Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34211 times)

Offline Muffin

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« Reply #75 on: November 13, 2006, 10:04:56 AM »
It appears that our own technology too has some dark hidden sides.
Basically we poison the earth, water and air around ourselves with our own computers, households electronics  and other stuff. Something called e-waste, when we carelessly throw out old electronics, and are not handled correctly.
"The result of the manifestation is in exact proportion to the force of striving received from the shock." -Gurdjieff, Belzebub's Tales to his grandson


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« Reply #76 on: November 14, 2006, 03:49:16 AM »
It appears that our own technology too has some dark hidden sides.
Basically we poison the earth, water and air around ourselves with our own computers, households electronics  and other stuff. Something called e-waste, when we carelessly throw out old electronics, and are not handled correctly.

Well we got recycling stations. And very handy for me they built a new one 1 mile from here. Went there with a computer screen and a keyboard this very Saturday. Also threw away a broken chair and some surplus from the garden.

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #77 on: November 17, 2006, 05:53:07 PM »
Delusions of Separation
Delusions of Separation

Very few people seem to have noticed that we are a species gone mad, which
itself is an expression of the extent of the collective insanity we have fallen

Aparticipatory Delusional Syndrome (ADS) is based on the deluded assumption that
we are separate from and not participating in helping to create the very
situation we find ourselves in. In my new book, The Madness of George W. Bush: A
Reflection of our Collective Psychosis, I point out that the underlying dynamic
that is in-forming events in our world is to be found within the human psyche.
As more of us are able to illumine, recognize and articulate the nature and
dynamics of the deeper psychological process that is creating our experience in
the world, the more effectively we become able to deal with our world crisis. As
more of us awaken to the deeper, underlying psychological process which animates
events in our world, the more we will be able to consciously connect with each
other in increasingly more creative ways so as to transform this process, both
within ourselves, as well as in the outside world.

Seeing the nature of the deeper psychological process that is playing out in our
world is to find its “name,” which is to get a “handle” on it, so to speak. This
is the power of the Word, the Logos. Just like in mythology, when we know the
“demon’s” name, we strip it of its power. To differentiate ourselves from a
process that we are unconsciously acting out compulsively, is to separate from
it and see it “objectively,” which is to simultaneously be liberated from it,
and hence, free from its harmful effects. Finding the name of the deeper process
that is revealing itself in, as and through our world is to shed light on the
darkness that is wreaking havoc in our world. Shedding light on darkness is a
genuine illumination, a birthing of consciousness. Once illumined, the darkness
can no longer act itself out (destructively) through our unconscious. Adding
consciousness to the mix changes everything.

Carl Jung was well aware that the greatest danger facing our species is to fall
into our unconscious together and become collectively mad; he never tired of
warning about this. Our species has undoubtedly fallen into the very collective
psychosis that Jung was warning us about (the fact that we are destroying the
biosphere, the very life support system of the planet, being one “small”
example). Very few people seem to have noticed that we are a species gone mad
(it is certainly not part of our planetary dialogue), which itself is an
expression of the extent of the collective insanity we have fallen into. Our
madness has become normalized, as it is so pervasive we have become habituated
to it.

I would like to name the underlying psychological “dynamic” that is one of the
main foundations and causes of the malevolence that is playing out in our world
“Aparticipatory Delusional Syndrome,” or ADS for short. ADS is based on the
deluded assumption that we are separate from and not participating in helping to
create the very situation we find ourselves in. Existing deep within the
collective unconscious of humanity, ADS is a timeless, archetypal process that
has continually re-iterated itself in and over time through countless
manifestations in our world. ADS is at the heart of creating the illusion that
we are separate from the very universe in which we live.

An example: Due to my wound, I feel separate from and unavailable to my
girlfriend. Of course, she feels our lack of connection, and this activates her
deepest fears and wounds. She then unconsciously acts out her wound in a way
that is truly ugly to look at, and I feel repulsed. This just furthers my
justification for why I should withdraw, which in turn constellates her wound,
ad infinitum. In this self-created feedback loop, I am reacting to the mirrored
reflection of my own inner disassociation, woundedness and shadow.

