Author Topic: Death  (Read 1319 times)

Offline Michael

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« on: October 04, 2007, 01:09:03 PM »
let’s begin by stating that Death by its definitive and palpably obvious position in the array of experiences presented to us, is not subject to secure explanations. It is Mystery itself.

Some choose to use this, to dismiss any attempt to understand or prepare for it. I am not one of those. You are welcome to be one of those without any criticism from me. I will however put my approach in the most effective way I am able.

My approach has been to study every version of clarification or insight that I have been able to find. Since DJ dropped the idea of its significance into my plastic mind, I have grasped it with relish. I would appreciate it if anyone with references or information about people or schools who have covered this topic - place it in this Board, so that everyone can continue to cross check their own preparations and working templates.

I am going to present my digested versions now - this is my current working template, gleaned from many sources, and accorded weight due to my best assessments.

I prefer to approach death with a map. I am not wedded to the map, but I prefer to have some preparation rather than none, while always ready to either rearrange the map, or toss it completely. This map is built from both my own personal experiences plus the thoughts and experiences of others revealed to me along my way.

there are two deaths. Death of the Soul, and Death of the Body. I only use these terms to distinguish, not to be definitive about the concepts death, soul or body. Take them as symbolic headings only, and yet real events.

Death of the Soul.

I may cover this later in more detail, but I have already posted an extract about the Portal of Death with which this deals. What I mean by soul here is our ‘view of the world’, which runs very deep in our consciousness and subconsciousness. I am not referring to the actual astral vehicle, which I also call soul in a different context - its death would mean death of the body, so that will come later under that section.

Death of the Soul, means ‘die before you die’. face death before it is your allotted time. learn, discover, what death really means to you as the person who has not been properly ‘touched by death’. this is all about saying goodbye to everything. this is the emotional death.

it is also the death of our identity, our heritage, our family, our nation, our species. this is the end of all our ambitions, our expectations, our fears, our desires. the end of what it means for us to be human. the rejection of the ‘human form’.

it does require its own separate section. but enough for now to know that you can’t really pass through the Death of the Soul, unless your body is facing death. and it can’t be a quick event - it has to be dwelt on over a reasonable period of time, so that the layers have time to shrivel and drop away.

Death of the Body.

The bodies:

Our being is made up of numerous ‘vehicles’. not centres, but shells. I will cover the main ones:

The body. this is the physical vehicle - touch it: our experience built around senses and pain.

The etheric body. some call it the energy body, although that is a term used differently in different contexts. in this case it is the pure physical energy that vitalises out physical being, and is approximately the same size and shape - slightly larger in more energetic people, and extending many feet out in highly formidably people, though that is quite rare.

The astral body. some call our sentient being. a mysterious vehicle, which in daily world is our emotional life. in our sleep it is how we experience the dream world. it is picture oriented, but feeling sensitive and manipulated. it can be of varying size, from smaller than the physical body, to vast and in the case of Manus, will in itself be worlds. it is best seen when the person is not physically in front of you - just quickly think of someone, and feel them in an instant - that is seeing their astral body. best experienced immediately after a person physically leaves your presence, just as the details of the interaction fall away, and their vibe remains.

The casual body. not a body at all, but we add it in here for placeholder reference. in fact it is the absence of any vehicle. properly speaking it is a point of perception. however it does have around it a ‘mist’ of quality, out of which our future experiences evolve. thus it is the final reduction of past experiences, into an essence which then ‘causes’ our future experiences. the only difficulty with that explanation is the issue of time, which doesn’t exist in this area - so let’s just use it in the knowledge of the limitations of our language shaped comprehensions.

Some also call the astral body the casual body, and there is some truth in that, as ‘causes’ come down through the bodies. emotions in the astral body create effects in the ‘contents’ of the body, which if not balanced, are carried back to the source on death and then enter the ‘shell’ of the body as a structural flaw in the new life being built. However, for my current purposes, I prefer to call the causal body the 3rd attention or 3rd world aspect of our being, whereas the astral is the 2nd attention.

The Process of Death:

I am only going to talk about the ‘normal’ process. Accidents and clever tricks are a separate issue.

