Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34469 times)


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« Reply #2070 on: January 03, 2015, 06:52:06 AM »
This is what I mean by outsourcing eternity - someone else can pick up the cost of that, but not me. That is an illusion, both for the individual spirit and the species evolution. We have outsourced eternity to the illusion of tomorrow and our children, and we are happy to become distracted by the present.

Bread and circus to the people.

I really like this new concept - "outsourcing eternity". It tells a lot about where the shoe hurts.


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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #2071 on: January 03, 2015, 06:21:40 PM »
That's how old people behave - they feel their horizon is right in front of them. Their time is in short supply.

Just try to bring them something valuable as a birthday gift! "Why do you spend so much on me? I do not need that any more. I do not have that much time left so as to enjoy it fully..." etc.

I'd guess most people sense the approaching change, but they refuse resolutely to look into its eyes.

Taking the idea of aging - or maturing for that matter - further, one could say that the lack of philanthropic investment in monuments or public buildings stems from the demise of missionary thoughts. Old Victorians thought  that they had a duty to enlighten and civilise all sorts of what they considered savages of this world. Hence, the signs of British culture all over the world. Many ancient  rulers had simply gigantic egos that wouldn't settle for anything less than Taj Mahal.

Don Juan said once that he strived to leave only light footprints that would vanish quickly in the wind. I don't think though, that our world is anywhere near that type of thinking/realisation.

There is rather an understanding of uselessness of expansionary drive (at least in Britain) and emptiness where only a very few Western nations/cultures have any kind of missionary fervour left. You could see some expressions of such drive in post-US Baghdad or Kabul. Maybe one could discover more present day Victorians or Moguls in Asia and Middle East. They might still think they have a calling to leave their massive footprint on this planet. The West seems to be more interested in exporting democracy and thereby making their neighbourhood safe/controlled.

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« Reply #2072 on: January 04, 2015, 12:05:15 AM »
Aging of the 'Western' culture: perhaps there is some truth on this point. Tiredness and disillusion representing a civilisation post apex. I'm not convinced, but it warrants some pondering.

Missionary: I do see some aspect of this, but I would have to say the missionary zeal remains alive today, yet the effort is very different. Take Iraq, where there was purported to be Neo-Liberal missionary zeal, and yet the effort put in was patently hopeless. They had the knowledge to act in a more effective way, but rejected that for a superficial militaristic approach. This concept becomes very complex when you add in the Spanish incursion in South America. I'm not sure you can push the missionary barrow too far - the difference is in how different cultures and times prosecute that impulse.

In recent centuries, the wealthy in Europe and America were willing to invest extensively in institutional frameworks, which we continue to enjoy the benefit of today, but that same class is no longer willing. Firstly they no longer have the same allegiance to the place - they send their children all over the world for education, and they also live across the globe. Secondly, they have no agreement that humanity is deeply interrelated. There has been a fascinating realisation within the Australian Government - currently of the Right - that the country is suffering because business wants wages and privileges stripped from the working class, but then finds no one has the money to buy their goods. This represents a powerful disconnect within the money class about how the whole system works - we live in a time of illusionary fragmentation.

That fragmentation extends to the cultural and educational spheres. Everyone is looking after themselves in the narrowest form of self-interest, and that has causes. One of those causes could be because we have lost confidence in a stable future. Life has become too uncertain, and there are so many tsunamis building on the horizon, each of which could destroy the world we know - why build for a prosperous future for all?

DJ: the same applies - he was completely dedicated to building for a sustainable future. The only difference is that he felt spiritual future was superior to material future. His whole covenant was a claim on eternity. Only that he went for the absolute nub of the issue, yet the principle applies no matter your focus - material or spirit. No one today is interested in either.

All ways been thus: I don't agree. There have been many times in the history of sapiens when cultures placed huge importance on either material or spiritual extensions into the future. Even in my life time, I have experienced a period when the future of both was shared with positiveness. That slipped away during the 80s. This is the point I am making - we cannot accept a 'cowards explanation', as L Cohen says. We of all people should be watching and learning from what is happening - things have changed, and continue to change: why and how?

