Author Topic: Calling Spirits (Michael)  (Read 793 times)

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Calling Spirits (Michael)
« on: September 02, 2006, 02:35:22 PM »
"Then comes the invitation.  Sometimes, for a big ceremony, I will let the spirits know well ahead - this is esp true of physical journey ceremonies (a difficult concept to explain).  If the ceremony is ‘external’ I like to use a special spirit catcher as a callout.  Once the ceremony begins, I call the spirits.  This means first the immediate local spirits - never leave them out, as they can get very nasty if ignored.  By these I mean, I look out at the major beings around me - special trees, hills, storms, creeks etc, but more importantly the beings that live in these, and for that one needs to know spirits and how to call them."


"good ones... oh me oh my could we not rave, there is so much out there.

mostly when we talk of spirits in external operational terminology, we are referring to those that inhabit places, locals, and archetypes, but most interesting are the nature spirits that inhabit places of power. these are the ones shamans commonly dance with.  they can be found in creeks and trees and mountains, and in old places of significance, like temples, caves, hill tops, rings etc. they can also be found inside us, but most virile humans like a full on experience.  there are centre hub places for different types of energy... most interesting subject.

in the end, i personally am of the opinion that the best are the spirits of freedom. especially that bird. for these we have to sacrifice the cheaper time fillers.

the spirits of silence, they are to be acknowledged, they open the cosmic landscape of silence, that we can almost just walk into. they are subtle, fine. waiting like vultures, to rip out my heads. lying there like a soft naked woman, to receive me as i let go all that stuff, and sink into her flesh of silence.


You said you have to know spirits and how to call them, how do you know and contact?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 02:54:25 PM by nichi »
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Offline Michael

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 10:14:17 PM »
Mary Christ!  that's not easy nai.

but it is the best of questions in this Ahrimanic world.

you already know, you just didn't realise thy were spirits. so one has to start, to meet your first spirit. it is one thing for me to say that everything can only happen by the auspice of a spirit. but that won't help you nai.

so what to do?

how are you at dreams? that's always the best start.
caves are perfect. can you find a cave? old is better.

if not, i'll need to ask for you.

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 10:37:31 AM »
Mary Christ!  that's not easy nai.

but it is the best of questions in this Ahrimanic world.

I'm researching this Ahrimanic thing...
interesting stuff.

you already know, you just didn't realise thy were spirits. so one has to start, to meet your first spirit. it is one thing for me to say that everything can only happen by the auspice of a spirit. but that won't help you nai.

I could ask a million questions and go and on about how I think I have on some level known this, but I'll let it stew a bit.

so what to do?

how are you at dreams? that's always the best start.
caves are perfect. can you find a cave? old is better.

if not, i'll need to ask for you.

I'm divided... Part wants to just say yes, please ask for me, cause no I'm not good at dreams, not yet. And, no don't believe there are any caves round these parts.

Other part wants to do it itself. I'm learning to trust.

I am getting better at dreams and I know what I have to improve at dreaming. So, I choose to try my hand at dreams.

But, then, what do I do? 


"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 03:03:05 PM »
I made my own cave, my Ojibwa.  It is enough. 

Anyway, any good medicine man worth his salt will have one.

One way or another.    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!


Offline Michael

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2006, 11:04:49 PM »
Ian, your issue has come at an interesting time. Now Tommy is right, a medicine man worth his salt will have one, a cave that is, but there are many ways to see that.

Now, what I want you to do is to cast your mind around the area you live - can you think of a place that has a 'thick' energy. This could be an old church, a woody area, a creek - esp where there are nooky corners and old trees, or any place that has a natural intensity. (Not spooky houses or tunnels where there are vibes of nasty things having happened - no need to contact them.)

We always find or locate such places where ever we live. The kind of energy I am thinking of is not exposed, but recessed.

Can you think of such a place?

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 01:01:39 PM »
Ian, your issue has come at an interesting time. Now Tommy is right, a medicine man worth his salt will have one, a cave that is, but there are many ways to see that.

Now, what I want you to do is to cast your mind around the area you live - can you think of a place that has a 'thick' energy. This could be an old church, a woody area, a creek - esp where there are nooky corners and old trees, or any place that has a natural intensity. (Not spooky houses or tunnels where there are vibes of nasty things having happened - no need to contact them.)

We always find or locate such places where ever we live. The kind of energy I am thinking of is not exposed, but recessed.

