Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 35002 times)

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« Reply #2490 on: March 06, 2024, 05:57:51 PM »
PUL-EASE just take him to Mars Elon! Get it over with!  ;D
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2491 on: March 06, 2024, 06:51:41 PM »
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2492 on: March 07, 2024, 04:51:48 PM »
Very irritated.

I was watching MSNBC. they said Nikki Haley, dropped out. Yes. And Dean Philips dropped out, yes. Then they say NOW its down to Biden vs Trump.


Marianne Williamson, did temp suspend her campaign. She is probably frustrated, sure. But she unsuspended it, and is still in the race.

And I hope she runs indepdendent. Obviously she cant take the democratic nomination. But she can run independent, and get up there when its debate time (and yes Trump and Biden HAVE to do it), and she can debate those two old fellas and take them down. I know she is capable of doing it.

Now I dont know if she will stay in the race, but I mean, she has come this far, maybe she will. She has not given up yet, and as far as I'm concerned, we need her to bring some honesty and normalcy to a very corrupt, flowered up government. Its ALL flowered up, and many Americans look at this 'rematch,' its insane. Now Biden and Trump are very old, and Trump is a complete malignant narcissist, psychopath, who has taken us down a dark road. But Biden, while he has done some decent moves, others, he has not. He didnt do some slick moves like pack the courts to get women's rights back. We HAVE to do that. And why is Clarence Thomas still on the bench, when its proven he has been taking bribes? And yeah, while Biden is not to blame for what Hunter does, there is some shit about Hunter Biden folks dont like. He is sketch.

Anyway I will be bummed if she drops out. But I get this feel she wont. She's tough. I am rooting for her and really wanna see her nail BOTH of these men on a stage, and maybe, just maybe she can enlighten the masses.

From her website:

Dear Friends,
In 2016, there were two candidates telling people their pain was legitimate and their rage was valid – that the system indeed had been rigged against them. They were Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

Only one of them, however, wanted to do something about it. The other mainly sought to harness all that anger for his own political purposes.

And here we are.

The rage that people were feeling then is still felt today. Has the system improved economically in the last two years? In some ways, yes. But in fundamental ways, no. It’s now baked into the cake that our corrupted political system is at the service of the few at the expense of the many. And it will not disrupt itself.

One in four Americans still live with medical debt. A third of America’s workforce work for less than $15 an hour; half can’t afford a one bedroom apartment. Half our seniors live on less than $25,000 a year. The United States has the highest poverty rate of any advanced democracy.

If you’re in the top 20 per cent of American earners, the economy works well. And for that we can be grateful. But that 20 per cent live on an island that is surrounded by a sea of economic despair. Within that sea, a myriad of personal and societal dysfunctions breed easily – from chronic anxiety and addiction to ideological capture by genuinely psychotic, even fascist elements of our society.

We must respond to this situation, for it represents an unsustainable disquiet.

Franklin Roosevelt said we wouldn’t have to worry about a fascist takeover in America so long as democracy delivered on its promises. Yes, there is a genuine fascist threat in America today. But we can’t just fight the disease; we must build up our societal immune system, as well. That means we must build up our people.

We must provide a massive infusion of economic hope and opportunity to the over 70 per cent of Americans who say they feel no economic hope, who simply do what they can to survive what they know is an inherently unjust economic system. Their dreams, and the dreams of their children, are limited. They are depressed and angry about it, and if those feelings are not assuaged – if their needs are not met – then America will be in even bigger trouble than we are now.

That is why I am running for President. I have had a forty year career working up close and personal with people whose lives are in trouble, and too many are in trouble now.

Our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” has become a government “of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.” Our public policies regularly do more to serve the goal of short-term profit maximization for corporate and billionaire donors, than to serve the goal of safety, health and well-being of the American people.

