Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5391 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #510 on: November 29, 2015, 10:42:00 PM »
The Zax
by Dr. Seuss
From The Sneetches and Other Stories
Copyright 1961 by Theodor S. Geisel and Audrey S. Geisel, renewed 1989.

One day, making tracks
In the prairie of Prax,
Came a North-Going Zax
And a South-Going Zax.

And it happened that both of them came to a place
Where they bumped.  There they stood.
Foot to foot.  Face to face.

"Look here, now!" the North-Going Zax said, "I say!
You are blocking my path.  You are right in my way.
I'm a North-Going Zax and I always go north.
Get out of my way, now, and let me go forth!"

"Who's in whose way?" snapped the South-Going Zax.
"I always go south, making south-going tracks.
So you're in MY way!  And I ask you to move
And let me go south in my south-going groove."

Then the North-Going Zax puffed his chest up with pride.
"I never," he said, "take a step to one side.
And I'll prove to you that I won't change my ways
If I have to keep standing here fifty-nine days!"

"And I'll prove to YOU," yelled the South-Going Zax,
"That I can stand here in the prairie of Prax
For fifty-nine years!  For I live by a rule
That I learned as a boy back in South-Going School.
Never budge!  That's my rule.  Never budge in the least!
Not an inch to the west!  Not an inch to the east!
I'll stay here, not budging!  I can and I will
If it makes you and me and the whole world stand still!"

Of course the world didn't stand still.  The world grew.
In a couple of years, the new highway came through
And they built it right over those two stubborn Zax
And left them there, standing un-budged in their tracks.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #511 on: November 30, 2015, 12:52:17 PM »
woke up like a wild lion

growling with energy

wanting to sink my teeth into something

some symbols came through in a package

they looked alien earlier in the night

not that i caught them at face value just the chunk

dreamed among other things i was bitten by a snake

when i layed down on the makeshift bench press first thing looking up at the sunny sky

ready to sink my teeth into exercise

the first thing i saw was a rainbow above although no rain

and an eagle circling as well

turns out the snake bite was not as it seemed

just a thorn from a tree that had gathered in my foot

and passed through my flip flop

which was down on the ground

guess the snake did not know what i had already seen

when i drank the whole river both sides of the trees


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #512 on: December 02, 2015, 02:53:03 AM »
i have had plenty of dreams about crocodiles before

but not like this one

this time i stood there and pissed on it

only during this did i see it

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #513 on: December 02, 2015, 05:08:57 PM »
woke up like a wild lion

growling with energy

wanting to sink my teeth into something

some symbols came through in a package

they looked alien earlier in the night

not that i caught them at face value just the chunk

dreamed among other things i was bitten by a snake

when i layed down on the makeshift bench press first thing looking up at the sunny sky

ready to sink my teeth into exercise

the first thing i saw was a rainbow above although no rain

and an eagle circling as well

turns out the snake bite was not as it seemed

just a thorn from a tree that had gathered in my foot

and passed through my flip flop

which was down on the ground

guess the snake did not know what i had already seen

when i drank the whole river both sides of the trees

I really enjoy the words you choose, the pictures you paint with them.

Thank you

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #514 on: December 03, 2015, 03:24:25 PM »
runningstream, did I dream you replied to this?

(painting the sky?)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #515 on: December 03, 2015, 08:21:11 PM »
 i dreamed i gave you legs then i placed them here
as we stood up together
i figured we had painted them well
then i was shy and i wiped away the sky


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #516 on: December 03, 2015, 08:34:37 PM »
i was caught between the dreams trying to shake it off

yet watching and learning and not fighting

so it makes me stronger and resolve

the third eye wind was strong

so i did what i must

i have cut the line from the new to the old

so now we'll have out north south cross

as was hanging on a line the other day

i knew truth was coming i felt it in my chest

i could no longer sustain

what must be removed to cross today

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #517 on: December 04, 2015, 07:21:29 AM »
i dreamed i gave you legs then i placed them here
as we stood up together
i figured we had painted them well
then i was shy and i wiped away the sky

Clean slate?