All the while, I am convinced I am reacting to an objective fact, (i.e., my
girlfriend being just so wounded), as I have all the “evidence” I need of the
seemingly objective existence of my perception. I don’t realize, however, the
role that I am playing in her manifesting in this way. I am asleep to my
participation in how my girlfriend is “showing up.” I am unaware that my
girlfriend exists in “co-relation” to myself, instead imagining that she exists
in a void, separate from myself. To have ADS is to react to how we ourselves are
evoking our world as if it objectively exists and is separate from ourselves. To
have ADS is to not recognize the role that we are playing in dreaming up what we
are reacting to.

People who have fallen prey to ADS reinforce one another's mad delusion that
they exist separate from the universe and that the problem exists outside of
themselves. Any of us, at any moment, to the extent we fall into our unconscious
and become entranced by the reality-creating function of our own mind, become
bewitched by our own projections and the meanings we imbue them with and fall
prey to ADS. Who among us can honestly say that we have never fallen into our
unconscious and reacted against our own reflection as it appears in the outside
world? Pervading the entire field of consciousness, ADS exists within each one
of us in potential at any moment. To the extent that we don’t realize our
complicity in what is playing out in our world, we have fallen prey to ADS. The
realization of our susceptibility to this psychic malady is, paradoxically, the
very awareness that immunizes us from it.

Like a self-replicating fractal, ADS is playing itself out in multiple
dimensions simultaneously, which is to say it expresses itself on the personal,
as well as the collective level. Both individuals, such as President Bush, and
nations (take your pick), can be so fully taken over by ADS that they can be
said to be embodying and incarnating this syndrome. This underlying
psychological syndrome, a malady existing within the very depths of the psyche,
is revealing itself in the outside world for all who have eyes to see, through
those it takes over to be its instruments.

ADS is very seductive, as it is not that what we are seeing when we have ADS is
not true, for the universe sends forth all of the evidence we need to convince
us of the seemingly “objective” truth of our perception. What we are seeing is
really happening. The only problem is that we are placing a false meaning upon
what is happening to us. When we have ADS, we are mis-interpreting the nature of
our experience. Thus, ADS is a “semantic syndrome” which subtly but
significantly alters the way our mind gives meaning to and contextualizes our
experience of the universe. When we are stricken with ADS, we react to our
perceptions and interpretations as if they exist inherently and independently in
the object (the world), instead of realizing they are revealing the subject

An example: With regards to the recent war in the middle east between Israel and
its neighbors, it is not that what Israel’s supporters are seeing is not true.
Yes, Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. And yes, there are many of
Israel’s neighbors that want it destroyed. And yes, rockets are being fired into
Israel’s cities, killing and terrorizing innocent civilians. These are facts
that can’t be argued with. The seemingly objective nature of what they are
seeing makes supporters of Israel fall under a self-generated spell, however.
They don’t understand that, yes, the evidence they are using for their
justification to wage war against their neighbors is true, but it doesn’t mean
what they think it means. Israel’s faithful supporters are entranced by their
own perceptions and under a spell of their own making if they fail to recognize
the role that Israel is playing in evoking the very situation that it is
violently reacting to. Due to their psychic blindness, Israel’s supporters are
not recognizing how, by its years-long over the top military abuses of its
power, Israel is evoking the very figures that want to destroy it. By its
actions, Israel is complicit and playing a participatory role in calling forth
the very crisis it is reacting against. It is as if Israel is suffering a
collective form of trauma that it is acting out on the world stage.

Israel is an example of a nation that collectively has ADS (except of course,
the Israelis who realize the madness of what their country is acting out on the
world stage). Seen as a nation-state taken over by ADS, could it not be more
obvious that as Israel acts out this malady, it makes itself more vulnerable and
hurts itself (as well as its neighbors)? How ironic, in its fear of its
neighbors wanting to destroy it, Israel might be destroying itself, unwittingly
creating a fear-based self-fulfilling prophecy. The similarity to what America,
led by George Bush in his “war on terror,” is playing out on the world stage
immediately comes to mind.

Of course, the “terrorists” who are reacting against Israel (or America) are
just as much infected by ADS- (please see my article “Middle East Madness,”
available on my website The question does arise, however,
who is the real terrorist? (The answer goes something like this: the terrorist
is a role in the field, which means it exists deep inside of everyone in
potential. At different moments each party in the conflict plays this role).