Death begins about the age of 25. Picture an arrow being shot at an angle into the air - watch it’s trajectory. From leaving the string, it is pure upward force. Then comes a point where its upward force begins to decline for the first time - in trajectory we see this as the arrow continuing to go higher, but at a declining velocity - it also begins to curve away from the straight upward line. Until all upward force is exhausted, where a peak point is reached and the arrow then turns downward.

From the moment of birth, we are pure outward force - all our etheric energy is directed out into the world, into life. During this phase, the knowledge of death is absent, except in hybinating seed, so there is no visceral awareness inherent in us of death. Until we reach 25, the point where the arrow first begins to taper in its trajectory. The knowledge of death first awakens in our etheric body.

We reach the peak of our trajectory about the ages 27 to 31, depending on the quantity of etheric energy we were born with. From that point we level off an slowly decline - the core of our being is called back to its source. Around the age of 57 onwards, a process of reflection on our life begins, which intensifies the older we get. This is about the ‘unravelling’ process, which is what the post death period is all about, but we begin it towards the end of life, by reminiscing and talking about our past - recalling our salad days. Older people spend a lot of time reviewing, and retelling about their past - who they were, who they knew, and things that happened ‘back when’. This is a good process, as it prepares for the post death tasks, unfortunately it is rarely done well, such that people dwell on only a few highlights which they get stuck on, instead of a systematic recapitulation - a releasing of the energy stored in our memories.

Physical death:

the moment of ‘death’ is critical. we spend our lives preparing for this. death is the most clear touch of Spirit, the being at the core of the universe, that comes to everyone. at that point, a vortex opens, as does with birth and conception - seen clearly these are also ‘deaths’. these are essentially dramatic changes of states. at such points we have the best opportunity to grasp the essence of Spirit. but herein lies a problem.

do you really know what is happening now around you, in your own life? are you really aware of the true significance of your present situation as you read this? have you ever asked yourself, especially in dramatic circumstances, “What is really happening here?” instead of only what appears to be happening. if it is so difficult to penetrate to the truth of any situation, how do you expect to see the truth of what is happening at death? only a life time of clearing away your own delusions and filters, will help you at that moment.

at any point of death - the death of any of our bodies, the change of any state, and identity - the moment you leave a job you have done for many years, leave a relationship, or begin a new job, a new house, a new relationship - at these points a precious opportunity opens to us. the Tibetan Buddhists talk of the ‘light’. This is the difference between the eye and the beak of the Eagle. The idea is that at that moment, by the audacious leap into the highest point of awareness, we merge with the eagle, and its awareness, instead of being consumed, which happens by being dragged asleep into the beak. this moment, this opportunity, this concept is the ultimate audacity, and it should be the one you prepare for all your life. It entails absolute non-resistance, absolute lack of tardiness, absolute readiness, and absolute daring. all our jumping at our work boss’s commands, is in preparation for jumping into full awareness at the moment of death - quite possibly the least expected moment. think about it.

Etheric death:

after the death of the physical body, the etheric body survives for about 3 days - some say for as long as you can go without water. the etheric body is the storehouse of our physical life’s journey - its impulses and memories. during this time, as well as before and after, but primarily at this time, we unravel this storehouse. We relive our physical life, and release all the energy stored in the etheric body out into the cosmos. it passes before our point of perception as it drifts away from us. it doesn’t take long, as time is intensified, and because compared with our life’s astral journey, very little happened to the physical. it is our emotional world that consumes most of our attention, not the physical.

this is about why many old cultures will not burn ar bury a body before the 3 days are up, and this process has completed naturally.

