Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34650 times)


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« Reply #465 on: July 05, 2008, 08:19:42 PM »
Some thoughts I found interesting. In comparison to (at worst) one-fifth of the US voters, Dubya might be an incredibly intelligent and shrewd man! :)

Although American voters are not generally swayed by foreign issues, the future of Israel and of the Middle East is of great interest to one large voting bloc: those among the born-again Christians who subscribe to the belief that we are living in the End of Times, and who insist that the United States support the most extreme expansionists in Israel because they actively look forward to to a great war in the Middle East. They hope not to have experience that war themselves, since they expect to be swept up to heaven in the Rapture, but the forces of the anti-Christ - the leading suspects for this role are the United Nations, the Muslim world, the 'axis of evil', or the European Union - will ravage the world during the seven years of Tribulation until they are defeated in great final battle with the forces of goodness in the valley of Armageddon, in northern Israel. At this point, just before Messiah returns to walk the earth for a thousand years, all the world's Jews will either convert to Christianity or be destroyed, but at the earlier points in the script the Israelis are needed to fulfill the prophecies: they must conquer the rest of 'Biblical lands' (most of the Middle East) and build the Temple on the site in Jerusalem now occupied by the al-Aqsa Mosque. And the United States must help them accomplish these goals.

An estimated 15-18% of American voters belong to churches or movements that follow these teachings, and since it would be virtually unthinkable for them to vote Democratic, they make up as much as third of the country's potential Republican voters.

When President Bush had the temerity to ask Prime Minister Sharon to withdraw his tanks from the West Bank city of Jenin in 2002, he reportedly received a 100,000 angry e-mails from Americans who believe these prophecies, and he never mentioned the matter again.

In the view of End-Timers it is their Christian duty to help realize prophecies that will bring on the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth by supporting the expansion of Israel and the expulsion of the Palestinians from the land of God gave to Jews - and they must not slow down to by working for peace. As televangelist Jim Robinson said when delivering the opening prayer at a Republican National Convention:'There will be no peace until Jesus comes. Any preaching of peace prior to this return is heresy. It is against the word of God. It is anti-Christ.'

Gwynne Dyer (2005) Future: Tense. The Coming World Order, pp.158-159

One cannot but laugh unstoppably!
Some have said:  Vox populi - vox Dei, 'Democracy guarantees the expression of the free will of the people', etc

What a world do we live in! :)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 08:24:03 PM by 829th »

Offline Michael

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« Reply #466 on: July 05, 2008, 08:52:10 PM »
I note Dyer's book is 2005. This argument was quite strong a few years ago. The question I am wondering is whether this group of US Christian End-Timers is as politically effective in the current election climate.

They were very active, and cashed-up. Israel itself had to put some distance between themselves and this group, despite all their money and influence, as they were just to much of a loose cannon. Their influence on Bush was very strong, because that was how the Republican (Karl Rove) machine had structured their power base.

But there has been considerable falling out amongst this religious power base. This has become a huge problem for McCain, as he is not a legitimate Republican in the mould required by the far right, and the religious fanatics.

I am curious myself if they will still the force they were previously, in this new election, and if there is still some aspect of their influence in the current Israel/Iran sabre rattling.  Anything is possible in the US it would seem.


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« Reply #467 on: July 06, 2008, 05:39:27 AM »
Be afraid, be very afraid as End-Timers have been seen in uniform...

Jerry Boykin

AKA Lieutenant General William G Boykin

Born: c. 1949
Birthplace: New Bern, NC

Gender: Male
Religion: Born-Again Christian
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Military

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Pentagon's resident Jesus freak

Military service: US Army (1971-2007, Lt. Gen.)

In late 2003, Maj. General William G. Boykin (serving as Deputy Undersecretary for Intelligence under Stephen Cambone) took a lot of heat when the press suddenly noticed a bunch of his wacky statements. Before being placed in charge of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, the former Delta Force commander had recently made several in-uniform appearances at church congregations to explain why Jesus is on America's side.

    * Speaking of Somali militia leader Osman All Otto, captured in 1993: "I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." After this comment started drawing flak, Boykin backpedaled: "Comments to Osman Otto in Mogadishu were not referencing his worship of Allah but his worship of money and power; idolatry."

    * Regarding the convoluted election of President George W. Bush: "Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this." On another occasion, Boykin put it this way: "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States. He was appointed by God."

    * In a slideshow program he presented at various church groups, Boykin showed a photo he had taken from a helicopter over Mogadishu in 1993 depicting black patches in the sky. "Whether you understand it or not, it is a demonic spirit over the city of Mogadishu. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not a fake, that's not a farce."