The humanitarian values at the core of our Declaration of Independence have been replaced by a soulless economics as the governing principle of our civilization.  The tentacles of hyper-capitalism, devoid of any ethical or moral consideration, now reach greedily into every corner of our society. A Second Gilded Age is upon us, income disparity as great as at any time in our history, and everything from climate catastrophe to AI catastrophe to nuclear catastrophe now loom as genuine threats to our civilization.

It is time to turn around.

In the words of President John F. Kennedy, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” In the years ahead of us, America is going to change. It is up to us to make the change a conscious, wise and responsible one.  As President, I will make sure we do.

A corporate aristocracy – from insurance and pharmaceutical companies to Big Ag to Big Food to chemical companies to gun manufacturers to Big Oil to Big Tech to defense contractors – now tyrannize this country, and the days of their overreach and entitlement must end. No one thing is going to make that happen, but a president who is willing to use the power of the executive branch to stand up to what Roosevelt called the “economic royalists” is a good solid beginning. And I will be that.

As Americans, we need a season of repair, a new beginning, a renewed faith in what’s possible. Our political imaginations can flourish once more, if we allow the better angels of our nature to emerge among us. I dedicate this campaign to the people, to the spirit in our hearts, and to the possibility of fundamental change.

With your help, we can spread this message far and wide and set America on the path of a new beginning.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2493 on: March 07, 2024, 07:16:33 PM »
Oh dear Lord have Mercy. How did people get so flowering DUMB?

THAT is Trumps Gofundme that some Trump supporter posted. It has raised thus far: "$1,331,729 raised of $355,000,000 goal"

Yes, spot a homeless man asking for change with a sign - hes a lazy ass who dont wanna work, or "dont give him money - he will go get drugs." Right? Or say that single parent mom a pro-lifer talked out of keeping her baby instead of aborting it "Oh you on your own honey, and btw, dont go on welfare thats MY TAX MONEY." Or bypassing all those donations FB puts out on your birthday for Autism or Suicide Prevention or...but yes. These folks got PLENTY OF MONEY to donate to a Billionaire, who got a huge fine for ripping off banks. Which when he does that, the actual "cost" of this is taken out of the little guy. Its ridiculous. Oh how soon they forget, when he was first running and said "Im really, really rich. I dont need money. Im gonna use MY MONEY." Oh, yes, just like when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall and, the President of Mexico said "flower you" to that one. Shit. But yes, they do what, feel sorry for this loser? Its unbelievable. "For $5 donation we can save Trump" from what? Being poor? I mean, dont we love it when a rich, flowering arrogant, racist, homophobic philanderer who grabs women by the pussy, loses it all and goes to flowering jail for trying to steal an election? I mean AMERICA CMON flowerERS. We make the best flowering movies in the world, and we want the bad guy to go down in the end. This flowerer wanna end democracy and plot twist - they want him back in the white house! Oh flower done America I cant with you! This money raised by the gofundme, could have paid for so many things shit. Got homeless of the street, paid rent of folks about to be evicted. Fed a lot of people who are going without. And these folks trying to prevent Diaper Don from a life of poorness and being in a cell? Its crazy!

What a waste of flowering money!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2494 on: March 07, 2024, 08:05:50 PM »
Going back.

Here is where The Tiny Handed Wombat said "Mexico would pay for the wall." Now also, watch how he went off about how the President of Mexico used the F-word

President of Mexico saying "flower no"

Trump seizes taxpayer dollars to pay for the wall

Questioned by reporter: "You said mexico would pay for the wall. But tax dollars pay for the wall?"

No coherent answer. Deflect, go on about steel vs concrete

Trump criticized the president of Mexico for dropping the F-bomb, but uses "flower" and "MF" here:

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2495 on: March 10, 2024, 03:30:56 PM »
The Orange Dumptruck posted the bond. Now the big issue, the big NY fraud case.  Will it be Elon, or a foreign nation to bail him out on the big one? Just watch. Someone gonna buy themselves a presidential candidate.