Inherent in having ADS is “not knowing” we have it, as it always works through
our unconscious. ADS insinuates itself through our perceptions of both ourselves
and the world in such a way that it hides itself from being discovered. Just
like with a vampire, when we add consciousness to ADS and “see” it, however, we
take away its power over us.

When we have ADS, we don’t realize that we ourselves are “doing” something which
is helping to generate the very thing which we are reacting against. When we
have ADS, we don’t realize that we ourselves are “doing” something which is
helping to generate the very thing which we are reacting against.
(Interestingly, the inner meaning of the word “karma” is one’s own “doing”).
When we have ADS we experience ourselves as passive observers of the universe,
cut off from our genuine power. Lacking insight into our own creative power
invariably constellates our own power to turn against us, whether within
ourselves or from the seemingly outside world.

As quantum physics has pointed out, the power of our consciousness to
participate in the moment-to-moment materialization of the stuff of this
universe is primary. In ADS, we are unconsciously using our divine power of
creating our world in a way that is not only not serving us, but is destroying
ourselves. Left untreated, ADS is ultimately self-destructive, as it destroys
all of its “members,” as well as those under its sphere of influence (which in
this case, is all of us).

ADS effectively immobilizes and renders inoperative our ability to self-reflect,
as it relates to the world through the fixed and non-negotiable lens of
assumptions that the world “objectively” exists in a certain way, independent of
ourselves. Anyone who sees differently than the person/group/nation stricken
with ADS is concretized as wrong, seen as a threat and demonized. ADS stunts our
consciousness to such a degree that we develop a rigid and inflexible worldview
that can only “object” to it’s solidified “objectifications” with frustration,
narcissistic rage, and feelings of injustice and victimization.

ADS is an expression of a disease of consciousness itself, an illness that
exists deep within the collective unconscious soul of humanity which is
crippling our ability to evolve as a species. Being a disease of consciousness,
ADS can only be healed through the agency of consciousness itself. This is to
say that ADS can only be cured through the expansion of consciousness that it is
demanding of us by its revelation.

When we have ADS, we feel ourselves to be the passive victims of our universe.
Instead of being in touch with how we are helping to conjure up and are
complicit in the problematic nature of our situation, we always see the cause of
our problems as being outside of ourselves. In an unconscious “reflex,” we then
try to “attack” the problem from the wrong point of view (externally), instead
of approaching its source, which is within ourselves. When we react out of such
inverted, Orwellian logic, we are secretly playing the role of the victimizer
disguised as the victim, as we unconsciously act out our unhealed abuse onto
others. It goes without saying that when we fall into this infinite regression,
we invariably wind up terrorizing others, as well as ourselves. ADS is thus one
of the fundamental processes that feeds, supports, evokes, and literally creates

And of course, need I restate the obvious, another crystal clear example of ADS
is the figure of George Bush and the Americans who support him in his deluded
worldview. Being a figure who embodies the utterly immoral abuse of power
towards anyone who disagrees with or threatens his self-serving agenda, Bush and
his gang are dreaming up the rest of the world to be “enemy combatants.” Being
in a position of power, Bush is terrorizing the world, which “dreams up” the
world to be terrifying, as if he is looking at a mirrored reflection of what he
himself is doing. And of course, once he, in his perverse logic, feels justified
to terrorize the world because of the terror in the world, the world then
instantaneously gets dreamed up to be against him, which just feeds his
pathological will to power in an utterly perverse, self-generating, and
never-ending feedback loop. This entire process is a reflection of the
disassociated state of Bush’s inner psychological landscape being played out on
the world stage.

This compulsion to dominate other people allows Bush and Co. to become
“instruments” of evil, as they continually breed fear and terror in the greater
field, which simultaneously reinforces and feeds their pathology, like a
self-replicating, parasitic virus. ADS is one of the core, underlying
psychological dynamics that fuels the evil that is spreading in our world like
(death-creating) wildfire.

