Author Topic: nichi poems  (Read 1641 times)


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nichi poems
« on: July 19, 2006, 04:27:37 AM »
The Beckoning

The time has come
for us to dance
Don't be long
As this circle moves
Don't delay
stumped by sirens
they will sing
without you
they will always
be singing
This is the dance
We want
Amidst many-colored streamers
And poles and totems
The girls skip to and fro
The boys flex before them
What joy they are
As their eyes grow
Sleepier, the logs
Are thrown
On the bonfire
As drums keep beating
I paint the woad
Around my right eye
Around my left hip
I stripe my thighs
And set out
To find you
in the night
Shadows milling
Around the tents
The time has come
for the wild hunt
Falcon released
Owl on my shoulder
I blow the horn
For you to hear me
The crows fly
Will you find me,
Oh my lord,
Will you find me
dancing with the others
The circle moves
when I see you
In mind's eye
Then whirling
like a dervish
But into your arms
into your robes
at the end
and the beginning.
The time is now
to dance
oh my lord,
in fur and feathers,
in aeternitatem...


« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 03:07:08 PM by Nichi »
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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 04:35:20 AM »
The Petition

Gathering the dead branches at dusk,
The woman bends and brushes
The weeds with her fingertips
Smiling at their tenacity,
Survivors, thrivers --
Impossible to kill --
She lays the branches
Out on the ground,
Five-pointed star,
Wondering when the skygods
Will spot it, or if they will come
In time for her to see.
So much life in these dead branches,
She picks off the bark
Where insects have foraged.
Piling high the pinecones
In the star's center,
She lights the fire --
Dazzled by the puffing myrrh --
And beside the flames,
Spreads herself
Like a five-pointed star
Surely her milky whiteness
Will be seen, she whispers
"See me here, see me,
Use me, please..."

The raccoons gather
To watch the cones explode
And crackle,
Enjoying the startle,
Hugging each other,
While sparks maneuver
Their way
To the sky...

« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 01:08:08 AM by nichi »
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Offline tommy2

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2006, 10:57:49 PM »
Like a ceremonial chant.   Very intense. 2

Offline Michael

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 10:07:47 PM »
that's a beautiful one v, yes t2's right, a chant


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 05:19:02 AM »
Falconer releases falcon
And spots him at death's cry
Circling, waiting
To greet him in the mists...
Oh Tristan, whose bow
Was true, only you
Know the speed
Of an open heart.
I wait for the arrow to find me,
Sensing the bark
Beneath my talons...
Will you light on these branches
On your way to the sky?
For one more moment

I could brush your flesh
Turned feather --
Embrace gone eternal --
Through the bird
And through the eye!

« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 03:08:14 PM by Nichi »
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Offline Michael

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 08:54:52 PM »
that's very beautiful v

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2006, 02:05:19 AM »
Falconer releases falcon
And spots him at death's cry
Circling, waiting
To greet him in the mists...
Oh Tristan, whose bow
Was true, only you
Know the speed
Of an open heart.
I wait for the arrow to find me,
Sensing the bark
Beneath my talons...
Will you light on these branches
On your way to the sky?
For one more moment

I could brush your flesh
Turned feather --
Embrace gone eternal --
Through the bird
And through the eye!


Ive met a Tristan in vision Vicky, no connection apparent to your poem really but thought it worth mentioning considering I dont know who your Tristan is...

He taught me a dance to keep my balance when facing something unknown. He also has taken the form of a tiger.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2006, 09:03:24 AM »
Thanks, m!

Ive met a Tristan in vision Vicky, no connection apparent to your poem really but thought it worth mentioning considering I dont know who your Tristan is...

He taught me a dance to keep my balance when facing something unknown. He also has taken the form of a tiger.

This fellow, who I no doubt first saw in a story-line of a film, wears one of those mongolian-type warrior-caps, with the sides turned upward. I'm sure there's a word for this gear, but alas I don't know it. The image of him intrigued me, and I've seen him a few times now in dreams. The sensation is that he waits.

What I feel about him is direct apprehension and speed.... That would fit with what you're saying about keeping your balance in the face of the unknown, I think...
This is all very intriguing what you're saying, though, especially the shifting into Tiger!
Definitely food for contemplation!
Did you sense they were connected?

The contract imposed by the roman empire on the salmatian knights, as posited at least in the storyline of "King Arthur", is something I can't shake from my mind. It's as if I was there, then.

"Tristan" is a hero-name used by the celtic bards and other poets, as a lover extraordinaire, true til death. 

I'll try to find out more...
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2006, 12:20:20 PM »
In reading deeper into your thoughts of him, I dont think its connected other then the name.  This guy was very dark in color and tribal in nature. Ill see if I can find my writing reguarding him.

as a lover extraordinaire, true til death

The tiger killed me.

