Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34686 times)

Offline Quantum Shaman

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« Reply #285 on: November 10, 2007, 01:34:08 AM »
I feeling depressed tonight - been reading The Guardian again. Julie tries to not read it.

really, i can't see any hope for this species. i know there are bright spots, but they serve to only mask the growing dark spots.

honestly, Iraq is more than a disaster - it is perhaps the greatest living nightmare on our planet, and what do the people of the 'western' countries care?

we are facing very nasty stuff, from many directions.

OH well... into the valley of darkness...

Hi, Michael.

Was just browsing some of the forum, and was drawn to this post in particular, largely because I have felt much the same thing recently.  Was talking to my SO (Wendy) last night, and we joked about the possibility of moving to Mexico, Canada, or even Australia.  Of course... the problem is global, and we realize that, and yet... it seems that there has been a rather noticeable change of atmosphere & attitude here over the past couple of years that is rather darkly profound in its implications.

When I walk the streets of Los Angeles and really *see* the people there, I realize that the luminous cocoons of the majority are "weakened" - and in many cases, I have observed what appears to be an actual "fracture".  While this type of energetic issue has always existed, I have never seen it so prevalent as it has become of late - and when I do my own gnosis-connection to the place of silent knowing, the words that accompany this *seeing* of a fractured cocoon are:  "The spirit is injured, yet the body still lives."

I bring this into the discussion not as a criticism of these folks, but maybe as a bit of evidence that can speak to WHY we are seeing such an upswing of "darkness" of the human heart.  I don't see it as something that any of us can "fix", and at times I feel precisely the same as you have mentioned here - that there is no hope for this species.  Probably all too true.

What I do see, however, is that there might actually be two (or more) different species of humans on the planet right now.  Or, more accurately, a mutation/evolution within the human species.  For whatever reasons (whether personal, spiritual or genetic), it may be that the damage I am seeing to the luminous cocoons of many MIGHT result in a die-back.  I don't like thinking in those terms, but there it is.  When the cocoon is that damaged with regard to its ability to connect with spirit, the end result is that the organism will eventually become incompatible with life.  The scary thing is that I also suspect that these "fractured" individuals not only realize this on some level, but they ALSO see the fracturing in OTHERS like themselves... and so they set out to destroy one another almost as if by some inner programming mechanism that drives an agenda of which no one is consciously aware, but nonetheless exists.  Sort of like what occurs when too many rats are placed in the same cage - they begin to prey on one another.

The other side of this is that I do still see a LOT of healthy, vibrant cocoons walking around - just normal people going through their day to day lives, still maintaining some energetic connection to spirit, even if not in any sort of "organized" way, not in any way that could even be categorized.  Just people who still have the potential & ability to be connected to the infinite in some manner.

No real conclusions here.  Just felt drawn to connect with this thread, so I'm tossing these observations out there.  Recently, as I was doing some gazing/seeing with regard to this phenomenon of "fractured" cocoons, I also received some information from the place of silent knowing, which basically said, "The battle has already been fought.  That which will survive, already HAS."

I'm still pondering that message, but what it seemed to be saying is, basically, that which is infinite and eternal cannot be obliterated by the darkness.   And yet... here we are, nonetheless facing the darkness, wondering what lies beyond it.


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« Reply #286 on: November 10, 2007, 02:08:58 AM »
"The battle has already been fought.  That which will survive, already HAS."

Yes, that realisation has been loud and clear, lately. The die is cast and Rubico crossed.

Offline Michael

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« Reply #287 on: November 10, 2007, 02:53:36 AM »
What I do see, however, is that there might actually be two (or more) different species of humans on the planet right now.

Hello Della, good to see you drop in.
yes i have entertained the same feelings myself.
i could even jump to saying it obvious, except that it has probably always been so. anyway, it is a view i do share, and in this time, its consequences are perhaps more relevant.

your comment about die-back. We had that here with the gum trees in our region - wiped out a lot of trees - esp those that were exposed. No one ever really found the cause, despite many bright suggestions. That may well be the case with humans.

unfortunately, what i see is that the fractured ones are still pumping the steam on a ship headed for the falls, and the healthy ones are on the same ship.