"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2496 on: March 11, 2024, 12:36:22 PM »
Cant control that Potty Mouth of his! Orange Dump Truck is at it again! Now he didnt name E. Jean Carroll this time, but its clear hes talking about her, when he his speaking of putting up the bond. Anyone knows who he speaks of when he mentions the now 91 million dollar bond, AND says its all false accusations - which is more...defamation! So I cant see E. Jean Carroll's attorney's letting this recent deal slide, esp when its opportunity to award her more money, and themselves! Jump on that money train, sue him again! Its easy money! So what will the magic number be to shut him up: 200 million maybe? But I strongly suspect, they will take him back to court, as his mouth is getting him in trouble. He cant control himself, to continue to lie to try to make himself look better!

So this discusses who backed his recent bond. But Don the Big Mouth Con, has a week to put up close to half a BILLION dollars to appeal the NY civil case. Which blows my mind: why didnt they pursue criminal charges for this massive fraud? No matter. WHO is gonna do it? Cause...I dont think he has the cash himself, or if he does, might be all he has. I mean, its doubtable, considering he has to pimp some trash ass, gold sneakers that are above and beyond flowering ugly and repulsive, or some smelly cologne. Who wants to smell like Trump? Since its said he smells like a butt, old makeup, and ketchup? I dunno!

The scoop:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2497 on: March 12, 2024, 12:38:55 PM »
Will this wake up the voters. The Republicans love to call social security and medicare "entitlements." Um flowerers, its OUR money and we collectively paid into it. Trump suggested cutting social security and medicare. Will this at least perk up the ears of the elderly in this country, who by and large, always VOTE? Republicans have been trying to do this for years, so they can use the money social security and medicare took out of our pockets, to line their own. Oh yes! I have said it for years this is what they want to do. And pretty much all Americans who arent the 1% billionaire class, do like social security and medicare so...

Trump suggests he’s open to cuts to Medicare and Social Security after attacking primary rivals over the issue
Kate Sullivan Tami Luhby

Published 3:12 PM EDT, Mon March 11, 2024

Former President Donald Trump on Monday suggested he was open to making cuts to Social Security and Medicare after opposing touching the entitlement programs and attacking his GOP presidential primary rivals over the issue.

Trump was asked in an interview with CNBC whether he had changed his outlook on how to handle entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in order to tackle the national debt.

“There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements,” Trump said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

(See how he calls these "entitlements?" This is smoke and mirrors. Its OUR MONEY!)!  >:(

He added: “There’s tremendous amounts of things and numbers of things you can do.”

Following the interview, President Joe Biden responded to a clip his campaign made of Trump’s comments: “Not on my watch.”

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt later told CNN that Trump was “clearly talking about cutting waste, not entitlements.”

“President Trump delivered on his promise to protect Social Security and Medicare in his first term, and President Trump will continue to strongly protect Social Security and Medicare in his second term,” said Leavitt, who argued: “The only candidate who poses a threat to Social Security and Medicare is Joe Biden.”

“By unleashing American energy, slashing job-killing regulations, and adopting pro-growth America First tax and trade policies, President Trump will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in history and put Social Security and Medicare on a stronger footing for generations to come,” Leavitt said.

When Trump was president, his administration’s budget proposals included spending cuts to Social Security, primarily by targeting disability benefits, and Medicare, largely by reducing provider payments. Trump also signaled in an interview with CNBC in 2020 that he was open to cutting federal entitlements to reduce the federal deficit.

But Trump has vowed repeatedly on the campaign trail this election cycle to “always defend Medicare and Social Security,” and has a video posted to his campaign website in which he says, “Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.”

Trump also fiercely attacked former GOP rival Nikki Haley on the campaign trail over her support for reforming these entitlement programs. Haley called for increasing the age at which today’s younger workers would become eligible for Social Security retirement benefits and limiting the benefits of wealthier Americans. Trump also regularly took aim at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over his past support of privatizing Social Security and raising the retirement age – positions the governor distanced himself from during his failed presidential bid.

