Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34336 times)

Offline Michael

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« Reply #180 on: May 26, 2007, 02:10:01 PM »
Nothing too bad - they only try to overload servers here. Pretty low-level effort. Nothing too sophisticated.

well it was serious enough for the EU summit to give Putin a blast, saying that to attack one member of the EU meant attacking the EU itself. Putin is none to happy.

Offline elliot

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« Reply #181 on: May 26, 2007, 02:24:12 PM »
The feeling against george in the us is getting increasingly negative, even by conservatives --- but consider this.  Next year is election-year. Were there to be impeachment-proceedings, it would get red-taped so long that it would be time for elections by then.

Meanwhile --- prayer, indeed.

I've said it before.. even here...  We lack a "no confidence" vote here in our system.  Something should happen when approval ratings hit a low.  (his is all time from what i understand)  Call a vote right now, here and today and see if he is still elected......  They say this country is for the people, by the people....  That is a bunch of horse shit..   If it was then there wouldn't be an electorate that can be manipulated by party controled houses in the states.  In other words, if the republicans are in control of a house senate, they can maipulate the electoral into their own favor.  And it happens.

It is why when Gore had the majority vote back in 2000, Bush still won the electoral. 

It is very concerning.

Don't get me started on this.  I could be up in arms with this provided the proper revolutionary curcimstances that I believe this country really needs. 
« Last Edit: May 26, 2007, 02:25:58 PM by elliot »
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison

Offline tommy2

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« Reply #182 on: May 26, 2007, 03:55:23 PM »
You need to have your ass shot at

before you start criticizing


much larger and greater

than some world conflict

or leader.

Have you had to lay

your balls

on the line before?

People die all day, every day

for a right to.



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« Reply #183 on: May 26, 2007, 04:31:52 PM »
You need to have your ass shot at

before you start criticizing


much larger and greater

than some world conflict

or leader.

Have you had to lay

your balls

on the line before?

People die all day, every day

for a right to.


I'm glad that I have not had to kill another man. I have fought a different kind of war and done a bit different kind of things to other people (in line of duty). I don't think it is a prerequisite to expressing one's deep unhappiness with the state of things around.

As far as I see, prerequisites are the ability to feel that something is badly wrong and the courage to live according to one's feelings and submit not to domestication that tries to persuade you that 'things are being taken care of'. They are not, and we know it so very painfully sharply.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2007, 05:50:51 PM by erik »

Offline elliot

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« Reply #184 on: May 27, 2007, 03:38:22 PM »
Stuff yourselves on this.  Perform this one task and you will fullfill yourselves and many many people around you.  This is what i have been doing all night for Sunday's Memorial get together with my family (the second since my brother has been killed in Iraq).  Baking cookies.  Not just any cookies.  Cookies that have power, influence.  Make a batch of these and give them away.  After you do this. You will know what I mean.  They are special cookies.  Read carefully the recipe and follow to the "t"

Do this.  You can know what I mean if you do so. 

1 Cup of  butter
12 oz. semi sweet chocolate chips
2 cups flour
1 cups light brown sugar
1  tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cups sugar
9 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)
2 1/2  cups blended oatmeal
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1 1/2  cups chopped walnuts

Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender  to a fine powder. Cream the
butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla,  mix together with
flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add  chocolate chips,
Hershey Bar, and nuts. Roll into balls, and place two  inches apart
on a cookie sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.  Makes 40 - 50
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison


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« Reply #185 on: May 27, 2007, 06:54:27 PM »

Offline Michael

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« Reply #186 on: May 27, 2007, 07:29:31 PM »
the second since my brother has been killed in Iraq

sorry to hear that elliot. this madness affects everyone in one way or another, and many are dying or maimed. it is not just iraq, it is everywhere. we live in a world of violence as well as beauty.

i have longed for a humanity that didn't think its normal to kill. i can't see any way out, we are where we are. there are those who want by any means, and those who'se job it is to man the front lines to try to hold insanity at bay.

the lines unfortunately are not so easily drawn - the madness festers in all countries and governments, in all communities and in ourselves.

some of us have to fight back with guns, some with cookies, and some with the ultimate weapon - inner freedom. and sometimes with all of those.


