Good comments... food for thought....

Here are a few of my rambling thoughts on not enough sleep this morning...
I agree... I used to have a signature quote on my messages here... something to the effect... "Seek not to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before... seek instead what they sought." We forge our own paths based on the truth within our hearts.
But everyone of us has learned from those who have gone before and we probably continue to do so until we take our last breath in this mortal body.
I continue to read many things in the hope that I can learn how to "tap in to" what is within myself and within arm's reach. The ancients had knowledge or understanding of how to touch wisdom/knowledge I do not have, so I continue to try to learn the keys to open that knowledge.
I've have yet to meet anyone who has reached the point where they don't rely on sources outside themselves.. maybe we have that ability... but is anyone really that aware? Does anyone have the answers? Can anyone of us teach another person how it is done? And I am not saying the book of Chilam Balam does that.
I found some of what I'd read about it interesting, especially since so many here use Toltec tools in their path and if I understand correctly this book documents some of the history of Toltec and some think it does so accurately.
Some people believe the things written in this book.. written in a time long past.... accurately describe what is happening/will happen in this time we find ourselves in. If so, that would be an interesting read as well.
I agree that we could be called the Toltec community today... and I think that in order to know where we are going, we have to understand where we have been and how we got to where we stand today.
I have only read briefly in the book and posted the link right after I found the text in English. As I find time to read it, I'll try to add notes in this thread for comment.
So I am listening, Odin, Wodan, Toth and many other names is the essence of Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Snake. Now, the Toltecs in America had one part of the puzzle, The Egypts another and the Sire Cult a third.
But here I am - naked and free - in the middle of the revelation. Now ancient gods as Quetzalcoatl/Odin do not set us free, rather the opposite since they can blur our awareness, but it can be inspiring to know that there are actually a continious line of energy from Adam until today, the lineage of the Raven family and the related gods.
Do not think that the miracle or the great connection to your Higher Self, Source, God or what label is, is out of reach for you, on the contrary it is within an arms length for you, and this time of change add opportunities for those that have their horse in the stable makes it even easier to achieve. 
That I am here (as a reincarnation of a basic "divine" energy) is just a kind of security arrangement. We(1) never thought mankind would be able to handle this time 2008 to 2013 without some extra-ordinary energy support.
We (1) are the Toltec community and what the Nagual's in that community now do is to tap into the resources that is find in the etheric. That means that if we are ableto grow in this dark period we will be provided with tools that has been forgotten in ages and these new tools will be more efficient than whatever tools we have had before - as meditation, stalking etc.
. .