Can you think of such a place?

Off hand I think of several places that upon further examination might fit the bill. Yet, I would have to investigate further. This weekened I will have lots of time to scope them out.
There are a couple of places that I believe will work right by my house actually.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Offline Michael

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 01:25:40 PM »
good, now the next thing is to have a spirit catcher. many things can be used for this - essentially it is best to use a sound (tho a dance is possible). Loud sounds are good - conch shell etc - but also soft work - bull roarer, voice. It is in the way you make the sound - sending it out, one note is best.  you could play an instrument, like a drum.

even two resonant hardwood sticks that can be hit together.
voice - sing a low tone, single note, that is felt like a rumble.

a spirit catcher is really a way to tune yourself and the local - its in that tuning that the spirits are attracted - they are aware of when a person enters trance, as for them it means the person comes out of the fog, and becomes capable of seeing them... ie interacting - like turning a light on in a dark cavern.

can you think of a spirit attractor you could use?

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 01:37:51 PM »
Yes. I'll have to ponder some to be sure of exactly what to use, but you mention using voice too. Voice would be interesting, sometimes when I'm really happy or just emotional I'll chant somehting that is usually just vowel sounds. This is something I have always done. So voice would be interesting.
I can also think of lots of objects I might use, I would like to explore several to find something I like.  ;) I'm sure it is a serious thing contacting spirits, but this sounds like lots of fun.

so yes.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Offline Michael

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 08:51:05 PM »
of course its fun, that's why we do it... unless you are after one of the heavy dudes.

now you should consider some purpose in contacting a spirit. Try to think of some not too big deal, but something that is not going right for you at present. Something that you could do with a little help to work out smoothly.

This is a request that you ask of the spirits of this locale... they like helping, esp if you entertain them, and offer them the final doorway (i'll get to that bit). And it will assist you in the important process of validation - an ongoing process Ian, with many hits and misses as we try to resolve our true connection.

Can you think of such a request?

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 11:19:16 AM »
Yes... for something small I might ask for help with something like my studies when I go back to school in November. Not nessisarily answers, of course once in awhile... >:D
but, more to help me focus on my studies.
I could also ask for help in exorsizing this Craig monkey on my back.
Or, just ask help with my recapping or dreaming.
Or, I could ask for help with energizing my alter as a starting place.

On that note is there anything one should not ask for?
I know we aviod the "heavy dudes" as you call them, and if this Craig thing is one of them I get why, but are there wrong questions?
You know like careful what you wish for stuff.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2006, 12:56:57 PM by Ian »
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Offline Michael

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 12:59:12 PM »
I have found that it is best to ask for help in low level things for a start, until you get the knack of it - the bigger the problem, the more complex it is and the more you need to understand it deeply yourself, and so a lot of other factors come into play.

Anyway that's up to you, it is just a good part of the exercise to have some purpose. From the point of validation, it can be useful with a situation that looks hopeless, like getting a ticket to something, or something that is straight forward, like healing someone who has just got sick - I know that's not a small problem, but you see it is straight forward - there are usually not a lot of complex aspects. You just want the person's operation to go well. Or a safe trip to somewhere ... that's a common one.

I'll explain the details in a day or so - this weekend would be a good time, as it is looking a like I will be able to deal with quite a few such issues myself then.

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 01:20:45 PM »
I'll explain the details in a day or so - this weekend would be a good time, as it is looking a like I will be able to deal with quite a few such issues myself then.

I'll be waiting.    ;D

"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Offline Michael

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2006, 11:24:38 PM »
OK, here is the method - one method, but it's fairly standard.

Night is best. Don't get mugged! Know that you intend to do it one night. Best if you are able to go there before, during the day, and silently tell the place what you have in mind - send out the invitation.

When you approach the place on the night, look carefully, or vaguely as the case may be, to discern the correct place to sit. This part requires some practice, but in principle you look for the place that jumps out at you... may be the lighting, the shape of the land etc, but it is often that a spot you pick out during the day is not the spot that calls you on the night - always make a fresh decision.

Take your bag, some special items, water, something to sit on, etc.

Best to just sit quietly for a time. The place will go into silent watching when you turn up, so you are waiting for everyone to go back to normal. All the little life resumes, and you get under the covers so to speak, become one of the crowd. This also give you the chance to hear if there are any people or animals about, that may want to move along a little.

