Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5403 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #180 on: November 12, 2014, 06:43:02 AM »
i suppose esoteric established teachings have detailed

patterned maps of awareness

which hold key symbols

i like maps

we could work from maps had they harmonies attached

I like maps too, I am a map freak (even to this very date).
When I was a child I made my own maps of countries, and then they (the countries) Went to war and the borders changed. And I rewrote the new borders (that was in the early 1960's when the USA-Russia was in a cold war).

And I remember the day when we got the news that John F Kennedy was shot (and dead) and I was devastated (8 years old) that the "King of USA" had been murdered.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 06:50:22 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #181 on: November 12, 2014, 06:49:46 AM »
i suppose esoteric established teachings have detailed

patterned maps of awareness

which hold key symbols

Well, there is an esoteric kind of map.
But that map is of no use until you buy the ticket.

The ticket is not about a journey outside your self, but rather a ticket to a journey To Your Self.
Exotic places, India, Peru or Egypt might be included in your journey to your self, but such high vibrating places is only scenes and bus stops, for your journey back to your self.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 06:51:55 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #182 on: November 12, 2014, 08:29:18 PM »

and also i wondered for some time why your reply sounded so familiar

it was because a man was on a radio program a couple months or so ago

and he was saying how as as child he did just as you say

he made his own maps and created borders countries

even pitted those countries and governments structures against each other

now my recollection of it is not the best however he did go on to become

the chief in charge of something like running the defence departments

foreign borders

or not quite perhaps chief in charge of military defence of overseas or some

impromtu title  in canberra he was the chief advisor

so the map from his child hood bore fruit and alignment in his adulthood

he met a girl there

perhaps she was the one telling the story i dont remember either

the poignant point in my recollection was of losing that life partner to illness

and that being a spear through the heart

i thought about that today

i would love to have somebody to care for that much too

but i would not like to experience that

i know how it feels to have relationships for a few years

and then lose that person and they are still alive

i can only feel that happen to somebody through looking

at it

but i believe that represents what it would be to be alive

sharing the whole thing

and finding yourself giving whole heartedly to your path

i still dont understand what it means to find yourself

not really

except by walking and bumping into different emotions and experiences

sure not all seem pleasant

this self swears a lot about that

i just stuck a brake booster in a car after work

i really dislike fixing cars

its a bad habit to get into

I scream God !  please give me a brake !  hehe

maybe i should change the wording eh ?

words are powerful  i know this for sure


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #183 on: November 12, 2014, 08:59:26 PM »
i can only apologise for my lack of memory yet i have tried to strengthen it

it has its advantages and disadvantages i would only imagine

i believe it was his wife telling the story now

i believe it may have been this man

from what i gathered it was a magical relationship

maybe that's what finding yourself is

finding the magic

so you find your magical self

and having found your self

you go out to share it

looking for it in others


that would be a buzz

like a bee

i am seeing a basket

walking down a nice sunny day on a street with houses

maybe something about picking flowers too

or they are in bloom


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #184 on: November 13, 2014, 07:36:35 AM »

the poignant point in my recollection was of losing that life partner to illness

and that being a spear through the heart

Well, I am about to lose my dear, perhaps closest, friend into the mist of dementia.
His status deteriorate and suddenly he has profound problem in our intercourse.

His wife and I works now for different solutions to get a safer daily life for him.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 07:40:16 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #185 on: November 13, 2014, 08:30:08 PM »

sad to hear Jahn

my friend and i have been speaking about different illnesses in the last week

she does energy healings for people and readings etc

and had a boy just now they were claiming adhd

his brother is handicapped wheel chair bound from memory and he is the younger

we spoke about other ones too

we agreed it is tough times at the moment with the energies here

and how we are feeling these tensions

i believe others who do not come back to their center or who have not established


repoire with their selves would find this time very difficult

perhaps being swept

from the shore with no anchoring in sight


that was a carry on from our conversation also here

about what is the self ?  what about maps ?  and Michael also mentioning the center amidst turmoil .

She is clearer than me even sometimes , so i urge her

if you and i cannot wake up then no body can

so she sees her strength i tell her she can take as much of mine as she likes

but the truth is we just need to be in/aquire each others presence

she is one being who balances me out and i her

it is definitely nice to have somebody like that to hold a steady breeze

perhaps she is my best friend too

in the light of her depth


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #186 on: November 13, 2014, 08:50:01 PM »
blessed be

as i was today

and might be tomorrow

someone asks me to train them

it felt like a chore for a moment

then it made me feel alive

then i read an ad for a gym

then went to the supermarket

then the lady at checkout speaks about her gym "same gym"

so i trained too again

and also felt good

motivating people and plugging into health and fitness

is a buzz too

its a different world from the orange shirt army

of nitty gritty middle class hum drum

i started doing the course to be a personal trainer

yet never quite put it to gether to finish

self sabotage

maybe the time was'nt right

always see myself teaching boxing to kids and weights or something somewhere

up north on some remoteish place

while they teach me to fish and eat plants

i know the government loves giving grants for such things

however i heard they are shutting down heaps and heaps of remote communities

because of a keffuful with funding argument

between different governmental bodies and whos responsibilities it is

amazing how these things can slip between the cracks as though no one sees

yet well have to hear some cricket captain or something blabber on about

how he let his team down or how the boys all put in a good effor t or some bullshit


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #187 on: November 13, 2014, 10:32:00 PM »
wanting to say what is strength again

the ability to remember something like

"the self"

why i suppose there are degrees

and the self is attached to another connection

so that is where the teachings differ

what is an attachment ?

