Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34482 times)


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« Reply #795 on: November 24, 2008, 09:40:54 PM »
Mystery of the vanishing sparrow

The Independent offered £5,000 for a convincing theory about why the house sparrow was dying out in cities. The answer seems to lie with falling insect numbers, reports Michael McCarthy

Thursday, 20 November 2008

It's taken eight-and-a-half years – but The Independent's £5,000 prize for explaining the disappearance of the house sparrow from our towns and cities finally has a serious entry, with a serious theory.

Insect decline, featured prominently in this newspaper last Saturday, is offered as the reason for the biggest bird mystery of modern times by a group of four scientists from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), De Montfort University in Leicester and Natural England, the Government's wildlife agency.

Their theory, put forward in a scientific paper to be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal Animal Conservation, is based on intensive research in Leicester, showing that sparrow chicks were starving in their nests because their parents could not find enough insects to feed them. So many chicks were dying that the birds' population level as a whole was declining.

The £5,000 prize was offered for a peer-reviewed paper published in a scientific journal, which – in the opinion of our referees – would account for the disappearance of the house sparrow, Passer domesticus, from towns and cities in Britain. The referees are the RSPB, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), and Dr Denis Summers-Smith, an internationally renowned expert on sparrows. (It was stated at the time that researchers from the RSPB and BTO would not be precluded from entering.) The referees will now be considering the paper to see if it does indeed account for a remarkable wildlife enigma.

House sparrows in Britain have declined by 68 per cent since 1977, but the decline has been overwhelmingly an urban one. Although still relatively plentiful in small towns in the countryside and by the sea, in many major conurbations, sparrows have disappeared. Numbers started falling in cities in the mid-1980s and the species has virtually vanished from central London – for example, St James's Park holds all the common garden birds such as blue tits, robins and blackbirds, but sparrows, which were once plentiful, died out in the park in the late 1990s. There was no obvious cause. House sparrows are also disappearing from Bristol, Edinburgh and Dublin, as well as Hamburg, Prague and Moscow but curiously, they are faring better in Paris and Berlin.

When The Independent launched its campaign, many potential reasons for the decline were suggested by readers, which included increased predation by cats, magpies and sparrowhawks (all of which have increased in our cities); disease contracted from bird food such as peanuts; increased use of pesticides; collective suicide; radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former USSR; the disappearance of sparrow nesting places as houses were modernised and gardens were tidied up or concreted over as car ports, and a decline in insects. (Although adult sparrows are seed-eating birds, the young need insect food in the first few days of their lives).

The last two potential causes – lack of nesting places and insect shortage – have always seemed the most likely (although many people blame magpies and other predators for declines in small birds, both the RSPB and the BTO say this is not borne out by the figures).

A leading proponent of the insect shortage theory was Dr Summers-Smith, a retired engineer from Guisborough in Cleveland, and the author of the standard monograph on the house sparrow, and several other sparrow books. He felt that chick starvation might well be the cause of the fall in numbers as a whole, although he was unable to prove it.

This appears to have been borne out in the new paper. The lead author, Dr Will Peach from the RSPB, said: "Each pair of house sparrows must rear at least five chicks every year to stop their numbers falling.

"But in our study, too many chicks were starving in their nests. Others were fledging [leaving the nest] but were too weak to live for much longer than that. If the birds nested in areas rich in insects, they did much better.

"Where there were few insects, young house sparrows were likely to die. Young house sparrows need insects rather than seeds, peanuts or bread to survive."

Dr Vincent, then of De Montfort University in Leicester, said: "This is one of the most mysterious and complex declines of a species in recent years. The study highlights that sparrow chicks are hatching but they aren't surviving.

"This is partly down to the loss of green spaces within British cities through development on green space, tree removal and the conversion of front gardens for parking. The loss of deciduous greenery within urban areas may have made life much more difficult for birds like house sparrows that need large numbers of insects to feed their young."

Phil Grice, senior ornithologist at Natural England, said: "This study highlights the importance of using native varieties of plants in our urban green spaces which, in turn, support large numbers of insects that are important in the diet of house sparrows and a range of other birds that we love to see in our gardens".

The paper, Reproductive success of house sparrows along an urban gradient, by W J Peach, K E Vincent, J A Fowler and P V Grice, is now being sent to our referees and we shall report soon on their verdict.

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« Reply #796 on: November 25, 2008, 12:19:58 AM »
I'm depressed... it's summer here... or it's supposed to be... it frigging freezing.

