Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 35047 times)

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« Reply #2505 on: March 16, 2024, 02:35:16 PM »
So I talked to an elderly woman today. We got political. I talked about how Republicans are threatening social security and medicare. Then she said Biden said he would cut those. I told her one, he has not, and two, he promised he would not. She was completely oblivious that, Trump said basically he would cut the "entitlements" those dumb flowers like to call it that. She acknowledged "its our money, we have paid into it!" But blame Biden, when he hasnt cut it, and said he would not. But Republicans have admitted, its on the chopping block? Oh lordie the brainwashing runs deep. The scoop:
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« Reply #2506 on: March 18, 2024, 10:19:00 AM »
Yes, in deep seriousness. This is where Trump and Manson line up and coincide. Manson got others, manipulated others, to do his dirty work for him. Sold the people a bill of goods who the bad guys were etc. And they did the unthinkable. Trump, at this latest rally, said, if he is not elected it will be a "bloodbath."

The thing is, he is egging on a segment of the population, that hangs on his every word, and wants their own version of a civil war. As long as these lunatics allow him to continue to poison their minds, and make them darker and darker, it could be another Jan 6, yes. The Manchurian Candidate was not a work of fiction. It was a fact. He "built a wall," he wasnt kidding. But its not what folks "think" a wall is. We have many living in separate realities right now, influenced by others who wanted to brainwash them. This is a cult, and he is so psychotic, and derranged, he wants a bloodbath. Thats the sad truth, and that segment wants it too.
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« Reply #2507 on: March 19, 2024, 01:30:02 PM »
So I did see an interview. Elon said he wont pay Dingleberry Donald a dime. I guess he wont play that art of war card. So Mango Mugshot Marvel has to pay up this astronomical fine by next week, or NY and Leticia James gonna seize some ass-ets. Yes! No one is backing him up. They want cold hard cash, not to put up property. Now he has tons of properties all over the world even. But most folks dont want to pay for these things. So the clock ticks and is someone gonna bail him out 11th hour, or Diaper Don gonna go down the tubes here? We all wait with bated breath!
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« Reply #2508 on: March 19, 2024, 04:30:53 PM »
Heh. Now Im no fan of Ron the Con. But we know he was running for President and dropped out. And then Don the Con has been humiliating Desantis in his rallies, mercilessly. Even tho he dropped out and like a schmuck, came in support of Trump, cause he would never back Biden or an independent. But....this is where it gets juicy. Then Ron the Con decides to release some Epstein Grand Jury documents. And we know, at least, unless you are stupid and listen to that Q nonsense, that Dirty Donny Doolittle was good buddies with Epstein and his cohort Maxwell, who is in prison. And Dumpy surely is mentioned in this grand jury stuff.

But let me shockingly agree with Ron the Con: why is it, no one else has gone down for this blatant S*x tra****ing? Why not? Cause these folks have money. So apparently July 1st this info will be made public for all to see and....just right before the election huh? Oh Ron the Con, I see what you are doing here! You could have done this some time ago. But right now, right before November 3rd? Heh. The scoop:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2509 on: March 19, 2024, 04:55:44 PM »
A little more on Desantis signing this law and these Epstein grand jury documents being released. Right before...the election. Hey Dumpy, maybe shouldnt have been kicking the man in the groin at the rallies! He kicks harder it seems!
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« Reply #2510 on: March 19, 2024, 04:59:40 PM »
Yea give him a swift kick in the nuts Ron the Con. I know how spiteful you can be! Pay attention to the name Acosta in this one:

DeSantis to sign off on releasing more Epstein documents
By KIMBERLY LEONARD  02/29/2024 07:00 AM EST

Good morning and happy Leap Day.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign legislation in Palm Beach this morning to release state grand jury records of an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender and financier who killed himself in jail.

