Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34832 times)


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yes, wake up
« Reply #2220 on: January 10, 2016, 07:38:52 AM »
As they said it from the Apollo 13 - "Houston, We've Had a Problem", Not: "Houston, We have a problem".

We in Sweden had also these group sex assaults and thefts on New Years Eve, made by African young men against women (in the Town of Kalmar). There is an investigation of 9 assaults going on.

Yes, we have had a problem, but Juhani is fast to throw in his prejudices about foreign people, especially muslims, arabs or anyone not from Europe. I am no friend of the Swedish immigrant policy, we have been overloaded by immigrants that is true, and that because of stupid politicians. But now these politicians saw the limit, and had to take a bit in the sour apple.

Nearby our area (two miles) there are youths from Somalia that do the most bad things. Steel bicycles and cell phones, harass women, put cars on fire, shoot other gang members and so on.

But the guys you don't know, the strangers, are always scary and appear hostile. Estland has no immigration at all to talk about, the people in Estland do know nothing about other cultures than the Russian? Or Juhani explain the situation better than me. So for people in Estonia every man from Africa is a stranger, and perhaps at the same time - an enemy?

I know Somalian men that has become - first busdrivers, and then Taxi-drivers.
I have seen Somalian young men that do not want anything more than to become educated and have a good profession. They are nice kids.

So Wake up in Estonia, and see the people behind the masks. These Young men at New Years eve did a lot of stupid things and crimes. But many Young men do stupid things and crimes. And for sure I was no exception even if I despise any attack on women, because all women I have known has been my best friends. And one cannot harass anyone that you respect, really like or love. 

"Houston, We've Had a Problem"
Not:Houston, We've Have a Problem
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 07:54:40 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #2221 on: January 10, 2016, 10:28:35 AM »
Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report

Asylum seekers who met in central Helsinki to celebrate New Years’s Eve “had similar plans” to commit sexual assault and other crimes as those who targeted women in the Germany city of Cologne, Finnish Police have reported. Three Iraqi asylum seekers have been arrested for committing sexual assaults during the celebrations in the city’s Senate Square, where some 20,000 had gathered.

Security personnel reported “widespead sexual harrassment” during the celebrations, police added, with women complaining that asylum seekers had groped their breasts and kissed them without permission. “This phenomenon is new in Finnish sexual crime history,” Ilkka Koskimaki, the deputy chief of police in Helsinki, told the Telegraph. ”We have never before had this kind of sexual harrassment happening at New Year’s Eve.” He said that the police had received tip-offs from staff at the asylum reception centres. “Our information from these reception centres were that disturbances or other crimes would happen in the city centre. We were prepared for fights and sexual harrassment and thefts.”

He said that police had established a “very massive presence” to control the estimated 1,000 Iraqi asylum seekers who had gathered in the tunnels surrounding the central railway station by 11pm, many of whom appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Mr Koskimaki said that sexual assults in parks and on the streets had been unknown in Finland before a record 32,000 asylum seekers arrived in 2015, making the 14 cases last year “big news in the city”.

“We had unfortunately some very brutal cases in autumn,” he said. “I don’t know so well other cultures, but I have recognised that the thinking of some of them is very different. Some of them maybe think that it is allowed to be aggressive and touch ladies on the street.”

Jamel Saltne, a Finnish-speaking Iraqi, said that from what he had seen on Arabic social media, police had wrongly portrayed events. "What happened was not the result of an action planned in advance," he told the Telegraph. "It was totally expected that young men would go to the centre of the capital as that is the best place to celebrate New Year's Eve." "I'm not accusing the police of racism, but maybe they have received complaints intended to smear people." The rapes have fuelled anger among some Finns at last year's record asylum figures, with the country registering the fourth highest number per capita in the European Union.

Unarmed militia groups calling themselves “Soldiers of Odin”, wearing black jackets and hats marked “S.O.O”, have sprung up in several towns in Finland where asylum seekers are housed, claiming they want to protect citizens from “Islamic intruders”. Petteri Orpo, Finnish interior minister, condemned the groups in an interview with national broadcaster YLE on Thursday. “There are extremist features to carrying out street patrols. It does not increase security,” he said.