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« Reply #187 on: May 27, 2007, 07:45:30 PM »
so your serious.  you gotta be shot at to have an opinion.  wow...      i say up in arm.  I mean it.  been shot at??  sure.  got knicked in the chin.  been stabbed in the arm .... shrapnel in the ankle.  common mutter floweras!  put me to sleep!!....   If my path of heart sees injustice...  My brothers dead from Iraq.  Best friend won't walk again, ever. 

(this is not the time or place)

Hang on!


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« Reply #188 on: June 04, 2007, 08:21:30 PM »
CO2 'rising three times faster than expected'

By Charles Clover, Environment Editor
Last Updated: 8:33am BST 04/06/2007

Global emissions of carbon dioxide are increasing three times faster than scientists previously thought, with the bulk of the rise coming from developing countries, an authoritative study has found.
The increase in emissions of the gases responsible for global warming suggests that the effects of climate change to come in this century could be even worse than United Nations scientists have predicted.

The report, by leading universities and institutes on both sides of the Atlantic, will create renewed pressure on G8 leaders who are meeting this week in Heiligendamm, on Germany's Baltic coast.

Top of the agenda are proposals by Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, to halve global emissions by 2050.

There were violent clashes at the weekend in the nearby city of Rostock between police and protesters during a march by tens of thousands demonstrating about the summit.

The latest study was written by scientists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States, the University of East Anglia and the British Antarctic Survey, as well as institutes in France and Australia.

It shows that carbon dioxide emissions have been increasing by three per cent a year this decade, compared to a 1.1 per cent a year rise in the 1990s. Three quarters of this rise came from developing countries, with a particularly rapid increase in China.

The rise is much faster than even the most fossil-fuel intensive scenario developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) during the 1990s.
It suggests that IPCC reports this year predicting reduced harvests, dwindling water supplies, melting glaciers and the loss of species may actually be understated.

It also comes after the International Energy Agency warned recently that China was likely to overtake the United States as the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases by 2010, rather than a decade later as previously assumed.

Both China and India are resisting any move that could curb their growth.

Meanwhile, President George W Bush indicated last week that he did not favour the European Union's proposed approach of trying to limit the temperature rise to below two degrees centigrade.

He still opposes the use of "cap and trade" financial mechanisms, which Europeans believe are the only way of transferring clean technologies to the developing world.

However, he has indicated a willingness to "lead" talks to devise a post-Kyoto treaty that would include the world's top 15 polluters by the time he leaves office in early 2009.

A report by leading aid charities, including Oxfam and Christian Aid, will say today that between one billion and four billion people are likely to suffer from drought and 250 million run short of food if average temperatures rise by more than two degrees.

Antonio Hill, of Oxfam, said: "G8 counties face two obligations in this year's summit - to keep global warming below two degrees and to start helping poor countries to cope with harm already caused."


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« Reply #189 on: June 05, 2007, 12:05:54 AM »
Europeans were stupefied,
left in awe of the beauty
and horrified
when they encountered
what looked to them
like heaven and hell
in the totally different world
of our many civilizations

Our civilizations that were
in most ways vastly superior
to the European homelands

Europeans broke into our
Anahuac world: as thieves
swords drawn, greed in their eyes
carrying in their souls
poorly disguised barbarisms,
conveniently hidden perversions,
theological aberrations,
and as they said, explained to us,
"we have a disease of the heart
that can only be cured by gold"

Europeans had the advantage of
horse, canon, armor, sword
and the mastery of lies

and the secret weapon of the smallpox
weapon of mass destruction
which would eventually kill 95% of our population,
23 million would be killed by Europeans
in Mexico and "Central America",
and then another 10 million would be killed
in what is now called Canada and the United States of America.

We had the disadvantage of
civilized expectations our of these Europeans.
They saw opportunity for exploitation
slaves, wealth
and glories beyond imagination.

They only need to kill and enslave the legitimate
owners of this continent.

We had no idea
of the size of the genocide,
cultural castration and
the theft
that we were about to encounter

They justified their crimes
by bogusly claiming that Christ
and civilization were on their side
They pointed to and exaggerated human sacrifices
and our Anahuac Creator and claimed
that our Anahuac Creator was the devil,
the devil in the multiple disguises
that we adored as Our Creator
They claimed our visions of the Creator were
abominations that their God
Jesus and Mary
could not endure
and as the reason for
the European's guilt-free genocide
and theft soon began

They said that domination under a European master
would bring the semblance
of the man-god, Christ, into our lives
It brought unlimited wealth
into their European lives
an exchange sanctioned
by their heaven and
their blood-lusting Christ
They did not understand the world
that they had entered,
entered as murdering trespassers
and thieves, obsessed
with gold and wealth

