Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34694 times)

Offline Firestarter

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« Reply #1215 on: October 09, 2009, 07:37:05 AM »

No you didnt you did not just post the word Bingo. Go check my post on the other thread LOL I just won at bingo a minute ago at work :D
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1216 on: October 09, 2009, 07:59:11 AM »
intelligence has more to do with opportunity for education.

Curious coincidence on this - Julie is just reading a book of a woman who lived in a Sikh village back in the 1970's or 80's. She describes in agonising detail how unintelligent these people are - she puts it down to education, as she says they don't even have the mental capacity for reflective discussion - 'capacity' being a consequence of education.

What I found interesting was how these incredibly 'ignorant' people are the same ones who now in the US are racing away in the intelligence stakes, to such en extent, that Obama had to say Americans can be as good as Indians if they just make an effort.

Ke-ke wan

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« Reply #1217 on: October 09, 2009, 08:04:20 AM »
No you didnt you did not just post the word Bingo. Go check my post on the other thread LOL I just won at bingo a minute ago at work :D

Too funny E.  Mwah! :-*
(Psychic awareness eh?)

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1218 on: October 11, 2009, 09:12:49 PM »
This is worth watching.

Pakistan's War: The Battle Within

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« Reply #1219 on: October 26, 2009, 06:15:41 AM »
Obama declares H1N1 emergency October 25, 2009 10:00 a.m. EDT
Hundreds of residents line up for free H1N1 vaccinations Friday at a Los Angeles, California, area clinic.

National emergency declared to deal with "rapid increase in illness"
Obama: "Potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources"

Source: Action helps states by lifting bureaucratic requirements
CDC says 16.1 million doses of H1N1 vaccine have been made
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus.

"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement.

"Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response."

The president signed the declaration late Friday and announced it Saturday.

Calling the emergency declaration "an important tool in our kit going forward," one administration official called Obama's action a "proactive measure that's not in response to any new development." Having trouble finding vaccine? Share your story

Another administration official said the move is "not tied to the current case count" and "gives the federal government more power to help states" by lifting bureaucratic requirements -- both in treating patients and moving equipment to where it's most needed.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The officials didn't want their names used because they were not authorized to speak on the record.

Obama's action allows Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius "to temporarily waive or modify certain requirements" to help health care facilities enact emergency plans to deal with the pandemic.

Those requirements are contained in Medicare, Medicaid and state Children's Health Insurance programs, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy rule.

Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Frieden said that having 46 states reporting widespread flu transmission is traditionally the hallmark of the peak of flu season. To have the flu season peak at this time of the year is "extremely unusual."

The CDC said 16.1 million doses of H1N1, or swine flu, vaccine had been made by Friday -- 2 million more than two days earlier. About 11.3 million of those had been distributed throughout the United States, Frieden said.

"We are nowhere near where we thought we would be," Frieden said, acknowledging that manufacturing delays have contributed to less vaccine being available than expected. "As public health professionals, vaccination is our strongest tool. Not having enough is frustrating to all of us."

Frieden said that while the way vaccine is manufactured is "tried and true," it's not well-suited for ramping up production during a pandemic because it takes at least six months. The vaccine is produced by growing weakened virus in eggs.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1220 on: October 27, 2009, 10:02:09 PM »
I have been watching carefully the situation in Pakistan. I have said before that Pak was close to break down of governance. That was argued against by many in Pak who felt it a view pushed by US to get Pak to take greater action against it's extremists.

What is curious is that there is a huge divide in attitude in Pak. A large section of the population - hard to know how large, but definitely very wide spread - believe the real problem in Pak is the US. It has always been India, but the US is now up there with the worst of the worst.

The Interior minister has just claimed that India is supporting the Taliban.

I think that the argument goes like this: terror attacks have only happened since the US have begun interfering in Pak and Afghanistan. But it seems there is a large amount of having to find someone to blame, and they can't blame Islam, and can't blame their own nation. They do blame their government - mainly for listening and doing the behest of the US.

Another argument by the sane is that Pakistan was originally set up as a secular state, and now there is this thing called the Ideology of Pakistan - which is Islam.

Most sane Pakistanis are scared shitless. They would get out if they could. The outcome looks grim.

The Pak Army has sent 30,000 (two divisions) to South Waziristan. Some think this is a big deal, but when you consider the Pak Army has around 600,000 personnel, it makes 30,000 look a bit slim.

Anyway the Army know this is do or die. Hard to imagine after all the attacks against the Army, that they will lose. I should add that the US has been helping train the Pak Army. They are a significantly different beast than a few years ago.