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« Reply #2222 on: January 10, 2016, 11:12:17 AM »
From what I've read and seen, the idea most certainly exists in the dark recesses of some of the Middle Eastern cultures that women should not be on the street or perhaps even in public - and that being on the streets entitles men to take advantage, brutalize, and in some extreme cases, murder such women. I'd recommend folks watch "India's Daughter."

It's not racist, and not a joke. It definitely should be a concern for any country taking in these cultures.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 11:23:32 AM by Nichi »
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« Reply #2223 on: January 10, 2016, 01:45:41 PM »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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« Reply #2224 on: January 11, 2016, 10:07:02 AM »
It is time

the man of the earth

Stand upright and set the pillars


For his woman

In who's womb he dream


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« Reply #2225 on: January 12, 2016, 08:53:47 AM »
German radicals seek revenge.
It seems proven that an Islamist shot by French police in  Paris was earlier arrested for sexual assaults in Germany.
Gangs of men have attacked and injured two Pakistanis and a Syrian man in Cologne, Germany, in the aftermath of an unprecedented wave of mob sex assaults on women in the city on New Year's Eve.

Cologne police said a gang of 20 men attacked at least six Pakistani nationals Sunday, with two of the victims hospitalized. Five men later attacked and injured a man of Syrian descent, police said.
It was claimed today that the Syrian man shot dead by French police last week may have taken part in the sexual assaults in Cologne. It was revealed in police files that Walid Salihi was arrested in 2014 in Cologne for sexually abusing women in a disco. He was reported to have groped and assaulted women.

Bild newspaper said that a former friend of his was arrested after the Cologne New Year’s Eve attacks, leading to suspicion that he may have been with him before travelling to France. Salihi was shot dead as he approached a Paris police station last week wearing a fake suicide vest, on the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

He had been living in an asylum home in Recklinghausen, Germany, where police found he used seven aliases.


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It is called...
« Reply #2226 on: January 13, 2016, 04:14:28 AM »
After the NYE mass assaults against women in several European cities, the German Federal Criminal Police Office, BKA, now say that the Arab "rape game" Taharrush has established itself in Europe.

In addition to the events in Cologne, police in Berlin, Hamburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart have reported of similar incidents. In addition, police in Vienna and Salzburg in Austria and Zurich in Switzerland have raised the alarm about similar mass assaults against women by newly arrived Arab migrants. Also Sweden and Finland experienced the same on New Year's Eve.

- The attacks range from sexual molestation to rape, says head of BKA, Holger Münch.

The "rape game" Taharrush is about a large group of Arab men surrounding their victim, usually a Western woman or a woman wearing Western-style clothing, and then the women are subjected to sexual abuse.

They surround the victim in circles. The men in the inner circle are the ones who physically abuse the woman, the next circle are the spectators, while the mission of the third circle is to distract and divert attention to what's going on.

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« Reply #2227 on: January 13, 2016, 07:44:34 AM »
I'm pretty sure that if/when it comes to the US, that those guys will get killed by vigilante groups.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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« Reply #2228 on: January 13, 2016, 10:44:39 PM »
I'm pretty sure that if/when it comes to the US, that those guys will get killed by vigilante groups.

Not a gentle approach, but it seems to be the probable course of events. Violence is justified in self-defence, prevention or stopping the crime.

There will be quite a teaching-learning curve to (1) convince some people that when other people laugh at various things (such as Mohammad or Jesus), it does not make them legitimate targets; (2) to convince some people that their culture does not apply in all respects in a different cultural environment.

It will be a violent time.


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Turkey-Russia take #2
« Reply #2229 on: February 01, 2016, 01:07:46 AM »
On 24 November 2015, Turks shot down Russian bomber that violated Turkish airspace. Russians retaliated with all sorts of threats, reinforcement of their forces in Syria and economic sanctions.