This could result in a very frightening scenario. Many of us are contemplating the same - looking around, for some place of survival. In The Guardian, George Monbiot is talking about a book called The Road by Cormac McCathy. Survival in a world without its biosphere - I suspect we will see many more of these books and films soon.

Tasmania looks good.

This fracturing you speak of - I have also been observing it in the younger online or wired generation. But also in the older generation, as I have been in retirement home hostels of late, as Julie's mother has just moved into one, and it is obvious to see one or two among them, who are alive, while the rest are completely out of it. Age and illness has not that much to do with this.

First, I sense we become short-sighted by the practice of using Death - essential as it is, it makes us impatient, and telescoping 'seeing' into too short a time span. Survival, is more than physical.

Second, I also sense, that a battle is growing between these sub-species. For too long the healthy species have been passive in the world, consenting to play only a technical role - ie making sure the details work where they can manage it. But in times of emergency, they are often seen to come forth and act. This emergency is unprecedented, and I see many are restless, and seeking ways to act in their own field. The Red people are awaking to redress their own failure of so long ago.

All I can do is to focus on my own field, yet how far does that really extend?

we are building a time ship - a vehicle that can span time. we are not the first or the only ones, but the task draws in the will of many to seek the deepest of truths, and creates a vibrancy, beyond the powers of the individuals. I walk around during the day, and feel myself fed by this vibrancy. But it is of such a unique quality that it can only live on the continued efforts of the individuals to 'go beyond their boarders'. As soon as they cease to push into their perimeters, and settle back to chew on old self-reflections, they sabotage the time ship, and all can feel it. this is about the birth of a planet.


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« Reply #288 on: November 11, 2007, 01:32:38 AM »

Now - fortunately noone has yet come up with the idea to solve this minus equation by using The Ecological Suicide. We simply reduce the population back to a limit where it still is possible to feed us (with oil  :-\ ).  Food seems not to be the problem because overweight is more common than starving, so that problem is only a transferrence issue.

Anyway, to get in some balance we ought to reduce our mass with 1,4 billion people. But that is a average, for each westerner savings are greater and Africans can almost be left alone in this solution because they consume so little.

I was wrong - there have been these kind of discussions, and one of the "Eco radicals" is a Finnish environmentalist Pentti Linkola. A guy that may have inspired the youn Finnish murder at a school earlier this week.

So I checked a Internet page
Eco Radicals Want Better Living Through Mass Death
Jun 20, 2006 by Deroy Murdock

"Most ecologists want to make life easy for butterflies and waterfalls. Who can argue with that? Some environmental extremists, however, think what Earth really needs is fewer people. In some cases, billions fewer.

We’re no better than bacteria!” University of Texas biologist Eric Pianka recently announced. “Things are gonna get better after the collapse because we won’t be able to decimate the Earth so much,” he added. “And, I actually think the world will be much better when there’s only 10 or 20% of us left.

William Burger, Ph.D., “Still, adding over seventy million new humans to the planet each year, the future looks pretty bleak to me. Surely, the Black Death was one of the best things that ever happened to Europe: elevating the worth of human labor, reducing environmental degradation, and, rather promptly, producing the Renaissance. From where I sit, Planet Earth could use another major human pandemic, and pronto!”

Finnish environmentalist Pentti Linkola calls humanity a sinking ship with 100 passengers and a lifeboat for 10. “Those who hate life try to pull more people on board and drown everybody. Those who love and respect life use axes to chop off the extra hands hanging on the gunwale.” "


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« Reply #289 on: November 11, 2007, 03:17:28 AM »
It's sound reasoning - if the field can sustain a village of 20 people, but 20 inhabitants give birth to 5 while only 2 die annually - what happens? It is clear that soon somebody will be starving and in the long run everybody will starve.

