...there. the time of Man is running out so very fast and the end will be ugly - drowning in own crap
...always the same - learning through experience - and there is one monumental EXPERIENCE heading our way
...yes, the remaining time...must be put in good use...i'll put it in good use
...nothing left to say in this thread...
... except to mention "The Final Solution" or "Some Inconvenient Math"
This week that follows (w 41) we pass what is called The Overshoot day - it is the day when we pass the limit what the Earth can provide to us human in one year. The rest of the year we borrow resources from the future. Resources that we deplete.
The Overshoot dayAll this can be calculated in energy terms and some has tried to estimate use of resources in the equation of Ecological footprint where the Western societies use more per capita than not so developed countries etc. You probably know all this. My point is that we were at break even back in 1987 when the total population was around 5 billion. Today we are about 6,6 billion people that consume the resources in a more or less wasteful manner.
The World PopulationNow - fortunately noone has yet come up with the idea to solve this minus equation by using The Ecological Suicide. We simply reduce the population back to a limit where it still is possible to feed us (with oil

). Food seems not to be the problem because overweight is more common than starving, so that problem is only a transferrence issue.
Anyway, to get in some balance we ought to reduce our mass with 1,4 billion people. But that is a average, for each westerner savings are greater and Africans can almost be left alone in this solution because they consume so little.
So up to the front - who wants to save the world! Be a good ecological fool and commit suicide. If noone does it freely perhaps we can have random selections as TV-shows each weekend ...

The calculation: On oct the 10th there is about 22 % days left of the year, 22 % of 6,6 billion gives roughly 1,4 billion.