Then you do your expression. That is the call, the sign - controlled expression followed by controlled silence. In the expression you are sending out your intent, your invitation and your entertainment. First gesture to the primary beings around you.

You will notice that every such place has its elders. Large trees or shrubs, hills, mountains, creeks whatever are the big boys and girls on the block - acknowledge them. Also the moon and stars. Now the moon is a special case. There are times we don't like to be exposed to the moon - often preferred to be in moon shadow, then let the moon discover you once you are well into it.

State your request, then put on a bit of a show for the locals. This can be loud or very quiet - spirits can hear very well, though some shamans like to begin with a loud noise, just to wake them all up. Up to you really, how you feel at the time. It is usually in the high point of the trance state brought on by the spirit attractor you are using, that you will catch glimpses of shapes in the darkness - often like black emptinesses, or just intense spots of vibration. Other times you simply feel them - like a thickening of the air around you.

After that, sit still and silent for a reasonable time. That gives spirits the chance to glimpse through you a higher state, depending on how well you can do that silent thing. There you are bringing your spiritual peak to the place. Many very advanced practitioners do only this part, for months if necessary, and thus convert a low vibe place into a high spirit place - upon which those who see will later build a temple etc.

Then go home and have a dried banana.

You will dream of the spirit(s) approaching you, either some nights before or after. The question is will you remember. Take a torch, pen and pad to bed with you, and write ever little dream snippet down during the night, even if you swear you will remember, write it down. that will help your conscious self to take note of your dream self, and enhance the possibility of you remembering the spirit event on the astral.

I'll send through a message on the wind, to help.


Offline Nick

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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2006, 11:39:36 AM »
OK, here is the method - one method, but it's fairly standard.
Night is best. Don't get mugged!

he he. yes that would be bad. thanks good advice.

Know that you intend to do it one night. Best if you are able to go there before, during the day, and silently tell the place what you have in mind - send out the invitation.

I was thinking of doing this next full moon as the rest of this week and weekend will only provide enough time to be sure of the place that I will go to. And maybe give me sometime to get to know the area a bit. I live in a small town surrounded by some wilderness, I want to case the area and make sure there arn't to many houses near by since I'll be making noise.
I choose the next full moon cause full moons seem a good time for me as far as energy goes. But you said: "Ian, your issue has come at an interesting time."
I have to ask, why was the timing interesting?
And does this mean that I should maybe "make" time to go out to the spot and call the spirits sooner?

When you approach the place on the night, look carefully, or vaguely as the case may be, to discern the correct place to sit. This part requires some practice, but in principle you look for the place that jumps out at you... may be the lighting, the shape of the land etc, but it is often that a spot you pick out during the day is not the spot that calls you on the night - always make a fresh decision.

Yes. I'm familiar with this one. One night I was walking my dog and I saw a sign in a particular direction and I went to walk that way. The next morning I wanted to explor the same area but as soon as I walked in that direction I felt drain, light headed, sick and nauseous.

Now the moon is a special case. There are times we don't like to be exposed to the moon - often preferred to be in moon shadow, then let the moon discover you once you are well into it.

May I ask why, why there are times we don't like to be exposed to the moon?

Then go home and have a dried banana.

Ahhh....? lol.
Why dried banana? Not dried mango or pineapple?
And, when you say dried banana you mean like:


You will dream of the spirit(s) approaching you, either some nights before or after. The question is will you remember. Take a torch, pen and pad to bed with you, and write ever little dream snippet down during the night, even if you swear you will remember, write it down. that will help your conscious self to take note of your dream self, and enhance the possibility of you remembering the spirit event on the astral.

I'll send through a message on the wind, to help.


Thanks sooo much!

"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Re: Calling Spirits (Michael)
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2006, 01:00:53 PM »
when you do it is up to you Ian, just that this weekend is good for me to give whatever help I can, but you choose what is best for you.

moon - the problem I find with full moons is that it is very bright, and personally I prefer darkness. In fact I prefer the moon to be down. But that may be just my personal preference, as I like complete darkness.

Exposed by the moon is close to being on stage, and better suited for action. The darker the more intimate. Spirits generally prefer to come out in winter and in dark, as a general rule - the more external the environment, meaning the more light and growth, then the more they are expressing themselves through the environment - when the environment retreats, it frees the spirits to detach and roam. But that also depends on the type of spirit we are talking about. I think the ones we are currently courting won't be affected by light, but you might be. you might feel more comfortable in shadow, when doing something not so normal.


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