I have started a small collection, and was wondering what I could do.
I found this and thought it might help someone else
If they are disintegrating ...
This response submitted by Nancy M. on 07/04/2003. ( )
Then something is probably eating them. It could be anything from feather mites, clothes moths or carpet beetles to roaches or several other kinds of unwanted household visitors.
They can be washed with dishwashing liquid, rinsed VERY well, and then blow-dried. That will remove any bugs that are currently on them. Store them in a sealed container with a few moth balls and they will keep for years.
If they are kept out and displayed in a vase or etc. they will always be at some risk. Moth balls in the container might offer a little protection but no guarantees. UV light makes them weaker, brittle, and faded after a while too, so direct sunlight will cause them to deteriorate sooner than if they are stored in the dark.
http://www.taxidermy.net/forums/BeginnersArticles/03/g/03E3B51CFB.htmlI like to have mine out to look at - so I guess I'll have to keep an eye on them