Astral death:

after the etheric body is released from its physical shell, it exhausts its energy, and then releases the astral body - the silver cord is broken, and the astral body floats off without its anchor. then begins the rather long journey of the astral body sans physical and etheric. over time the astral body drifts further and further away from it’s earlier life’s ‘location’. passes through many phases, about which you can read in some esoteric texts.

one of the primary tasks during this time is to unravel our dream storehouse of memories/energy. we relive our dreams. this means we relive our identity. in contacting the dead, you will at first see images of them very similar to how they were before they died - if they were sick, it will take them some time to unravel and work through all the ‘fixations’ or ‘identifications’ associated with the experiences of sickness or old age. after some time, perhaps many years, you will have dreams or visions of them as the younger person you knew them from earlier times, as they pass through those phases themselves. also as your own unravelling of your own astral connections progresses.

this phase is intimately connected with the solar system, the ‘being’ in which we cycle.

as ‘astral’ time passes, we journey into finer and finer reaches of the astral. This can either take a very long time, for those who spent a lot of time during life pondering the finer things - metaphysics, artistic and spiritual knowledge etc. Or a very short time if you were a pretty basic sort of person who just liked sex, food and TV.

once every grain from our astral body’s storehouse has been released into the cosmos, and we have thoroughly relived it all, plus explored what was potential and prepared in that world, our astral body dies. this is what esotefforists call the second death (not what I call the second death).

Causal world:

Then we are released into a world of pure spirit, retaining only the most absolute refined and distilled essential ‘flavour’ of our previous life. how long we remain there depends, but for most, a very short time, before the cycle begins again, and our ‘flavour’ attracts to it particles of unaware and aware matter. like a magnet, we pull to us the items we have stored a sympathetic energy for, in our ‘flavour’ - what DJ called our ‘that which remains’.

part of this pulling to us is our purpose in the next cycle, our friends, our talents, our ‘beam’. for an aware person, it becomes a task in this life, to begin this process of seeding our next cycle - right here. We are already doing it unconsciously, so it is not too big a jump to do it consciously.

that is a very brief summary.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 09:33:48 PM by Michael »

Offline Michael

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Death of a Warrior
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2007, 09:45:08 PM »
I want to describe some different deaths - the previous was the backdrop, structure of our condition.

The death of a warrior:

A warrior lives by the Code. this may look like a code of Iron, but it’s not. It is the code of Poetry.

A warrior lives the life of a poem. She rejects the mundane, rejects the rational, rejects the secure. She longs to stand in the wind atop the mountain.

A warrior lives in Song. Dies in Song.

you who read this here have within you the warrior. when a warrior dies, a song is waiting. This song cuts like a razor blade into the our heart, and steals our soul. we are given to it like a mouse to a hawk.

on passing the gates on death, we each have our song, and it waits like a hawk, like a taxi, like a lover, like a flower.

away on its melody we are carried into the consummation of heroes.

what song is waiting for you? let me tell you.

think back to a time when in an unguarded moment, you heard music that stole your heart. may only have been a few bars, a few notes. usually not on a good stereo, but on the street. music that cut right through you. that is your song - and if you are lucky there may be more than one.

if you can’t recall, then work on it - every warrior has a song.

why? because music comes from our deepest being.

I will tell you of two of mine:
once when I was standing in line at the passport counter in Indonesia, Sumatra - a mouldy crappy place - I heard from an old cassette player the sound of guitar. I asked who it was - Mick Bloomfield! they said. Well I’ve never heard it since, and I know his music. But whatever, it carried me away.

next was the main one - across the lake, after my encounter with death, one morning I heard the most beautiful singing. so light, so sad, so free.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Death
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 10:04:41 PM »
Please continue this thread Michael, you are such a blessing to us all.

The loon song strikes me so deep within, tears swell within my eyes and my heart expands to dance across the surface of the water to join them.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM
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Re: Death of a Warrior
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 12:50:44 AM »
think back to a time when in an unguarded moment, you heard music that stole your heart. may only have been a few bars, a few notes. usually not on a good stereo, but on the street. music that cut right through you. that is your song - and if you are lucky there may be more than one.

The first one that popped into my mind was a song at the end of a movie called "La Femme Nikita" It's about a women who was a drug addict. She was caught by some organisation that trained her to be an assassin. To her mother it was declared that she died and actually they would have killed her if she had refused to cooperate. In the end she gets away from this system and in the final cadre she walks away into the mist while this song is playing.

I haven't been able to find out who's the artist.
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Offline Angela

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Re: Death
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 01:54:08 AM »
I was eleven years old, and I couldn't figure out why everyone else wanted to go outside and watch fireworks, as I lay on my parents livingroom floor feeling the vibrations of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.  In my teens, I was fortunate to hear it performed by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra at a concert in the park series, conducted by Erich Kunzel...something like this....

