Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5411 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #195 on: November 16, 2014, 12:01:00 AM »
Thanks nichi

When i said dependant arising

I mean the field of perceived and perceiver being conditioned upon each other

That agreement i would have seen as not being able to be influenced to such

An extreme degree as it being conditioned by many

Within the earth dream

Have you seen the advertisment on television where

The man turns every thing to skittles with his touch ?

While he sits at his desk

Thats how
Bad it got at one pOint

Thats why the term dependant arising and the like

Seems fine for the undoing

Yet when applied in the "doing"

I don"t know if that was how
It was meant


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #196 on: November 16, 2014, 12:06:08 AM »
And yes being aligned with everything as you said

Yet there is a "grace"


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #197 on: November 16, 2014, 08:44:45 AM »
Its around 7.30am

Its 25deg again

There is a
Lovely cool breeze though which i found odd

Yes i was fond of the new
Hat too

I was reading and looking for a good inflatable

Camp mattress and a good back pack


I was going to pay 40 to 60 used for the mattress

That was advertised

I found one
Three dollars at a garage sale perfect condition

yesterday i was using bi carb soda to scrub a salty looking couple zips

Which are now fixed on a backpack i foind at the second hand store

It is probably brand new and the zip ceased from never being used

I looked online and somebody selling one said they retail for

400 dollars

I paid ten

I am thankful to be blessed

I very happy about them

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #198 on: November 16, 2014, 10:15:44 AM »
Ive been sleeping on an airmattress this week at my cabin,.... it deflates a lot  at 50 degrees... stay warm or your butt will hit the floor :)
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #199 on: November 16, 2014, 10:19:31 AM »
Its patially inflating partially foam that one

Cabin looks great dreams in cosy deflating beds

I do remember also sleeping on mattresses on the ground

In different places draws all sorts of intense dreaming

Was just reading these guys maps

« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 10:21:22 AM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #200 on: November 17, 2014, 09:33:30 PM »
Today was fine very hot
Physically challenging
Mentally challenging
Except somehow i forgot
Let my mind wear me down

I dreamed of a new zealand woman this morning
We were on a date or dating
She seemed worried about how the company
I could tell she was'nt for me
It seems strange to try pin it down in my thoughts now
Im sure she was
She seemed too comfortable and uncomplicated
In a contrary way
Into a
Different speed she was a maouri i think
Ordinariness just wears me out

I spoke to somebody a ragini
She has a man wanting to marry her and asks me
What i think
I think its a terrible shame
But i dont tell her
Because she says she does not love him
But its a good arrangement
She tells me how much he earns a year
I tell her im off the market and healing not looking
After she asks me if i want kids
And a few other things
I feel her solar plexus very tight or fast
I remember what its like to be tied into the  world
So many connections
I tell her its her choice
I dont want to interfere
I share a few things though
I tEll her about remebering and never forgetting my heart
She calls me the alien man
I wanted toake the connection again for some reason
She says she had been thinking about me a couple days before
We speak about relationships a lot i feel uncomfortable sharing
 Don"t see any point
She speaks about ayhuaisca
She wants
To ask god what she should do
I tell her its not my thing
The same thing happens i feel lonely
because people are so messy
Things feel too fast
The words the energy frenetic
I thought i may have left the kettle on this morning so i came home early
I got a lot done
I dont want to be with anybody right now
I just want to feel myself again
let everything heal
Become shiny again
And inknow thats when they make a bid for it again
I want to be fussy next time
But spirit set up these big extravaganzas
i am weary
i don"t want to get into it again
For the only reason i don"t want it to end again
Or badly
Or a bad match
I don"t imagine a life without someone though
One thing i never understand is how women want to get payback
On their exes
Ragini tells me she was out looking for a new man
A couple days after they had a fIght that must be horrible
it is hard to find people who are honest about their initial
And don"t shift them to the next phase
hurt to anger etc
Imfelt jealousy lately
And i never understood that emotion
Because i never had it
I just found it was embedded in the relationship game as
A set trap game
i called it
I am resting on my laurels now
Because i like that phrase today
I have no idea what a laurel is though
Except hardies friend