    * Another comment from the slideshow: "Well, is he (Osama bin Laden) the enemy? Next slide. Or is this man (Saddam Hussein) the enemy? The enemy is none of these people I have showed you here. The enemy is a spiritual enemy. He's called the principality of darkness. The enemy is a guy called Satan."

Regarding this last point, magician and celebrity atheist Penn Jillette responded thusly:

    A guy? A guy? A guy named "Satan." We can't even find a guy named Bin Laden, and now we're looking for an evil tooth fairy? Satan's not a guy, it's just someone else's imaginary friend. How did we end up fighting a war against a sock monkey?

According to Boykin, his religious conversion broke up his marriage: "My wife of 25 years [...] walked in and said, 'I don't love you anymore, you're a religious fanatic, and I'm leaving you.'"

Wife: (div.)

    University: BS Education, Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1971)
    University: Shippensburg University

Positions in DoD:
    US Defense Department Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (2003-04)
    US Defense Department Commanding General, Army JFK Special Warfare Center (2000-03)
    US Defense Department Commanding General, Army Special Forces Command (1998-2000)

In Euronews they said that Obama is already caving in on Iraq, his promise regarding returning troops in 16 months is becoming increasingly ambiguous and conditional...


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« Reply #468 on: July 10, 2008, 03:35:25 AM »
Quantum Mechanics & Chaos Theory
Anarchist Meditations on N. Herbert's
Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics
By Hakim Bey

1. Scientific worldviews or "paradigms" can influence -- or be influenced by -- social reality. Clearly the Ptolemaic universe mirrors theocentric & monarchic structures. The Newtonian/Cartesian/mechanical universe mirrors rationalistic social assumptions, which in turn underlie nationalism, capitalism, communism, etc. As for Relativity Theory, it has only recently begun to reflect -- or be reflected by -- certain social realities. But these relations are still obscure, embedded in multinational conspiracies, the metaphysics of modern banking, international terrorism, & various newly emergent telecommunications-based technologies.

2. Which comes first, scientific paradigm or social structure? For our purpose it seems unnecessary to answer this question--and in any case, perhaps impossible. The relation between them is real, but acts in a manner infinitely more complex than mere cause-&-effect, or even warp-&-weft.

3. Quantum Mechanics (QM), considered as the source of such a paradigm, at first seems to lack any social ramifications or parallels, almost as if its very weirdness deprives it of all connnections with "everyday" life or social reality. However, a few authors (like F. Capra, or Science-Fictioneers like R. Rucker or R. Anton Wilson) have seen Quantum Theory both as a vindication of certain "oriental philosophies" & also as prophetic of certain social changes which might loosely & carelessly be lumped under the heading "Aquarian."

4. The "mystical" systems evoked by our contemplation of Quantum facts tend to be non-dualist and non-theocentric, dynamic rather than static: Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Tantra (both Hindu & Buddhist), alchemy, etc. Einstein, who opposed Quantum theory, believed in a God who refused to play dice with the universe, a basically Judeo-Protestant deity who sets up a cosmic speed limit for light. The Quantum enthusiasts, by contrast, prefer a dancing Shiva, a principle of cosmic play.

5. Perhaps "oriental wisdom" will provide a kind of focusing device, or set of metaphors, or myth, or poetics of QM, which will allow it to realize itself fully as a "paradigm" & discover its reflection on the level of society. But it does not follow that this paradigm will simply recapitulate the social complexes which gave rise to Taoism, Tantra or alchemy. There is no "Eternal Return" in the strict Nietzschean sense: each time the gyre comes round again it describes a new point in space/time.

6. Einstein accused Quantum Theory (QT) of restoring individual consciousness to the center of the universe, a position from which "Man" was toppled by "Science" 500 years ago. If QT can be accused of retrogression, however, it must be something like the anarchist P. Goodman's "Stone Age Reaction" -- a turning-back so extreme as to constitute a revolution.

7. Perhaps the development of QM and the rediscovery of "oriental wisdom" (with its occidental variations) stem from the same social causes, which have to do with information density, electronic technology, the ongoing collapse of Eurocentrism & its "Classical" philosophies, ideologies & physics. Perhaps the syncresis of QT & oriental wisdom will accelerate these changes, even help direct them.

8. Table of Paradigms

With Their Spritual, Political & Economic Parallels

   1. Paleolithic -- shamanic -- non-authoritarian -- hunter/gatherer
   2. Neolithic -- polytheistic -- authoritarian -- agricultural
   3. Earth-centered Cosmos -- theistic -- monarchial/theocratic (hierarchical) -- urban
   4. Sun-centered Cosmos -- monotheistic -- divine right of kings -- colonialism & imperialism
   5. Mechanistic universe -- deist or atheist -- democracy, capitalism, communism -- industrial/technological
   6. Relativistic universe -- Modernism -- cybernocacy -- post-industrial (electronic)
   7. Quantum universe . . .