Just looked at the SOI - seems to be following exactly the pattern of last summer, which for us means wet and cold.

So much for global warming... I'm going to bed - best thing for a freezing afternoon.  ;)

And then today was a beautiful warm sunny day!
How it changes so quickly.

We went for a long walk to an area we have never been before (actually we got a bit lost in the bush, which was nice).

Offline Quantum Shaman

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« Reply #797 on: November 25, 2008, 05:36:05 AM »
And then today was a beautiful warm sunny day!
How it changes so quickly.

We went for a long walk to an area we have never been before (actually we got a bit lost in the bush, which was nice).

I'm jealous!  It's late fall here, and we have had only one or two days when temps were sufficiently cold for even a light sweater.  I've been in tank top & sandals all summer, and it seems to be continuing.  So maybe it's neither global warming nor global cooling.  Maybe summer and winter have simply traded hats and decided to play in each others' playgrounds for awhile.  You're getting my fall and I'm getting your summer.  Weird. *heh*

I love the rain and the colder weather.  Figures I live in the desert, eh?   :-\

Stay warm!

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« Reply #798 on: November 25, 2008, 08:05:32 AM »

They forecast an "extreme warm winter" here in the North with an average temp. of 2 to 3 dg celsius above the normal, but my guts tells me that we will have a real cold period starting in the middle of January, lasting at least 3 weeks. Betting is free ...  ;D

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« Reply #799 on: November 25, 2008, 07:47:48 PM »
I've been in tank top & sandals all summer

I asked Julie about this - I never hear of men wearing tank tops. or blouses, spencers, panties...

men seem to wear tea-shirts, shirts, singlets and underpants.

Julie said, 'but what about American men?'

we all wear sandals though, except there is a new fashion of extra high-heeled shoes for women - apparently aside from destroying the bodies of women, it lifts their bum and supposedly makes them look sexy - it makes them look like they are about to fall over in my eyes.

Ah, the desert - yes I could easily live in the desert ... one day I may just do it.

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« Reply #800 on: November 25, 2008, 07:57:12 PM »
a real cold period starting in the middle of January

That's some gut you have there Jahn - forecasting that far ahead. If so, it may mean a heat wave here - that would be nice.

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« Reply #801 on: November 26, 2008, 08:12:20 AM »
So now they are saying the total bail-out cost is 8 trillion dollars. The other figure I heard is 4 trillion dollars - what's a few trillion among friends?

Does this factor in the Iraq debt?

I am aware to date the bail-out is only asset swapping, and not a real cost, but that will come with Obama's package. Nonetheless, the sheer size of these deficit figures must now constitute the greatest threat to the world economy.

Sure we are all contemplating that life will go on without the US, but what has happened, is that vast sums of money have been sucked out of the global share market - it has gone into two main areas, first is to prop up hedges for sound overseas investments in real assets, but the second into US Treasury Bonds - that's where the US Government is getting the money to fund the bail-outs.

Now if the US becomes a serious economic basket case, the back-wash from its sinking will swamp all other economies. Too much money is invested in it.


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« Reply #802 on: November 26, 2008, 10:23:21 PM »
So now they are saying the total bail-out cost is 8 trillion dollars. The other figure I heard is 4 trillion dollars - what's a few trillion among friends?

Does this factor in the Iraq debt?

I am aware to date the bail-out is only asset swapping, and not a real cost, but that will come with Obama's package. Nonetheless, the sheer size of these deficit figures must now constitute the greatest threat to the world economy.

Sure we are all contemplating that life will go on without the US, but what has happened, is that vast sums of money have been sucked out of the global share market - it has gone into two main areas, first is to prop up hedges for sound overseas investments in real assets, but the second into US Treasury Bonds - that's where the US Government is getting the money to fund the bail-outs.

Now if the US becomes a serious economic basket case, the back-wash from its sinking will swamp all other economies. Too much money is invested in it.

Treasury bonds are paper, no better than dollar bills. As I stated in some other post the value of money is based on an agreement. When the currency change the underlying agreement change. Take Zimbabwe dollars for instance, noone belives in that currency, the paper is more valuable than the million Zimbabwi dollar that is printed on it. So investments in bonds or money can be risky, far more than real assets. It is an interesting period ahead to see how the G8 countries will handle the crisis. The Bail out plans is a temporary fix, the structure must change and someone has to eat the sour apples. More than 50 000 jobs has vanished from Wall street since spring, that is a good example on change.

