Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5426 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #345 on: April 28, 2015, 11:12:42 PM »
so ill put food in this stomach

ominous silent persuasion in the wind

i put the roof up

only some body came and took the roof down

is it too much to want for a roof i thought

perhaps i will do away with the roof

and what will i do ?

perhaps i will work

i am not now working for money

perhaps i will work for no money

like the man who took down my roof

i liked him yet i was harsh

i thought him hard

yet i found him soft

i will not be unwell then

go within for a year to somebody once they said

i look at a lake

perhaps go within for a week

if i have no money and a patched roof

perhaps i will have a lake instead

or a bush track

roads in roads out

dependence i despise

yet there we reside

a simple dream i am still looking for

i know its in the simple things that we miss

sometimes just tired


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #346 on: April 28, 2015, 11:27:29 PM »
even that relates to the bear

the temperature drops

and bear goes within

i must put on a warm top warm bottom and socks

walk on the stones that way

warm like the bear

sleeping like the bear

listening like the bear

from a place that the moment brings to the now bear

bear i wont say it a loud

eardrums pop with intense silence entering


the song goes for a moment

flowers flowers

feel it in the air

the silence wants to pop

is the bear the only one listening

will bear sleep or wake

hungry from the cold

no body can be told

does not anybody else hear the songs

if power was as story to those who don't know

was the songs a story to those who don't know

that the songs take it to another place

unlocking collective songs

trying to grind flower into powder

return to the soil before its time

i do not find

it to smell the same

in gods name


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #347 on: April 30, 2015, 02:50:04 AM »
sometimes when its time to go

its not time to go



she tells me things

i read page 444

she is a healer and wise

friends old and wise are rare

even the wise are foolish  :)

all of us foolish

so the water pump went another story

sometimes its not time to go

spirit is a demanding boss

patience and a better way it knows

unlike gravity

its just an illusion to work with

when the illusion becomes beyond a seers wildest ideas

you might be on your own then

in the wind

so you might just sing too

wake up and stare at the stars

and dream of a tent on a ledge somewhere

overlooking stars


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #348 on: May 03, 2015, 11:43:03 PM »
follow up words for the man who felled the roof

his heart likes to help others

and he enjoys himself with a drink which makes him talk

after the waterpump went

he really became the hero of the story

after loosing an important bolt and being so far from civilisation

he aquired and supplied a new one

had me on the road at the absolutely correct time

and not before as i had suggested

dreams a lot since


a foot in the wrong place even be it on the way to the right place

finds lacking in harmony and purpose

harmony and purpose aquired

finds a lot of dreaming again

simple things

like the sky lines up as it should

old selves drift into the dream

and aquire the alignments necessary

salvation's from other regions

that don't contain the richness of dream

comfort and right position

indulgences i think not

making the most of what you have

like polishing a blackened old kettle restoring it to a splendor

that would beckon the good gods to shine

upon the effort

worthy of aquiring further aligned treasures

to day i walked a long way

and recovered a car i had left behind

i can't wait to get back to working

stepping on and off the chime


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #349 on: May 05, 2015, 07:16:57 PM »
i'm not sure what to do every body has their fetters

whats the relevance from moment to moment

some have structure that extends into their future horizons

some chase whats behind

after building and owning a few things

i felt gravity

now gathering threads of time past

into now

to place them in the future

i must sell some of them things

some were left accounts due to others time spent

passed on

some this will come later in life

the threads of time

passing upon the threads of money appealing time

the solid threads of spirit

aquired past live memory

so follow lines

they pass upon each other

the dreamer and the old lines


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #350 on: May 05, 2015, 09:39:12 PM »
i am watching the fringe dwellers

i walk among them

i am watching the channels they watch

interference on clear sets

trying to understand what has been put in the water

dream lines i feel like helping them

then i also think

no just watch them

in my mind i find solutions for them

like supplying shoes for the shoe less

but really its a curiosity  i can hardly scratch

here i am dwelling on the fringe

in my comfort

i have been afforded spoils for work and good timing

and here i watch the mistakes that give circumstance

or not mistakes but choices

actually it seems like different dreams in time

like each one is its own time

or choosing of its own time and timing

trees that come of age and go through processes

i find myself

wanting just a small space to be left alone

so that i may gather my own threads and not be pulled out

into the drawing out

light resides within each of them that they must find

to gather well the growth

many dreams here reaching for their own lights

the moon was quite full for a few days

perhaps that dream plays on the light

i can see how the dream becomes communal

i notice many of the people on the fringe due to illnesses in health

i can see my situation too

and what will pull me through

faith actually

great faith

what is faith ?

