Jahn, look at these figures: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/misc/misery.html
As you see, killing the 'other' has been a common practice.
You might have a (little) point but,
You do not know much about statistics and culture, do you?
What is 20 million dead in China in proportion compared to 6 million in Germany 1940's?
You dismiss one thing in the gulag-concentration camp comparison. In the Soviet Gulag they probably had to work (until they died). But despite the "Arbeit Macht Frei" parole at Auswitch, the victims did not produce much in the German gaz chambers. Welcome - please have a shower - take of your clothes - and walk in here ...
Where in the history do you find these stacks of shoes?
And Where is your Soviet and China cities like Dresden? A German city, with many old cultural, and rare buildings, that the Allies erased in one never lasting bombing night, just because ...
Now You perhaps blame the allies for the bombing, but I "blame" the Nazi death cult for the bombings of Dresden. Beacuse that is how energy work.
The ruins of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin, destroyed by Allied bombing and preserved as a memorial ( i. e. as it look today).