When I was pregnant with my son, I used to hold head phones across my tummy and to this day I still sometimes hum one in his ear as he falls asleep that became very special... Pachelbel's Canon in D.  I was playing the violin Baroque version this morning, and my son said, "wow mom, I love that ...what is it?"...he just turned 9. :)  I ran across another version that made me smile...

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: Death of a Warrior
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 02:23:40 AM »
I tried to search more. Later this film was also remade in English. It was called "The Point of No Return". I thought maybe this song was at the end of this movie.  I still didn't find it. But i found an interesting poem by The Phantom of the Opera...

You have come here
in pursuit of
your deepest urge,
in pursuit of
that wish,
which till now
has been silent,
silent . . .

I have brought you,
that our passions
may fuse and merge -
in your mind
you've already
succumbed to me
dropped all defences
completely succumbed to me -
now you are here with me:
no second thoughts,
you've decided,
decided . . .

Past the point
of no return -
no backward glances:
the games we've played
till now are at
an end . . .
Past all thought
of "if" or "when" -
no use resisting:
abandon thought,
and let the dream
descend . . .

What raging fire
shall flood the soul?
What rich desire
unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction
lies before
us . . .?

Past the point
of no return,
the final threshold -
what warm,
unspoken secrets
will we learn?
Beyond the point
of no return . . .

You have brought me
to that moment
where words run dry,
to that moment
where speech
into silence,
silence . . .

I have come here,
hardly knowing
the reason why . . .
In my mind,
I've already
imagined our
bodies entwining
defenceless and silent -
and now I am
here with you:
no second thoughts,

I've decided,
decided . . .

Past the point
of no return -
no going back now:
our passion-play
has now, at last,
begun . . .
Past all thought
of right or wrong -
one final question:
how long should we
two wait, before
we're one . . .?

When will the blood
begin to race
the sleeping bud
burst into bloom?
When will the flames,
at last, consume
us . . .?

Past the point
of no return
the final threshold -
the bridge
is crossed, so stand
and watch it burn . . .
We've passed the point
of no return . . .


The first one that popped into my mind was a song at the end of a movie called "La Femme Nikita" It's about a women who was a drug addict. She was caught by some organisation that trained her to be an assassin. To her mother it was declared that she died and actually they would have killed her if she had refused to cooperate. In the end she gets away from this system and in the final cadre she walks away into the mist while this song is playing.

I haven't been able to find out who's the artist.


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Re: Death
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 02:30:19 AM »
Oh My God! - I found it!


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Re: Death
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 04:22:01 AM »
Couldnt find the lyrics online, so have to deal with snips of stargate for the song.

Offline daphne

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Re: Death
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 05:10:49 AM »
I don't have a particular song.. what i have is a particular sound, or rather, sequence of sounds, and whenever I hear them, the sounds goes right through and into me. I am always 'surprised' when I hear them, (they are part of most different kinds of music). Always brings me to a halt and a deep breath..
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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Re: Death
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2007, 06:21:42 AM »
There are 3 cuts on the men's secrets side of the Vortex cd ... yes! I've played them over and over again... I've gone through one portable cd player and wrecked the cd player on one of the boomboxes playing these, over and over again. I'm not even sure of the names of the cuts or the artists ... the disc box is buried in one of my unpacked bags. My roommate fished out the discs, though, upon my return from california--- they are in the "good" cd player, and the men's side is playing now...

One is a vocal, in another language, sounds like he is singing phonetically, "berlinnn, berlinnnn..."
The other 2 are consecutive on the disc 2/3rds through -- very modal, repetitive, instrumental, haunting.

These until the next song appears...

I always fancied that I would hear a birdsong upon the moment of death. Had a vision, once, that CC heard one of the grackle's songs as he died  and that he was disturbed about that. (Grain of salt and all that...)

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Re: Death
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2007, 11:02:47 AM »

let’s begin by stating that Death by its definitive and palpably obvious position in the array of experiences presented to us, is not subject to secure explanations. It is Mystery itself.

Death may be Mystery Itself,

but, I'd like to add a few comments...