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #518 on: December 04, 2015, 10:02:51 AM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #519 on: December 04, 2015, 10:27:35 AM »  i seemed to want to wake up to this song

dreamed i was becoming a plumber

i did like that job when i was younger

it was my dream

until life grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of there

it has been a wild ride ever since to say the least

and i have no body who would believe me or understand yet

so i am going to just show every body with the show

i also dreamed there was a woman there a short way away

as she had a nice dress i noticed

it came alive and took on an immense clarity and intensity of its own standing out

it was made of sun flowers

it was oh oh oh so bright

then i woke up

i drive today

we are strong standing together some of us

i see somebody like this today

even for a short time

people seem to have different time limits

yet i have met the right people along the way

those turns always take me to the next right place


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #520 on: December 05, 2015, 01:16:29 AM »
i trained with an aboriginal boy today who is only 13 years old

he is already 120 something kilograms i was told

he is a very large kid

he is quiet and shy

his shy is not so much because he is not confident

it is also that he is sure of himself

his assurance i believe does not like to be questioned

his size makes him feel to be strong yet the strength builds a barrier

for a defense of itself

i like him

i always try to tell him humble messages

today i told him we have to look after the little people

and not to become a bully

he opens up and speaks about things with me

i don't want him to be a thug learning to fight

i make him feel comfortable by speaking solidly yet  confidently

i do not pretend it is hard for me to get a message across

i assume his confidence in the way i speak to him and he meets me there

it is hard for a big kid holding his size to learn to speak and be both humble and strong

i think the world speaks to him in a way that does not give him this assurance

if i can give him that i guess that is the words for what i try to do

it is a balance

that is the way to walk with the winds

to be a wind also

does not mean to be only closed to the wind

it means in flight to use it also

yet being closed to the wind

is because of that simple ingredient

it is balance yet it is more

it is honesty

there is truth in all sorts of things even movement

even in staying still


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #521 on: December 05, 2015, 01:39:53 AM »
i hid the sun a little behind the cloud s for you

because i did'nt want to burn your eyes

please understand its not because the sky was'nt moving right in the water

or because the earth was'nt a concern

its because all of these


the sky told me stories about the earth

the water told me of the past

the spirit told me what i had to do

so i drank them all and just acted

that's why it seemed to pass so fast in the water the sky

and became a blurr

its not because i wanted to hide the sun from you

its because i had to give you all of these

i was just a big kid after all

there is nothing else i could do


Ke-ke wan

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #522 on: December 05, 2015, 06:06:59 AM »

for words
rarely happens



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #523 on: December 07, 2015, 10:11:45 PM »

pushing them forwards

the kettle boiled i have skulled the cup

because the story is coming quickly

the doubles sitting in a room talking

i know the man the woman from some where there signatures

that they are aware

not that vague dream

or an inconsistency in the amount of colors in the pastel and variation

just on the way through

the veil is just there and i can see them clearly

but that is not the only planets that brought the pastel

like atom being split eve is there too

like time raced towards each other and at that point mingled all points at once

the crisp atomic shower then stayed

those purple planets and those doubles may have looked on

this however meant not here and there although there still existed

if that makes sense

residing in bristling perception and connected ness vibrant power is in every thing

thats why it was the lightening

even people came alive and inputted as the world bent like a unreal bubble

where perception was a story

and the story found the characters

even the signs up until that point had pointed the right direction

all the way along and in that extended timeline gave insight into why it was and had been so

to reach the point of meetings of selves

i am not sure those watching beyond in the purple planet or whatever spectrum they now belonged

could understand how it stood or why or even conceive

so many timely elements to shed light onto

so many universal things brought back

"and the little ones will be showered with gifts "

people ask how are you

i answer i am better than most

do you know how powerful that point is ?

atom and eve

the point of love and from where it stems in the universe

remember the miosis


free will and birth

time took me all the way back to that beginning and showed me

that power of this love

and i do not think that love was a mistake

when i passed through that crack between the worlds and was spat back onto the street

there was first the division

and then the wholeness

how funny that after no longer division and love was no longer a division within self

yet no destruction either

only longing for some one else to notice

and where was eve ?

perhaps she had forgotten and traveled time in the opposite direction

when i finally caught her her memory of that seemed to be truth obscured

she had hidden something

and kept it hidden which made the nakedness untenable for her

only seeing through a secondary lense the past out in the other direction away from

the original birth

and she is angry oh so angry

because the decisions are made from this place

not that birth place

i oh so want her to see

the direction back and through to where we came


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #524 on: December 07, 2015, 10:38:53 PM »
the curlews are here with the two chicks

the plovers are here with the two chicks too

and further on with the three chicks

they swoop people and dogs i avoid them through respect

some people take it personally even thinking human thoughts into the birds heads for them

as though some malicious plot

they do not see to just avoid them and admire there cute fluffy heads from a distance

well i suppose something will happen now

and move quickly in a sense of finding the right path to be safe yet perhaps not comfortable for a time

the time came and went when i had made offers and asked the questions only to find the answers

i had hoped not to find



for those who expected nothing and got everything power is really just a joke played upon people

it is the sad reality that it is power that will now divide and destroy so much

if only some beings could conceive it

i heard a buddhist

a christian

a zen

speak together about it the other day

i don't think its going to change everything at this point

except for some nice company

it seems important to hold those pieces steady no matter what happens


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