Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34195 times)


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« Reply #1545 on: February 25, 2011, 05:18:58 AM »
Mr Gadaffi seem to be very confused in his speeches and he tells lies. He claim that the riot is kept going by young people getting instructions and drugs from the Al Quida. Now the only guy that look like being on drugs is Mr Khadaffi himself.

The East of Libya is out of control for the old regime and more areas and cities folllows.

Khadaffi is illustrated as a rat on the placards that the demonstrators show.

It is very scary that Ghadaffi use mercenary soldiers from other African states to kill unarmed civilians. I am against war and violence but I hope the people in Libya can protect themselves and get support from the national army toward these killers paid by Ghadaffi.

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1546 on: February 25, 2011, 07:26:06 AM »
While talking to a young woman a few days ago, at the Insurance Coy for our business, she apologised for the bad state of their computer systems. I said, "Well at least you're not in Libya."

To which she replied, "Why? What's happening in Libya?"

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1547 on: February 25, 2011, 08:14:15 PM »
I think Qaddafi will die today in Libya. I expect it will all be over tomorrow.

The popular revolt has guns now, and only his most loyal brigade is defending him.

But I keep asking, what does this matter to those who have been shot dead?


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« Reply #1548 on: February 26, 2011, 05:41:25 AM »
I think Qaddafi will die today in Libya. I expect it will all be over tomorrow.

The popular revolt has guns now, and only his most loyal brigade is defending him.

But I keep asking, what does this matter to those who have been shot dead?

What we have seen, and see, in the Arabian countries today and the last months is incredible. This is really a manifestation of the New Sun.

I send my best regards to my brothers in Africa.

I am a sociologist from the beginning, with exams in the behavioral sciences, but back then in the early 1980's, it was all theories, and the examples of "revolutions" was from old days. When the Eastern Wall fell, and Glasnost came in Russia, it was a kind of a revolution for a while, sure, but what we experience in Africa today is a far more greater historical event.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 06:10:53 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #1549 on: February 26, 2011, 09:28:35 AM »
But I keep asking, what does this matter to those who have been shot dead?

Well, you posted here Steiner's text about those killed in the First World War. I'd guess one has to look at the motives of killed Libyans to see if their deaths helped them forward on their paths of development.

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« Reply #1550 on: February 26, 2011, 10:11:13 AM »
Well, you posted here Steiner's text about those killed in the First World War. I'd guess one has to look at the motives of killed Libyans to see if their deaths helped them forward on their paths of development.

Interesting point.

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« Reply #1551 on: February 26, 2011, 10:30:58 AM »
When the Eastern Wall fell, and Glasnost came in Russia, it was a kind of a revolution for a while, sure, but what we experience in Africa today is a far more greater historical event.

I agree, although I have been reluctant to hold out hope for the significance of the difference I feel. But it does appear to me to be different in a distinct way.

Timothy Garton Ash, for all his fame, seemed to waste a whole article making the point, that these revolutions are similar yet different - that they are 2011, and not all those before. But he didn't explain why, which is the main thing.

I feel, or I hope I feel (if I allow myself a little of the hope delusion), that this sequence of events represents a whole new wave of energy arising, which has no precedence. We are witnessing the birth of something which will eventually sweep the whole planet. Not in a rush, but within ten to twenty years, or sooner.

It is the demise of an old order. They will get Julian Assange, but they won't stop what he represents. People have been empowered by technology, which in its turn has been set lose by other forces. There has been a definite shift, which I have felt since the 1990s, but not really seen manifest until now.

Anyway, looks like Qaddafi is digging in. What is happening in Libya now, is that all those cities and areas which have gone 'free', are rushing to Tripoli to finish off Qaddafi, because they know if they allow him to survive, and he reasserts control of the country, then they will be hunted down and killed.


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« Reply #1552 on: February 26, 2011, 07:08:39 PM »
Well, the energies pushing people forth could be different, but what about the outcomes? Steiner said that for sudden death to be blessing one needs a certain quality of mind. So far, I see mindsets common to revolutions and wars: a lot of anger and desire for revenge.

Since the last frequency jump in 1990s, humanity has only come closer to destroying our living environment. My take is that Sun pushes us forth and provides the energy for those willing to evolve, but it does not change human being automatically from within.

The upheaval in the Middle East is already affecting the energy market threatening thereby the well-being of the 'golden billion'. Where will it lead eventually? Hard to tell. Sweden, for example, has been implementing for several years a program aimed at reducing dependence on the fossil fuel from the Middle East and producing it instead from the plant oil. Thus, there is at least a search for technological solutions in order to maintain status quo.

We'll see. The older I get, the more I adhere to the 'old school' and say that nothing external can change the human being.


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« Reply #1553 on: February 27, 2011, 02:51:38 AM »
you're not wrong there Gunga Din

...and so the story goes on and on. Egyptians are getting closer to facing nobody but themselves. Will they survive the moment of truth?


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« Reply #1554 on: February 27, 2011, 07:39:00 AM »

Where will it lead eventually? Hard to tell. Sweden, for example, has been implementing for several years a program aimed at reducing dependence on the fossil fuel from the Middle East and producing it instead from the plant oil. Thus, there is at least a search for technological solutions in order to maintain status quo.

Sweden is no model for you, or the world of yours.


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« Reply #1555 on: February 27, 2011, 07:42:41 AM »
I hope I feel (if I allow myself a little of the hope delusion), that this sequence of events represents a whole new wave of energy arising, which has no precedence. We are witnessing the birth of something which will eventually sweep the whole planet. Not in a rush, but within ten to twenty years, or sooner.

It is the demise of an old order.

What we see is the birth of the Tenth Sun.

and The Sun is aligned to the old Incas of Peru, they call themselves the Children of the Sun.


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« Reply #1556 on: February 27, 2011, 09:43:45 AM »
What we see is the birth of the Tenth Sun.

and The Sun is aligned to the old Incas of Peru, they call themselves the Children of the Sun.

Mayas/Toltecs/don Miguel Ruiz say it is the beginning of the Sixth Sun. Hopis say it is the beginning of the Fifth World. Which one is right? 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th? :D
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 08:02:25 PM by Builder »


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« Reply #1557 on: February 27, 2011, 09:47:07 AM »
Sweden is no model for you, or the world of yours.

Never has been either, but that does not stop me from knowing what is happening within that country.

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1558 on: February 27, 2011, 06:33:02 PM »
...and so the story goes on and on. Egyptians are getting closer to facing nobody but themselves. Will they survive the moment of truth?

It is interesting that trouble continues in Tunisia and Egypt. There are two aspects I see in this. One is that they don't know when to stop - the idea that all this revolution is not going to bring them what they really seek.

The other, is that the very nature of this revolt, in being a popular expression of public frustration at the lack of avenues for participation in controlling their collective life, is not going to be easily satisfied by token changes from the ruling layer of society. This has only just begun - we are in for some dramatic changes in what the collective public sees as its right to know and to act, across the globe.

However, returning to my first point, ultimately none of this will satisfy the true needs of each individual. That is why, after I have been following this on and, I am perfectly happy to retire to my meditation mat, knowing full well where that satisfaction is to be found.


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« Reply #1559 on: February 27, 2011, 08:04:20 PM »
I am perfectly happy to retire to my meditation mat, knowing full well where that satisfaction is to be found.

Indeed, at the end the world doesn't matter. It is all in one's mind.


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