I am not saying you should jump up with the first thing that enters your head. I am saying we should watch, learn, listen, read and discuss - remain alert and aware of the massive changes that are taking place within the human world.


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What is happening?
« Reply #2073 on: January 04, 2015, 10:15:34 AM »
For the last decade, my working assumption on social changes has been that of a shift from nation-state to market-state. I have mentioned it couple of times earlier (, ).

The essence and features of the market-state could be expressed as follows:

At the heart of his analysis is the concept of the ‘market state’, the millennial successor to the nation state. He [professor Philip Bobbitt] explains: ‘You can see it here in Britain – when states go from reliance on law and regulation, so characteristic of the nation state, to deregulating not only industries, but also women’s reproduction. When states move from conscription to an all-volunteer force to raise armies; in the UK you saw this development in the policy of top-up fees for college tuition. You see it in America with welfare reform when we go from direct transfers, and workmen’s compensation, to providing skills to enter the labour market. In all of these instances you are seeing the beginnings of a change in which the state says, “Give us power and we will maximise your opportunity. What you do with it – that’s up to you. We will not assure you equality, and we will not assure you steadily improving security, but the total wealth of the society will be maximised.”’ (

The strength of Professor Bobbitt’s market-state is precisely its flexibility and inclusiveness, especially with regard to other organizations. It is fiercely pluralistic, marshalling many different types of organizations under the premise that markets provide the most efficient means to run an economy, and it can assist in supplementing the coercion of regulation with the incentives of the market. Even the market-states’ war making is pluralistic; private companies are not just suppliers to the government, but partners with it. The presence of corporations and nonprofits in the invasion and reconstruction of Iraq is thus a harbinger of what military operations will become; wars will increasingly be fought not by vast conscripted armies, but by a multitude of allied enterprises and organizations that include professional forces. (   

I could add that market-state carries no ideology except that of money-making. It is essentially indifferent towards religions and cultures as long as they do not get on its way. The borders of the market-state are porous, its population divided and fragmented by ethnicity, culture, religion, welfare, etc. Its penetrated by intra-state and international networks. It is info society where every 2-3 months we produce as much info as in previous 5 milleniums.

Moreover, we live in a globalised and interconnected world:

Annually, 1.1 billion people cross borders. Every hour 320,000 people fly from one point to another. Per every 100 people there are 96 cell phone numbers and 40 internet users.

It is an emerging world of market-states and what you say about lack of interest in eternity is very much consistent with it. One could add that such lack of interest is an intriguing perversion of DJ's words about having nothing to defend - ideology-wise. In market-state, everyone is free to believe whatever they like as long as their beliefs do not get on the way of market and money-making.


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« Reply #2074 on: January 04, 2015, 10:44:07 PM »
i see it like this

individuals contain continents

the idea of a separate world to that of a separate self

means outsourcing the self

means outsourcing the world

how much power can the individual contain ?

when the individual is on the horizon then the individual might seem ready to leave the world

this individual is ready to affect the world also

i mean this directly

all the continents might align

what does that mean ?

i don't really know

i feel it means such individuals should align in the world other individuals

should the short term seem a short insight then

in such things

a long term insight will be the result

which the short term cannot fathom

i would say the arrival of the horizon will determine


what stretches forth

i feel the reality is the combining of the both

spiritual and physical

i have not separated them

therefore the outsourcing of eternity

seems only the reflection of the state

then we fall again

we have fallen and risen

how much power is in an individual ?

the whole

in outsourcing the whole as  the individual

then also outsources the individual as the whole

it is both idyllic

and functional

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« Reply #2075 on: January 04, 2015, 11:03:12 PM »
Yes Juhani, good links - I've been aware of Bobbitt, aside from having his penis cut off, his insights are very informative.


