Author Topic: nichi poems  (Read 1639 times)


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2007, 03:56:59 PM »
Mabh Speaks

"You never learned
About efficiency," the queen bellowed,
"Or of how best to use a man...
You think that bones are the stuff
Of sinew and tissue,
And blood the stuff which runs
through your veins.
Oh no, Katarina.
Nothing is irrelevant,
Nothing is an accident,
Nothing goes to waste
For a true warrior --
It's all the fodder of your power.
Your staff is sure to become
A cane for the crooked,
So long as you rely on hope
For the better nature of men,
So long as you wait one minute
More for signs from them.
Take them now, Katarina,
While you can."
She lifted her massive sword high
Above her, and with a pained swoosh,
Beheaded before me, a man
Kneeling for his life.
"Why?" I gasped , "Why?"
But they faded near that tree trunk,
While the birds flushed and frenzied,
Startled by her cackles...


« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 04:21:30 AM by nichi »

Offline Zamurito

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2007, 04:00:52 PM »
"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #32 on: December 14, 2007, 05:01:46 PM »

Offline Michael

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #33 on: December 14, 2007, 10:01:41 PM »
that's beautiful nichi - yes, that's how to deal with men - let me tell you, they are all arseholes.


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #34 on: December 14, 2007, 10:05:42 PM »
Mabh sure thinks so, though!


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #35 on: December 14, 2007, 10:21:39 PM »
Real executioner's sword


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2007, 10:27:42 PM »
Huh, interesting ...
In the vision, it was pretty wieldy.
It seemed as if it must have been heavy.
She managed, though.


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2007, 10:46:06 PM »
That one is heavy too - from the first half of 16th century. Heavy enough to decapitate  a man with one swing.

It is interesting to note that executioners' swords had blunt end (not a sharp end like battle swords) and there were from 3-5 holes near the end. Nobody knows why, the guess is that it had to prevent converting the sword into a battle sword. Executioner's sword was buried and a new one was cast after every 100 executions.

There were also writings on these swords.

That particular sword (dated 1525) has written on it: 'Divine love and faith are reborn every morning. By raising this sword I help sinner into eternal life.'

Other known examples of writing on the executioners' swords are: 'Lord will help me who I am a poor sinner', 'Whenever I raise this sword I wish eternal life to poor sinners.'
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 12:27:57 AM by erik »


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2007, 11:58:38 AM »
At midnight in the in-between
With willows bending at the seams
The oxen break their yokes in dreams,
Their songs, we know not what they mean...

But dancing round the church's fair,
The ones with straw-like sandy hair
Are chanting invitations' air --
The tambourines and bones are bared.

Go to the home where fur and love
Melt into one and rise above
Go to thy home where flesh and love
Melt into one and rise above
Come to thy home where life is love
Melt into one and rise above

My mother heard me in this stream
She said, "Come in, you won't be seen,"
And as I gazed upon her means
I knew the end, that I am free.

The shakers still their cymbals ting
The sandy-haired ones chant and sing
My mother sent me on the wing
To rise beyond their knotted string.

Go to the home where fur and love
Melt into one and rise above
Go to thy home where flesh and love
Melt into one and rise above
Come to thy home where life is love
Melt into one and rise above

And this is how midsummer brings
The spirits rare, the fairy's string ...
The oxen gone, the man so rare
And all my melted love to bear...
And all my melted love to bear ..

In a wintry dream

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2007, 12:22:05 PM »
Go to the home where fur and love
Melt into one and rise above
Go to thy home where flesh and love
Melt into one and rise above
Come to thy home where life is love
Melt into one and rise above

Its excellent.. good work!

 :-* :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Angela

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2007, 12:40:14 PM »
V...what you write is so much more phenomenal than anyone you quote :)

Love  :-*
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2007, 08:19:15 AM »
Durga Speaks

"You do not have time," the voice crackled,
"For waiting in the wings
Or being defined
Or relegated by anyone
Or anything to troughs
Or outer bands
Or second strings --
This is deadly and serious --
You do not have time.
If you do not take your own
Divinity in your hands
And override the trifles
Of casting plays for the village
If you do not demand
Of the stars to embrace
Your own power
With your own handmaidens,
You will be the laughing,
Toothless virgin, cracking
In the square , mocking
The glory of yourself --
What could have been
What should have been
What will not be.
Stop making this the concern
Of anyone but your Soul,
What happened by your hand --
Waylaid at roadhouses --
Is enough.
Be who you are.
It is your last notice --
You have no more time."
I heard a lion roar
And then she vanished.
By then a handmaiden
Brought some tea,
But I set her free
To find her own soul,
While I polished
My wands and swords.


« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 12:27:07 AM by nichi »

Offline Michael

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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #42 on: December 26, 2007, 11:52:37 PM »
good one V
and good mood


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2007, 11:26:48 AM »
Merlin Speaks

"Do you remember how I taught you the fog," he whispered,
"And gave you the means to distract any foe,
Shapeshifting your form into the bending trees,
To hide in plain sight from the destroyers
Or to don the hawk's wings as you fly
To seek your destiny?
You do it well, Katarina, but you are sad.
Your longing for me has you captured
In the trees ... you use the fog as the end
Of your tears, and thus
The fog has come to control you.
It never was the end of all --
It was the means to save your life,
And now, you hardly hear me
Calling to you through the mists,
'This way, this way, my love.' "
"I know, I know," I answered, eyes burning,
"But I hear you now! Is it too late?"
As he smiled I reached for him,
Opened his robes and walked into him --
Inhaling, at long last again,
His scent of myrrh and musk.

The crows on the branches bobbed and laughed...

« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 03:14:34 PM by Nichi »


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Re: nichi poems
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2008, 09:15:08 PM »
“We’re lacking something – something good,” the young man sang,
As I stood amongst the fans, leaning on my cane,
My body half-gone, without despair,
Dancers’ torsoes nudging me from each side.
Jostled thusly, I remembered the times
I sang on the stage, always with a point to make,
Moving left and right with the members of the band,
Playing the keyboard, shaking the tambourines,
Trying not to irritate the bass player with my whiteness,
Watching the tragic girl in the audience,
Baring her breasts, drinking too much,
Dancing for her life – but being dragged
To her seat by one or two, as she laughed too loud …
Ten beers at her table, as her cohorts
Tossed a coin, and the loser
Came to us at the stage’s foot,
While the winner mauled her,
And I shouted to my stage-sister,
’Get him out of here,’
He would stand there, with a stupid grin,
Beer in hand, watching my sister,
Swaying, wondering, eyes hardly open,
Groping the air, for either her or his chair,
Reaching neither …while the tragic girl laughed and cried.
“The chromosomes divide – multiply and thrive
And the strong survive – yeah the strong survive .....
We’re lacking something – something good,”
the young man sang,
And I remembered my anger that night,
Making a scene, getting us fired when
I could no longer hold my genteel southern detachment
Stepping off the stage, fierce:
”Get out of here and leave her the hell alone let me call a cab for you
darlin, come on come on with me you must leave
this hellhole,” and standing with her til the cab came,
While she hollered her phone number out the window
At the rehearsing rapist, lamenting, “Call me, honey...”
But still, she left, and got free for a moment in time.
Sleep well, get some rest, wash your face,
Look at the sky ---
Folly is so fierce...

The dancers rubbed their hips with mine,
As I leaned on my cane, remembering a man
Who asked me once, “Aren’t you flattered
When someone whistles at you?” 
As if the world was not full of predators,
as if he wasn't one,
and smiling
That I would no longer have to defend this paradox --
Not this one, anyway.
I swayed left and right, even with my cane,
With all these hopeful spirits, and sang along,
With full joy, because the gods know
I still know that Dionysian nihilism,
Rend-me-take-me-make-my-body's-purpose ---

”We’re lacking something – something good
It’s a long night, it’s a long night,
But it’s all-right, it’s all-right,
It’s alllllll-right….”

Darwin by 3rd Eye Blind

The chromosome divides, multiply and thrive
And the strong survive, and the strong survive
And the spaceman flowered an ape
Then cut out on the date
And now it's much too late
The space ship has escaped
Let it go
We're lacking something good
Something good, yeah
Is this all for nothing, oh
Good, something good, yeah
Boom-tick-tick and who skipped the long day
Chromosome divides, multiply and thrive
And the strong survive, yeah the strong survive
And the grandson of an alien wears his snakeskin boots
Shows his reptile roots
He shows his reptile roots
We're lacking something, something good
Something good, yeah
Is this all for nothing, yeah
Show me the goods, something good, yeah
Let the record blow up
Boom-boom, tick-tick and who skipped the long play
Who picked the record and who amped what you say
I wanna sing a song that's my own
I wanna be the DJ
We're lacking something
Let the record blow up
Something good
Something good, yeah
Is this all for nothing, yeah
Boom-boom, tick-tick
Show me the goods, something good, yeah
Chromosome divides, multiply and thrive
And the strong survive, yeah the strong survive
Chromosome divides, multiply and thrive
And the strong survive, and the strong survive
And it's all right, it's all right, yeah
It's a long night, it's a long night
A long night, it's long night
It's a long night, a long night, a long night
A long night, it's a long night
All right, all right, all right
When the plane takes off you'll know it
When the plane takes off you'll know it 

I was talking with someone here not too long ago about what it's like to write something while listening to rock music. This 'paradox' piece is what it's like, and that's not necessarily good.. It mixes in. Yet, it can't be rewritten with the same stream of pulses.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 05:56:55 PM by nichi »


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