What amazes me, is that these people are so skilled in deceiving themselves by appealing to God, prophets, miracles and whatnot, or even simpler - nobody gives a damn about what happens beyond the time span of two days. It is such a mess in these heads! That is truly amazing. 'Very human', indeed.

Offline Quantum Shaman

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« Reply #290 on: November 11, 2007, 06:16:33 AM »

Good to be here!  :)  Thanks.
Regarding die-backs... we've had a huge die-back of honeybees here in the US, and probably worldwide from what I have been able to determine.  Many possible causes have been cited, but the jury is still out...  Scary stuff, of course.  Without the bees, the food chain is compromised, so... though it probably doesn't do much good, I've planted a LOT of flowering cactus in my garden and keep them well-watered so they will blooom.  I've noticed a few rather scroungy-looking bees, but nowhere near the numbers we were seeing a year ago.

As you say... we can only focus on our own field... but indeed, how far does it extend? 

Perhaps it's a somewhat solitary path, but it is good to find others traveling in similar directions.  Somehow, some small speck of optimism says there is some hope in that.  :)

BTW - I'd be interested in hearing more of your thoughts on the time ship. 

« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 10:47:24 AM by Quantum Shaman »
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Offline Michael

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« Reply #291 on: November 11, 2007, 06:58:16 PM »
Hi Della - the Time Ship - I just let that slip. It's still a bit early yet. We have to see if the craft is sea worthy first. Still, it is time to raise it... time is running out.

Offline Quantum Shaman

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« Reply #292 on: November 12, 2007, 01:57:39 AM »
Hi Della - the Time Ship - I just let that slip. It's still a bit early yet. We have to see if the craft is sea worthy first. Still, it is time to raise it... time is running out.

That's cool - no problem.  *heh*  (Am reading this sitting in my motorhome, dressed in full pirate attire, awaiting the start of the Ren faire this morning... I find that oddly and rather wonderfully validating... somehow.)  :)
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Offline Michael

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« Reply #293 on: November 12, 2007, 02:01:53 AM »
well well, what can one say? perhaps it is indeed time to speak of it....

Offline Michael

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« Reply #294 on: November 12, 2007, 02:20:05 AM »
re the bees, i have heard more on this recently. we in Aust don't have the problem you do in the US, so we are exporting bees to US (which is pissing off the US breeders, or those of them left). But this has left us short here, as bees are going overseas instead of into honey making.

yes, they don't know the answer, but they are saying there has been a lot of paranoid hype about it, and some press that has been downright inaccurate. personally, I think there is good reason to be paranoid, and it's not just because of the bees.


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« Reply #295 on: November 12, 2007, 02:38:39 AM »

Bees were few in Sweden too this summer but instead we could count a significant increase of bumble-bees.

Offline daphne

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« Reply #296 on: November 12, 2007, 02:45:38 AM »
since all the news on bees, I been watching the bees here too. I don't know that here we have a shortage (so to speak). My garden was full of them in spring; they particularly like my Australian bottle brush tree flowers and bulbinella flowers!! Don't know where they keeping their honey though..
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Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #297 on: November 12, 2007, 03:01:50 AM »
Einstein once remarked that "if bees were to disappear, man would only have a few years to live." Should we be really worried about the death of bees?

Offline Michael

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« Reply #298 on: November 12, 2007, 03:55:09 AM »
that is apparently one of the furphies - Einstein never said anything of the kind according to the reports I heard, but it sure sounds good!

Offline Quantum Shaman

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« Reply #299 on: November 12, 2007, 04:11:55 AM »
personally, I think there is good reason to be paranoid, and it's not just because of the bees.
;)Amen to that!   Being a person who studies words, I've often felt that "paranoid" is just a term devised by the consensus reality to describe a person who is more keenly aware of subtle messages than most.  *heh*
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