Yes, I guessed that Swed would be hard to knock over, Sweden has such a state involvement in business! The stuff I heard today was from some financial insiders. They warned about potential liquidity crisis in Swed and it controls over 50% of market here. Craiky, these guys are amazing - they tried to get me to invest into US for two years (and it was the next day after Lehmann went down!)! Stunning nerve they have! Sheer admiration to these money-stalkers! 
You are a bit wrong about "
state involvement in business", it depends on what area we study. What we have is a security against banks going bankruptcy, as I wrote about in some other post one effect of the Finnish-Swedish bank crisis in 1992. Companies work with high integrity.
What we also have regarding loans to households to finance their real estate is a tough examination of the ability to pay the mortgage. The standard has been that those with large loans should be able to handle a interest rate of 2 percent more than the actual rate. This is good now when the rates has raised with more than 2 percent within the last two years.
You mention lehmans, some local government has probably lost significant amount of investments because of the crisis on Wall Street and I know that some local governments had their insurances in AIG. It is like an octupus, and I am afraid that we have not seen the full effects yet.