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Reminder - 2014 warmest on record
« Reply #2076 on: January 07, 2015, 06:24:41 AM »
2014 will be the hottest year on record

For those of us fixated on whether 2014 will be the hottest year on record, the results are in. At least, we know enough that we can make the call. According the global data from NOAA, 2014 will be the hottest year ever recorded.

I can make this pronouncement even before the end of the year because each month, I collect daily global average temperatures. So far, December is running about 0.5°C above the average. The climate and weather models predict that the next week will be about 0.75°C above average. This means, December will come in around 0.6°C above average. Are these daily values accurate? Well the last two months they have been within 0.05°C of the final official results.

What does this all mean? Well, when I combine December with the year-to-date as officially reported, I predict the annual temperature anomaly will be 0.674°C. This beats the prior record by 0.024°C. That is a big margin in terms of global temperatures.

For those of us who are not fixated on whether any individual year is a record but are more concerned with trends, this year is still important. Particularly because according to those who deny the basic physics and our understanding of climate change, this year wasn’t supposed to be particularly warm.

For those who thought that climate change was “natural” and driven by ocean currents, this has been a tough year. For instance, using NOAA standards, this year didn’t even have an El Niño. NOAA defines an El Niño as 5 continuous/overlapping 3-month time periods wherein a particular region in the Pacific has temperatures elevated more than 0.5oC.

Interestingly, we are currently close to an El Niño, and if current patterns continue for a few weeks, an official El Niño will be announced. But it hasn’t been yet, and if we do get an El Niño, it will affect next year more than this year. How could the hottest year have occurred then, when the cards are not stacked in its favor? The obvious and correct answer is, because of continued emission of greenhouse gases.

As I write this post, I am attending one of the premier earth sciences conference, the Fall AGU Conference which is held each December in San Francisco. Thousands of scientists, including a large number of climate scientists are meeting, presenting, and sharing the latest research about our planet.

Here, among the experts, there is little fixation on the record. On the other hand, there was little fixation on the so-called “halt” to global warming that the climate-science deniers have been trumpeting for the past few years. The latest data paint a clear picture. The Earth is warming. The oceans are warming, the land is warming, the atmosphere is warming, the ice is melting, and sea level is rising.

These climate science deniers have had a bad year. It has been shown that in many cases, their science is in error and their understanding of the Earth’s climate faulty. This record temperature, according to NOAA, has made their life even more difficult. The so-called “halt” to global warming was never true in the first place, as I wrote recently. But now, a claim that global warming has stopped cannot be made with a straight face.

Of course, the science deniers will look for something new to try to cast doubt on the concept of global warming. Whatever they pick will be shown to be wrong. It always is. But perhaps we can use 2014 as a learning opportunity. Let’s hope no one is fooled next time when fanciful claims of the demise of climate change are made.


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Human-caused extinction
« Reply #2077 on: January 07, 2015, 06:43:11 AM »
Humans May Be Causing the Sixth Great Extinction in Half a Billion Years

In the past half billion years, five great extinctions have transformed life on Earth, whether brought about by a catastrophic meteor impact that killed off the dinosaurs or prolonged periods of intense volcanic activity, which wiped out as much as 97 percent of all species.

Now, say scientists, Earth may be experiencing a sixth wave of mass extinction. But this time, humans are the cause.

Forty-one percent of amphibians, 26 percent of mammals, and 13 percent of birds face the threat of extinction, according to an analysis conducted by the journal Nature. Over hunting, habitat destruction, and climate change are propelling the die-offs, as well as the spread of invasive species and disease.

"Scientists are seeing very high extinction rates right now," Elizabeth Kolbert, New Yorker staff writer and author of The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, told VICE News. "Some people would say 100, some people would say 1,000, and some people are saying 10,000 times what we should be seeing."