9. Just as Modernism here parallels Relativity Theory as a sort of spiritual concomitant, so "oriental wisdom" seems to attach itself to QT. But what political systems, what economics would derive from this amalgamation?

10. QT, which attempts an explanation of the reality "behind" Quantum facts, lags far behind QM itself. Unlike Relativity, QM offers no coherent ideas about "reality," only a set of statistical possibilities, tools for prediction. QM "works" -- but Quantum facts remain unexplained. The excitement of the science for non-scientists lies in the way it seems to have revived speculative philosophy as an integral part of the scientific endeavor: at present, competing theories about Quantum "reality" rival any occultist or mystical excesses for sheer madness & breathtaking incredibility. In Quantum Reality, physicist Nick Herbert outlines eight philosophies or world views, "Quantum Realities," all based on Quantum fact but all different.

11. Quantum Reality Number One (QRI) - -the Copenhagen interpretation. "There is no deep reality." Objects, everyday real things, "float on a world that is not as real." (Bohr, Heisenberg.) Emphasis on "Uncertainty," and thus comparable to Buddhist "Anti-realism" or even Berkelean Idealism. The Copenhagen "orthodox ontology" leads directly to QR2, which posits an observer-created reality in which the act of measurement gives rise to observed reality ("The moon is demonstrably not there when no one looks" -- N.D. Mermin).

12. QR3 -- "Reality is an undivided wholeness." Developed by W. Heitler. In this interpretation, "the observer appears, as a necessary part of the whole structure, and in his full capacity as a conscious being. The separation of the world into an 'objective outside reality' and 'us,' the self-conscious onlookers, can no longer be maintained. Object and subject have become inseparable from each other." According to Bohm, "One is led to a new notion of unbroken wholeness which denies the classical analyzability of the world into separately and independently existing parts. . . . The inseparable quantum interconnectedness of the whole universe is the fun damental reality."

13. Capra's popularization of this stance in Tao of Physics explores possible leads in Far Eastern mysticism. But none of the "orientalists" have so far noted a much more relevant metaphysics in sufism, especially Ibn Arabi's doctrine of the oneness of being (wahdat al-wujud). My intuition says that Ibn Arabi might prove a goldmine to Quantum Theorists, but the "mingling of two oceans" conjured up by such an imagined confrontation would involve decades of hard labor to grasp & contain -- & so I leave it to someone else to follow up.

14. Bell's Theorem, which proves or seems to prove that Quantum Reality is "non-local," bolsters rather than deflates what we might call the taoist theory of QM, or in Herbert's phrase, QR3. Something in Bell's Theorem seems to be violating Einstein's cosmic speed limit-some superluminal aether or "field," or Faster-Than-Light particles -- or telepathic particles! So far this bizarrarie can be experimentally demonstrated only though negative inference; no laboratory "hard" evidence of such a "field" (or whatever) has been uncovered. Randomicity Theory suggests that non-local phenomena will remain inaccessible-that superiuminal signaling devices ("ansibles" in SciFi terminology) will prove impossible to decode, hence useless. However, this remains unproven. If telepathy exists, then human consciousness may already be making use of such codes.

15. QR4 -- "The many worlds interpretation" (H. Everett, 1957) suggests that the wave function never collapses -- that every possible event actually occurs, either in "our" world or in some instantaneously created "alternative universe." The Copenhagenists deny reality altogether; Everett offers infinite realities: an elegant solution, so far totally unverifiable . . . but . . . SciFi Heaven! (I wish to expropriate one of Everett's notions, the non-collapse of the wave function, for my own fanciful synthesis [see below].)

16. QR5 - -Quantum Logic. What Einstein did to Euclidean geometry, some Quantum physicist/mathematicians hope to do to Boolean (Classical) Logic. Other than making it easier to think about, I'm not sure how this new logic would relate to QR -- but it sounds like a good idea.

17. QR6 -- "Neo-realism." Einstein, Planck, Schrodinger, Bohm & de Broglie have all looked for ways to "save the phenomena," to discover & describe Quantum Reality per se, rather than take the disagreeable step of agreeing with Copenhagian anti-realisms ("Atoms are not things" -- Heisenberg. "There is no quantum world" -- Bohr.) Reconciling the neo-realist project with Quantum facts leads to some very peculiar positionssuch as maintaining that the world is real but "non-local."

