousness-which connects to True Self. Even the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill states that you have to auto suggest your positive thinking into your subconscious mind. But, you also have to clean out and heal the stuff in the subconsciousness so it can not interfere. Then you live more and more from your depth and in the moment, trying to pierce to your True center. Once you have the True center and your subconsciousness has been cleaned of crap theory, begin to radiate the energy that attracts you destiny to you and visa versa.

At least that is how I understand it.

One thing you can do with the car thing is take a peace of paper and mark down each time you were in a positive mood and each time in a negative and what the traffic was like. Then after about a month of notes you want to change the time you hit to the road to the opposite time of the day i.e. 5am to 5pm etc. Take more notes. Continue to do this and then post your results here so others can pick them apart. Also test it with that table at the restaurant both on busy nights and slow ones, and try it on the parking space. Try to see if it works more in some cases then others. If it survives all this then you need to understand how and why it works and be able to help other to duplicate your results. AND, that last part is key for this type of thing because having as many others as possible test it can help to circumvent you fooling you self. But the others in the experiment can't know that they are in the experiment or all trying to achieve the same goal.

"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

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Re: Allowing
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2007, 02:18:47 AM »
In this, you are creating your own reality.  And yes, that little phrase is sorta "new age positive thinking", and that has its place.  There's a deeper understanding as to what it is, and why it works that is different from mere  "positive thinking."

its not the impossibility of your purport,
we all accept the ultimate existence of the power to create our world, in the manner that could satisfy Joshua.
its not the vision of it, which we all face towards;
its the ability to do this that we prise - the constant struggle of our entire path.
To manifest our will in an influence of power, more than a few times.
To see its appearance in our lives, like hailing a ghost, till it becomes intimate.

then we will all look your way and give you a heart-warming wave,
it never ends, we just become stronger in doing what you say;
and are a bit annoyed at your insistence of a clergical idea, instead of demonstrating your capacity for application.

what’s the point of talking, as Joshua said - you can't do it man!
think about that and forget your proselyting.

But it can be done - I did so tonight, so I know.
It takes a lot of energy because we are scared we won't succeed.
Which is the likely outcome.
What is needed is energetic vibrancy.
The experts don't struggle, puff and pant - they have all been there
and so they learnt,
its easy,
when you know how.

but we don't have that luxury.
we don't know how.
we know that possibility in the human range exists, in ways you have completely missed.
we have to struggle our way through the how
till your hard work on all aspects of your being have resonated;
then they all come in, and you have possibilities you never believed.

that one day we will all turn universes on a finger,
is only because we have lived passionately
in every corner, without dropping the sacrificial bowl and spoon.

don't worry blue,
we’ll know when your spirit glows.
its warming up…


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2007, 03:02:43 AM »
In this, you are creating your own reality.  And yes, that little phrase is sorta "new age positive thinking", and that has its place.  There's a deeper understanding as to what it is, and why it works that is different from mere  "positive thinking."

Then I might create some more.
A plaster works too.

But let us focus on the positive side of the belief that you create your own reality. That is a good start because it means that you are at leastin stage two, above the accidental floating. With this creating ability comes responsibility. I suppose if you hone on this with your responsibility long enough you will grow fast. The key word then is responsibility which is a energy that will change you from creating more Karma and instead add Dharma to your path and to the system.

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Re: Allowing
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2007, 04:08:56 AM »
AND, that last part is key for this type of thing because having as many others as possible test it can help to circumvent you fooling you self. But the others in the experiment can't know that they are in the experiment or all trying to achieve the same goal.

Unless of course that is part of the experiment to have their combined energy to achieve the aim. Then you need some other way to make sure you are not fooling yourselves. There are several possible ways I can think of, but one is to simply take precautions ahead of time to make sure everyone is as unbiased as possible. This should come as a result of the cleaning of our subconsciousness anyway....

hypothesis(i.e. what I believe from my minimal experience):
Observe your mind and the thoughts in it, and the emotions you feel, your awareness will refine your consciousness...seeing should result, and the higher vibrational energy can flow down through your central energy channel... And, the more you align to that energy the more the world that is magnetized to you and you to it will harmonize to that higher energy.
Then when the central channel is clear your intent becomes the Intent of Eagle.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2007, 05:52:41 AM »

hypothesis(i.e. what I believe from my minimal experience):
Observe your mind and the thoughts in it, and the emotions you feel, your awareness will refine your consciousness...seeing should result, and the higher vibrational energy can flow down through your central energy channel... And, the more you align to that energy the more the world that is magnetized to you and you to it will harmonize to that higher energy.

You make things very complicated Ian. Hypothesis, notes of emotional states etc.
But perhaps your way is that "clever". Yes, the key lies in awareness.


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Re: Allowing
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2007, 06:21:35 AM »
Addressed to Michael and Michael's essence, from me and mine:

There's an interesting tell here--prise, which is pronounced like prize, and means to use force with a lever.  It could synonym, if misspelled, a verb which means to highly value.  Perhaps the pun was intentional, perhaps not.  It is not necessary to use so much effort to prise open our eyelids to see that which we are and that which we value.  Hale the ghost, and it shall come.  We already are.

I am getting a bit annoyed at all the clergical analysis, myself.  It is now distracting me from doing something else.  I am almost finished, here.

There is no point in saying, "You can't do it."  Failure is likely when fear dominates focus.  Success follows vibration, indeed.

Luxury is a belief.  It is not an absolute.  Impeccability is relative, and always as beneficial as sin.  The world is round, right?  We'll get there.  And imagine the people we'll meet, and the things we'll see!

We've created a world of struggle out of mere imaginings, simple patterns of the force of will that repeat themselves in the force of time, and that can themselves choose to stop repeating at any moment.  Struggle is not a necessary element, yet it exists, too.  Wouldn't it be easier to spin the universe on a finger if we were not trying to hold the sacrificial bowl and spoon in the same hands?

Blue says not to worry.  It matters not.  The energy flows irregardless.

Au revoir...


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