The Nature report estimates somewhere between 500 and 36,000 species a year are going extinct. Scientists dispute the precise figure because estimates of the number of distinct plant and animal species range widely, from less than two million to more than ten million.

Nearly 300,000 Tons of Plastic is Floating in the World's Oceans
Nearly 300,000 Tons of Plastic is Floating in the World's Oceans

"We're losing species at just an incredible rate and I think most scientists think that rate is increasing," Noah Greenwald of the Center for Biological Diversity told VICE News.

The worst-case scenario in the Nature analysis predicts that 75 percent of life on Earth may become extinct by 2200. In that scenario, the paper assumes there are 5 million species on Earth and extinction occurs at a steady rate of 0.72 percent of species a year. There's a great amount of uncertainty in projecting extinction rates and the number of species that might be impacted, however, because of the widely varying estimates on the number of existing types of plants and animals.

Other studies support Nature's findings yet highlight the high level of uncertainty in trying to nail down the scale of species extinction. A 2010 paper in the journal Science says that between 23 and 36 percent of all mammals, birds, and amphibians consumed by humans are threatened with extinction. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) warns that more than 20,000 of 75,000 species they studied are at risk.

The causes driving the current wave of extinction are varied — yet each comes back in some way to human activity.

"One driver of extinction is simply overhunting or overharvesting," Kolbert said. "Rhinos are in terrible trouble, because they're being killed and they can't reproduce fast enough to save themselves. So one driver is simply, we're killing them."

Habitat destruction is another major factor driving extinction. As global human population doubled over the last forty years, more than fifty percent of the Earth's surface was degraded or destroyed due to human intervention. During that time, half of the world's wildlife population was killed.

Invasive species and disease present acute challenges for some plants and animals. Humans have proven to be very adept at introducing critters into environments where they can cause great havoc. Think of the Asian Carp that is advancing northward along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers and threatens to populate the Great Lakes. Kolbert noted that amphibians are dying in droves because of a particularly lethal fungus that piggybacks on humans.

Perhaps the most troubling factor driving the sixth great extinction is all the greenhouse gas emissions humans are spewing into the atmosphere and oceans.

"Climate change and ocean acidification are predicted to become, and I think it's hard to really avoid the idea that they're going to become, drivers of extinction, as we move outside historical tolerances," Kolbert told VICE News.

Even before massive swaths of species become extinct, scientists warn these drivers will also immediately alter fragile ecosystems.

"Even though I wrote a book called the Sixth Extinction and it was about extinction — there's too much emphasis actually on extinction, on the last animal," Kolbert said. "So say we're down to the last 100 and we save them and that animal is not technically extinct — but it is functionally extinct in the ecosystem. I think people are more and more trying to get away from extinction being the problem; the problem is declines in population, to the point that the animal might as well be extinct."

Kolbert used cod as an example. Overfishing decimated cod populations in the Atlantic. Governments placed bans on cod fishing hoping populations might rebound. But so far, that hasn't happened. In the absence of a healthy cod population, the species it preyed upon have flourished at the same time that predators that competed with cod have thrived. Although some scientists are hopeful the ecosystem may recover, they don't know if cod will play the same role in the marine habitat as it did before overfishing caused its population to plummet.

Over Half of Earth’s Wildlife Has Been Killed in the Past 40 Years

The sixth great extinction shows the extent to which humans might be a plague upon the land, whether driving the bulldozers that transform prairie lands, burning the coal that warms the atmosphere, or poisoning lakes and rivers with phosphate-enriched fertilizer that boost the volume of our vegetables. But in a plot seemingly from a Greek tragidy, humans are the only ones that can put a stop to what we have set in motion.

"One couldn't see a way to un-crash an asteroid," Jon Hoekstra, Vice President and Chief Scientist of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), told VICE News. "At a fundamental level, this mass extinction is so different because not only is it caused by people, but it can be averted by people."