The bill is one of the few agenda items DeSantis has enthusiastically pledged to sign, without being prompted, albeit late in the session. Unlike in past years, DeSantis did not come into this session with an extensive list of agenda items but instead has picked off certain bills to comment on or has weighed in when asked directly at press conferences throughout the state.

The legislation would open access to investigations and testimonies from more than 20 years ago, when Palm Beach authorities first investigated Epstein for allegedly sexually abusing minors. The case was referred to a grand jury and culminated in Epstein getting a deal in which he avoided federal charges or extensive time in federal prison.

Overseeing the agreement was then-federal prosecutor Alex Acosta, who would later go on to be labor secretary in the Trump administration. Acosta resigned his secretary role amid outcry over the Epstein investigation reported extensively in the Miami Herald.

Epstein killed himself  (sure he did) in 2019 while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges. His death fueled countless online conspiracy theories about how he died in jail and connection to wealthy and famous people.

DeSantis ordered an investigation into the deal after Epstein was arrested in a Manhattan federal court but the FDLE concluded in 2021 that it didn’t find wrongdoing by prosecutors or investigators.

The Epstein bill DeSantis will take up today is about more than transparency and openness — it gives DeSantis an opening for a clear area of contrast against President Joe Biden, just as he has tried to do on illegal immigration and term limits ever since leaving the presidential race. DeSantis already went to social media to criticize the federal government over not releasing more documents, accusing officials of trying to “stonewall accountability,” and wondering aloud about how the abuse went on so long and why no one besides Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell were held accountable.

“Biden should release the Epstein files associated with the federal government, which is probably much more extensive,” DeSantis said during a press conference last week. This year the federal government released more than 3,000 pages, but there still remained questions over whether anyone else had been involved in the abuse, per The Associated Press.

DeSantis told reporters last week about his plans to sign the legislation in Palm Beach, and the bill was presented to him yesterday and alerted from his office last night. Today’s bill signing also puts DeSantis on the turf of a certain ex-president and former 2024 Republican presidential rival, who himself is set to appear in court in Fort Pierce on Friday.

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« Reply #2511 on: March 19, 2024, 05:13:52 PM »
The Stormy Daniels trial, may as well call it that, hush money trial, has been postponed for the moment, till April 15th. But a documentary was released on Peacock today! Now I know what im watching tonight. Ill have to talk about it when I see it. But imagine the death threats this woman suffered. Disgusting people. It takes a lot of courage to step forward. But of course, the Mad Mango and his attorneys tried to stop her from testifying. Oh this will be a huge trial when we all hear her speak. And comparing her to Ivanka? He has said some really disgusting things about his own daughter. The scoop:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2512 on: March 20, 2024, 03:55:26 PM »
He did mention her name in an interview. THIS could end up being the VP running mate. Kristy Noem, govenor of South Dakota. He said she is "beautiful" and "She's HOT."

YES, thats all it takes folks. And she is loving the love of, a creepy, elderly, overly cooked, dead possum wearing, viagra chomping, diaper wearing, sack of shit. Its ridiculous. But here she is, and no offense, but appears to be his "type" as she had a little work, as all the women in his family have had, and his poor flowering wives:

Well ill give it to her. She is cuter than Mike Pence, who was far from "sexy" of course. Heh. But yes, watch him pick her. Of course he would want this to be the VP! 🤮
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« Reply #2513 on: March 20, 2024, 06:09:49 PM »
Now im not on X. But im pretty sure there is a: #wheresmelania hashtag going around. Last I heard anything on the trophy wife, she was renegotiating that prenup. She has to be spitting nails here, that Litte Barron aint gonna have a cushy trust fund. But Little Barron is gonna have to get a job maybe doing construction, or maybe he can become one of those Apple employees, or take my order at Olive Garden, cause Daddy Orange Potty Mouth is totally flowerED.

But she didnt show up for this whole new year bash. Hasnt been at rallys. No Super Tuesday. Not when he accepted the nom. Nothing. So where is Melania?

