Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5390 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #495 on: November 20, 2015, 01:36:40 PM »
feminine trait of the drugs mentioned

possessive jealous

the power of the male

dominant and seeking objects of war

i stop on the road at the most beautiful vantage for a photograph

the rolling mountains

a phone call from grandfather

he grows old and his sight is going

he thinks the photo i sent him was a truck crash

yet it was a crustacean longer than my forearm

somebody has a puppy that is reportedly cute

another i saw a few days ago was the cutest ever

its tail wagged

and every body who went past marveled and shared in its joy

perhaps it was a staffy cross

perhaps some pit bull too or maybe something else

it was stocky and red

white socks

the woman felt the connection to the joy of passers by and her own witness



giving something out

a ripple in the water

extending over the bridge

impermanence ? sure in time

comings goings do not interfere with comings and goings

albeit in love

two sides coming together it was built perfect

to think it was a humans genius in unraveling certain perfections

surely do not negate


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #496 on: November 22, 2015, 03:26:53 PM »
Well pleased

wake up !

Something is coming

I have this feeling the worlds new agers

Will get a shock With the story

Man falls from boat into water

Water taken many lives

Positive thoughts

More complex than this

Worlds cheapest insurance policy " she'll be right mate "


And in the water " god will save me "

The water translates save yourself for I am you

Yet simple statement cuts short waters flow

god is saving you now

Feeling seeing dreaming

Thinking talking reason

Efficacious the word floating by

God knows what that means

All time

I am this I am that

The glue holds me together

It was not as simple yet try this

Move trusting only every feeling given by the water
Treat  every circumstance with upmost


The water claims your life for its life is your life

Two ends of the same rope

Try it

Foregoing the "self" for the 'larger'

Then I come back to this

Universal man

Up down big small of service

There are stories at our core that start small and end big

My witness is my hEart

And what is at its disposal ?

All these things

I activate in order to influence

Sedentary new age bliss is going to get a shock

When the east meets west

Or some reality comes to check


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #497 on: November 23, 2015, 01:01:53 PM »
chicken cheese and banana sandwich on white bread

3 out of five its still possible though


in speech and in action

the white wolf

the pagan lady and Don Christoval

i see a  cross in the distance

where the bell was

the woman utters the words to my ears

Ann'e bell'e

i say hello to a dog

i wait for an old man to come back slowly to his car for another dog inside

i hear the words "old man" yet i won't use them

for that glass is stained in that light

a deaf man puts number plates on his car and i speak with his wife

the old woman thinks i might sleep with a crazy girl who fancies her chances

yet goes around bends

"make sure there is fuel in those drums "

the water is alive as the sorcerer once told me

now he hides and likes to not remain seen

he says he does not help anyone

and i will help every one


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #498 on: November 23, 2015, 02:01:00 PM »
a man walked in who has bells on his ankle here just now

he has them also around his wrist

my inner words are "are you a shaman"

yet i fear instead a madman or a little piece of both

it is raining

the girl across gets frustrated and lets out occasional short breaths like sighs

the feathered and belled man watches a movie on a portable device loudly

as i say this it goes silent

the rain even goes down to a mellow hum beat

the sound on the tin roof is for me wanting to lay in the hammock and fall asleep

or an elevated loft with a bed in it in a gentle and cooling breeze

the birds become frantic with the rain for a few times

and fly quickly in that hard fast wind

landing abruptly

an eye for eternity

akin to connections

how can you not feel for all these people

i watch them in the street

what affects them drugs lack of food


self confidence


age related issues


embodying prejudices

cellular communication

i yawn

i saw the sun begin to come through the windows first

every flower is coming into bloom in the water again noticeably

every thing mentioning every thing else

like the calm mention before the waves break through

i had a tick on my arm pit same place as last too

now i learn of more foods to eat


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #499 on: November 24, 2015, 02:12:48 PM »
Dear Jahn

in the beginning of the book by Martin Good man he says carlos says to him christ is a symbol of life not of death

when he looks at the cross symbol that has been carved

in becoming the christ he has died and taken on the worlds sins

spiritually this has been inflicted

Carlos of course would not know this because he has not reached such alignment and in speaking has not the authority to even begin to comprehend

yet he has delivered many along a road

and why so ?

like i say again and again

"We'll see"


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #500 on: November 25, 2015, 12:08:15 AM »
sad to say also today

two love birds of four

were eaten by a snake this morning which was found in the cage

the love birds had replaced the doves

i was told that snake died shortly after it was discovered what was done also


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #501 on: November 25, 2015, 08:28:22 AM »
:re dreaming

the mountain splits in four directions  "mount of olives"

first the east and west then the north and south

the symbols mountains etc are representative of the universal symbols

yes a mountain may be found just at the tip of where the sky begins

as those who can not fly will find

quickly to crash

given power this way

"of heaven" and the sky

no fear of heaven

the sky will decide

go fly fly fly

a red pillow slip had gone missing

it has shown up inside a dragon doona cover after a search


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #502 on: November 25, 2015, 12:22:42 PM »
the birds have been killed by the snake i am told names were angel and sky

the two left alive are called jade and storm


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Re: Story sake what else then
« Reply #503 on: November 25, 2015, 09:01:49 PM »
in case you did not notice the emperor/ emperess is wearing no clothes the boy cried

