It seems like an easy step to intellectually accept this concept of being surrounded and composed of a stupendous being, both ourself and far beyond ourself. Not a concept that easily yields to such a pragmatic language like English. But in fact, unless you have been broken, and then restored, you have no chance of visceral comprehension. And when you do, you are forever separate from every other being who has not passed through the same path.
I was fascinated to learn that ceramics that have been broken, and lovingly repaired with gold infused glue, are prized far highly that unbroken ones - in Japan. No where else to my knowledge.
Broken and to some extent restored?
I am in a process of applying for a state benefit, since I am working on an University, and all Universities here are Government authorities in Sweden. The deal that I apply for is that I shall work 60% and get 40% as a pension, this is a benefit that one can apply for being 61 years or older, which is in October for me.
So I had to meet a doctor today, that should write his recommendation (or not) to my superiors at the University.
A lot came up at this meeting, and the outcome was that this doctor would surely recommend me for that benefit, because of quite severe health reasons after reading highlights from my medical history (anamnesis).
But as I sat there and told my story, beside the 20 year old story of severe health problems with Reactive arthritis and Morbus Crohn, that I had written down, I was close to start Crying (surprise to me!), when I should tell about my head injury trauma in November 1980, and how I crashed my scull in an window accident only two years old. That I mentioned this was because he mentioned the similarity in fatigue between brain injured patients, and patients with my diseases. So I had both!
My ceramics has been broken at least twice, in addition I have two chronic diseases. This doctor listened and understood, but I said to him, my health problems is very difficult to communicate to others, people just simply do not understand what it is all about.
And he nodded, as a MD he knew.
This post seem a bit out of topic, but if you read between the lines, you get close to the Connection between the individual and the Universe. The wonderful life that I have got because my traumas, simply keep me going, until that very day.