On Friday, 29 January 2016, one of Russian bombers flew into Turkish airspace again. Pentagon confirmed the violation, Russians deny everything as stupidly as usual.

Anyhow, Turks brought their Air Force to "Orange Alert". It means hostile encounters are possible at any time and Turkish pilots are authorized to open fire without permission/order from the ground. Russians sent more fighter planes to Syria in response.

One step closer to WW III.


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Re: Turkey-Russia take #2
« Reply #2230 on: February 01, 2016, 07:13:52 AM »

One step closer to WW III.

Since noone wants Another World War there won't be any WWIII.
Sorry, but we got all (Europa, China and the South and North America, Africa etc.) heavy problem to solve and the warlords died with Bob Dylan, in the Masters of War.


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Re: Turkey-Russia take #2
« Reply #2231 on: February 01, 2016, 10:17:08 PM »
Since noone wants Another World War there won't be any WWIII.
Sorry, but we got all (Europa, China and the South and North America, Africa etc.) heavy problem to solve and the warlords died with Bob Dylan, in the Masters of War.

History of war is full of examples where states walked into a war not because they wanted to fight, but because they didn't want to or could not take a step back in a tense situation. In Turkey and Russia you have the leaders of that precise type.

Moreover, do not extrapolate Western mindset to the rest of the world. It does not work in the case of refugees, it does not work in the case of politicians. There are very militant and aggressive leaders in the world.


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Re: Turkey-Russia take #2
« Reply #2232 on: February 04, 2016, 06:08:33 AM »
History of war is full of examples where states walked into a war not because they wanted to fight, but because they didn't want to or could not take a step back in a tense situation. In Turkey and Russia you have the leaders of that precise type.

Moreover, do not extrapolate Western mindset to the rest of the world. It does not work in the case of refugees, it does not work in the case of politicians. There are very militant and aggressive leaders in the world.

Juhani, you should read Nostradamus.
Russia appear as a problem, but the next threat (to a World war) will actually be China.
Have a nice read of the French doctor and his feet baths.

 The chief of London through the realm of America,
 The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
 King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false,
 That he will place them in the conflict all together.

Nostradamus about Hitler:
"From the depths of the West of Europe
 A young child will be born of poor people,
 He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
 His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

  "Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers;
 The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
 Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn,
 When the child of Germany observes nothing."

This I can't find but it read something like this (regarding Hitler ending his Life at the bunker, very late in Berlin, when the Russians came close):
"And the drama crook dies on the scenery boards."

« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 07:05:27 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #2233 on: February 06, 2016, 06:45:50 AM »
So you claim to understand these incomprehensible verses?
Good man!

Meanwhile Russia claims that one of its soldiers was killed by Turkish artillery.
Turks claim that Russians are arming Kurds and denied Russia a surveillance flight under arms control treaty.


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« Reply #2234 on: February 11, 2016, 06:00:29 AM »
So you claim to understand these incomprehensible verses?
Good man!

Not really, but he (Nostradamus) predicted some new technical inventions, like the submarine.

And he might have been talking of the awful bombing of Dresden at the end of the WWII, when he stated that:

There will be loosed instantaneous fire, death contained
   Within cylinders of dreadful horror;
   During the night, a classical city is pounded to dust,
  The city in flames being favorable to the enemy.

My note: Most of the bombing of Dresden was done by night ...

   "Q #5-8  Dresden was a hospital city and a European center for the arts and sciences, but during a Mardi Gras celebration in 1945 the city was saturation bombed with 60,000 incendiary bombs (1 for every 2 people in the city) and an additional 5 megatons of high explosives.  Unlike the victims of Hiroshima, who never knew what hit them, the citizens of Dresden were slowly incinerated, as women were seen running through the streets with their babies in their arms and their hair on fire as they burned to death.  Churchill's bombing of Dresden was the largest one day holocaust in the history of warfare.   The German people paid dearly for Hitler's decision to bomb London."


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