the moon is largish almost full i would say

slices of reality come into vision

segments of self

and others

we will see how much " nothing is happening "

happens while something is happening

i am a little surprised at some peoples ability  to listen seriously and concentrate lately

because they did so

religions and timelines

every body thinks they are an expert

while some talk some have worked the whole way through and do not care to talk though


just makes me think how thoroughly unprepared people are too

to establish a conversation on what each knows as their view of the elephant god knows i've tried

these keys are burning a hole in every bodies pockets

and god knows they've pushed

and god knows they don't know what they've gotten into

but in the beginning the choice was given to take the combined view

yet they could only push

they could not listen

they could not hear the other side nor hear their own

so hey chose their timeline instead

and they push and it pushes back

yet you can tell someone who knows what you think you know

because you cant see another side or more of the elephant

because you saw so much surely their could be no more of it ?

yet why not to just communicate

the push and pull

miscommunication leading to judgement which falls short of intention for others

and causes conflict

those who feel to have power have none or little

those who let power pass by are encumbered with it

if only those who push and pull had an idea of how much their power is powerful

when the push and pull ends in the middle

each of the emperors/ emperess were given keys

each very special

each could bring so much into the world

when the branches are into the sky

where there is no contradiction

« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 09:13:03 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #504 on: November 27, 2015, 01:21:15 PM »
i have woken up with a cold

i have had a week off training already

so i decided to show the body who the boss was and had a workout first up

don't know what would happen if coffee was not there to clear the neural pathways in the brain

to some morning clarity

best thing i could have done it felt

and momentum after a week off starts going the wrong direction instead

paid the registration on the car which just goes up and up

see on the news more shuffling this way and that to squeeze some money from somewhere or else

to compensate for fiscal currencies backwards momentum

superannuation again

now for a boat

then the costs come again registration
"boat" and registration "trailer "

then we have fishing license

its a full time job just being alive


neural pathways


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #505 on: November 27, 2015, 01:50:05 PM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #506 on: November 27, 2015, 02:04:54 PM »
the halls records show

the shelves are full of the choices of reads

vampires the being says as he looks

sweaty skin and after a sleep awakes waxy skin

uttering and loud outbursts

bubbling insides

whats in there

picked his nose in sight

then pokes it into his mouth

the halls records show choices

some small some big

steps on sides either and each of fences sought


i am sitting back watching should i intervene ?

i already have

i can smell him from a ways

reminds me when christ went down and the demons were released into the field of pigs


now we have  a seed

egypt he mutters

now in the water

large scale


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #507 on: November 29, 2015, 10:02:16 PM »
 :)   oh my god

i am thinking perhaps i should drop speaking with a christian accent although i do like to wind Michael up

it seems the old and new book is close to and end of the story

in which case it will be time to begin to write the new non descript script as it plays


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #508 on: November 29, 2015, 10:08:31 PM »
i went to see an art exhibition today

i believe after this i did notice the pomp in the room

as i viewed one painting i commented to the lady that a picture looked like a

doodle which would be drawn whilst chatting on the phone on a writing pad

to which i got an upside down smile in return and hardly hearing

i also began to comment perhaps i will bring out the phone doodle  exhibition

as i believe i could do just as well joking

seems senses of humor differ from village to village

a man there mentioned that somebody had called a scene to his flabbergasted-ry a town and asked

why was it called a village when its a town he shrieked !


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #509 on: November 29, 2015, 10:25:22 PM »
Story time.

once upon a Times ...................

there was a village ,  besides a town .

Both towns were in the sky , one on either side of the sky , each rode their horse across at night to see their weird cousins .

As the earth was spinning no body would decide that time would come as it would of its own accord, when the towns would switch across the cousins , and the faces reversed .

As the cousins , were the keepers of the secret key , which had been placed beneath a tree , which grew strong and steadfast within both skies , each in fact related and rooted , long ago in time somewhere in the far darkness of long past.

By the time the time , eventually came upon the people of both the village and the town , and the story also placed in the river that both drank from , it seemed nobody still remembered .

As dialects differed , and discrimination was rampant , communication seemed almost impossible , albeit , to leave traditional language terms alone , and instead to relate in a indiscriminate sense , to appeal to common senses.

As both sides of the tree were both sides of the self , drinking from the same river , stemming back long in time , the mirror sheen of the rivers water , was evident , yet when pressed because of the differing views gave differing appearances , by the time the matching reflections showed up ,
of the village and the town , in the river at a particular moment which was predicted and aligned in time .

Prevailing wars over both the river and the reflection , spanned so far in time , hardly any body remembered , how the  impressions got there in the first place .
Or that they belonged to them at all .

They each blamed the other village , for throwing the first stone that had caused the war , the war of the two impressions of the tree , which were seen from each and either side of the river .

One day , two brothers were born , who saw back far along the tree , in time .

It was important for them not to give away the story of what was to come too soon ,

as both the trees first needed to become aware of the trees branches , and then slowly of their cousins as the keepers of the tree in the earth , and that their own reflection existed there , for time and time and times again .

Precious and careful seed care was required , to proceed with the givers of the tree of the seeds,

that they would slowly become aware without coming to injury , or injury each other as them self in the process.


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