Just noticed your reply here, in many ways much what I was thinking. Fortunately I haven't actually committed to making any for others yet. I was just getting an idea of what the people on my friends list might be interested in, and doing some initial advertising.
I have read some Crowley, of and on, but I'm not really a fan. Couldn't say exactly why right now, just any time I read him the its brief interest that doesn't stick. But a lot of his ideas that I've come across weren't wrong. Though, like I said, I have very basic familiarity with his system.
Now Chaos Magicians, who are to some degree influenced by Crowley, more so Austin Osman Spare, their approach I like. Though still only have rudimentary knowledge of. And have often considered creating a refined.... perhaps more holistic approach to Magic/k, that would borrow from the deconstructionist approach of Chaos Magic. They to had an interest in delving into the Shadow side, as it seems many Shamanic traditions do.
Could you elaborate in greater detail on your dislike (if that is the right word? cautioning against?) of Crowley's energetic views?
In western culture people could probably benefit from a system that does place an emphasis on the Shadow side of deities. I would be surprise if the collective shadow of western culture isn't at least a tad responsible for stuff like, oh, Trump's election.
I was considering symbolic, mythological ways in which people might process the shadow side... one such approach was inspired by a dream Jen had recently. Her dream was inspired by an idea I was sharing with her. In the dream a magician was wrestling a bear. The bear seemed to represent a shadow aspect of the magician. Its something I'm not particularly fond of, taking elements of nature and saying they are the part of us that is "bad", which we aren't saying here, but if not careful, people interpret it that way. But it occurred to me, that one could do something similar to the dual aspects of deities, with nature. Make sure its spelled out that the symbols are representations of ways people perceive nature, not of nature as it is. Then you could have dual aspects of the bear, dual aspects of the bat, dual aspects of fish, tiger, tree, etc. Simultaneously confronting the aversion, denial, dislike of inner and outer nature, that leads us to pollute both.
In my subconscious for instance I do have a symbol of a bat that often comes up in reference to a tendency I've had toward timidity and insecurity that results in me "dwelling in the darkness" even when amongst others. It also leads to a false echolocation, a hearing the ego reflected back. In which I "hear" the contents of my own mind in the world around me. Sometimes like a slight paranoia. Yet, even when dwelling into the negative felt-sense of this bat symbol, even then I feel a positive side in there. That becomes an embrace of the consciousness expanding, auditory intelligence strengthening value of venturing forth in the darkness of night. Also not fearing the darkness.
Then you could easily represent higher concepts and energy with say visionary art portrayals of aspects of the natural world.