Nearly 200 nations have ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity, a 1993 treaty aimed at protecting the world's biodiversity and scaling back extinction rates. Under the treaty's provisions, nations coordinate efforts at stopping the spread of invasive species, establish large-scale conservation areas, and pledge to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The United States has not ratified the treaty.

"This is really the most serious problem that humanity faces, because you can't undo extinction," Greenwald told VICE News. "You're essentially creating irreparable harm, but it's not discussed in the halls of Congress. And President Obama's not talking about the extinction crisis."

Follow Shelby Kinney-Lang on Twitter: @ShelbKL


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It was only a matter of time...
« Reply #2078 on: January 08, 2015, 03:04:16 AM »
...and is likely to be repeated elsewhere.

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine

Paris (CNN)A French satirical magazine's office turned into a horror show Wednesday when attackers burst in and began firing, killing at least 12 before heading off onto the streets of Paris.

While it wasn't immediately clear who was behind the late morning attack, French officials viewed it as a blatant act of terrorism. And there were fears things could get worse, with the assailants still on the loose.

"We need to find the actors of this terrorist act," French President Francois Hollande said. "They must be arrested and brought before judges and condemned as quickly as possible. France is shocked today."

• Police impounded a black Citroen in northeastern Paris similar to the one purportedly used by the attackers as a getaway car. Video from CNN affiliate BFMTV shows the vehicle being towed from Porte de Pantin, in Paris' 19th district.

• French Prime Minister Manuel Valls raised the country's security to its highest level -- "attack alert" -- after the Charlie Hebdo bloodshed. That means there will be reinforced security at media company offices, major stores, religious centers and on public transport, Valls' office said in a statement.

All available forces have been mobilized, with civil and military reinforcements as part of this plan. In addition, regional authorities have been instructed to step up their vigilance.

• Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that all means are being used to "ensure as quickly as possible we can identify the (three attackers) and (arrest them), so that they can be punished with the severity that their barbarous acts are worthy of."

• In addition to the 12 dead, eight people were wounded, including four in critical condition, Cazeneuve said.

Witnesses: Hooded gunmen dressed in black

These developments come after heavily armed men entered the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris' 11th district, close to Place de la Bastille, and opened fire, SPG police union spokesman Luc Poignant told CNN affiliate BFMTV.

A witness who works in the office opposite the magazine's told BFMTV that he saw two hooded men, dressed in black, enter the building with Kalashnikov submachine guns.

"We then heard them open fire inside, with many shots," he told the channel. "We were all evacuated to the roof. After several minutes, the men fled, after having continued firing in the middle of the street."

Witnesses also spoke of seeing a rocket launcher, according to French media reports.

A video taken by a journalist for the Premieres Lignes agency shows the gunmen shouting "God is great!" as they began the attack, Le Monde reported. They also cried "We have avenged the Prophet!"

Two police officers were also among the dead, the law enforcement source said, according to Le Monde.

Satirical magazine has drawn anger

The satirical magazine is no stranger to controversy for having lampooned a variety of subjects, including Christianity. But what it's done on Islam has gotten the most attention and garnered the most vitriol.

Its last tweet before Wednesday's attack featured a cartoon of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the words, "And, above all, health."

Earlier cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed -- depictions that are deplored by Muslims -- spurred protests and the burning of the magazine's office three years ago.

In November 2011, Charlie Hebdo's office caught fire the day it was due to publish a cover making fun of Islamic law.

The latest attack spurred Hollande, the French President, to vow that "no barbarous act will ever extinguish freedom of the press."

"We knew that we were threatened like other countries in the world," the President added later. "We are threatened because we are a country of freedom."


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« Reply #2079 on: January 08, 2015, 06:14:55 AM »
All ways been thus: I don't agree. There have been many times in the history of sapiens when cultures placed huge importance on either material or spiritual extensions into the future. Even in my life time, I have experienced a period when the future of both was shared with positiveness. That slipped away during the 80s. This is the point I am making - we cannot accept a 'cowards explanation', as L Cohen says. We of all people should be watching and learning from what is happening - things have changed, and continue to change: why and how?