The Biden administration has sought to contrast the president’s support of Social Security and Medicare with Republicans’ proposals to address shortfalls in the programs’ finances. In his State of the Union address last week, Biden said he would stop anyone who tries to cut the programs or raise the retirement age.

Without any changes, Social Security’s combined trust funds are set to run dry in 2034, at which time the program’s continuing income from taxes will only be able to cover 80% of benefits owed, according the most recent Social Security trustees report.

Medicare’s hospital insurance trust fund, known as Medicare Part A, will only be able to pay scheduled benefits in full until 2031, according to the latest Medicare trustees’ annual report. At that time, Medicare, which covers nearly 67 million senior citizens and people with disabilities, will only be able to cover 89% of total scheduled benefits.

Two factors driving the projected rise in deficits are the aging population and the growth in federal health care costs, which will necessitate greater spending on Social Security and Medicare, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Trump has been more open to cutting Medicaid enrollment and reducing federal funding for the program, which provides health coverage to low-income Americans. His administration approved requests from several states to require certain enrollees to work, which resulted in thousands of people losing coverage in Arkansas, the only state that implemented it for a short time before being stopped in federal court.

And as part of the 2017 efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Republicans wanted to curtail the amount of future federal support for Medicaid by sending a fixed amount of money to the states each year and reducing the growth rate of that funding. Additionally, they wanted to jettison the Obamacare program that expands Medicaid coverage to low-income adults.

Trump weighs in on TikTok
Also in the Monday interview with CNBC, Trump said it was a “tough decision” on whether the US should ban TikTok and argued getting rid of the app would benefit Facebook.

“The thing I don’t like is that without TikTok, you can make Facebook bigger, and I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people along with a lot of the media,” Trump said, adding he thought “Facebook has been very bad for our country, especially when it comes to elections.”

Trump said he thought TikTok posed a national security threat to the US but said “you have that problem with Facebook and lots of other companies too,” and said, “there are a lot of people on TikTok that love it.”

“There’s, you know, a lot of good, and there’s a lot of bad with TikTok,” Trump said.

His comments come days after a House committee unanimously advanced a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban against TikTok on all electronic devices. The measure, which was approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, would prohibit TikTok from US app stores unless the social media platform is quickly spun off from its China-linked parent company, ByteDance. TikTok is one of the world’s most popular social media apps and is used by roughly 170 million Americans.

When Trump was president, he supported calls to ban the app, but has since appeared to have backed away from that stance. Trump was asked by CNBC about his change in position on TikTok and whether there was any connection to his recent meeting with Jeff Yass, a top GOP donor and major TikTok investor.

Trump said he did not discuss TikTok with Yass, and said he met with Yass and his wife for only “a few minutes,” and that Yass “never mentioned TikTok.”

Trump said when he was president, he wanted Congress to decide whether TikTok should be banned.

“I was at the point where I could have gotten it done if I wanted to,” Trump said. “I sort of said, you guys decide, you make that decision because it’s a tough decision to make.”

‘Tariffs are tremendously powerful’
Trump also said in the Monday interview that imposing tariffs “gives you power in dealing with other countries,” and said, “I’m a big believer in tariffs.”

“Tariffs are tremendously powerful in terms of stopping wars because they don’t want tariffs. And frankly, I can, I made them sing, I made other countries sing with the threat of tariffs. And if you don’t have tariffs, we have nothing whatsoever on them,” Trump said.

Trump said last month he would consider imposing a tariff upward of 60% on all Chinese imports if he regains the presidency.

As president, Trump imposed tariffs of 25% on $50 billion of Chinese goods in June 2018. Beijing countered with its own tariffs, and the spiral continued until the two countries arrived at an agreement in 2020. The Biden administration has largely kept the Trump-era tariffs in place.

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« Reply #2498 on: March 12, 2024, 12:43:13 PM »
I have talked about this extensively. WHAT is their plan for the children addicted to this app?

