Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5424 times)


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Re: Story sake/
« Reply #240 on: December 10, 2014, 01:25:50 PM »
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 01:36:05 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #241 on: December 11, 2014, 09:39:35 PM »
have got the words here ?

please continue

walking along i was listening

what i said was this


why do i feel so tired and lost

i wan't to go back to work

i says

because when you go back to work you don't have to think

you don't have to look at your life

and so you go numb again

when you listen and you feel lost it is because you can hear

so what now then ?

well sure nature can heal

the path is unfolding though

what does this being want ? healing

of this path

invigoration ?

totality !

and how does this come about ?


what does this mean ?

as carlos said

the outside emanations match those inside the cocoon

how is this accomplished ?

we could say it was accomplished standing on our heads and empty

or we could say this is accomplished whilst functional

and how is this accomplished whilst still functional ?

i would have to assume it is the perfection of dzogchen

because the rainbow would involve the entirity of ourselves

and what would happen to merge with that immensity whilst functional ?

if the fragments would heal themselves through the process of fire

what would be left ?

i am sure that question beyond and afterwards depends

on the consistency although having done so would not lessen the experience

the effect of that union would perhaps be equal

yet not equally potent

and emptiness would be a prerequisite to emptiness

yet are we speaking of emptiness ? actually

i am just combining discussions in the interview format

excuse the combined ponderings

experience into answer

what is truth ? and what is truth functional



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #242 on: December 13, 2014, 02:01:33 AM »
very rainy again
spiders look for high ground
things biting
Flying ants too
Things squeaking and croaking
Out from their holiday sleep
Very loud choir
The dogs don't know what to
Make of it either

They look for the creatures which seek the high ground
Under cars
Even the ants moving into cars
The solar not charging
the driveway is a creek
its a different time
With a lot of things floating into the air
Whirling around
tugging different directons


Hand reaching to show with a poker face

Shall old cards be retreived
the unconscious seem to not take the moments pause

And would run of the nearest cliff with blinkers on

Something else

Long term aquaintances seem to have finally settled into some centering

Like their bodies reacting to their own knowing of self center

Others wading to the edge of their own wake

Trying to stop the turbulence in the stream

At least they take there moments pause

Even a few breaths and a re assessment

the stream

The branch being held across and the possibility

to break away from the exhaustion towards the other direction

the size of the stroke

as with cents looking after the dollars

Small moments making hillclimbs combined

learning new strokes

a new kayak a new paddle

fast stream that brings debri or tide faster

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #243 on: December 17, 2014, 07:57:37 AM »
because when you go back to work you don't have to think

you don't have to look at your life

Absolutely correct. And the path requires we tether our donkey first, then go follow Mohamed, as the Sufis say.

Spirituality should never be used as a substitute for effective power in the world. This is a common mistake, and also a very common experience. Almost everyone here will have spent time in that error, where we sought to feel better about ourselves when vulnerable and powerless in outer life, by priding ourselves on being more spiritual than everyone else.

The danger is, aside from confusing ego for spirituality, that the insights we gain during such a phase are ultimately useless. We have to approach the path of personal development, firstly through our effectiveness in the outer world, and only then from that platform, to reflect back upon ourselves. Because we can only know ourself through the consequences we see reflected back upon us from our actions in the world.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #244 on: December 17, 2014, 05:21:23 PM »
i am fortunate that i am functional and grateful

we are all unique

i like to write about function with knowledge written through the waters


that quote was in reply to Sophias voice she is dreaming of the water too

she says she/we are helping people with the water

my rib that returned to me

it is funny where sayings and things come from

i do not feel comfortable with the word ego

i do like Don Juans term just right tonal

the reason being that i have witnessed peoples attitudes towards that separation

and i am not personally interested in them

although i can also see why they would be so concerned with individuals dilemmas also

to the point of labelling it

my personal and singular concern with it right now is like

Don Juan saying both he and silvio had no real volition to do anything so most of the time they just did nothing

personally this is the opposite of myself

i am all volition

i see that just right tonal as the base for this fire

and its reflection casting upon the water

even survival comes into it

yet even that must be through a balance

being led as mohamed and the donkey

is spirit taking the lead

and the just right tonal listening

the two sides merged


i am not so sure every body has reached the same conclusions

nor even speaking about the same things

speaking of experience is definitely different than mirrored words which were read

and spoken outwards

not those which had come inwards from experience looking out and growing alongside  that's true