pulling the threads of light of the indescribable

into form

through a well delivered focus of growth

i will keep growing

and listen to the wind

and not allow it to bother me from my footholds on the shifting sands

of the metronomes of timing

different choruses echo out

i can't just follow any one

but this ones


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #351 on: May 05, 2015, 10:16:05 PM »
not only this

i feel who hears what

and how is it assimilated

for instance i could talk somebodies ears off about a certain phase of something

only to have an empty stare shown to what i have said

or interest and no comprehension or cohesion

the old one about lead a horse to water and still you can't make it drink

or the one about give a man a fish and he eats for a day

teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime

and who wants to learn

maybe there should be one about that

is the sky closing in sometimes i wonder

some of these fringe dwellers move so fast i can feel them

and they come forward emptying it all out in front of them

to which i wan't to pass by and avoid what i know i cannot do for them

it is not that in passing this cant occur

it is in standing still

you can process so much for somebody

but if they cannot make the connections themselves then it seems endless

they pass moods

i feel the moods from people

for instance i may feel completely content

only to in their presence feel i should be doing something or running away

its strange what they are passing around

words like strange even as i pass it sounds to have overuse

water is healing that is what i feel

the use of water for movement

knowledge as well they seem to be linked

leading horses to water where they may swim like a fish

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #352 on: May 06, 2015, 07:23:14 AM »
to which i wan't to pass by and avoid what i know i cannot do for them

it is not that in passing this cant occur

it is in standing still

you can process so much for somebody

but if they cannot make the connections themselves then it seems endless

I do know how you feel here. I worked for psych hospitals' intake for many years, including the crisis lines, and sometimes, recognition of a problem is all that is possible. The person him/herself has to do all the work, no matter what. You can throw a lifeline or a bone, or point in the right direction, and on the personal, you can be a support if you choose, but the person him/herself still has to do all the work. I think the same is true with matters of awareness and spirit... the person still has to do all the work.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake/ healthy mental wellbeing
« Reply #353 on: May 06, 2015, 12:01:05 PM »
i am no expert on mental health except my own

and it is good to ask for help or to have somebody who is on the level to talk to

when the crazies start to drive you crazy  :) in your world pressing in

or just the world pressing in

one of the best things ever

for one thing

i know

things will always be changing

its important to always give the impression that "you've got this "

or that you know exactly what you are doing and where you are headed

no matter if you have no idea

then be open and ready

it might seem like a lie "which it is not "

but its the connection and availability needed

to take advantage of our connection to the genius universe that is available to us

as threads to travel upon

my leg might be sore today

so i gather the availability of cherishing

what i can do

which would other wise be left not done

because being able bodied

i might not have had the chance to get them done

also different ways of approaching things

new ways

really affirming "i've got this "

or affirming and believing


 am always lucky

even when it seems the path diverges elsewhere

i have a friend who has a son

he is in security and when he tells a story he always come out on top in the story

even if he got smacked in the head and lost

when he tells the story it has some redeeming twist

where he is victorious

his son has taken on the trait too

he plays football and is around ten years old

he thinks he is always winning even when he is getting a pummeling

its quite hilarious

sort of like that

except i prefer to jump over walls or walk around them

rather than smashing "my way" through them

luck then

something in the pocket
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 12:20:19 PM by runningstream »

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #354 on: May 07, 2015, 08:09:51 AM »
he is in security and when he tells a story he always come out on top in the story

even if he got smacked in the head and lost

when he tells the story it has some redeeming twist

where he is victorious

his son has taken on the trait too

he plays football and is around ten years old

he thinks he is always winning even when he is getting a pummeling

That's the key to surviving for sure.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #355 on: May 10, 2015, 05:08:13 PM »
Sushi my beautiful friend the bullmastif cross

was dead in the garden two days ago first thing in the morning

she had a wonderful day and was driving around with me

she had broken her collar earlier in the morning she had so much vitality

i was having a really i love sushi day

had sent photo of her to my brother i took the day before

and was texting about her antics too

i don't understand what happened to her

she was such a beautiful friend an absolute sweetheart

i rarely if ever had a bad word to say about her

she had just a small amount of blood in her mouth as she lay in the garden

and had vomited after eating dinner which i found normal as dogs go

i miss her a lot and did not see that coming at all

its strange to just lose somebody when you have no idea why

whether it was a snake or she had some thing go wrong inside her body from running around

having a big day

i will never know probably

life will be different now

my woman says

its strange that somebody dies and the world just goes on anyway as normal

and it is

for a while lots of things remind me of her and i feel sad about it

i really really loved sushi my friend a lot

she is now helping to grow a citrus tree in a new garden

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #356 on: May 10, 2015, 06:08:46 PM »
I'm so sorry, Simon.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #357 on: May 10, 2015, 06:27:52 PM »
Sounds like poison. Rat poison takes some time to work on dogs, so more likely someone slipped her a bait. It happens more often than we would like to think.

Whatever, the death of a dear friend is a sad moment. You know, I still meet my old dog Wally in my dreams, and we have good fun.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #358 on: May 10, 2015, 07:42:48 PM »


we had our first dream the next night

she was just moving still a small amount like she would be ok maybe some hope

i wondered about poison too

she was guarding the place a lot and i wondered if somebody took offence

i understand the feeling of not having closure now i even rang the vet to ask

they said it was like finding a needle in a hay stack without an autopsy

she suggested it sounded maybe like a snake but it was only a guess among others


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #359 on: May 11, 2015, 03:44:41 AM »

My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Yes, the dogs, they return in our dreams. I got two German shepherds that have melted into one and they share my dreamworld some time most every week.


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