depends how it attaches

fertile soil and all that


strength of remembering

remembering how good seed grows on fertile soil

and using strength to hold that keel on some kind of course

nothing to do with bashing through walls

for the sake of king kong

of course

another one lately was whats the difference between stupid and ignorant

one cannot be held totally responsible

the other choses to ignore the truth in the light of it through stubborness

that is a lot like a kind of strength in its own way

yet its heading in the wrong direction

i would say a childs innocent heart

is perhaps more strong than such a person who would try to bend that will

to an end which was not alike the childs heart

when they looked each other in the eyes

which ones eyes would portray hurt or strength

the hurt could indeed be more so strength if it was of a purity

to connect to what it knew was right

in the face of something else 

you know the look "your a jerk"

and you know it

if we would continue on that course

we would be a jerk

another thing

sometimes maintaining a course is necessary

say if you knew your path was arduous and you had to push through certain

phases to arrive further along and get through things

the garden of eden was the path always through it

these words are for myself

bread crumbs of maps


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #188 on: November 14, 2014, 06:52:46 AM »

i started doing the course to be a personal trainer

yet never quite put it to gether to finish

self sabotage

maybe the time was'nt right

If you want to live your dream, being a personal trainer - or whatever your dream is.
You have to set your intent - and live it
You have to believe in your self and allow the energies from the unlimited universe to support you.

The key to your life is found within you.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #189 on: November 14, 2014, 07:37:34 AM »
well said

i have lived lots of dreams

i keep having to dream up new ones

perhaps i will do that again

I am certainly blessed

being blessed works in certain directions

and in others not

i really do believe in timing

you could ask do you believe in fate and get different answers

yet when it comes to timing it is undeniable


existing within a point within time

does it mean you are disconnected from aonther point within time ?

its an image of beginning and end all relevant

within the line which is witnessed

and if no beginning or end

the that frees up a hell of a lot of energy

when it comes to "connection"

and "disconnection" of lines

friend speaking of something like recapitulation

breath comes out "energy"belonging to them  " the recipient within past memory  "

breath comes back "energy" within past memory to "breath-ee"

breath passes to and returns to each members heart

breath "energy" travels formation of infinity symbol "on its side" as it travels route

between recipients
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 07:47:15 AM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #190 on: November 15, 2014, 06:53:17 PM »
its good for drying washing

and lounging around

or pumping water up to the tank

gas for this and that it all costs

seeing how it was so hot

a tupperware container had to be sacrificed for the magpies

probably the willy wagtails too

construction adhesive to the top of a fence post

i just saw them drinking from a bucket around the back

two magpies

i suppose they have'nt figured it out yet

i would not be surprised the bucket would be cooler though

and its rain not bore

magpies would know their stuff

i picture green

not the sort of green that makes you go ew

the sort that feels like inside a pastel forest

inside the house


timber touches

softening the harshness

insulation !

i can't believe mosquitoes even survive in this heat

oh and the little midgies are about

fleas !

and on on on

pumping water up

not much can be done in this heat

cleaning up and getting everything in order


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #191 on: November 15, 2014, 08:53:37 PM »
for Jahn

A man is driving up the road in a car

he has bought a new hat

at one point the hat blows up from the back floor of the car

as the man is wondering what the fit is like and that he never tried it out

also that the fabric on top of it is ventilated

and it will be much cooler than the old one

as the hat blows up from the back floor of the car onto the console between the seats

the man pushes it back down and avoids it being flown out the window

next something unexpected occurs

as the mans eyes realign to the road

he sees there is now a brim hat on the road

it is not the same hat sure

yet it does not look old which is odd

and it is also a brim hat

actually nearly good enough to stop the car for

yet the man keeps driving baffled

would you believe a man if he said manifesting something was not the problem ?

at the risk of sounding pompous

do you really think this is what the buddhists are speaking about

when they speak of dependent arising and that stuff?


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #192 on: November 15, 2014, 08:57:50 PM »
example 2:

A man arrives in a town newly

after being told about a company and how the people are nice and great to work for

the man goes into a job agency

he has decided which company he will work for

he tells the woman what he wants to do

he tells the woman who he wants to work for

keep in mind there are over fifty thousand people there

the woman across the desk turns out to be the ex wife of a man who works at the same


and she rings to ask yet already has some inside information

the man waits one week and then begins work at that company and is still there

have you ever heard of an extreme case of dependant arising?


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #193 on: November 15, 2014, 09:29:53 PM »
Please take my question in absolute seriousness

Or anyone is welcome to answer as i would

Love a reply

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #194 on: November 15, 2014, 11:04:08 PM »
Please take my question in absolute seriousness

Or anyone is welcome to answer as i would

Love a reply

would you believe a man if he said manifesting something was not the problem?

Yes I would easily believe it.  I've done it at many points in my life - so well that I tried to stop the process when it involved other people directly.

at the risk of sounding pompous

do you really think this is what the buddhists are speaking about

when they speak of dependent arising and that stuff?

"Dependent arising"... do you mean 'attachment' here?
You may not, but if you do, the process of manifesting a thing works better when you drop the attachment to the outcome. That way, you're allowing Spirit or your double, even, to take over the process. The caveat there is that you must trust Spirit to bring what is for your highest good. So, in that motif, if you do not manifest the thing, then there was some higher reason that you did not. "It's all good," as they say.

But do the Buddhists observe such practices? Perhaps the Tibetan Buddhists do, but I really don't know. The Taoists might, but again, I don't know for sure. Others here are more expert in the Buddhist and Taoist practices than myself.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 11:08:43 PM by Nichi »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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