Author Topic: Ghosts, Entities, Allies  (Read 774 times)

Offline daphne

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2006, 07:22:16 PM »
What I'm saying is wrong or right, who cares?

heh.. well.. to answer, we probably all do.. or else we would not interact in it.   :D

"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2006, 07:23:38 PM »
Fair enough, still are you arguing the theory that he presented as his explanation for why these things occur, or his solution to the problem or something else?
I get the feeling there is something else on your mind in relation to this issue. Am I being presumptuous?

I'm left with two theories which, one of them is correct, both leave me uneasy:

Theory A: Kris really did have a feeder latch onto him for a decade which gave him healing 'pleasure energy' which gave both him and the recipients (women mainly) a big ego boost, but sucked his energy. At the same time he makes the statement 'most' entities/spirits are low beings/leeches/will suck, yet had allegedly been duped by such a being for a decade. What would heighten his discernment skills upon such an experience? A good discerner would be able to pick up on the fact a no-good drainer was present and banish them right quick. This wouldn't be an issue.

Theory B: There was no entity latching/sucking/using him giving him pleasure energy. This was his own ego utilizing his own energetic resources or drawing up energy from regular earthly resources, etc. He was also 'receiving' energy from other individuals via these healings which took place, or probably doing various readings for others. It may have been authentic healing, or a placebo effect which took place, but he did receive (and enabled others) the 'good feelings' or was also heightened to a healer status by others who may have perceived him as special or brilliant, but felt they 'needed' him or their lives were changed because of him. This could be seen (true) that it was avoidance to whatever core wounds were necessary to deal with within him and heal himself. Since the healings were really a way to avoid healing himself, but also be empathic to other individuals in need of healing. People can do healings, when they're not fully healed. It's certainly not unheard of. But will be much better in avoiding enabling, or even those ego strokes when they come from others during the process which can do more harm than good.

If B is correct, then there's blame for his own ego's involvement, and then still the judgement cast on 'most' entities/spirits as being bottom feeders/suckers which is rather unfair and judgemental. Both still lack discernment for the spirits of the otherworld, IMO.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2006, 07:26:46 PM »
There are theories about hierarchies of beings. Of course all has to be supported by our personal experience, there is never any use buying into something. This is why I don't go for the faith thing, it limits us to what we believe or not, instead I can go out on a lim, and try something new. Experiment with an idea and see where it takes me. So to me whether the man is right or wrong about the little details is irrelevant and best left for the philosophy room, that is to me anyway. We all have our own views and are entiteled to um.

What I'm saying is wrong or right, who cares?

Everyone is entitled to their views. But we still need to continue questioning information when we receive it, and antenna goes up about something. He's entitled to believe and say "most" entities are suckers/feeders, but if he says this, and I question it, and there is conflict, there is still relevance in this as well. Questioning and not accepting things at face value right quick keeps me sane.

Offline daphne

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2006, 07:44:27 PM »
It's interesting what we each pick up on in reading an article.
I found this particular part of great interest.

I didn’t realize that there was a big payoff with these abilities that were being given to me. The payoff was that this entity was eating the fine energy I needed for the growth and evolution of self. I spent 10 years thinking I was ’spiritually evolved’ but had, in reality, stagnated.

When I finally did come to this realization I had one of the biggest internal battles I have ever had. I was fighting an entity that I couldn’t see, hear or touch. I spent many months screaming at it to get out of my head.

It is great that he did come to that realization, and with that, shares it with others.

Some entities are entities of our own minds that we have created through our 'earthwalk' - others are their own. It is part of the journey for me to discern which is which and to take the appropriate measures suited to the 'entity'.
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2006, 07:46:44 PM »
heh.. well.. to answer, we probably all do.. or else we would not interact in it.   :D

Okay, but my question is what about all this matters. I mean there are a endless questions to ask what question we choose to ask at any given moment is signifigant. Why we ask that question, and exactly what we are asking can sometimes even provide the answer to our question. Why care about this question, are we just nit picking, or what is the deeper reason to ask these specific questions?