Wait, is America actually banning TikTok now?
Brian Fung

Updated 5:09 PM EST, Sat March 9, 2024

House lawmakers are moving with dizzying speed with a plan that could ban TikTok from the United States. In the span of two days this week, a key House committee introduced and approved a bill targeting TikTok. The full House is set to vote on it as early as next week, and the White House says President Joe Biden is prepared to sign it.

But could a TikTok ban really happen? And what makes this proposal different from the other times policymakers have tried to clamp down on the video-sharing app used by 170 million Americans?

Here’s everything you need to know about the hot-button legislation.

What would the bill do?
If enacted, the bill would give TikTok roughly five months to separate from its China-linked parent company, ByteDance, or else app stores in the United States would be prohibited from hosting the app on their platforms.

It doesn’t stop there. The bill lays out similar restrictions for any app allegedly controlled by foreign adversaries, such as China, Iran, Russia or North Korea. And it sets up a process for Biden — or any future president — to identify apps that should be banned under the legislation.

App stores that violate the legislation could be fined based on the number of users of a banned app. The bill establishes fines of $5,000 per user of a banned app.  So in the case of TikTok, Apple and Google could potentially be on the hook for up to $850 billion in fines each.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee voted unanimously to advance the bill on Thursday.

What is TikTok saying?
TikTok is calling the legislation an attack on the First Amendment rights of its users. It launched a call-to-action campaign within its app, urging users to call their representatives in Washington to oppose the bill. Multiple congressional offices say they’ve been flooded with calls.

“The government is attempting to strip 170 million Americans of their Constitutional right to free expression,” TikTok said in a statement. “This will damage millions of businesses, deny artists an audience, and destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country.”

Why are lawmakers cracking down on TikTok?
They allege TikTok poses a national security threat because the Chinese government could use its intelligence laws against ByteDance, forcing it to hand over the data of US TikTok users. Policymakers worry that that information could then be used to identify intelligence targets or enable disinformation or propaganda campaigns.

So far, the US government has not publicly presented any evidence that China has accessed TikTok user data, and cybersecurity experts say it remains a hypothetical — albeit seriously troubling — scenario.

Didn’t President Donald Trump try to do this once? What’s he saying now?

Yes. While in office, Trump used a series of executive orders to try to force ByteDance to sell TikTok, and to bar app stores from hosting the platform. Those efforts stalled amid legal challenges, but Trump played a key role in making TikTok an issue in the first place, linking it to a broader anti-China agenda that included a trade war and incendiary rhetoric that’s raised fears of anti-Asian hate.

Curiously, however, Trump this week came out against a TikTok ban, saying in a post on Truth Social that it would only empower Facebook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whom he described as “a true Enemy of the People!”

It’s not clear why Trump abruptly reversed his stance on TikTok. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president, who will likely take on Biden in this November’s election.

So what makes this time different?
First, we’re talking about congressional legislation, not executive action. That’s an important difference. During the Trump administration, some debated whether the president has authority to ban a foreign-owned social media app. This bill would instead create clear, all-new authorities for the president to do exactly that.

Second, Trump’s efforts to ban TikTok ran into serious First Amendment objections at the time. The lawmakers behind this week’s bill say they have worked hard to iron out those concerns.

Wisconsin Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher, one of the bill’s lead cosponsors, says the bill does not ban TikTok; it simply offers TikTok the choice to be divested, with the consequence of a ban if it doesn’t comply. Gallagher says he and others have worked on the bill for the past six months, consulting with officials from the White House and across Washington to ensure it can withstand a legal challenge.

And, notably, Biden said he supports the bill.

“If they pass it, I’ll sign it,” Biden told reporters at Joint Base Andrews on Friday.

Can it actually pass?
The bill is advancing remarkably quickly in the House.

With how quickly House leaders are promising a floor vote, it suggests they are confident it has enough votes to clear the chamber.

The question is whether the bill has a future in the Senate. If it’s taken up there, Gallagher said, it would likely fall to the Senate Commerce Committee. There is currently no companion bill to the House bill in the Senate, however. And Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell, who chairs the Commerce Committee, has provided a largely non-committal statement on the bill that acknowledges the concerns of its opponents.