Before they came,
Ometeotl, Our Creator, was our obsession
Every breath and our total existence
was dedicated to honoring,
understanding, and repaying Ometeotl
for having given life to us

We had no concept of wealth
or private ownership
or any understanding that land
could be owned by individuals

We had our cities of ten, fifty and
350 thousand people
in the high plateaus
and the low jungles
Cities with paved streets,
night lighting, street maintenance
the world's first
universal mandatory education,
universities, libraries, and
all were matching
or surpassing
the best of European civilization

We bathed daily. Europeans never
bathed in all their lives
in those days.

We honored Ometeotl.
They honored themselves,
while pretending to honor their man-God.
We found obsessive
devotion to beauty
in flowers,
song and poetry
They were obsessed with wealth

To us, Ometeotl was all
Wealth was to be given away
There was no devil,
no evil in nature,
only in man

We sacrificed our lives
for the love of Ometeotl and our people

We learned from Europeans
the monstrous possibilities
that the evil of man was capable of
We learned it all too well, too late
We live it all too well, today

Olin Tezcatlipoca

Poems for Education and Liberation
Though I fear it may be too late....


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« Reply #190 on: June 05, 2007, 12:21:40 AM »
Impressive writing!
Though, what I do not like is its focus on blaming Europeans.
They were barbarians, but not much worse than any other human being.


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« Reply #191 on: June 05, 2007, 12:25:56 AM »
Impressive writing!
Though, what I do not like is its focus on blaming Europeans.
They were barbarians, but not much worse than any other human being.

I know what you mean. It could certainly be a valid antipathy for this poet's people, but it is probably a mistake to be so narrow in scoping out a particular group in all of history.
"Greed" knows no color or group, really, eh? It's an equal opportunity blight! 


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« Reply #192 on: June 05, 2007, 12:28:40 AM »
I know what you mean. It could certainly be a valid antipathy for this poet's people, but it is probably a mistake to be so narrow in scoping out a particular group in all of history.
"Greed" knows no color or group, really, eh? It's an equal opportunity blight!

Paulo Coelho has said that our hand is a hand of a devil and a hand of an angel.
The destructive seed is in every human being as is the Buddha seed.
I guess that poet's people had some 'old seers' among them, did some human sacrifice and might have played a game with human heads.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 12:31:36 AM by erik »

Offline daphne

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« Reply #193 on: June 05, 2007, 01:47:06 AM »
I read the whole thing..   more separatism.. sigh - its rather sad.. exchanging one form of control for another..
About the education and liberation, yes. There are many places in the world that could do with a bit of education and liberation, not confined to the Americas. However.. as long as some form of "nationalism" is the goal.. history will repeat itself.. that is, assuming we will have the time to have history..


"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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« Reply #194 on: June 10, 2007, 10:21:40 PM »
Rare Cyclone Batters Middle East

June 6, 2007—There's a storm raging in the Middle East—and this one has nothing to do with religion or politics.

A NASA satellite image shows Cyclone Gonu bearing down on the Gulf of Oman on June 5, 2007. At the time, the tropical storm had reached Category 4 status, with sustained winds of 155 miles (250 kilometers) an hour.

The storm weakened as it neared Oman on Wednesday morning but still battered the normally quiet seaside capital of Masqat (Muscat) with torrential rains and howling gusts reaching 62 miles (100 kilometers) an hour (map of Oman). Thousands were forced to evacuate, and many of the region's oil installations had to be shut down.

Gonu—which means "bag made of palm leaves" in the langauge of the Maldives—is the strongest storm to threaten the Arabian Peninsula since record-keeping started in 1945, the Associated Press (AP) reported.

"Historical record in that part of the world doesn't go back that far, because these types of storms are very, very unusual for this part of the world," Julian Heming, a meteorologist at the British Ministry of Defense's weather-tracking agency, told AP.

"It's likely that parts of Oman have never experienced storms like this." According to NASA, the last storm of this size to form over the Arabian Sea was a cyclone that moved along the coast of India between May 21 and May 28, 2001.

Forecasters say Iran will be the next country in Gonu's path, and hundreds of people are already being evacuated from coastal areas. Meanwhile, Iranian officials say the storm will not stop oil operations in the Persian Gulf.

—Victoria Jaggard


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