Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5398 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #480 on: November 02, 2015, 03:41:23 PM »

i pick up their feathers

i find it extremely interesting these things

like the appearance of a comet named rosetta

and the basis of water

i believe i may have a feather from an azure kingfisher

when it is placed at the right angle the blue becomes more illuminated by throwing the light around

i see them on my walk and on the paddles now too

i see the sea eagle in the large dead tree

i see the small eagles with their two chicks in the nest for another dead semi submerged tree also

i see the new born duckling on the water and the mothers and fathers by the grassy nest

i have the feather from the ibis

it is pure in whiteness

i feel if the middle east does kick off as predicted the stock market will collapse immediately

i have no reason to doubt as the rest may have come true so far

the spirit of jesus being the spirit of prophecy god knows whats so offensive about it except for the churches representation turned people away perhaps

that he is coming at the end of the age and the 144000 seems very simple to me

to understand

loosely held

within the layers

a plane now crashes into sinai of russians

are americans really stupid collectively enough to vote for Donald Trump ? seriously

again the little autistic relative who sees things asks his mother is our house protected mum ?

he sees visions of planes bombing houses

he says things like "before i was born i used to live in another place where  puppet lives , it was magical there , and then i was born "

and "puppet is sort of clear and i do not want him to go away " he is afraid the psychologist will make puppet go away

I tell him when the eye sees out of the pyramid , then he does not have to see "brain" any more because brain is scary and its a big story for a little boy

I tell him to push his tongue against the roof of his mouth , he tells me he is alreayd noisy inside , when he tries it he yelps ," it works !" and brings silence

I told him to touch below his belly button very slowly with his finger and then see he is inside a golden bubble

his mother my sister used to have a friend hanging around too , although it scared her greatly

it is difficult to make it ok for them to seem somewhat normal

i just wanted to reveal these things here about revelations and timelines

about layers

about being loosely held to produce a larger picture

a base or root in time

a tree that has grown strong roots and branches which reach upwards into spirit

about seeing on many layers at once and how they combine

so arguments one against another are irrelevant amongst the combine view

that statements of "yes but" are not consistent with the combining of elements to see greater views

yet stumble upon conclusions they place before them selves to agree with their own agreements no matter what is presented

about rivalry between religions yet i look at them all and do not discriminate for instance the existence of something does not discount the existence of something else

that the wolrds can come about

the base can certainly affect what is in the sky when the branches have a strong root

that conversations that should otherwise give  preview into shared view close doors

and line up conclusions to end their own

when they speak of people hiding beneath the earth and wishing for the rocks to be pulled over them and to hide them i think of nuclear fallout shelters

when they speak of a woman having wings upon her feet i think of aeroplanes , actualy great descriptions placed from times where things did not yet exist in prophecy

when they speak of hailstones the size of talents falling i think of bombs

things move so fast now

and we will see so there can be no arguements

a friend who speaks with a girl in the phillipines said and showed me photos after the typhoon that hit

4 meters of rain was enourmous for them

people died in the photo just the peaks of rooftops

i just feel a sense of urgency

the path led me here to these places

it is hard to describe

no body can tell me differently yet i understand they did not see what i have

things aligned differently for different folks

it is the way i feel


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #481 on: November 02, 2015, 04:05:18 PM »
i woke up at 11.11 on the first of the eleventh

i must have slept all but three or four hours in a 24 hour period

i do menial jobs

listen to radio programs

i have a small computer i hope to be able to make work again

i expect to find the people who can comprehend time and time again

yet they never come

its a lonely road

watching people choose to go back to the normalcy which binds them

to not choose the spirit which takes them away

to not be free to dream

it feels like this time is decisive in that

that it sorts them to a point where no sight is longer seen or known of what could have been

yes its lonely that way

i don't spend a lot of time feeling lonely

yet it can happen


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #482 on: November 02, 2015, 04:15:31 PM »
something else was about parkinsons disease on the radio program

somebody who peddled 80 to 90 revolutions a minute which then later made them able to sign and hold a pen steady

other tasks too became remedied

they said it was the effect of producing muscle twitches greater that the speed of the sickness the way i heard it any way

it was very effective and the study then produced a great result in a study group also

next was about something of an electric eel being study produce electic shock at a rate of much greater pulses than that of a tazer used by the police

the two seemed to be related to me

it was a wonderful change from what i have been hearing

you know the usual exclusion of reality to prop up some unbalanced theory to compensate for the stupid humans existence in relation to the misuse of many other element s

to try to align the original imbalance

back and forth to greater degrees of genius farther away from the truth wandered from


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #483 on: November 02, 2015, 04:18:14 PM »

this song makes me laugh today


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Re: Story sake/111
« Reply #484 on: November 07, 2015, 02:39:57 PM »
left right middle

"No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him."