“I will be talking to my Senate and House colleagues to try to find a path forward that is constitutional and protects civil liberties,” Cantwell said in a statement to CNN.

Does the bill violate the First Amendment?
Civil society groups say that even if the bill’s actual text doesn’t directly censor TikTok or its users, it still has the ultimate effect of doing so.

“There’s no denying that it would do just that,” said Jenna Leventoff, senior policy counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union. “We strongly urge legislators to vote no on this unconstitutional bill.”

The bill’s primary mechanic — setting up a choice for TikTok that could lead to a ban — is really a sleight of hand that courts will see through instantly, according to First Amendment experts.

Ken White, a First Amendment litigator at the law firm Brown White & Osborn, said courts can and do look at whether the functional effect of a law is to stifle speech, not just what the text of the law says. Lawmakers may try to say the bill regulates TikTok’s foreign ownership, not content. But, White said, “’foreign influence’ aren’t magic words that get you out of First Amendment problems. It’s not at all clear that Congress’ fig leaf of an excuse will work.”

An important part of First Amendment scrutiny will be whether lawmakers could have achieved their goals through a “less restrictive alternative” to a flat-out ban, said Jameel Jaffer, executive director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. Passing a nationwide privacy law regulating how all companies, not just TikTok, handle Americans’ data would lead to the same result without raising First Amendment concerns, he said.

Setting that aside, courts have held that Americans have a constitutional right to receive foreign propaganda, even if the US government doesn’t like it.

By that precedent, it would be unconstitutional for the government to ban TikTok even if it were blatantly a direct mouthpiece for the Chinese government, Jaffer said.

“If you give the government the power to restrict Americans’ access to propaganda,” he said, “then you’ve given the government the power to restrict Americans’ access to anything the government deems to be propaganda.”

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2499 on: March 13, 2024, 10:23:06 AM »
This is a huge issue which BLOWS my mind. Benedict Donald, basically took box loads of Top Secret documents to Mar-A-Lago, and was charging folks to have access to him. And folks with half a brain know WHY he had those documents. He was gonna sell out America. Of course tho, perhaps I should say he DID sell out America. Cause who all has seen these documents at this point. But what is stunning to me, is we all saw the photos of these documents, carelessly stuck in his bathroom, and yet, folks still support him? The Christian Nationalists, who deemed him as the "son of man" or "second coming" or an "Imperfect Messiah," act totally impervous to the magnitude of the danger he put us in, and will further put us in. I can say, it woke up all the vets in spirit - for sure! I know they are looking down at us like "WTF is happening here?" All of this mess. But you think, if the insurrection wasnt the signal to them, him trying to overturn democracy by force, didnt shake them awake, him having all those sensitive documents does not? Those things could get our military killed. It knocks the breath out of me how ignorant they are, and how callous this is, and what darkness has befallen the GOP to support this man? Oh its DARKNESS all right!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2500 on: March 13, 2024, 02:56:35 PM »
Welp! Its being called a blood bath! First, the Republican National Committee (RNC), appointed Laura Trump (DIL) to lead the RNC. Now today, they laid off approximately 60 staffers. Now adding Trump loyalists. Now, the good part: everything Dirty Donny touches turns to shit. Then of course, he will notably use the RNC money for his legal bills, of course. SHOW ME THE MONEY!💰 So if they are gonna blow this money, cause he is good at doing that, spending in all the wrong places, etc. Then you can expect lousy ads and things, vs Biden promoting a seriously strong campaign. So yes, gutting the RNC, they are going to have deep regrets when its all said and done. Maybe Dumpy Doo Doo Brains should take some lessons from Little Barron how to play chess.♖
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2501 on: March 13, 2024, 03:00:55 PM »

Trump takes control of the RNC with mass layoffs, restructuring
The move has raised fears among some former officials about the party’s future support for down-ballot candidates
By Michael Scherer, Josh Dawsey and Marianne LeVine
March 12, 2024 at 6:16 p.m. EDT

Former president Donald Trump took charge of the Republican National Committee this week with the political equivalent of shock and awe — leaving dozens out of work, revamping strategic priorities and raising fears among some former officials about the party’s future support for down-ballot candidates.

