Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34615 times)


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Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!! - Mountains and there impact on human warfare
« Reply #2175 on: November 24, 2015, 06:43:51 AM »

Mountains and more Mountains.
here it is the messiah standing on the Mount of Olives and the the young boy speaks about the messiah standing on that mountain  determining who is worthy to be saved ...

What did Carlos Castaneda told us about Mountains and religions!?
To find out please read" I Was Carlos Castaneda: The Afterlife Dialogues" by Martin Goodman.
If you haven't read that book you might know too little about the Mountains in the Middle east and the kind of "religious war" that is going on there. Muslims against muslims, jews against muslims, jews against christians, muslim against christians, muslims against jews - in an never ending circle.


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« Reply #2176 on: November 24, 2015, 01:57:10 PM »
dear Jahn

Carlos castenada was a good trojan horse for something bigger than him as far as i am concerned

and certainly is no hero of mine

Don Juan freed , Carlos Castaneda entraps

i can tell you that the symbols exist "mountains etc" upon the earth as do the awareness concerned in the "story"

what comes into awareness will come about in the larger story and those symbols exist "literally" as do the characters mentioned

spiritually speaking and literally

that said i will check it out

also please take note of these things , the two olive trees , two lampstands , two witnesses , palestinians given the holy land back "olive tree planted by the church with leaders some time ago "

and also please make the connection now with the position and symbols of the mount of olives

as also with the messiah who exists and is now here  ;)

now please make the connections is awareness of your "universal man" and now over lay this upon "tribes " which have been located and vindicated

as secular awareness is concerned

The messiahc

has accounted for these in awareness


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There is no difference between Carlos Castaneda and his guide
« Reply #2177 on: November 25, 2015, 06:27:47 AM »
dear Jahn
Carlos castenada was a good trojan horse for something bigger than him as far as i am concerned
and certainly is no hero of mine
Don Juan freed , Carlos Castaneda entraps

Well, there is no way to divide Carlos from Don Juan. Don Juan was like Orlando for Quantum Shaman, a kind of guide and higher self.

i can tell you that the symbols exist "mountains etc" upon the earth as do the awareness concerned in the "story"
what comes into awareness will come about in the larger story and those symbols exist "literally" as do the characters mentioned
spiritually speaking and literally
that said i will check it out
also please take note of these things , the two olive trees , two lampstands , two witnesses , palestinians given the holy land back "olive tree planted by the church with leaders some time ago "

and also please make the connection now with the position and symbols of the mount of olives
as also with the messiah who exists and is now here  ;)

now please make the connections is awareness of your "universal man" and now over lay this upon "tribes " which have been located and vindicated

There is one rude message in that link and that is: "determining who is worthy to be saved or not". That statement is a construct of male (old) men, not familiar to the Man of the Universe. The statement is rude simply because that is not how it works on the large scale (in the Universe), beyond Religions and the mind of males. It is a mind construct, made from an inherited inventory of the dark ages.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 07:11:11 AM by Jahn »


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How holy (whole) are you?
« Reply #2178 on: November 25, 2015, 06:36:06 AM »
"What he will see is – he sees according to a person’s holiness, he will smell each person, he will smell if someone has holiness, if he is pure, if he did mitzvot (God’s commandments), if he performed acts of kindness. To see if he really has true fear of Heaven and not just fear of punishment, and things like that.”

The idea that the messiah will be able to discern the righteousness of a person based on something other than physical appearance is reflected in a prophecy from Isaiah that describes the gifts of the messiah, including the ability to judge without relying on what his eyes see or what his ears hear.

“And he shall be animated by the fear of the Lord, and neither with the sight of his eyes shall he judge, nor with the hearing of his ears shall he chastise. (Isaiah 11:-3)""

Well, if this Messiah shall "smell if someone has holiness" he will find noone.
But if he looks for "To see if he really has true fear of Heaven and not just fear of punishment" he will find many.

All this smells, old men, old school, old rotten food and the like, with a date for consumtion best before at the Iron age, 600 A D.
Am I clear enough?

You all know that Christ was against fear, because the Old Books were based on fear for God. Instead Jesus talked about forgiveness, turn the other cheek, I am your Shepherd, Let the Children come forward, because to them the heaven belongs etc.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 07:43:23 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #2179 on: November 25, 2015, 07:52:12 AM »

Just because a guide points out a path does not mean Carlos heart was able to follow

What Jesus said does not contradict what will happen at the end of the age it reaffirms it repeatedly cross referencing "go back and read it "

also i have no interest in piddly arguments

every body is about to see what will happen spiritually and physically

if you think mountains are running the universe when christ is obviously universal insteading trusting

carlos as your spiritual guide good luck with it

and perhaps you should have looked inside yourself and you might know

I have nothing to debate or discuss about it only my doings


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Where do our myths start, Martin?
« Reply #2180 on: November 25, 2015, 07:56:39 AM »

Where do our myths start, Martin? The Garden of Eden, a place where four mighty rivers find their source, therefore obviously located on a mountain? Or after the Flood, where Noah leads man and beast down the slopes of Ararat? Does Judaism hail from the moment Moses receives the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai? Or maybe it’s when Abraham is spared the slaughter of his son Isaac of the summit of Mount Moriah, when the Lord of the mountain promises to secure the future of Judaism through Abrahams descendants.
When the new Messiah arrives, of course he must make his appearance on Mount Zion and honor the prophecies that herald him.

Carlos Castaneda – The Afterlife Dialogues by Martin Goodman (page 54).