Ill dig around.. it is interesting, I look forward to your search as well. Excellent poem reguardless of connections!  :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2006, 12:40:43 PM »
Oh, I see!
The Tristan I'm seeing is caucasian, but he does have a wildness about him!

(Hey, who says killing isn't an act of love, heheh? <<-- just kidding, maybe...)

 :-* :-* :-*

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2006, 12:50:42 PM »
lol It actually was a very deep act of love.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2006, 01:37:05 PM »
Finally found it after a nice trip down journal lane...

Standing before me stood a rather large man(or he appeared to me to be large.. eh most are compared to my 100 pound body) of dark color who was about to preform some sort of dance. He made a point of showing me 2 scars on his body. On the left side by his colar bone and midway down his ribs.

From there he very carefully as if in slow motion moved in an order well versed.

He then laid down at my side ( I was now sitting) on his side with his back facing me. I leaned and kissed his back where his heart center resides.

I'll explore this more today.

June 8, 2006

Slipping into the bath instantly sooths every inch of my being and my active mind shuts off within seconds leaving me open for anything. Its like a lucid dream or trance state. "The Voice" is often there willing as always to answer my questions in its vague yet perfect riddle. Yesterday I completely left my bathroom and found myself laying with the sun beating down on my body somewhere where the heat is unlike that which you find anywhere close to my native living.

As with any state of being such as discribed above its like an amnesia that follows upon returning.. this awareness only holds breif fragments of what was there. As I wipe down the tub after getting out I always try my best to recap all that happened like writting dreams down in a journal.

This afternoon when stepping into the tub I noticed the sound of my ankle band as the shells clicked together and it sent me swiftly back to my encounter last night with the dancer. That sound was there. (the ankle pc I just put on 2 days ago.. its a black leather braid with some sort of shell hanging off it, 7 of them. A friend went to Africa about 12 years ago and brought it back to me) I settled into the bath and 'the voice' was waiting..

The Voice: His name is Tristan, if you want to know what he showed you, preform the dance.

That was it.. simple and short.

No need to do my ritual memory journal on that one it sticks in my mind like a song that wont go away.

Soon I shall dance though I must admit there is a slight resistence.


Within the above time frame I also started feeling a connection to a tiger, as I moved my hands over my body it was like the large feline running its tongue over its own fur.

Moving in the manner that 'Tristan' had shown me in dance I realized the tiger was linked to him or my experience with him also.. I saw the eyes of the tiger and the rapid movement of its heart inside my chest.

Throughout the rest of the day I started getting like memory flashes (only way to discribe it.. it wasnt as if it was happening at that moment it was as if I was remembering it)

Tiger steps out of the bush and moves towards me at first I 'expect' (knowing full well to assume anything is foolish) to have a merging encounter with it but instead it attacks me. I start dancing as Tristan had shown me and it smiled at me looking me straight in the eyes and litterally ripped my body apart.

I shook my heart in its jaws, my blood spilled all over the ground my body lie dead.

Im back in one peice with awarness of what had happened standing looking at the area in which the event took place. In every spot my blood soaked into the earth roses now bloomed. The scent almost intoxicating and the sun shined so bright it wasnt the actual sunshine at all.

In dream the tiger comes and I have an awarness that its Tristan. I also find that I too am a tiger and we sort of stood looking at each other. (memory of the rest of it gone)
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2006, 02:15:36 PM »


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2006, 01:58:43 AM »
Kuan Yin Speaks

"I see you wonder," she said to me,
"How honorable warriors as yourself
Can talk of love.
So mighty in its magnanimity
So precious in its intimacy,
So close to self-delusion
In its wanting, and yet
It is the only thing
We really come to learn
On this earth.
Consider the blue and green earth,
Unique amongst the stars
In its comfort  -- life-giving
Always, even in the throes
Of death's cries.
It is the perfect ground for love.
For creation is ever-present
And closeness a constant --
Even for the mountain travellers
Who long for the sky.
So worry not, dear Katarina,
You who see the rivers
In your hands,
Love is in the blood
Of your humanness,
And when you embrace your humanness
You can walk with me on the tides.
There is the greatest feat,
And feast, for a warrior--
To know and see, at long last
That the very thing you take apart
Is the thing which you are."
Then she hummed a song
I'll never forget,
As I looked into my aging palms,
Remembering a three-year old girl
Who would not move her toes
Out of the surf and waves...


« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 03:09:54 PM by Nichi »


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2006, 02:08:16 AM »
Kali Speaks

"You can change it," she said to me..
"Dismiss not the sweeping of your hand
Or the gestures of grace
As you stare into that abyss
Or into my dark face.
The power is mine, the power is yours
When we share in this quest.
The winds hear your cries
And the weary will rest.
It's the tip of your finger,
And calling my name...
Eternal when realized
That we are the same...""
"Say more, Kali, say more, I said.
But there at the entrance  --
Swung but an open door.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 06:15:38 AM by Nichi »


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