18. Could it be that the quarrel between anti-realists & neo-realists arises from a semantic problem about the definition of "reality?" It looks to me as if both sides are maintaining that reality means Classical reality. Thus the Copenhagenists are forced to deny that ordinary objects exist -- an absurdity - -while the neo-realists are reduced to looking for loopholes in QM, & seem so far to have been utterly frustrated. But if QR & "ordinary reality" are both real, modalities of the same one reality, then the dichotomy vanishes like a delusion caused by bad grammar. The only problem then remaining is that of Quantum measurement, which asks in effect how "quantumstuff" "becomes" "ordinary objects?"

19. QR7 -- "Consciousness creates reality." Von Neumann posits that only one kind of stuff exists, quantumstuff, & that ordinary objects are "made" of it. At some point the wave function, the all-possible nature of quantumstuff, "collapses" into a single statistical probability, a quantum jump which somehow "creates the world." Where does this occur? The only logical answer appears to implicate human consciousness as the setting of the wave function collapse. Ironic that Von Neumann, the wizard of cybernetics & strategic game theory, should have been forced to develop a math which suggests that human consciousness must be written into any complete explanation of QR. Von Neumann's interpretation is not the same as QR2, "observer-created reality," in which the observer could as easily be a measuring device as a human being; QR2 tacitly accepts a basic dualism between a real "Classical" measuring device, and Quantum unreality itself. Nor does QR7 necessarily imply Buddhist-style anti-realism or Idealism: reality exists, but only in conjunction or "unity" with con- sciousness.

20. On one hand this trend leads to a kind of neo-Aristotelian neo-Platonism -- such as QR8, Heisenberg's "duplex world" of potentials and actualities, in which real objects appear almost as manifestations or hypostases of a Quantum Reality which is both more abstract & yet "more real" than everyday things.

21. On the other hand however Von N's "all-quantum" explanation of QR harks back to & strengthens the "taoist" arguments of QR3. Here, rather than a platonic modified non-dualism we get a strong & radical monism, in which "matter" & "consciousness" cannot be distinguished except as modalities of a single reality.

22. In effect, might one not say (as in QR4) that the wave function never collapses -- but that there still remains only one reality? That there has never been a "fall" from one into two? If QR is non-local, if "phase interference" & Bell's proof mean that all Quantum-particles which connect hologrammatical instantaneous connections with each other -- if all "matter" was originally (before the Big Bang) one dimensionless macro-particle/wave -- then all particles are implicated in all waves, & vice versa. The universe is (as Capra says, quoting Hindu sources) a seamless net of jewels, every jewel reflected in every other. The wave function collapse in this case would constitute a mathematical description of a mode of individual consciousness & its awareness of the world, its inherent implicatedness in the totality & oneness of that world -- in fact, its virtual identity with that world. The wave function collapse would then not actually describe a physical event at all; in effect, it would have never happened. The universe is now what it was & ever shall be: one reality.

23. As far as I know, this synthesis of QR3 and QR7 (lucky numbers!) violates current thinking in Quantum Theory -- & perhaps even the "Quantum facts" as well. Still . . . science marches on; things may change & become even weirder. I have a strong hunch that the ongoing study of randomicity (e.g. at thermonuclear temperatures) may shed light on QR philosophy in the near future. Another source for the next breakthrough in physics may well come from brain physiology -- provided it can tear itself away from rat-running & linguistic rat-holes & address itself to the problem of consciousness. New work on the "morphogenetic field" in biology looks promising; personally, I feel less enthusiasm for cognitive philosophy & AI research.

24. My groping attempt at a synthesis is suggested by what I call Chaos Theory, which holds to the axiom that reality itself subsists in a state of ontological anarchy. "The one gave birth to the two, the two to the 10,000 things" -- but all this IS the tao & nothing but the tao. Yin & yang have no being in themselves, but act as interpenetrating modalities of the tao. The real/unreal dichotomy enslaves us in false consciousness. Looked at from one point of view, nothing is real; from another point of view, everything is real; from another, "nothing is real except the Real"; from yet another, "I am the Real" (ana'I Haqq, a sufi "koan"). These semantricks create a set of paradoxes -- and the resolution will give us an essentially metalinguistic certainty of being's oneness. Such oneness cannot be structured or defined in any way. It has no "ruler" and no "laws" -- hence, ontological anarchy.

25. On a mathematical (or statistical) level, the chaotic nature of reality may manifest as randomicity; I suspect it manifests in the Uncertainty Principle as well. Whatever the truth of these speculations, I feel that Chaos Theory & Quantum Theory are moving closer & closer together. If this is so, then we may be able to predict some social implications of Quantum Theory as a "paradigm" -- and thus answer the questions posed in paragraph nine -- by looking at the social programme of Chaos Theory or ontological anarchy.

