Coming back in 2023 - Jahn is still wrong - the 50/50 deal.
It's interesting to read this now, per the Orange Menace and his tirades on his social media platform, "Truth Social" (what a joke), and Twitter, when he has done NOTHING but personally attack other people on it. Constantly attacks, even tries to get others to physically attack or riot for him.
Now his "main" advesary in his eyes is Obama. His hatred is beyond loathesome. He attacked him with the 'birther' lie. He has attacked him continually. Most recent: he posted his address. And one of his idiotic red had "kool aid' followers, went to the house armed (or close to it. The secret service got him).
Is Obama 50/50 responsible in this "thing" Trump had for Obama? flower NO. Dont dare anyone say so. The Orange Menace has attacked him relentlessly cause he is BLACK. And Obama plays a 50/50 role how? What did he ever do to the Orange Menace? How about "be a successful First Black President." Ok? So Jahn if you ever see it - hands down, you lose on that argument.
Right now esp online, its the bullies vs the bulled. Thanks to the Orange Menace, there has been nothing but a bunch of folks attacking others. Everyone knows attacking others due to race, creed, color, religion, gender, sex orientation - is wrong. Please no one come at me and start being philosopical with your "we are mirrors" talk, I know this already. But still, telling those groups to "not be offended," while somewhere they do need to set it down, not everyone is a "warrior" in this world, reared on Toltec philosophy. If they get upset or offended by being attacked - its called being human. And its despicable what the Orange Menace has brought about as a culture and virus to the division in this country.
BUT ill say this. The more folks do these attacks, the more it pollutes them within. And we can "see" this happening to the Orange Menace, who is known to be up posting online his hate speech shit, at all hours of the night. The continual attacking has dirtied his soul so much, he has completely gone dark and insane inside. Thats cause all are a mirror - true - and it bounces back. Like Jesus said "its not what goes into the mouth which defiles you, but what comes out of your mouth which defiles you."
BUT also, this is the time where if we see this shit, we have to speak up and say something to the bullies and not let them push people around as well. There are a lot of c**** running around. Michael says all this dont get offended, but people do, and maybe they are justified. Now ill never go to X or any of that shit, but if i see a bully bullying someone (like in my group it happens on occasion), I wil methodically, take them down.