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #201 on: November 18, 2014, 10:45:51 PM »
god forbid it ever pulled together
It always seems patience lacking
Communication poking
A wild dog lay on the road
The radio played ordinary songs
I accidently order a beef roll
Spitting it out
I cant stand the taste of beef anymore

Sonthe cows will live which ones next
I dont know
I was eyeing off the cane toads though just in case
Elton john singing im a mess and the songs a mess

The silent types
Sitting in libraries helps quieten the mind
Keeping it busy "internalised" focus
And how do you make lots of money ?
Get good at something and then thrown money at it im told
Advertising etc
Raffle tickets don"t sell themselves
Landlord brought a ride on mower
What a classic
Parts missing
Wouldnt start
Figured thst out then parts falling
Flames come out exhaust "dangerous" bushfires
Slow as bro
Still was nice
Not pushing for once
Runny nose then
Rats steal the whole baits 2" every night
Next night hear them again
Not running out of rats but run out of baits
They almost ran me out
If president bush was here it"d be a war on rats
Mosquitoes hide somewhere from the heat
Rain will be around sooner or later then its flooding
Radio cracks on about cyclone warnings

Introversion extroversion

Alpha omega

I am the alpha and the omega


Dreaming yes

Dreaming awake yes

Dreaming asleep yes

So we gave up on fear replaced it with anger

Gave up on clarity replaced it with sarcasm born of frustration"anger"

Gave up on power cos we were already powerful

Gave up on elton cos my ears were bleeding almost


And old age we gave up and started counting backwards instead

Like death was birth ! Yippee

Excuse sarcasm

Undertones elsewhere whispering unity

Whats unity

Simple presence

waiting for somebody to call

They wont call

Power looking through claritys eyes

Clarity waiting through tainted gaze

Because time was getting towards the " end" of something

Old age setting in the eyes so long

Then we had wisdom

From sitting around contemplating so long

What water grows with its touch

What withers with touch

What generates

What regenerates

Each moment

what comes back

What difference decided a turn

so many stories lived

Its head heavy now

Everything echos it takes fire

Back to the question

Or staring at water

Non duality

Staring through

Or whispering in the library

Whilst other go shoosh

As they read about silence and non duality


I cant understand what the fuss is about birth

fire water mixing images birth



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #202 on: November 19, 2014, 11:05:14 PM »
A Bandicoot it did not even move so docile
In the torch light

Unaware of the dogs though they hardly catch one
Youll hear sqeak squeak squeak

In the Getaway so i moved the other direction

Walking out into the dark through long grass
Playing the odds for a snake thinking no

Itll be ok

Sushi sniffing

Move further into the darkness

The sky lighting up in flashes

Rain may be somewhere i did not see the weather report

It will be nice to green some grass as its getting very dry

The mower dropped the tip of its exhaust and lit a small patch up yesterday

Wandering in the dark imfound a steel frame i had
Been meaning to grab

Some kind of grate

To use as a bridge across a small ditch for the mower to get across

All the while dragging it back

Thinking about a rabbit i thought i had found as a kid

In a tuft of grass

I had a pocket knife and went down to get it as the dog was pointing its foot then

At that time imbent down shifting the grass only

To see it was a thick brown body of a snake

So i learned a lesson

by the time i got back dragging the frame


Remembering the tale about to put it across the ditch

I shine the light down and its a snake there now

Its brown and must have come along with the frame

story with a story hiding along side


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #204 on: November 22, 2014, 10:49:42 AM »
God laughs at mans plans
what does it mean to be in favour

so speak of birth
And heavens tremble
Thunder comes
Rain fall

Speak of fire and water
And love
And prepare to have your banks

words down stream
when its gentle
Its a torrent

The captain you thought you were


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #205 on: November 24, 2014, 11:57:01 PM »
This week is about wiring


Redandgreen tOgether

Brown black



Burned wires melted fuses


I know hardly a thing and lay or sit on a towel

In the dirt

this week is about telling people to get stuffed

And telling people they would be

Told to get stuffed but im having a good day instead

This week is about dreaming about a man

I used to know and telling
Him about the two sides of man
Whilst i watch his expressions pass

