Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5435 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #315 on: March 20, 2015, 01:42:40 AM »
today i am in love with the earth

with her bounty and her bosom

today my pen does't let me write too much

except i know it must ring true

the blue purple spark came and let me know about creativity and that bridge when i mentioned it

the place from where those sparks spring

memories are coming along with a peace

things at once

past selves connecting with presence they show up in the stream

i cannot speak the words for the beckoning sleep

good this self with it

if i removed the word I

replacing it with this one

would it make any difference at all where the words came from

a perspective that gives indication of its origin

its origin enjoys very much

the sleep

the dream

the earth

the love

preferential treatment

for this one

to deliver the visions accordingly


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #316 on: March 24, 2015, 03:47:51 AM »
the beads on the string become loose

information drops and the bottom falls out

dreaming again ? perhaps soon

this room does not like me to sleep too quickly the energy feels vibrant somehow yet empty

focused yet not calm


drifting away

ambition waiting

knowledge ready to be applied

only through the walk connection not anything else

i dreamed of the water

i was on one side

it was getting time for me to get back across the other side

i could feel i had stayed there too long and that i might forget my way if i did not head back across soon

the same as the must of walking the path

the long stall and side step combined with the staying behind to pick others up

needing to be addressed


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #317 on: March 25, 2015, 03:03:30 AM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #318 on: March 29, 2015, 03:48:13 AM »
there are times when i sing

words so deep i can hardly read them for they have disappeared into the page

other times reading them i cant see their depth

i know i cannot see so far

other times meaning is lost in that water

the dreamer makes a splash

i cannot retrieve them as they were

or they do not go ahead as they came through the page

when next i see them the water running by

i hardly can catch them as they pass by

its like suspension

the suspension bridge of reading and writing

both reading and writing and how they come through the page

that is how

some find the words un necessary

i don't mind

even the description they find unnecessary

i find them and they find me necessary

i give them life and they give me life

neither takes from each other

and then new turns happen because of them

dreaming has that possibility

dreaming does'nt really know where it should go next

its a team effort a love affair

perhaps i should get a small water vessel to float upon

and live right near the water


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #319 on: March 31, 2015, 10:54:11 PM »
I'm reminded of sly assumptions and remarks today.

you could spend your entire life wrapped in the webs of others takes on things ,

their own slanted views towards their own ends .

direct discussions seems to be disabled through their inability to stand perpendicular to the stories that run central to plots.

any acknowledgement to this end might even be continually met with allegations and dualistic motions of juxtaposition-ing .

seen as attacks to long held narrow minds beliefs .

long before deciding on their own valued outcomes in place of open dialogues and open minds.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #320 on: April 01, 2015, 12:57:18 AM »
another karmic lover

about 4 years ago . i was in a cafe . it was hot , i was sweating . there was a woman sitting at a single table against the wall . she was wearing black .

I could not see her face .

as i was hot i did not wan't to bother her by sitting directly in front of her . as i would block her view and we would have been left facing each other .

i sat behind her .

it was very peculiar in that i could not see her face , yet my body was picking up something unavoidable , that i knew her and that i "had" to talk to her .

i just had to .

as with many things , i crossed that thresh hold , wondering what i was going to do , not even knowing what she looked like ,

yet being pushed energetically to interact without any delay and absolutely.

Her name was Joanne and she was beautiful . and a little shy . 

after we dined in the same place and after wards went for some cake and coffee elsewhere , i walked her back to her place she was staying and kissed her on the cheek goodnight.

until we saw each other again and met up the next day and later she flew back down to the city.

later i went out of my way to visit her .

i had stayed a couple nights , and she had told me a lot of her life .

it was obvious that we knew each other from lifetimes before or some such , she even cried and asked me why i had taken so long to find her, even hinting that i was too late.

she had been through the court system with an abusive partner who had done horrendous battery to her .

although this she was amazing in so many ways .

she had sense where i had found so many women did not . she was sensible.

she wore clothes that i really liked , she and i trained together both enjoying keeping healthy , and we enjoyed dining out together and seemed to enjoy the same dreams in life .

mostly we felt absolutely comfortable together like it was comfortable beyond compare and meant to be . that is the point that is hard to describe , my body knew this even before i saw her face.

her psychic friend had told her i was coming and to trust me , that i would never hurt her , regard to her previous trauma  , she had described my car , and everything before hand too .

when i met this friend she had to sit down , before she could talk to me because it had blown her away in that moment.

she said " a good match but different streams" when we met.

all in all it was quite amazing how we had come together and how it felt.

one day when we were just getting to know each other , we went to the park to have a barbecue for lunch ..

i held her hand , and we would sit in the market and drink coffee , staring at each other while the world stopped around us , our bubble of intensity was so great ,

people wold just stop and stare , and light up inside when the would see us together , they'd melt .

one day while we were just getting to know each other , we went to the park to have a barbecue lunch.

after a while Joanne became tired , she needed to lay down , so she did on the ground on a cloth.

i lay there with her watching the clouds .

she seemed so tired she could not keep up . she said she had a chronic sleep condition .

the more i got to know her in the small time , the more i found her trauma had affected her life . after her crying and wanting to trust me ,

it was quickly becoming obvious that something was wrong .

she was so very beautiful too , i worried about her walking to the train station in to go to work down the dingy back alley like street where the truck drivers would park there trucks to rest in them , and the back of industrial type businesses.

after a while she began to give me the impression of a murder victim, i know as bizarre as that sounds , that was the timid and feeling of being vulnerable i received off of her.

i really loved her so deeply , in such a short amount of time this lifetime , that what came next was absolutely shattering to me at that time .