Maybe Kris spent years possesed by an entity and then his discernment wasn't so good. Assuming his story is true, is it not possible that his once bad discernment is now better, and that is why he presented this story to us? So that we could learn to not make the same mistakes. Maybe Kris has some other agenda.

But, isn't he right about his basic premise? Raising your frequency is a good idea, and fixating on this and that is a bad idea?
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

Offline daphne

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2006, 07:47:56 PM »
I'm left with two theories which, one of them is correct, both leave me uneasy:

Only two? heh    :) :-*

Perhaps there are more? If they leave you feeling uneasy..  maybe there is more in this than is apparent at first glance?
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2006, 07:48:32 PM »
Some entities are entities of our own minds that we have created through our 'earthwalk' - others are their own. It is part of the journey for me to discern which is which and to take the appropriate measures suited to the 'entity'.

This I can agree with. What I can't agree with is most ghosts/entities are energy suckers, drainers. Also, I don't think I can agree that (not saying he said this completely) a ghost/entities sole purpose to exist would be to drain another's energy. I think the draining would be more because the 'energy is there,' and so forth.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2006, 07:53:40 PM »
Okay, but my question is what about all this matters. I mean there are a endless questions to ask what question we choose to ask at any given moment is signifigant. Why we ask that question, and exactly what we are asking can sometimes even provide the answer to our question. Why care about this question, are we just nit picking, or what is the deeper reason to ask these specific questions?

I'm not nit picking. I'm interested in this topic for my own reasons, also because I find this clashes with common sense, to say most entities/ghosts are energy sucking sort. I can't agree with this. What about the helpful ones?


Maybe Kris spent years possesed by an entity and then his discernment wasn't so good. Assuming his story is true, is it not possible that his once bad discernment is now better, and that is why he presented this story to us? So that we could learn to not make the same mistakes. Maybe Kris has some other agenda.

I'd hope it would be better. But I'm concerned that he is judging too harshly the entire spirit world for either a) an entity which did exist or b) an entity which didn't exist but was his own creation.


But, isn't he right about his basic premise? Raising your frequency is a good idea, and fixating on this and that is a bad idea?

Most certainly. But I should have other reasons to wish to raise my frequency other than to escape the bottom feeders of the lower level vibration.

Also, how sure can we be he really did raise frequency per the council of light beings - why does he need to have any ghosts/entities/elders around him, for that matter?


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2006, 07:54:53 PM »
Only two? heh    :) :-*

Perhaps there are more? If they leave you feeling uneasy..  maybe there is more in this than is apparent at first glance?

Two is what I have, unless there's a third, all a ruse from the Council of Light all along, but I think that'd be stretching things a bit :)

Offline daphne

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2006, 07:56:47 PM »
Okay, but my question is what about all this matters. I mean there are a endless questions to ask what question we choose to ask at any given moment is signifigant. Why we ask that question, and exactly what we are asking can sometimes even provide the answer to our question. Why care about this question, are we just nit picking, or what is the deeper reason to ask these specific questions?

Looking at the deeper significance of what we each individually pick on and question allows us a deeper insight into our own journey - not in the answer as much as in the question.

But, isn't he right about his basic premise? Raising your frequency is a good idea, and fixating on this and that is a bad idea?

Yes, the basic premise is what comes through. Work on self. There are times along the journey when we do fixate on certain views, placing our attention on sideroads. Sometimes they are necessary too - we tend to want to learn from our own experience.. sometimes not even from that!   ::)   
Personally I am not looking to rediscover the wheel!  heh..  I'd rather do something with the wheel already discovered! Unfortunately.. I don't always recognize that it is the same wheel!   ;)

"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

Offline daphne

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2006, 08:08:12 PM »
I'm not nit picking. I'm interested in this topic for my own reasons, also because I find this clashes with common sense, to say most entities/ghosts are energy sucking sort. I can't agree with this. What about the helpful ones?

What "common sense"?
If we start of with the assumption that the energy flows from level to level, then even the "good guys" are getting something out of the connection.

