Lynn Andrews is an internationally acclaimed author who has written 18 books, currently published in 12 languages. She has been on The New York Times bestseller list several times. Her books include Medicine Woman (now in its 40th printing), Jaguar Woman, Woman at the Edge of Two Worlds: The Spiritual Journey Through Menopause, and Dark Sister: A Sorcerer’s Love Story. Andrews is also the author of The Power Deck: The Cards of Wisdom, a series of self-affirming meditation cards, and four workbooks, as well as over 20 meditation and teaching audio tapes.
Andrews has been appearing as a renowned guest speaker on national and international media for the past 20 years. She has also lectured for Whole Life Expos for the past 20 years and has done speakers tours with Warner Brothers, HarperCollins, and Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc. Considered a preeminent teacher in the field of personal development, Andrews is a 21st century shaman whose words reflect her path, a path of heart. For 15 years, women and men from all over the world have gathered with her for her annual Joshua Tree four-day retreat.
In 1994, The Lynn Andrews Center for Sacred Arts and Training (Mystery School) was created. This program is a unique mystery school designed to integrate the sacred into every aspect of life. The curriculum offers a four-year professional certification program, and bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees are available. The Center offers CEUs to nurses, medical practitioners, and therapists. Lynn Andrews also has a formal program for ordained ministers.
Main Areas: Native Spiritual Growth; Personal Development; Empowerment; Women’s Health; Balancing Love and Power in One’s Life and Work
Best Sellers: “Jaguar Woman”
Career Focus: Author; Shaman; Teacher; Retreat Leader
Affiliation: Lynn Andrews Productions; Circle of Life

Lynn Andrews Books
Medicine Woman
Flight of the Seventh Moon
Jaguar Woman
Star Woman
Crystal Woman: The Sisters of the Dreamtime
Windhorse Woman: A Marriage of Spirit
Woman of Wyrrd: The Arousal of the Inner Fire
Shakkai: Woman of the Sacred Garden
Woman at the Edge of Two Worlds: The Spiritual Journey Through Menopause
Dark Sister: A Sorcerer’s Love Story
Favorite Quotes & Thoughts from Lynn Andrews
• You must never run from fear. You must face it. Fear is a tracker that will hunt you down.
• Shamanism is a subtle and alchemical process to transform and elevate the spirit beyond the constructs of the limits of reality. It is a space program for the soul and launches you out into the uncharted territory of the stars.
• Prayer is our heartsong to life and the great spirit.
• …the Sisterhood is in all of us. It is every woman who is keeping the dream alive. And the oldest dreamkeepers, the Grandmothers, are in danger at this very moment. We must write and we must act to keep the knowledge and the powers of woman alive.
• The person who upsets you the most is your best teacher because they bring you face to face with who you are.