This week was about best friends getting stuffed
And life turned on its ear

This week was about getting closer to many things
Finished projects
Finished wits

This week was also about dreams
Beginning to dream again asleep permission

This week was about tension
This week was about taste

This was about almost rain
This was about almost finished

This was about almost began

This was about weights and measures

Was about sight and movement

This week was about passing around the sun in a spin


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #206 on: November 26, 2014, 09:20:49 PM »
steady does it
Honest quiet heard
truth way walk from it
your mind your best friend aligns
Smiles and shines light where the correct gaze
Contacts self assurance listening to thats inklings

I say god
I could really use se help here
Resigning myself to the fate that awaits
They wave me in i don't have the correct permit
To drive the car to get the safety certificate the poilce
Is youngish and polite
I blow into the breath - alyser
says for have you had any drink
Explains the process i acknowlege with
A look then the complimentary and necessary
Aggreeance uppn my part

I drive out without a hiccup

The phone call up to that point i had to disconnect
Although i tried to aquire it was no longer

I won't be a father whew

Have your life flash before your eyes before

I did for those moments

One last movement on various levels

Things seem droning

The strangest thing now

As i speak in the darkness it sounds like many many

Rainbow lorrikeets this way

That seems like a good sign

I have something to say

About that good feeling


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #207 on: November 28, 2014, 12:41:03 AM »
I suppose that ocean scene could be
So i remembered pirates of
The carabeean
And johnny depp
And a friends wedding there
At funnel bay
And when i lived therw
For four months when first
I flew
The nest

When finding the aboriginal shell piles
In the forest near by
Lighting fires myself each day
Finding there

A giant tree not so far in the jungle
A curtain fig

Taking people to see it

A plant called gympie
That can kill by heart attack because of the
Heart shaped leaves
The dogs and i in pain with it

20 000 leagues under the sea filmed there too
They said

Aboriginals standing above my body
As i slept watching me
And i looking up out of my body at them

Only big white eyes in the darkness

The wind

The exposure the sun the shade

And a little hut i later built
On a shore and would travel by boat to

Yet never became home

Probably still there if a cyclone did'nt take it away

and lastly how they sold that beach

The day i drove there and found out for myself

How absurd

No one last thing maybe

The night five irish backpackers braved the beach

In their sleeping bags

Beneath coconut trees

Only to see them huddled together because they got scared during

The night back in a sigma station wagon what a sight


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #208 on: November 28, 2014, 01:04:29 AM »
I was sitting around waiting
The security guard signed me in
Now as i was waiting i noticed her soft voice
A bit raspy
Next i actually looked
As somtimes as with the four tulios
Simple gesture upon the surface
Are what is only seen

The hat was pulled down
Across the eyes
I looked more it appeared a man almost
Behind the glasses i thought
Then i wondered if it was the case

As i thought it a comment came from
Her to another in the office immediately
Though response to my thought

That it was probably the hormones
 Next something about the op

Up here and down there

Next something about losing some ten seconds

Off running times

And something about whether strength
Lifting weight was decreased

five people in that office

Everybody seemed perfectly fine with it

it seemed it had just happened

It was not something i had seen in such

Early stages or much at all

The guy kept referring to her

After she left

Her and she almost as though he was mindful

Of the correctness of terms

i found it all very curious

And how every body was so understanding

And accomodative in a equal opportunity sense

I wondered how long she had worked there as a man first

it was interesting to me seeing how the world

Was changing mostly

That and the fact the waking dream was appaearing

To answer to my questions through thought transference

It seemed significant for some reason

And left me with an impact


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #209 on: December 01, 2014, 08:14:03 PM »
i have dreamed that i am a story teller

as i tell the story in my dream

i make the story

the dream contains the story i give

every thing changes to that story being told

it is creating 

sometimes dreams tell me things

so i listen to them

i make choices based on them

like today

it happened a few nights ago in a dream

so i change my waking dream

if i align my making self with my truth

surely my dreaming self will come across truth fully also

together as a part of each other and not separate

we move on together


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