So I was reading last night about The Blue Scout, and how stupidly Carlos got a hero complex, and was willing to die to save The Blue Scout from the IB world. Then don Juan, Carol Tiggs, and friends all went in and they yanked him out. Really, she did though, and that got me thinking about The Nagual Woman. I wonder how she is doing now. But this is probably a reason I have always felt an aversion, even to medium reads. I am happy doing tarot cause that's just me and the higher self. Now I have mediumed on occasion. Like I did do one recently for an older client, who I felt needed a message from late husband. It went well, when he showed me them dancing together, and went on about it. She said "When you said dancing, I knew it was him! He took me out dancing every weekend!" And while it can help folks, I also know it can open portals that are hard to close. Now course, I wouldn't be worth much, if I could not close a portal. I can see them and I can close them, But still, doing this all the time, I would think it would cause a lot of collateral damage.
But course we know the tale of the physical Blue Scout, and how their bones were found in Death Valley, not that long ago. Such a huge mystery here. So am I off if the spirit of the girl from the IB world, became the Blue Scout in the physical and possessed? I know that could occur, but then I wonder where the Physical Blue Scout is, soul wise, or if they shared a house. Just some thoughts. It's a little confusing.