The senior leadership has been almost entirely replaced or reassigned, while dozens of lower-ranking officials including state directors were either fired or told to reapply for their jobs. A nationwide network of community outreach centers, once a fixture of the party’s efforts to attract minority voters, will be shuttered or refocused on get-out-the-vote efforts. The much heralded “Bank Your Vote” program, aimed at getting Republicans to vote early, will shift to a “Grow The Vote” program focused more on expanding the party’s outreach to less likely Trump voters.

Trump’s team, led by campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, is bringing in allies with what LaCivita says will be a leaner, more aggressive operation with more political experience.

“It is about changing a mind-set,” LaCivita said in an interview Tuesday. “The RNC is as much a part of the Trump campaign as the Trump campaign is part of the RNC. It is really important from our standpoint that everyone understand in a campaign that will be unprecedented in history that everyone has the same stated goal.”

The RNC’s political director, its lead data officer and communications director have all been replaced, according to people familiar with the moves. The chief of staff and top counsel voluntarily left before LaCivita took over.

One of the most experienced lawyers in GOP politics, Charlie Spies, who recently served as the architect of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s shuttered presidential effort, will take over as chief counsel.

Additionally, LaCivita is installing Christina Bobb — a former OAN reporter who has espoused false claims that the 2020 election was stolen — as senior counsel for election integrity. Bobb is the author of a book called “Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024” and promoted the audit of Arizona elections.

“I’m honored to join the RNC and thrilled the new leadership is focused on election integrity,” Bobb said in a statement. “I look forward to working to secure our elections and restore confidence in the process.”

The new leadership at the RNC has discussed a broader effort over the coming months to challenge voter identification and signature verification rules that were put into place for the 2020 election.

“The RNC’s new posture as it relates to litigation is much more offensive and much less defensive,” LaCivita said in the interview.

Some Trump allies privately questioned the hiring of Spies, a longtime GOP lawyer who previously worked for super PACs that supported the presidential campaigns of Republicans Mitt Romney in 2012 and Jeb Bush in 2016.

LaCivita praised Spies as one of the party’s top campaign attorneys, who is well respected by donors for his fundraising innovations and actively involved in election litigation.

Some former Republican officials — caught off guard by the dramatic changes — have expressed concerns about the takeover, which normally happens in some form at the end of an open primary fight. Former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, long a close adviser to Trump, was described as blindsided by the scale and speed of the changes, which target her efforts to balance Trump’s interest with the rest of the party’s interests.

“There won’t be a RNC operation to help the greater party. They don’t care about the greater party,” said a former RNC official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect future job prospects. “The RNC is important to lots of people in down-ballot elections. They’re cutting off any service that doesn’t provide help to anyone but Donald Trump. It’s just all about Trump.”

LaCivita said in response that the rising tide of Trump’s candidacy would lift all Republican boats this year, and that the RNC would continue to work closely with the Republican Party’s House and Senate committees.

Sean Cairncross, a former White House adviser to Trump who worked at the RNC during the 2016 campaign, is the new chief operating officer. And James Blair, a top adviser to Trump is also taking a senior political role at the RNC. Blair is a longtime Florida operative who is close with Susie Wiles, Trump’s de facto chief of staff.

“If you choose to not reapply, your last day of employment will be March 31, 2024,” Cairncross wrote in an email sent to some fired employees, which was obtained by The Washington Post. The changes at the RNC were described by LaCivita and eight other current and former party officials, most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal changes.

Trump had made clear he wanted changes at the RNC even before he cleared the field of rivals for the Republican nomination. Trump had grown frustrated last year with McDaniel when she stuck by her pledge to remain neutral in the nomination fight and continued to sponsor primary debates long after Trump had made clear he would never participate. McDaniel called for the party to unite behind Trump after he won the New Hampshire primary in late January, but she was soon ousted.