What is bothering Pakistanis is what happens after South Waziristan? Are they going to invade Punjab the next greatest centre of extremism? The influence and structure of Pakistan Islamists is so integrated into Pakistan military, government and society, that the eventual outcome is dire. The only result would be another military coup, but it is hard to see how that would even help.

I fear it's all down hill over there, which is something that India is very concerned about, and the rest of the world.

What is curious so far, is that the Pak media has been pretty solidly behind the military campaign. But how long for?
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 10:05:24 PM by Michael »


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« Reply #1221 on: October 28, 2009, 06:09:36 AM »

Thank you M for your initiated analyse of the situation in Pakistan. A fragment of that info would have taken me 5 hours or more to gather on my own. You got the full picture so please keep us updated.

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« Reply #1222 on: October 29, 2009, 01:21:07 AM »
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that, given that the rapid increase in illness across the Nation may overburden health care resources and that the temporary waiver of certain standard Federal requirements may be warranted in order to enable U.S. health care facilities to implement emergency operations plans, the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in the United States constitutes a national emergency. Accordingly, I hereby declare that the Secretary may exercise the authority under section 1135 of the SSA to temporarily waive or modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance programs and of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule throughout the duration of the public health emergency declared in response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. In exercising this authority, the Secretary shall provide certification and advance written notice to the Congress as required by section 1135(d) of the SSA (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(d)).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.

Offline Nichi

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« Reply #1223 on: October 29, 2009, 01:28:37 AM »
As I understand it, this waiver enables the medical system to set up temporary outposts, so that the ER's and docs-in-the-boxes aren't completely inundated.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that, given that the rapid increase in illness across the Nation may overburden health care resources and that the temporary waiver of certain standard Federal requirements may be warranted in order to enable U.S. health care facilities to implement emergency operations plans, the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in the United States constitutes a national emergency. Accordingly, I hereby declare that the Secretary may exercise the authority under section 1135 of the SSA to temporarily waive or modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance programs and of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule throughout the duration of the public health emergency declared in response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. In exercising this authority, the Secretary shall provide certification and advance written notice to the Congress as required by section 1135(d) of the SSA (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(d)).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
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Offline Michael

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« Reply #1224 on: October 29, 2009, 08:10:05 AM »
For any who are interested in the Islamic extremist situation, esp in Pakistan, this is a very insightful article.

Ideas can win the war

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« Reply #1225 on: October 30, 2009, 09:58:11 PM »
when such unsubstantiated claptrap comes from a respected journalist, what common sense or responsibility can one expect from the hoards of TV anchors and print journalists whose figurative 15 minutes of fame have already overstayed their cacophonic welcome.

It is a ‘fame’ gathered from cheap fist-clenching demonstrations of populist nonsense and so-called political discourses that are thoroughly anti-intellectual in nature and akin to deal more in sardonic barbs and thrilling sound bytes for an audience that seems not to have the patience, or for that matter, the capability to enjoy a more rational discourse.

TV screens and the pages of some newspapers are choked with hosts, journalists, and ‘experts’ dishing out the most worn out clichés that can be wonderful fodder for fast food spy fiction, consequently announcing the demise of any semblance left in this society to actually understand international and local politics as a dynamic science instead of reading it as a rapid-fire script of a racy James Bond film.

How is speaking about who?

Is this America, Australia, Briton, Germany, etc?

It could be - it could be so many countries today.

Something has happened in the last twenty years. I don't recall the public language of media and politicians being so rabid and utterly mindless, back in the 60s and 70s. We used to watch the news at night, and generally public political discourse was at least sensible, if not truthful.

Something has changed since the 90s, across the globe. Some element has become commonplace, and it won't go away. There is a validation of emotional ignorance as legitimate public discourse, legitimate private discourse, and legitimate personal thoughts. It is very creepy, and despite some rallying from the other side, it shows no signs of abatement.

I thought when Blair, Howard and Bush were deposed, we would return to public sanity. But instead certain politically oriented forces have decided the old rabid rhetoric was still worth stoking - I though they would soon see the error of their approach, but no, it seems they know no other way, and horror of horrors, I see the public reluctantly returning to it as valid.

For those who want to know the source of the quote:
Somersaults on air
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 07:55:05 AM by Michael »

Offline Nichi

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« Reply #1226 on: October 31, 2009, 01:25:30 AM »
Something has happened in the last twenty years. I don't recall the public language of media and politicians being so rabid and utterly mindless, back in the 60s and 70s.

This is so true!  Though back then, there was still an underlying idealism and naivete, at least in the US. That quickly went downhill in the US after the Watergate trials and Kent State.