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #485 on: November 10, 2015, 04:30:43 PM »
when they say its the devil in the details i think what they meant is

its the drama

walking from the drama towards the lighted horizon

possible to blaze as the sun

at the point of walking the complex is fading in the background and no longer consuming so much energy

battles arrive again and again

ties are karmic

energy is precious

when you cut it feel how it pulls this way and that

try it

walk from it in different ways

like in anger

like in detachment

like in honesty and sadness

yet feel the other side

the other person

and the result of different ways upon their being

and how it comes back in

resolve is the strongest one to confirm

making up your mind

a basis of struggle

inside outside

vision shifting from resolution and resolve brother and sister in vision

watching the inside dream make the outside dream come together

how things clear

like inner dreams

things arrive

karma moves on

through new lines of discovery

the first seed

expanding out

that is how memories seem


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #486 on: November 10, 2015, 04:37:05 PM »
its 3.33

many more ones coming tomorrow in the date

of course

whats important some steps are too late to be changed in awareness

a dream

its is outside there

inside here

i see it clear

that is the dream i can change

as they collide

growing pains

survival ?

a cracked yolk

step inside i am opening up

and what comes next

is a solution

growing pains growing pains

things out of line for so long

pulling them together will throw other things out

that did not listen or belong

it is outside and inside

until there really is no difference


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #487 on: November 17, 2015, 12:07:09 PM »
I found Facebook to be a herder of lost sheep over cliffs and frazzler of grey matter

, another generalisation which I wish to avoid loosed arrows , power , words specifically this morn , like language ' catch ' phrases , " solidarity"

The French sound so reasonable , they must be the collective reason' able ness to employ , collective action

The value of truth , sighted , armed and loosed , yet in direction of traction and connection

Dreams strong last eve

I pour the gold into a long ingot tray

A new woman

The Christians working in the dream too
I plant pumpkins and cherry tomatoes on the banks of the water ways

The red claw eat them and I might too


A story about a bandicoot who is very clever

And takes food from the dishes outside

When confronted by the forest cohorts

Sings sweetly but I had not done

So they knew yet it was not at that time

So to deliver the light angel

Could not find traction

As it was known to be yet did not see

So fluffy

At other times obscured by fluff reversed the ruff

Had done not so so a glancing blow

Indeed light angel be what light angel seen

Keep riding I told my friend the light angel

And I slap the pony hard on the 'ass

Toward the sun set dun dun n da !

When I call her back long after dark ness fell

She'd always fall into her heart

Saying later

I don't know what all the fluff was about


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #488 on: November 17, 2015, 02:26:08 PM »
and who is ann'e bell'e

I found a 500 rupia to begin and that was how it unraveled

next came more amounts

the radio antennae picked up on the fever and repeated the sentiments

next a text

a while ago i had walked into a church yard

and seen a big bell

there was a picture on the entry of a priest who looked quite weird and mal adjusted with a terrible glint or so i thought in the eye

and i thought ..............

I will ring your bells and see you come out and cry out here i am !

and see how weird you get then

oh i just walked out of that place without doing anything at all

what a weird place

little old grandmas with purse strings attached

they build them on hills with steeples ...............

and bells


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #489 on: November 17, 2015, 03:14:33 PM »
tremendous thunder

a downpour i have not witnessed for some time

the light flickered on and off for a moment just a moment ago

making memory boxes what an unusual title

they said on the radio mr woo tube teaching

how mathematics was presented as boring by many who taught

that it was the replication of results which produced the replication of results

what an interesting theory in itself

so the word obtuse floats by again and i catch it in mid air stream

pictures floating by

the words appear and i am sure they came from somewhere connected to some mighty force

dreams awake dreams asleep

i even dreamed about this mathematical teacher just now

and his formulas

i often think the internet is a formula

you know 666 like the number plate on a car i saw this morning

among three triples in one place 777 and 222 if i remember correctly

the mathematics of symbols

which brings me back to the question i also had recognized appear at the 'time'

the time there being a teacher in itself

was about symbols

and "do not worship false idols"

misinterpretations again

i imagine sheep wandering after such idols as symbols yet their mathematical formula produces and replicates an effect