Some words I wrote many years ago after watching Death dance across a mans eyes after I snuffed the life from him with my bare hands:

"...Death occurs always in a here/now environment. Death is never related to our ideas of the future, present and past. Nor is it to our idea of here and there. Death, as an energetic phenomenon, compresses all of our five measuring units into one. The energetic shock brought about by this is of such magnitude that our life force is dissolved, unable to keep our energetic fields together anymore. Such is death as we know it, proven by the fact that, in spite of all our wishful thinking, the dead never return. We are composed by such a huge amount of energetic fields that the probabilities for them to reunite again to form the exact same combination, the exact same being, amidst an infinite number of other possibilities, are simply and plainly inexistent.
Therefore, it could be said that the phenomenon of Death is, in itself, a proposition to find a new continuity, related to its mystery and that of life.
This continuity begins with acquiescing to the notion of a force that binds everything in the universe. A third, impersonal force that allows us as individuals to develop awareness. This binding force, the force of life, is Intent."  <snips the rest>

I suppose it's due to the programs I'm dealing with at the moment that lead my attention to this narrow minded view of Michael's wonderful post; focusing only on the physical death.  This reminds me of an old western movie which title I'm can't remember at the moment.  A vague quote:  "When you kill a man, you take away all he ever was, and all he'll ever be."

Let us use Michael's marvelous post to truly emphasize  Death as 'Mystery Itself,' and again use this phenomenon of Death as a proposition to find a new continuity related to this mystery, And that of Life.


PS  The Warrior's Song.

I can't comment on this at this time. 

"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."


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Re: Death
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2007, 11:10:09 AM »
I know we're supposed to focus on death, I understand the spiritual implications as to why, im not dense. I admit, western thought isnt too big on death. I think really, while other biases are there about westerners putting people in old folks homes, personally I believe all cultures treat the aging and dying like shit. With the exception of a few places who may not. Either cause of the innate fear of death, or greed (paying to keep someone alive they dont want to), and so forth.

I know even Buddha taught this about death, needing to focus on it, its supposed to be able to ground us, in the here and now, and the choices we make in the here and now, are to make preparation for our own death, an easier transition. However, I do wonder if focusing too much on death, can make you morbid, too. Whats the point in living if you're always focused on death and dying, and that transition. There's still plenty of things to 'do' in this life, while living. Should still be able to enjoy whatever bit of youth there is to enjoy, left, even if its relatively short. I dunno, everytime I see the word 'death' and people discussing it, I automatically want to move onto something else.


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Re: Death
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2007, 03:23:51 PM »
For me, these are going concerns. I feel like I've spent the last 7 years wanting to learn how to die well, to die right, to die in a way I can reach for infinity, with awareness in tact.   The interest is what drew me to renewed readings in toltec a few years ago...

So, to make a long story short, I'm delighted Micahel is sharing his wisdom on it. Looking forward to all of it, with great relish.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 06:15:57 PM by nichi »

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Death
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 08:16:31 PM »
So, to make a long story short, I'm delighted Micahel is sharing his wisdom on it. Looking forward to all of it, with great relish.

Me too.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Death
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2007, 08:25:28 PM »
Some choose to use this, to dismiss any attempt to understand or prepare for it. I am not one of those. You are welcome to be one of those without any criticism from me.

I prefer to approach death with a map. I am not wedded to the map, but I prefer to have some preparation rather than none, while always ready to either rearrange the map, or toss it completely. This map is built from both my own personal experiences plus the thoughts and experiences of others revealed to me along my way.

Then we are released into a world of pure spirit, retaining only the most absolute refined and distilled essential ‘flavour’ of our previous life. how long we remain there depends, but for most, a very short time, before the cycle begins again, and our ‘flavour’ attracts to it particles of unaware and aware matter. like a magnet, we pull to us the items we have stored a sympathetic energy for, in our ‘flavour’ - what DJ called our ‘that which remains’.

part of this pulling to us is our purpose in the next cycle, our friends, our talents, our ‘beam’. for an aware person, it becomes a task in this life, to begin this process of seeding our next cycle - right here. We are already doing it unconsciously, so it is not too big a jump to do it consciously.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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