I found Facebook to be a herder of lost sheep over cliffs and frazzler of grey matter
, another generalisation which I wish to avoid loosed arrows , power , words specifically this morn , like language ' catch ' phrases , " solidarity"
The French sound so reasonable , they must be the collective reason' able ness to employ , collective action
The value of truth , sighted , armed and loosed , yet in direction of traction and connection
Dreams strong last eve
I pour the gold into a long ingot tray
A new woman
The Christians working in the dream too
I plant pumpkins and cherry tomatoes on the banks of the water ways
The red claw eat them and I might too
A story about a bandicoot who is very clever
And takes food from the dishes outside
When confronted by the forest cohorts
Sings sweetly but I had not done
So they knew yet it was not at that time
So to deliver the light angel
Could not find traction
As it was known to be yet did not see
So fluffy
At other times obscured by fluff reversed the ruff
Had done not so so a glancing blow
Indeed light angel be what light angel seen
Keep riding I told my friend the light angel
And I slap the pony hard on the 'ass
Toward the sun set dun dun n da !
When I call her back long after dark ness fell
She'd always fall into her heart
Saying later
I don't know what all the fluff was about