which is measureable in "time" again as the teacher

then there is the images i see of many layers sitting atop one another

not in a formula produced to be witnessed in its progression of acheivance

yet in the having already subsided the immeasurable realization

giving measure in the observance of measurements in its wake as that of which is also a part

yet cannot yet conceive of its infinitely more fitting parts

some special space of ingeniuity of time to produce segments as fruit

which lead the the disquietude of parts to gather to more equations

composting back to the earth

flight is a real consideration faced with detachment

a moment pause with an entire eagle to support flight when immobilized


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #490 on: November 17, 2015, 07:42:51 PM »
tremendous thunder

a downpour i have not witnessed for some time

the light flickered on and off for a moment just a moment ago

This evening, I saw some footage of a horrendous storm in Queensland. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought it was a cyclone:
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #491 on: November 18, 2015, 03:05:23 PM »
The strange weather is becoming quite common

I like to feel of it as though by some chance it's hit and miss

Like being put in the right place at the right time to receive what's coming

On a personal level of course like listening to the personal weather

Of course I am not pinned down to a house right now

I think when I build the next bush shack it is going to be rammed earth

That should keep the climate nice


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #492 on: November 19, 2015, 06:11:21 PM »
So about the dragon and the unicorn

A long tail behind the dragon prevailed

The unicorn could only be seen when not looked for

In some magical place

What was the battle then

it's complicated

The unicorn was so pure

It lay in the magical place Mystical announced purely by existing

How the two were related was an image in the water

Parallel in dimension yet intimately connected


When it's heard why they speak of fire

Passes through the water yet dragons fierce

Come upon waters peace

Reading back

In the lands of the tail of time

things popped up

Poke a dragon and you will see what I mean

Inside every dragons heart lay intentions that were pure

Direction and lament

another dragon might think it held the unicorn so tight

In doing so offend another dragon

Laying claim to such purity and mystical magi'sty

So how it begin

Breath of fire through unicorn realm

From above

Lay hold to rubble they cried

And cried they did

how to tame your dragon

Time would need stand on its head

Pressing on this fire

What's the secret of the unicorn

I only believe that when the fire stands on end

The unicorn is born

Grab a dragons tail

And find its head turn

Between the
Magical land


A dragon weeps

For its own heart which another dragon

Spat fire upon


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #493 on: November 19, 2015, 06:44:27 PM »
To feel small

look backwards

To feel large

Look forwards

To feel around

Look backwards to forwards

To feel small and feel nothing

Look forwards while small

To feel small and small

Look backwards at what's done

To feel around and look upon it all

Be small and large

Far and near

And how to do

Feel what's been given

Be great and grateful

It's the butterfly on your nose

It's the water that's all around the bridge

It's where the Ocean met the sky and agreed to bridge

It's this its that and it burns with longing

What's lost I don't know

When I look backwards I see it feel it and believe

This core wants for more

Afraid of its steps

What now it asks

Perhaps to become small

To lose hope and faith

And see no sense

So lumps bags

Full of leaves

Hi I am small from what I have seen

Hi I can be large from what I have seen

Hi I am a sweeping hand on the horizon

Hi I can do many things because I know so many things

Hi I am ready for your horizon

To fly together

We have been waiting so long

I can hardly wait

I see you there crisp and pure with me

I see me there with you the same together

I meet you there on the horizon

I see you coming in the wind


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #494 on: November 20, 2015, 01:01:54 PM »
that is right of course

a matter of energy

and awareness

the laying of flames flat to the tanner

when in rome ? no thank you

the problem ? every one thinks they know better so stay on the same step ?

the solution absolute cleansing

of course no one would hear differently

today they have found the diamond on the radio when i wake up

1111 carrots

i love that light bearing number

the nose on the face

is the forest for the trees

step in step out

step where you like and watch the dragon advance

we are speaking of time and the emergence of follicles of hair

which protrude

each bound to each other beyond the veil

the way i see the big picture is as i said

a child walked in and hit the giant over the head with a pebble

its an old story

and if the boy told it himself no body would surely believe

watch for the wayward arrows now

the connections end in peaks

might and force in the skies

ending on mountains

in the air wisps

comets with tails

every body wants their savior to the tale

look inside

on the ground and in the sky

intellectuals fiddle with details

the symbols in the water give comprehensive views

tales metaphors each and also giving wider view in quicker chunks of time
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 04:09:33 PM by runningstream »


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