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Choose mountain - In the name of God,
« Reply #2181 on: November 25, 2015, 07:57:51 AM »

Jews, Christians, Muslims, they struggle through the centuries, slay each other in thousands, for the right to lay claim on the heights of Jerusalem. In the name of God, Jews and Arabs, Christians and Moslems, Catholics and Protestants regularly slaughter one another. Our planet stinks of religious massacres. Have you ever thought why? [Carlos asks]

“It has to do with mountains?” I ask [M G].

One thing to know, before you give your heart to mountains. They are powerfully jealous of each other. Pledge loyalty to one and it expects you to be faithful. Followers of religions believe they are following the one God. They are wrong. History tells them they are wrong, the Bible tells them they are wrong, but they are slaves to their partial understanding and believe what they want to believe.

Devotees of religions worship the Lord of a mountain. They are the mountain’s cohorts, and will battle the world to proclaim dominion over the earth. Call it Islam, Judaism, Christianity, any faction, even the Mormons of America with their own message brought down from their own mountain, they are all mountain religions. Don’t think that mountains have people let go. Never think that. They have roused us with their prophets, stirred us with their myths, hidden themselves in our religions the way they hide themselves in cloud. That divide the peoples of the world among themselves, and set them at each other’s throats”

Carlos Castaneda – The Afterlife Dialogues by Martin Goodman (page 55). 


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« Reply #2182 on: November 25, 2015, 08:22:17 AM »
carlos as your spiritual guide good luck with it

Carlos Arana Castaneda is not my spiritual guide. It is only that he and I are both Toltec students, sharing the same School of teaching.


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« Reply #2183 on: November 25, 2015, 08:31:00 AM »
and you have no idea who and what i am also

please ask your guide

Ke-ke wan

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« Reply #2184 on: November 25, 2015, 03:22:32 PM »
Maybe part of the reason we are stuffed (or beleive we are) is because of so much butting heads (insert image of two male rams) over personal beliefs and ideas.
Not tiresome?


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« Reply #2185 on: November 25, 2015, 08:46:13 PM »
absolving the feminine ha nice try

about time you piped up though


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« Reply #2186 on: November 27, 2015, 05:14:23 AM »
That's your opinion.
Rather than discussing WW3 that came yet another step closer by Turkey shooting down Russian airplane, you opt for self-advertising in this thread.
Good job.

A Swedish military officer, much in the same position as you Juhani, regarding international conflicts and education, had an open seminar in our Town the other day. On the question if there would be a new World war, he answered:
- Nay, that is not really at hand, more likeley than a new WW3 there can be a World crisis arising.

Well, Turkey do not like Russia, so they were fast on the trigger. Putin want an official excuse, and why can't they [Turkey] offer that? They already have had their Point (and fun) by bringing a jet fighter plane with two Russian pilots down.

So in the diplomatic game I really think Turkey shall present some kind of excuse. Just with the aim to put this incident behind us all.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 07:05:37 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #2187 on: November 27, 2015, 03:30:34 PM »

On 24 November Turks did what many thought would be the opening shot of WW3. They shot down Russian attack aircraft that violated Turkish airspace for 17 seconds. Yes, Turks warned Russians not to enter in the first place, but once it happened, they immediately pulled the trigger and brought the plane down.

One can ask what was it all about and would be absolutely right to do so. To shoot down a plane of world's second largest nuclear power, one must have good reasons. It looks that Turks had one significant reason to do that. That reason is Turkmen population living on trhe other side of the border - in Syria. Current Turkish leadership has vowed to protect them, whereas Russians were bombing them and Iranian-Shiite ground forces were about to invade Turkmen areas. So it is a very strategic situation and very much akin to a red line drawn on the ground.

Turks warned Russians not to bomb Turkmen areas and called Russian ambassador to Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 20 November. They warned Russia officially. On 21 November Shiite forces reached the outer limist of Turkmen areas and Russians started to generate large numbers of sorties against Turkmen. On 24 Turks pulled the trigger. On 25 and 26 November Russians deliberately launched new massive waves of attacks against Turkmen, deployed their long-range air defence missiles (that can reach the airspace of Turkmen areas) and sent more fighters to Syria and Iran.

Now we are one level higher on the escalation ladder. Turks cannot back down and their leader Erdogan swore to shoot down any other Russian aircraft that flies through Turkish airspace. Russians have said that they would not leave it like that: Turkey supports tefforists, is a threat to international security, Russians are in a process of setting up economic sanctions and Russian planes keep flying in a very demonstrative fashion under the noses of Turks.

In essence, both sides make it more and more difficult for themselves to back down. Turks have their vital interests at play - they want to have a buffer zone in Syria to stop the flow of refugees and have a "barrier" to keep the war away from their borders. Russians as a former superpower just cannot swallow that Turks (of all countries!)  unapologetically brought their plane down. Both NATO and US have supported Turkey's right to defend its airspace.

Act 1 of the drama has been completed.
Act 2 seems to be in making.

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« Reply #2188 on: November 27, 2015, 08:17:29 PM »
Nice summary Juhani. Only thing I find hard to get details on, is the area in Syria on the Turkey boarder, which represents the 'area of influence' Turkey is concerned with. Much of this is in the hands of the Kurdish YPG. Other area in the hands of the rebels - which rebels I'm not certain, but at least it is a supply line for anti-Assad groups like ISIL. Are there other areas outside these groups?

I'm sure Turkey is not interested in defending YPG areas, despite all their very nice talks.

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« Reply #2189 on: November 27, 2015, 08:50:47 PM »
I found my answer - Latakia. Reminds me of a wonderful Mac Baren's pipe tobacco called Latakia.

So, are we into escalation, beyond management? Possibly, but one thing stands out from all else: Obama has no keenness for the fight. Is this a sign of a week American leader, or a sign that the US no longer needs the Middle East for it;s strategic interests... ie oil.

I've just taken a look at the forces fighting in Syria:


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