Because of his position of power, Bush is the portal through which darker forces
are incarnating themselves in our world. Completely taken over by and therefore
fully embodying ADS, Bush is allowing himself to be used, like a puppet on a
string, to serve the underlying agenda of the very darker forces he imagines he
is trying to destroy. Bush is fighting against his own shadow, which is not only
a battle that can never be won, but is a form of madness that invariably leads
to self-destruction. By trying to kill the terrorists, Bush has become the
world’s greatest terrorist.

ADS is a psychic form of AIDS. Like in AIDS, in ADS, the immune system of, in
this case the psyche, in trying to heal itself (by reacting to its own
reflections, for example), is actually destroying itself in the process. Just
like in auto-immune disease, the immune system of the psyche falls under an
illusion, and in its state of confusion, is tricked into creating the very
problem it is trying to resolve. In ADS, the immune system of the psyche, in its
attempts at protecting itself against attacks, attacks projected aspects of
itself which appear to be “other,” invariably leading to the self-destruction of
the very life it is trying to protect.

ADS is contagious, and easily spreads within groups of people, or even nations.
People who have fallen prey to ADS mutually feed into and off of the
unconsciousness in each other. They reciprocally reinforce each others’ mad
delusion that they exist separate from the universe and that the problem exists
outside of themselves. ADS, when acted out en masse, manifests itself as a
collective psychosis, as we are currently witnessing.

When we recognize how ADS is playing out in our world, whether it be in
ourselves, or in the world at large, we have added consciousness to an
unconscious process that was getting acted out in life. When we connect with
each other and recognize ADS’s fingerprints, we become collectively mobilized
and empowered so as to not fall prey to its dangers. Like nuclear
meta-physicists, we are then able to liberate, unleash and transform the energy
that was locked up in our unconscious, compulsive re-creation of ADS into
loving, creative energy with which to “engage” (and thereby be in “intimate
relationship”) with the world.

We can only recognize ADS when we realize that we are not separate from each
other as well as the universe at large, but, as quantum physics points out, we
are “active participants” in creating and calling forth the very universe we
co-inhabit. We are interconnected creative beings who are actively, whether we
realize it or not, co-creating our lives together. When enough of us realize our
interdependence, we can “conspire to co-inspire” each other into deeper, more
stabile and coherent levels of lucidity in the dream of life. Like T cells
uniting to fight a deadly cancer, we can collaboratively come together and
connect with each other and help ourselves heal the psychic blindness that has
infected our greater body politic and is causing it to turn against itself in
tragically destructive ways.

Something is being revealed to us by the madness that we are collectively
playing out on the world stage. The “cure” for Aparticipatory Delusional
Syndrome is nothing other than the expansion of consciousness which it is
propelling us into by its revelation. This is to say that ADS is, in disguised
form, a catalyst for human evolution. Hidden in ADS is the revelation of its own
re-solution. Everything depends upon our recognizing what ADS is showing us
about ourselves. How utterly paradoxical, the very dynamic that is destroying
our species is simultaneously (potentially) awakening us to our true nature.

A final clarifying note: As those of you know who have read my book, I am
calling the psycho-spiritual “disease” of the soul that is incarnating in our
world Malignant Egophrenia, or ME disease for short. ADS is one of the primary,
underlying psychological “dynamics” or “engines” that fuels the “malignant”
aspect of “malignant egophrenia.”

Paul Levy, a pioneer in the field of spiritual awakening, is a healer in private
practice, assisting others who are awakening to the dream-like nature of
reality. He is the author of The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of our
Collective Psychosis, which is available at his website He
may be reached at © Copyright 2006 Paul Levy.


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« Reply #78 on: November 18, 2006, 01:08:48 AM »
Interesting, Tio!!


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« Reply #79 on: November 30, 2006, 12:15:05 AM »
I'd guess this is one the first forecasts of such an extensive wipeout.

Gaia scientist Lovelock predicts planetary wipeout
By Jeremy Lovell

LONDON (Reuters) - The earth has a fever that could boost temperatures by 8 degrees Celsius making large parts of the surface uninhabitable and threatening billions of peoples' lives, a controversial climate scientist said on Tuesday.

