This is a monologue:
I say stupidity and you start to talk about intelligence, which is the expression of the mental body. Let me define what I mean with stupidity, in short; the opposite to stupidity is wisdom. Wisdom is love and a deep understanding that all things on our planet are interconnected. The opposition is to act as one are above the laws of nature and in these acts get alienated from the being that nourish us (our planet).
I mentioned deforestation as one example of stupidity (and alienation). To reduce the forests in general and the rainforest in particular is figuratively speaking the same as saw off the branch one is sitting on (cut off one's nose to spite one's face).
I also wrote “People in common could live in harmony with their land and surroundings, without being affected” [of others stupidity/alienation].
You get somewhere in the right track by stating that “The values, the meaning of being a human seem to be amiss”.
The value of being a human being has always to be seen in the relation and our infinite bound to our planet. We are like small ants walking on this earth and we should walk or ride with the utmost respect toward the Creation/creator that gave us a place here.
M is on the right track that with higher IQ some tend to develop less empathy.
“In fact, those with intelligence, in the common sense of that word, demonstrate more stupidity than those without, because they have no excuse. I have often ponded why this is so.”