I'd hope it would be better. But I'm concerned that he is judging too harshly the entire spirit world for either a) an entity which did exist or b) an entity which didn't exist but was his own creation.

We judge all the time - just reach different conclusions.


Most certainly. But I should have other reasons to wish to raise my frequency other than to escape the bottom feeders of the lower level vibration.

What other reasons are there to increase our frequency?
It's a matter of terminology too...  in a way we too are 'bottom feeders" - within the organic world..  mind you.. we don't really know that! Supposition of our ego perhaps?


Also, how sure can we be he really did raise frequency per the council of light beings - why does he need to have any ghosts/entities/elders around him, for that matter?

Why not? It's his journey!   :)
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2006, 12:39:23 AM »
The trick is: until the wounds are healed and personal frequency raised, there is no capacity in us to understand things, to truly see. To understand what is told to us.

To raise frequency the work must be done - stubbornly, day in - day out. Moment after moment.

It just has to be done. No rational explanation will help to avoid or substitute it.

What Kris says, is seen differently by different people. The ones who see, can tell what it means.

That's what the path is all about - no theories, just following the heart and doing the work. Recapitulation is something inevitable in order to begin the real development. Before one's precious life is scrapped - it's just hollow theories.

That's Kris message. Years ago he made it clear to me in no uncertain terms and demonstrated to me the full extent of his seeing. I needed no more proof.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2006, 02:46:07 AM »
We've all been foolish, and we might be foolish again!
I can't see why we judge Kris's journey ... he said he was getting secondary gains, he offered his testimony about that. And then he saw what he deems the Light.  That's his path.

It's wise counsel to not allow that feeling of "zing" to distract one from one's own inner demons, and the need to work through them.

Could one be deceived for 10 years? Of course!

We tend to expect such perfection from teachers. Personally, I like one who errs and admits it. (Though I never knew Kris, and Kris is not in my path.
I stumbled into TNF to meet Michael, not Kris.)


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2006, 03:50:24 AM »
What Kris says, is seen differently by different people. The ones who see, can tell what it means.

Just because I see it as I do doesn't mean I cannot see. That's rude and presumptuous. I can see, and have seen, plenty. I'm not saying I've seen enough, but seen plenty. I'm very leery of these hierarchial beliefs of raising frequencies and being above others as it is. There is a certain 'self-importance,' even to fall into believing *I*, me and my *Self* are on a higher frequency than others.

I don't even wish to allow such a thought in my head, for my own preservation's sake. Let it be true or not, I don't wish to get to the point, where I feel I'm better, or more spiritually evolved than another, for once I do, I'll sink right back into an egoic creation. That wont serve me, and can hold me down. This is an area I take seriously and remain cautious on. Once you put the thought of being more spiritually 'evolved' somehow you are duping yourself. Even in Kris's post, he did say (regardless to the entity factor), his stagnation - when we remove the entity thing from it - became apparent when he realized some of this was due to the fact he thought he was 'spiritually evolved.'

So I yield on this, 'why' is important, to spiritually evolve. If it is for reasons to be better than others, or even see better than others, is this a trap too? There has to be another reason than that.

I understand there are things I will question, like I said, it keeps me sane to do so. To insinuate I lack the ability to see, because I do operate this way, is wrong.

Course, I don't expect anyone to see that, anytime soon.

I'll keep questioning testimonies, and teachers, and others, regardless.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2006, 03:59:25 AM by niamhspark »


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2006, 03:54:16 AM »
What "common sense"?
If we start of with the assumption that the energy flows from level to level, then even the "good guys" are getting something out of the connection.

The basic level of sense we're given, gut instinct, vs intuition. No, it's not always perfect, but when common sense raises an eyebrow, usually means for myself, to probe a bit further. "Common" it is, for something to be said, but there's something 'behind' what is being said, or a lesson involved for what's behind something. I have a natural tendency to go further, and probe in those areas. I'm the one who goes to Oz for the sole purpose of ripping the veil back because I had a feeling all along, there was a little man behind the curtain. I'm the one who pinches my nose when walking through the poppy fields. It's in me and that's the way I operate.


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