As the Oracle said - those that continue to work from ego desires will still have a lesson to do. That goes for governments too. The good thing is that countries has to cooperate on a higher level if they shall manage to keep the system from collapse.

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #803 on: November 27, 2008, 10:08:40 AM »
Terror attacks in Mumbai

Mumbai: In one of the most violent terror attacks on Indian soil, Mumbai came under an unprecedented night attack as terrorists used heavy machine guns, including AK-47s, and grenades to strike at the city's most high-profile targets -- the hyper-busy CST (formerly VT) rail terminus; the landmark Taj Hotel at the Gateway and the luxury Oberoi Trident at Nariman Point; the domestic airport at Santa Cruz; the Cama and GT hospitals near CST; the Metro Adlabs multiplex and Mazgaon Dockyard -- killing at least 80 and sending more than 900 to hospital, according to latest reports.

The attacks have taken a tragic toll on the city's top police brass: The high-profile chief of the anti-terror squad Hemant Karkare was killed; Mumbai's additional commissioner of police (east) Ashok Kamte was gunned down outside the Metro; and celebrated encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar was also killed.

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« Reply #804 on: November 27, 2008, 11:05:48 AM »
Treasury bonds are paper

That's right, and if US's deficit caused national bankruptcy, all those bonds will be worthless.

Mumbai: this is an extraordinary event. It goes way beyond a few bombs and spontaneous train firing riots. This is an all-out assault. I can't imagine how the Indians will respond.


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« Reply #805 on: November 27, 2008, 11:47:54 AM »
Terror attacks in Mumbai

Mumbai: In one of the most violent terror attacks on Indian soil, Mumbai came under an unprecedented night attack as tefforists used heavy machine guns, including AK-47s, and grenades to strike at the city's most high-profile targets -- the hyper-busy CST (formerly VT) rail terminus; the landmark Taj Hotel at the Gateway and the luxury Oberoi Trident at Nariman Point; the domestic airport at Santa Cruz; the Cama and GT hospitals near CST; the Metro Adlabs multiplex and Mazgaon Dockyard -- killing at least 80 and sending more than 900 to hospital, according to latest reports.

The attacks have taken a tragic toll on the city's top police brass: The high-profile chief of the anti-terror squad Hemant Karkare was killed; Mumbai's additional commissioner of police (east) Ashok Kamte was gunned down outside the Metro; and celebrated encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar was also killed.

Good lord!


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« Reply #806 on: November 27, 2008, 08:13:53 PM »
101 dead, 320 wounded in Mumbai and several hostage situations.

India's response is a question to consider, indeed. It might be twofold - official actions and ethnic/religious cleansing launched by Hindu radicals. In 1992 Hindu radicals razed a 16th-century Babri Mosque, sparking widespread Hindu-Muslim riots that left more than 3,000 people dead.

Official line of India on using force shows signs of toughening. On 19 Nov 2008, Indian warship INS Tabar opened fire and sank a pirate vessel near Oman...later it turned out to have been Thai fishing ship attacked by pirates.


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« Reply #807 on: November 27, 2008, 09:05:32 PM »
If true, it might mean war, or something (quite radical) happening inside Pakistan.

Quote from: one Hindu
The captured terrorists have spilled the beans. They came directly from Karachi, Pakistan in a fishing trawler used by smugglers. They belonged to the ISI-trained group Lashkar-e-Taiba, with local support given by Indian gangster Dawood Ibrahim, who lives under ISI protection in Karachi. They had directions to key locations including the specific addresses of guest houses used by Israelis.

BTW, one of the terrorists called an Indian TV station. I can clearly hear a Pashtun accent.

This is clearly done by the ISI because the Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers were due to meet Thursday for the next round of peace talks. The Pakistani hardliners do not want the civilian government to "cave in" to India, as they see it.

One of the TV channels interviewed people in a fishermen's slum saying that they saw 15-20 people wearing jackets and backpacks jump ashore from a fishing trawler and then split up into two groups after their leader spoke on the phone to someone. A government official said that there were at least 10 bad guys inside the Taj Mahal hotel.

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« Reply #808 on: November 27, 2008, 10:14:43 PM »
Indian newspapers are still saying police are not confirming anything about these attackers.

But they are saying they know all about them - just not telling.

It is still going on at two locations.

I expect that guy you quoted is probably right, but this is not something that will be a mystery for long


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« Reply #809 on: November 27, 2008, 10:30:14 PM »
Probably not. Hopefully they won't go nuclear.


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