Why is she not in the XMAS photo here? Yoooo Hooo Melania!! Anyone out there!

Maybe I should do a missing persons read. Or maybe she just, cant take the flowering smell of shit, ketchup, sweat and theater makeup. And the embarassment. Maybe she went on Tinder to find a new man, or Plenty of Fish. Cant blame her, cause he is the worst! 🤮
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2514 on: March 20, 2024, 07:20:15 PM »
It’s gotta be totally humiliating. All these years, saying how rich he was. But Don the Empty Pockets Con went to appellate court, said he "doesnt have the means" to pay this fine. No companies will give him a bond, and I guess, after all his bragging how he was a billionaire, said just doesnt have this change stuffed in his mattress.

So March 25th, heh, is the FINAL day its pay so can appeal, or Leticia James and NYC gonna seize those ASS-ETS and take a MF down. Now I thought someone could bail him out 11th hour. But perhaps...I mean, to bail him out, the person would KNOW that he cant pay it back, his word is...not quite I HAD TO! And other things....his gutting the RNC is rubbing republicans wrong. May have been a bad move to make it all MAGA! ♟ So yes...not looking too good here for Slick Willy to come up with the cash. Scoop:
« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 09:14:26 PM by Firestarter »
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2515 on: March 21, 2024, 09:17:55 AM »
Speak of the She-Devil! It appears Melania (was paid to) come out and show her face, with Diggity Doggity Donald. I anticipate he may have negotiated, she would not have to have sex with him till the election if she did.  ;) I love how someone on either X or Truth Social said this is an "authentic" couple or romance. Isnt that an odd thing to call a couple? Obviously, the person said this, because the authenticity of the "love story" is questionable. I mean, let me surmise here. They meet at The Kit Kat Club. Where she is a "model" being pimped out by an agent and...ends up with Numb Nuts, who basically, purchased himself a trophy wife. I mean "love story" my ass. She is saddled to a stinky old man now who is in the throws of absolute ruin. But anywho, she surfaced, and when asked if she will join him on the MAGA Train, she said "stay tuned." Basically means "depends how much money the KFC Glutton can pony up and stuff in her Chanel Bag." Of course!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2516 on: March 21, 2024, 03:15:14 PM »
Oh *rubs hands together* I got 144k reasons this is happening! But as the Deadline is getting closer...closer...for Donny Delinquent and Destroyed Con, he has a new email announcement for his Kool Aid Cult: "Keep your filthy hands of Trump Tower!" So basically its a pitch to raise money, begging his base to save him. Oh the grift that keeps on grifting!

Now I already showed the gofundme, and I think some donated, just so they could comment snarks. But here we have an alleged "billionaire" begging the "working poor" to keep him afloat, save him from drowning. Save his flowering Tower? Heh - and GOD gonna strike it with a lightning bolt, it comin! I love a good smite that is well deserved! The scoop:

Trump campaign pleads for one million donations as cash crunch looms 🤣 ♛
March 20, 202411:40 AM PDTUpdated 9 hours ago

March 20 (Reuters) - Donald Trump's campaign on Wednesday called for donations from one million of his backers, warning he could lose his New York properties, two days after the former president failed to secure a bond to cover a $454 million judgment in a civil fraud case.
"KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF TRUMP TOWER!,"🤣(Ole "tiny handed wombat" cries out) reads a message to supporters from a joint fundraising committee that allocates the money it collects to his campaign and a separate political committee that has been paying Trump's legal bills.

The civil fraud case, brought by New York state Attorney General Letitia James in September 2022, is one of several legal travails that Trump faces ahead of a Nov. 5 election rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden.

The message, sent by text with prompts for supporters to donate in amounts ranging from $20.24 to $3,300 or a specific amount, accuses James of wanting to seize Trump's properties and portrays her actions as part of a broader effort by Biden and Democrats to harm his reelection campaign.