Simply because that is the nature of the Universe. It breaths.
I was a teenager in the 1960's and -70's and we had a new idea of the human World coming up, so very different to before. Carlos Castaneda was only one piece of the puzzle then, the music and the political ideas (like the movement of 1968, against war in V-nam* all over the western World - and so on), and the collective living as Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Amon Düül, Röde mor etc. was a model for.

And then as you say M ... it vanished, the hippes simply went away - one of ours took a suicide - but the rest seem to have been assimilated into the system, changing their hippie clothes to suits.

But can you imagine! At my work (which is a rather dull place but with many young students) I saw (just Before X-mas) a young woman descending the stairs, passing our floor and what!? - She had flared blue jeans! I can't remember how many years back it was when I saw such jeans.

And under the outerwear I saw some tiny indications of a Hippie jerkey.

As the men/women of knowledge says. Yin periods is followed by Yang periods, and Yang periods is followed by Yin periods - in an never ending cycle.
The 1960's and -70's was very Yin, expanding with acid, and wild political (pacifistic ideals), then came the 1980's and 1990's and every such movement just got down in the shoes, and vanished on the scene.

Now the pendulum is turning back to Yin
fired by unemployment, distrust in authorities, fear or admire of Islam.

Yin is standing for change, and together with Uranus (The age of Aquarius) it become dissolution (and disintegration).
While Yang is order, and in its wors form equal to stagnation and dictatorship.

* And it is one, two, three, four - what are we fighting for
and I give a damn in Viet-Nam
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 07:15:17 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #2080 on: January 08, 2015, 11:38:30 AM »
They are holding up
The cartoons and speaking about free speech
Id say its free speech versus common sense


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« Reply #2081 on: January 08, 2015, 11:42:38 AM »

Another note


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« Reply #2082 on: February 02, 2015, 04:46:19 AM »
A few bits from Ukraine.
The intensity and spread of combat activities have grown dramatically since mid-January.
It is like World War II now: artillery is delivering 100 rounds a minute on targets (i.e. 5 tons of ammunition in one minute), waves of tanks and infantry attack trenches and bunkers, hand-to-hand combat, killing tanks with whatever is at hand, etc.

The ferocity of fighting is beyond the levels of Gulf Wars and what we saw in former Yugoslavia.

An example of how it is for civilians (cars and vans driving on the roads): (added a working link)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 03:21:52 PM by erik »

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« Reply #2083 on: February 09, 2015, 08:12:00 PM »
Thanks Juhani - what is happening in Ukraine is in many way far more serious than the Syrian tragedy,
but at least we should recognize the unbelievable victory of the Kurds in Kobane.

Against all odds, the Kurds have secured victory in Kobane. I admit I also thought their battle was doomed - so said many international commentators, including the Turkish leader. Mind you, Turkey is highly conflicted in this whole affair, and I expect will struggle to come off well.

Yes, there were British SAS on the ground calling in US bombers. Yes, the Turks allowed Iraqi Kurds to bolster the forces in Kobane. I'm sure all this turned the tide. But you can't steal away the incredible praise of the core of Kurdish fighters who never left Kobane, and who fought in a disciplined way against a superior ISIL force.

You can read about this battle in the press, and probably will see books published soon about it, but these few men and women tenaciously held on to what became a complete ruin of a city, and now have become a mythical seed for the birth of their long desired quest: the nation of Kurdistan. With all the complications that will bring, there seems little that will stand in their way now, except the will of the powerful nations. Even then, I doubt their quest can be thwarted.


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« Reply #2084 on: February 10, 2015, 03:27:42 PM »
Yes, Kurds fought very bravely and determinedly. Good job they managed to halt ISIS advance!
Though, I suspect, ISIS has not said its last word on the matter. It seems to carry the darkness that refuses to move to light in this cycle.


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