Something has changed since the 90s, across the globe. Some element has become commonplace, and it won't go away. There is a validation of emotional ignorance as legitimate public discourse, legitimate private discourse, and legitimate personal thoughts. It is very creepy, and despite some rallying from the other side, it shows no signs of abatement.

In the US, I blame all the talk shows (tv and radio) for sensationalizing/'legitimizing' the worst sort of ad hominem attacks and judgments.  Literally, the lowest common denominator of human nature.

For those who want to know the source of the quote:
Somersaults on air

Hmmm .. this link not working at this time, but I liked the cut of his/her jib.

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. ~Samuel Clemens
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 02:07:11 AM by Nichi »
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~Hsin Hsin Ming

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1227 on: October 31, 2009, 07:55:32 AM »
I've fixed the link - not sure what happened there:
Somersaults on air

Offline Firestarter

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« Reply #1228 on: October 31, 2009, 09:31:58 AM »
I found this in my local news today. I have to admit was quite disturbed seeing how close the swine flu is coming, but also, how many died per the number who caught it. Three out of Fourteen is a high number to die, when you look at the numbers honestly

FLU: Umatilla Co. man dies from swine flu
By Herald staff
PENDLETON A man in his 30s died from H1N1 flu, the Umatilla County Health Department reported today.

He died in his home earlier this month and was not diagnosed as having H1N1 until after his death, the health department reported.

It is unclear if any underlying medical conditions played a role in his death.

The county is reporting that since Sept. 1 there have been 14 confirmed H1N1 cases and 3 deaths.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #1229 on: November 01, 2009, 11:43:18 PM »
Swine flu: I have just read an article in by Pakistani woman in the US - while Pakistan is fighting for it's very survival, with suicide bombs going off every day, and the complete fracturing if the country now almost inevitable, Americans are panicking about swine flu. Unless you are in Miami, where nude bathing with watching towers telescopes, and plenty of ill-gotten-gain wealth is on parade. That was what her article was about...

I am so impressed with, the online site of one of Pakistan's most intelligent newspapers. Not only is the site the best newspaper site I have yet seen, but the articles and news continue to fascinate me. They are really good stuff - the kind of hard, self-reflective material I would love to see even here in Australia - and we have some very good newspapers compared to the the rest of the world.

Pakistan is in a state of disintegration. But is insightful, as it displays to me what the world will soon be facing. A relatively small group of intelligent people will be arguing for sanity and a complete review of everything, while the remainder are maniacally heading for the cliff, while violently heckling for some utter rubbish or other.

This site is giving me the creeps - I am seeing the future of the world right there in, in Pakistan. Some writers are cutting to the very core of the problem, insightful to the point of pain. While referring to the madness that rages in the popular press and TV which thankfully I am spared.

Meanwhile Julie has just watched 'Into the Wild', and to her horror, went online to read the comments from Americans mostly, about this film. She couldn't believe the ignorance, stupidity and grossness of many of the commentators. Seems an echo of what I have been experiencing while observing Pakistan.

Anyway, to the point. An update of the situation in Pak.

The military offensive in Swat and South Waziristan has had consequences. Islamists extremists had originally come down from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan into Afghanistan. US invaded Afghanistan and these fighters fled to Pakistan, along with the Taliban. Now they are being attacked in Pakistan, they have nowhere to go, because they can't return to their own homeland, although they are trying to.

The Uzbeks are a nasty bunch, and the largest group of foreign fighters in Pakistan. They along with Al Qaeda and a few others are being cornered, but also spreading out - closely watched by the US.

This offensive in Pakistan is causing repercussions in all neighbouring countries as these fighters begin to infiltrate wherever they can find a loop hole.

Meanwhile in Pakistan, it is becoming obvious that the government is broke and corrupt. The Islamists have strong political influence. Okay - most Pakistanis don't want them. They want a secular government, but a minority of very active extremists can cause huge changes, especially when they use violence to get their ways.

I can't see how they will escape another Military coup, but as the Military is itself split in its allegiance to Islamists and secular ideology, don't expect much to come from them.

The US is offering them money, which they desperately need - they can't even support the refugees from Swat and South Waziristan, let alone build the infrastructure necessary for the country's future. No other friends of Pakistan will give them money as they can't guarantee it won't end up in the wrong hands. Saudi Arabia won't give them any funds either. But they don't want to take US money because it will hurt their ego too much.

Meanwhile the US is secretly giving the Military funding to help in its war with the Taliban.

I see it as a forerunner of the future all countries face, as we grapple with a global environment disaster.


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