her eyes would turn dark , as though she was completely gone , and something had stepped in , she would demand that i was doing something to her , when i was only playing around ,

or began to get ideas in her head about what was going on with us ,

and rather than see the magic that was unfolding , she would focus on these ideas which were not happening .

when she accused me of them , because i felt so deeply for her i was devastated .

i called her friend even the psychic , and she told me also she understood because of the past trauma , and would try to speak to her .

it was so surreal , having that dream shattered that i did not know whether to laugh or cry with what was going on with her.

here was a woman involved in helping with welfare as a psychologist as with so many other affected women ,yet having suffered her own trauma .

i had no choice but to leave , she had also told me , the police man from the court case with her ex , had became her new boyfriend after wards , playing that savior role i imagine only .

later saying he had abused her , only in an intellectual way ,

all the time seeing how the drama was playing out myself , and how it was occurring .

i had pushed her playfully in the bedroom , and it had triggered something dark one day .

next after i had left after a few text messages , nothing offensive just trying to sort things out , mostly disbelief , and you must be kidding ,

she said she would call the police if i kept texting her .

it was so bizarre and sad to see somebody "my somebody" so messed up that she could not see me only the past trauma , perhaps she felt safer to get rid of me i don't know.

i never spoke to her after that text again . it stopped me completely to how serious this was going on .

i just found her photo when sorting the skype out just now  .

she was one of these such karmic lovers i have come across. perhaps i will get to the end of the karmic trail , and find the new version . "with awareness, and resilience"



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #321 on: April 01, 2015, 01:02:44 AM »
i have decided to try using full stops for now , it feels ok .

i cannot deal with capital letters quite so much yet , they just feel too weird , my hands don't want to push the keys most of the time .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #322 on: April 01, 2015, 01:29:17 AM »
the part of me that gets

indirectly pushed tells the part of me

that is direct to push

the more it goes the more it goes

time is like this

end to end

there are eyes that see

they take glimpses and let me see what they see

i ask them

anything that dislikes truth and honesty ?

how does it feel

i cannot even pierce a capital letter should i do so

deliver me from this deliver me from that

and deliver me too


like the breeze in fact

read all about it

read all about it

the direct should have been used instead


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #323 on: April 01, 2015, 06:13:09 AM »
here is another thing

before i met Sophia , i met her one week before in a dream.

in the dream i "saw " her and knew what she was like , and that it was not going to work out . yet every thing undeniably fell in place by spirit in

a way that made it impossible to not accept it .

not only through spirit bringing it i will admit but through my accepting also .

this has happened to me more than once also .

i know it is rediculous to think we can have a life free of any pain . however for some reason it seems it should be better to skip ahead to perfect


even then , if i were to look back upon it from here to the beginning , it would be rediculous if the person had not grown too , or if growth was stunted .

i always remember telling a man as i painted a house , and he painted another across a fence , that i did not have children , wife , or home and travelled .

he was italian , had met his wife immediately at a young age , married and began , and was amazed and fascinated by me telling him that , as my life was the opposite to that his had been .

equally i was amazed and fascinated by the cards he had been given ,

and by the end of it , although dreaming of having the other ones circumstances , as in some ideal swap , equating to some otherwise freedom.

we were both resigned to the fact that we would neither liked to had it the other way .

i could not imagine staying put that early in life. setting down those roots.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #324 on: April 01, 2015, 11:04:08 PM »
what else should it be

what is complexity , in time , density .

what is density in complexity , depends . writhing . with the two ends of a pole , simplicity

maybe not complexity , is the word . something else perhaps , like a simple person drawing on an immensity of availablility in depth ,

or the complex person drawing lines towards the simplicity from where their complexities lines are nested ,

the ability to go between these two points .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #325 on: April 01, 2015, 11:12:34 PM »
similarly , this i find , complexity to reside in the points which exist twining themselves and others collectively ,

like full stops , capital letters , and constructed borders of subjects where these lines exist .

the foreign entity enters , on a voyage of spacious visitation , unlike the limits of the universal agreeabilities .

completely oblivious both how when and where to actuate function .

learning takes route through these pastures illuminating self evident truth , trying hard not to disturb the flowers of course ,

yet through such awareness and supposed "self unawareness "

the impossible becoming possible needs one such content .................

purpose .

nothing wrong of course with learning , and purpose , nor speaking , the direction being spirits dictate .

collective freedom in this sense , cohesion and fluidity ,

or both towards another end , manifestation , which illuminates the abstract into form ,

that being all else held equal , the purpose for which being sought .

really what was important in all that , the bouncing between the complexity and simplicity , being nothing more than a vehicle for the impeccible

form through the available spirit dictate and union .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #326 on: April 01, 2015, 11:22:42 PM »
next point , speed .

next point , individuation.

next point , combination .

next point availability to the wind.

next point , fluidity .

next point , fire .

next point, where does every body think they reside ? in space ? please fill me in i am confused . where are you going to wake up tomorrow or the next life .

i am yet to know of what is spoken , of choice , yet  i see a lot have returned .

next point , earth.

next point , life .

next point, death .

next point, above. " in times joining"

next point , past  "in times joining "

next point , love . "what else is there "

and next point , if not love , what then .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #327 on: April 01, 2015, 11:42:47 PM »
today i walk

look out world here i come


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Heavens here on earth
« Reply #328 on: April 02, 2015, 05:29:01 PM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #329 on: April 05, 2015, 04:45:25 AM »
speaking of death

speaking of life 

of the moon light

that disappears

when the earth passes by the sun in its face

speak about birth now the planets in a line

see how the dreams merged upon each other


see how ones could not lose their tongues for fear of them selves dreams catching up

she says we were in a garden "i think eden"

she says you showed me another dream upon the same place

sound s right to me

she says and there was a war here at another time

like one scene over the top of another we could see them both at the same time

in the same place


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