"So before the day is over, I'm calling on ONE MILLION Pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say: STOP THE WITCH HUNT AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP!"🧙🏼‍♀️ the campaign message said.
Biden has said he is not involved in any of the cases against Trump. The Biden campaign declined to comment.

The fundraising message links donors to the joint fundraising committee that Trump typically asks supporters to contribute through. It alludes to James' case, but it does not say that funds would be used for that purpose.

It is unclear if Trump could use the funds to pay for the judgment. While federal law prohibits the use of campaign money for personal expenses, Trump has been able to use donor money to pay some of his lawyers’ fees, saying his legal defense is campaign-related.

On Monday, Trump's lawyers told an appellate court in New York that their client had been rejected by 30 surety companies for a bond to cover the massive civil fraud judgment, inching him closer to the possibility of having his properties seized.  ;D

Trump must either pay the sum out of his own pocket or post a bond to stave off the state's seizure while he appeals Justice Arthur Engoron's Feb. 16 judgment against him for misstating property values to dupe lenders and insurers.

Earlier this month, Trump posted a $91.6 million bond to cover an $83.3 million defamation verdict for the writer E. Jean Carroll while he appeals, in a case that arose from his branding her a liar after she accused him of raping her decades ago.

He has denied wrongdoing in the litany of civil and criminal cases imperiling his real estate businesses and campaign.

Reporting by Nathan Layne in Wilton, Connecticut, Tim Reid in Washington and Jack Queen in New York Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Bill Berkrot

But...but...the golden calf sneakers...I thought these would pull him out of the well he is drowning in! I guess sales are down!  ;D

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« Reply #2517 on: March 21, 2024, 06:36:59 PM »
Ok I thought I was done for the night. But this is too rich. Ok so Jesse shows, this dude on Fox news, asking another billionaire guest on his show, if he will save Trump and loan him the money. Then shows a tweet some idiot calling out all the billionaires who wont save Don The Con, who is...losing here!

This blows me away! Like, how can someone have the BIGGEST BALLS to ask someone, to pony up and bail out a raving, frothing at the mouth lunatic, for 464 MILLION DOLLARS? I mean how do you.... "Hey, btw, for the good of the country...could you PLEASE loan him the money?" This is not, asking someone, for like, $10,000. This is asking for a massive, massive amount of money! Its inconceivable to me, that folks cant understand, why other billionaires, dont want to give this money, with his track record of not paying back people, not paying banks, not paying employees. Conning folks and shit. But, the AUDACITY to put someone on the spot, and ask them to give him THAT MUCH MONEY? These people are totally flowering nuts!

But yes, like if someone came to me, and asked me to give someone say, $500, and this person had a massive history of borrowing money from folks, and not paying it back to them, why would I loan it? Its just unfathomable to me, folks think what? There is a billionaire boys club and they should all pay someone cause he's, afraid of going...broke? I mean, welcome to America! Where the majority of us live paycheck to paycheck. flowering unreal:
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« Reply #2518 on: March 22, 2024, 10:19:40 AM »
Oh the BEGGING of the base! Its so pathetic. I love how someone said:

M: My
A: Assets
G: Got
A: Auctioned


The only thing I commented on this video was: "Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!" I'm thoroughly enjoying the shakedown takedown of this lowlife bottom feeder he is despicable! But begging the working poor, who live paycheck to paycheck. And the funny thing, is republicans are so against "socialism" and programs like welfare.

Isnt this kinda welfare, except a brainwashed base, funding his legal expenses and fines? Then he brings up a salient point: how is "this" money being begged for, for the campaign? He is trying to use his base, and then say it is for "campaign expenses." Oh, we may have some future legal issues with this. Cause I dont think begging a base to pay....464 million dollar fine due to NYC is...necessarily campaign related. That sounds like a personal problem!

The scoop!
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« Reply #2519 on: March 22, 2024, 11:34:23 AM »

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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