James Lovelock, who angered climate scientists with his Gaia theory of a living planet and then alienated environmentalists by backing nuclear power, said a traumatized earth might only be able to support less than a tenth of it's 6 billion people.

"We are not all doomed. An awful lot of people will die, but I don't see the species dying out," he told a news conference. "A hot earth couldn't support much over 500 million."

"Almost all of the systems that have been looked at are in positive feedback ... and soon those effects will be larger than any of the effects of carbon dioxide emissions from industry and so on around the world," he added.

Scientists say that global warming due to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels for power and transport could boost average temperatures by up to 6C by the end of the century causing floods, famines and violent storms.

But they also say that tough action now to cut carbon emissions could stop atmospheric concentrations of CO2 hitting 450 parts per million -- equivalent to a temperature rise of 2C from pre-industrial levels -- and save the planet.

Lovelock said temperature rises of up to 8C were already built in and while efforts to curb it were morally commendable, they were wasted.

"It is a bit like if your kidneys fail you can go on dialysis -- and who would refuse dialysis if death is the alternative. We should think of it in that context," he said.

"But remember that all they are doing is buying us time, no more. The problems go on," he added.


Lovelock adopted the name Gaia, the Greek mother earth goddess, in the 1960s to apply to his then revolutionary theory that the earth functions as a single, self-sustaining organism. His theory is now widely accepted.

In London to give a lecture on the environment to the Institution of Chemical Engineers, he said the planet had survived dramatic climate change at least seven times.

"In the change from the last Ice Age to now we lost land equivalent to the continent of Africa beneath the sea," he said. "We are facing things just as bad or worse than that during this century."

"There are refuges, plenty of them. 55 million years ago ... life moved up to the Arctic, stayed there during the course of it and then moved back again as things improved. I fear that this is what we may have to do," he added.

Lovelock said the United States, which has rejected the Kyoto Protocol on cutting carbon emissions, wrongly believed there was a technological solution, while booming economies China and India were out of control.

China is building a coal-fired power station a week to feed rampant demand, and India's economy is likewise surging.

If either suddenly decided to stop their carbon-fuelled development to lift their billions of people out of poverty they would face a revolution, yet if they continued, rising CO2 and temperatures would kill off plants and produce famine, he said.

"If climate change goes on course ... I can't see China being able to produce enough food by the middle of the century to support its people. They will have to move somewhere and Siberia is empty and it will be warmer then," he said.

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.


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« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2006, 10:13:57 PM »
you all here will need to look sharp - I'll give us 5 years, then it's everyman and woman for themselves.

There was a huge Internet break-down in Asia couple of days ago. An earthquake near Taiwan thrashed 7-8 gigantic cables and large parts of Asia went off-line and it will take a loooong time repair all of it.

So - everyman and woman for themselves - can be taken literally. Once the wires and/or power go, that's it.


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« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2006, 10:22:30 PM »
so it could turn out that my work with my homepage is useless... sad... but i could live with it  :)

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #82 on: January 10, 2007, 01:14:36 AM »
This  author seems to have taken the five year option...

      Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by
      Hydrate hypothesis illuminates growing climate change alarm
      Compiled by John Stokes
      A recent scientific theory called the "hydrate hypothesis" says that
      historical global warming cycles have been caused by a feedback loop,
      where melting permafrost methane clathrates (also known as "hydrates")
      spur local global warming, leading to further melting of clathrates and
      bacterial growth.
      In other words, like western Siberia, the 400 billion tons of methane in
      permafrost hydrate will gradually melt, and the released methane will
      speed the melting. The effect of even a couple of billion tons of methane
      being emitted into the atmosphere each year would be catastrophic.
      The "hydrate hypothesis" (if validated) spells the rapid onset of runaway
      catastrophic global warming. In fact, you should remember this moment when
      you learned about this feedback loop-it is an existencial turning point in
      your life.
      By the way, the "hydrate hypothesis" is a weeks old scientific theory, and
      is only now being discussed by global warming scientists. I suggest you
      Google the term.
      Now that most scientists agree human activity is causing the Earth to
      warm, the central debate has shifted to when we will pass the tipping
      point and be helpless to stop the runaway Global Warming.
      There are enormous quantities of methane trapped in permafrost and under
      the oceans in ice-like structures called clathrates. The methane in Arctic
      permafrost clathrates is estimated at 400 billion tons.
      Methane is more than 20 times as strong a greenhouse gas as CO2, and the
      atmosphere currently contains about 3.5 billion tons of the gas.
      The highest temperature increase from global warming is occurring in the
      arctic regions-an area rich in these unstable clathrates. Simulations from
      the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that over half
      the permafrost will thaw by 2050, and as much as 90 percent by 2100.
      Peat deposits may be a comparable methane source to melting permafrost.
      When peat that has been frozen for thousands of years thaws, it still
      contains viable populations of bacteria that begin to convert the peat
      into methane and CO2.
      Western Siberia is heating up faster than anywhere else in the world,
      having experienced a rise of some 3C in the past 40 years. The west
      Siberian peat bog could hold some 70 billion tonnes of methane. Local
      atmospheric levels of methane on the Siberian shelf are now 25 times
      higher than global concentrations.
      By the way, warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons have caused
      microbial activity to increase dramatically in the soil around the world.
      This, in turn, means that much of the carbon long stored in the soil is
      now being released into the atmosphere.
      Releases of methane from melting oceanic clathrates have caused severe
      environmental impacts in the past. The methane in oceanic clathrates has
      been estimated at 10,000 billion tons.
      55 million years ago a global warming chain reaction (probably started by
      volcanic activity) melted oceanic clathrates. It was one of the most rapid
      and extreme global warming events in geologic history.
      Humans appear to be capable of emitting CO2 in quantities comparable to
      the volcanic activity that started these chain reactions. According to the
      U.S. Geological Survey, burning fossil fuels releases more than 150 times
      the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes.
      Methane in the atmosphere does not remain long, persisting for about 10
      years before being oxidized to CO2 (a greenhouse gas that lasts for
      hundreds of thousands of years). Chronic methane releases oxidizing into
      CO2 contribute as much to warming as does the transient methane
      To summarize, human activity is causing the Earth to warm. Bacteria
      converts carbon in the soil into greenhouse gasses, and enormous
      quantities are trapped in unstable clathrates. As the earth continues to
      warm, permafrost clathrates will thaw; peat and soil microbial activity
      will dramatically increase; and, finally, vast oceanic clathrates will
      melt. This global warming chain reaction has happened in the past.
      Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 rose by a record amount over the past
      year. It is the third successive year in which they have increased
      sharply. Scientists are at a loss to explain why the rapid rise has taken
      place, but fear the trend could be the first sign of runaway global
      Runaway Global Warming promises to literally burn-up agricultural areas
      into dust worldwide by 2012, causing global famine, anarchy, diseases, and
      war on a global scale as military powers including the U.S., Russia, and
      China, fight for control of the Earth's remaining resources.
      Over 4.5 billion people could die from Global Warming related causes by
      2012, as planet Earth accelarates into a greed-driven horrific
      Bibliographic reference courtesy of Brad Arnold who has an extensive
      research background on Global Warming.



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« Reply #83 on: January 10, 2007, 01:44:17 AM »
That's a steep one.
Yet nobody knows the precise dynamics, might as well be correct theory.

Adding a mystical element to it - Siberia, i.e. Russia is the one that determines the process.

Offline Muffin

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« Reply #84 on: January 10, 2007, 03:20:00 AM »
We all gonna die!?!?!?!?!?!

"The result of the manifestation is in exact proportion to the force of striving received from the shock." -Gurdjieff, Belzebub's Tales to his grandson


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« Reply #85 on: January 10, 2007, 03:26:34 AM »
We all gonna die!?!?!?!?!?!


sounds like a plan!  :)


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« Reply #86 on: January 10, 2007, 05:53:51 AM »
I hope i'll get to conquer few mountains first  ;D


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« Reply #87 on: January 10, 2007, 05:54:05 AM »


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« Reply #88 on: January 10, 2007, 06:22:03 AM »
What is plan B?

None. The gate of death will be walked through in any case. The question is what happens after that.

Offline tommy2

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« Reply #89 on: January 10, 2007, 07:11:54 AM »
What gate?  I thought there was only such a thing if one was not watching ones' gait.


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