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 05:53:01 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #245 on: December 17, 2014, 06:24:53 PM »
i will give an example of a just right tonal

one that utilises spirit in every day life

and has not made the separation

applying it seems the most natural thing in the world

one day they are told that it is unnatural

a splice in connectivity occurs

perhaps it was necessary for teaching

so it was separated

now it comes time to apply


in applying it finding separation in the eyes

a miosis occurs

regenerating the issue and

patching the wiring back together

now the connection comes good again

what was always there now exists functionally

although another dimension is brought to the eyes

being made aware of two

to bring light to three

having not severed one from two in the first place

as would be suggested by some

two is a natural component and although some damage occured

in the initial severance

neither has one been severed

as it is also a natural state

when two and even three enters the equation

neither is seen as of less function

nor as less/more separate or of less virtue

if somebody were to point and say why is one speaking of two ?

one two and three would see no point to the excercise

as neither was held as would be evident in the doing

and in fact it may be the one pointing who found issue with it in their own separation

certainly one who found no separation themselves truly

could not be ever made to make the separation within them selves again

only duplication in other spheres


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #246 on: December 18, 2014, 07:56:39 AM »
Absolutely correct. And the path requires we tether our donkey first, then go follow Mohamed, as the Sufis say.

Spirituality should never be used as a substitute for effective power in the world. This is a common mistake, and also a very common experience. Almost everyone here will have spent time in that error, where we sought to feel better about ourselves when vulnerable and powerless in outer life, by priding ourselves on being more spiritual than everyone else.

For some time (a few decades) I thought that being spiritual, and a way to be better than regular folks, was equal to being poor. Money and surplus was a "bad input" in my spiritual World, automatical distorting the fine vibrations between me and the Source.

The more powerful I became (in this world) the more money I got. And then we had this lesson in Toltec Mystery School about the inventory, and my inventory said that: poorness was equal to spirituality, which is of course wrong, in the sense that poorness equal nothing at all except that you are poor.

the Master also said - get to the high circles in your meditation but be sure that you bring down your experiences from "up there" into your Tonal. If you only "Go up" and don't bring it all down - Your meditations will be useless, for You - and for the Universe.

So bring into form on Earth - your spirituality - that is what Michael, and all the teachers in this party says.

And I enjoy to be, if not rich, but at least to have not to worry about the next bill.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 08:14:26 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #247 on: December 18, 2014, 07:33:43 PM »
howdy Jahn

i bring it down too i reach up

everything comes alive as you say

we birth

I was telling Michael about this mirror world here and

those reflections in my dream

he mentioned it was like schroedingers cat

and said something about stay away from it

although i think that was in response to being sandwiched between the mirrors and powerless

i cant find the beginning if i press my foot in the sand

so its a circle

i can open the sky

and i am aware of the change of color that arrives

that is what i am going to do now

open the sky and let that come in for the earth


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #248 on: December 19, 2014, 01:22:28 AM »
get ready  :)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #249 on: December 20, 2014, 06:34:47 PM »
its a bizarre enterprise

so i chopped a tree down of course

it was down to the stump then i cut that too

i have'nt used a chainsaw for a while being in the tropics

then there was this korean thing

the seth rogan movie

and the movie we had watched as a coiincidence

olympus down or something

the koreans took the white house

then the fence got heightened on the news

funny because we had a fence put up today too

everything comes in place

and i got the plates

there was a fire in the distance today

and we went for a drive today

its hot again

after a while i just wanted for nothing

just the moments pause

i actually walked into a mouse half eaten on the couch with its head bitten off

i suppose a snake would eat the whole thing

so i suppose its some other critter

quite gruesome like

and australia and the world has gone a little turbo lately

its a bit of a worry i suppose

i met someone in my dream

then he showed up

its a bit of a worry sometimes seeing aspects

they are'nt always exact

sometimes potential representations

walking on lightbeams

i wanted for the silence

i wanted for the strings that tug to be

outside of these things

things are speeding up

or lining up

seers is a funny word because it means they could trust what they see

and i trust what i see

at the same time i don't trust what i see


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #250 on: December 23, 2014, 10:33:13 PM »
something building again

i am deconstructing

thought i would sell some things

i will give many away instead

gaining them and selling them almost felt the same

a hard chore

after all it was having them that was the weight

so ill drop the weight

things feel building up

watching how the mind works

watching how the heart works

watching how the legs work

feeling songs


when the songs meet the road

can't find it looking

depends where your looking

went for dinner just because

fish battered salad and chips some pasta salad and some colslaw

the moon was a slither

a hilltop is on fire its been three days

no one seems to notice or care

they are so used to seeing fire

it glows in the darkness

yes thats what it was

looking elsewhere finding it

because it was never in the same place

the moonlit in the day time

the transparent type film appearing on like a slithery angle to perception

it arrived like an interesting glow

the hilltop fire

was different i am sure

yet perhaps the go together those two

the fire and the moon

both wont sit still

one meets the other

like the sky and the earth

its time again

maybe it is a solstice

dropping  the lot on the ground taking only what new like perrenials

new garden coming up


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #251 on: December 29, 2014, 05:47:48 PM »
for a few nights some clarity

whispering great and clear insight relating to things

everything seems clear

i wake and try to apply the clarity

i find getting swept into swirling currents

does no one else wish to be clear of it ?