At Trump’s direction, the RNC voted Friday to elect former North Carolina GOP chair Michael Whatley and Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, to senior positions to replace McDaniel. Lara Trump is married to the former president’s son Eric, who now runs the family’s hospitality and branding business.

They have also decided not to use RNC funds over the coming months to pay for Trump’s ongoing legal costs, in part because his status as a candidate would likely mean the funds would have to come directly out of the party’s limited political budget that is coordinated with the campaign. Trump has long argued that his legal prosecutions are politically motivated, suggesting that any spending on his own lawyer is a form of political spending.

The RNC has a cash problem on its hands. The Democratic National Committee, which is functioning as a part of President Biden’s campaign, had $24 million in the bank at the end of January — almost triple the $8.7 million held by the Republican National Committee.

The entire revamp is being led by LaCivita, a combative and experienced strategist who during the 2004 presidential campaign led the group originally known as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in an effort against Democratic nominee John F. Kerry, a massive outside spending effort on behalf of Trump in 2020 and countless other state and federal campaigns.

A former Marine Corps sergeant who earned a Purple Heart in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, LaCivita has functioned as the senior political consultant for Trump since the start of his 2024 campaign, though he has not taken a formal title. He will take on a new dual role, overseeing the coordinated campaign effort at the RNC while maintaining his position advising Trump’s campaign.

The new approach is aimed, in part, at avoiding the deep dysfunction in message and advertising coordination that hampered Trump in 2020, when animosity flared between McDaniel and Trump’s second campaign manager, Bill Stepien. Relations got so bad that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top campaign adviser in 2020, had to convene a meeting between the campaign and party teams in October of that year to set an advertising strategy for the final weeks of the campaign.

The firings, according to people familiar with them, were done by LaCivita, who met with employees in the human resource director’s office with the director. In some cases, LaCivita told the employees they hadn’t done anything wrong but he just wanted his own team. Most of the employees were gone within hours.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2502 on: March 14, 2024, 04:18:46 PM »
Flippety Floppity Dumpy Boi wanted to ban tiktok while in office. Suddenly, two days ago, he wants to see tiktok stay. He claims cause folks would go to facebook, an "enemy of the people." No, its cause he was kicked off Facebook back in the day.

But oh, here we have a person who owns 15% of the parent company of tiktok, who went to see Trump, "kissed the ring," and hes a donor to the republican party. And suddenly....voila! The Orange Nutsack wants tiktok to be spared! Oh yes, how much did the donor slip the Orange Goo Goo brains? Trumpy Trump is easily purchased by anyone who waves dollars, like an old stripper in a dive rubbing on a pole flashing her vajayjay. So yes, THIS is the big reason now Greasy Donny is loving the app now. That's all it takes!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2503 on: March 16, 2024, 02:01:01 PM »
I wish Mike Pence would have said, per not endorsing The Manchurian Cantelope, "The MF wanted people to HANG ME so I cant support him." I mean yes, when someone wants you dead, and doesnt care if a mob hangs you, many would be understanding you flipping. Pence was incredibly loyal to Dumpy Dipshit. But in the end, he luckily didnt support him after all this. Now, interesting he brings up the issues and even tiktok being one of them. Interesting. But Pence never brings up the hanging! Pence is from a very, very old school conservative type folk that are becoming a dinosaur. And with him seeing the RNC gutted, the man doesnt want to fan the flames here. Now I commend him on Jan 6, he did the right thing. I respect him for this. Tho I dont agree with a lot of his views. And while I would have liked to see him take down the Orange Shitstain for wanting him dead for God's sakes, Im glad he publically said he wont endorse him:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2504 on: March 16, 2024, 02:31:21 PM »
Yes, he received this award from Israel, and was actually dubbed "The Prince of Peace." Oh lordie, the blasphemy is fierce!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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