i dreamed the planets were so close in the sky

the moon was in front of one

passing before it

so close that i could see the outlines of continents of shapes on the surface

i pointed it out to another with me

there were three in orbit total including the moon passing in front of so close in the sky

then i was at a place with a few people

the person with me was acting quite a childish fool

as i tried to keep it together myself

like observing somebody who was still learning many things

next the greyish man had a workshop

he fixed cars i never expected he would have a workshop like that

always speaking in different light s when  i heard it

so practical

there were a lot of people around it was a block of land with a high

weight bearing step up wall or something like that

the other people seemed comfortable and aware of the company and each had aquired a formal fitting in

i felt like a newbie

and just spoke and got a feeling for the normalness of the situation

in dreaming

the clarity and the dream which was not so different from waking

i wondered whos dream it was but i am sure it was some shared dream that every body was used to

like the beginning or difficulty was long out of sight

feeling each other out

and the clarity of those other ones was quite unique

a lot of sense could come from them


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #252 on: December 29, 2014, 06:04:04 PM »
ill wander out and cut some grass

it gets up my nose the grass fragrance

makes me sneeze my brains out like a fuzzy headed goose

there were over twenty cows standing there

some calves

they are from somewhere else visting no doubt

like i feel i am now too


ill grab a few things

who knew a holiday could be so draining and tiresome

i dream now of something which is a litter easier

and more comfortable for others

a little outside their comfortable hoop

but not so much so that it causes distress

i like to watch the direction of the eyes shift and hold a new dream

the old drift into the background

their comfort holds some advantages

its a compromise

the escape from the old has its advantages too

two hands full of the clock

times money and moneys time

they set it up that way

it can be hard without it

harsh and exposed

long hill climbs

the more you hold the weight

the more the weight something held might help

things spring up from seeds like the end of the coconut tree we cut down

she says here

son kept the end of a blade like frond

it contains many many seeds

i say i thought they came from the coconut itself those trees

as you water them they sprout from that nut too

sometimes one description seems complete as it holds a direction

sometimes another direction presents itself and works too even holding water "truth" too

sometimes those two branches have to drink the water together together

and find a common root i suppose

if they find them selves on common ground

where one truth can compliment another

something old gets in the way

something grows on the compost

winding the twirling currents in the light

hold them steady if the light dream seems worth it

common purpose

the generator has ran out of fuel now

the fridge is done

i am done here too

boss goes to a new place tomorrow

a few days is all it takes and things take over what was held as this dream

the cows have just walked in from somewhere else

the rats i can smell they have been about

water is every where puddling up

the creek will take it all away

even the mango trees have grown  quite a few inches in a few days

how can the clarity pervade the dream

you get used to having one eye on things

even a stone was sitting in the longened grass for me to bash into

the wilderness easily claims what was once clear

i did long for the wilderness too

and for a healthy routine

one that allowed for a balance for a man to be part tame

somehow we wandered those lines through the dream

we have driven the growth in other directions

tangling ourselves amoungst it

the woman hold a balance too

she knows many things

like the other planets

her truth is equally invaluable for us


she needs something too

i can see it in her eyes

how far have we wandered


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #253 on: January 05, 2015, 03:42:26 PM »
do people find a taste shift towards christmas

like poultry

does turkey taste better

what about prawns over here

was it 260 000 000 chickens eaten this year

a englishmen says

what about time

when appearing to be working

does it make you feel getting up earlier feels right

a man says " i get bored sitting around home"

i says " you need to excercise your imagination"

some poultry farmers use artificial insemination

i went and did work for two missionaries today

i blessed them both

i like sleep

i have always liked sleep

there was a movie about a man who could time travel

he went back to change segments of his life

an excellent movie

he was an englishman

he had an american wife

his family seemed wonderful

the sister a riot

full of kisses and cuddles

i never advertised a fight before

i would come by myself in the silence

talking was for small puppies

big ol sushi likes to feel comfortable about her size

i can assure you it seems better that i remain insane

god knows those i bless don't need know a thing

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #254 on: January 05, 2015, 08:49:25 PM »
I definitely feel better getting up early when I've had eight hours sleep - not more or less, and the earlier the better.
Unfortunately, that happens rarely, as I love staying up late, often not hitting the pillow until two or three in the morning - I pride myself that at least in my old age I don't stay up until 4:30am like I used to.

Runningstream, the question I wish to ask, is how fast do you want to progress on this path? Are you happy with your rate of progress, or would you prefer it faster or slower?


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