26. Chaos Theory, like any good theory, can be applied to anything, from physics to literary criticism -- just as it can absorb energy from any kind of source, from the heretical spiritual teachings of sufis, Ismailis, Ranters, shamans or sorcerers -- to QM itself. Thus it may provide the link, yoke, nexus or connection between QM & "oriental wisdom," & help define the paradigm we're looking for.

27. Chaos Theory predicts that Quantum Theory will fail to turn up any "hidden laws," hidden variables that restore some privileged class of objects or perceptions to a status of objective reality at the expense of other objects & perceptions. The anti-realists who recognize only the measuring device as real, & the neo-realists who yearn for a "Classical" resolution of QM's paradoxes, are simply proposing different ways of "saving the phenomena" -- or metaphorically, of preserving reality as we know it. Consensus Reality. This project seems doomed from the start -- at least, to us chaotes. The new paradigm will shatter Consensus Reality, & with it all authoritative representatives of scientific "truth."

28. This is not to claim that the "solving" of Quantum Theory will somehow result in an anarchist Utopia. The predictive power of Chaos Theory seems to falter here. After all, total destruction is as much a "type" of chaos as the most benign visions of Bakunin or Stirner. In effect the social & economic results of the new paradigm depend on forces other than those described or controlled by the paradigm, whatever its claims to absoluteness. For instance, an economy which mirrors this paradigm will almost certainly involve the abolition of "work" as we know it (a relic of Classical physics) -- but what replaces it may either enslave us more miserably than "work" could ever accomplish, or it may liberate us in harmony with the visions of "zero-work" radicals, neo-situationists & anarchists.

29. Similarly Chaos Theory can make no predictions about the development of technologies which mirror the paradigm, such as telepathic signaling, FTL spaceships, ansibles, controlled ESP or other fancies indulged in by fantasists (including me). Social change resists all such sibylline seductions, since it involves the incalculability of consciousness itself, & of human history. I can foresee Quantum dystopias as easily as Utopias.

30. Given all these caveats however. Chaos Theory still envisions a Quantum-Social-Paradigm with distinctly anti-authoritarian implications -- in one sense a reprise of the Paleolithic/shamanic worldview, in another sense wildly post-postmodern. Such a "movement" or change would transcend all current definitions of Anarchism, whether communist, syndicalist, libertarian-capitalist or individualist. So far there is no name for what I'm talking about.

31. Like Quantum Theory itself, this politique/poetique is still emergent. It can only be sensed as it emerges or begins to emerge from the "facts" of everyday life, just as Quantum Theory peeps out of the strangeness of Quantum facts. Somewhere in the welter of Quantum Theory & Chaos Theory the paradigm is already bom, & waits for us to assist at the mystery of its naming, of its transmutation from potentiality to actuality. In this action poets & physicists may play equal parts, for the glory of Quantum Theory is that by restoring consciousness to its theorems it has turned science once again into a type of "Natural Philosophy" -- or alchemy.

32. Fleshing out the vision of a world somehow based on the mind-boggling perceptions of QM linked with the alien realizations of "oriental wisdom" - -a world which lives with ideas such as non-locality, particles which travel backwards in time, alternative universes, randomicity at the heart of creation, etc. etc. . . . this is properly the work of Utopian Science Fiction -- at this point in history. Perhaps within a few years it will become the province of revolutionaries, artists, philosophers -- the unacknowledged legislators of a lawless future -- anarchs of the new paradigm.

33. QM is said to be "complete" -- but then so are all scientific systems in their moment of power. QM should by no means be fetishized either by scientists or poets, since Quantum Theory itself may hold the seeds of a paradigm which overthrows even QM. The tao which can be spoken is not the tao; the moment Quantum Theory presents itself as "complete," it must be at once attacked. Chaos theory seems to predict that Quantum Theory will flourish as long as it remains "incomplete," not tied down on any Classical (or even non-Boolean) procrustrean beds-metalogical, metalinguistic, essentially unstructured -- "free," like reality itself -- which is a state not of Anarchism but of anarchy, even to the very roots of being.


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« Reply #469 on: July 10, 2008, 09:56:07 PM »
Doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change,21985,23991257-25717,00.htm

Andrew Bolt

July 09, 2008 12:00am

PSYCHIATRISTS have detected the first case of "climate change delusion" - and they haven't even yet got to Kevin Rudd and his global warming guru.

Writing in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Joshua Wolf and Robert Salo of our Royal Children's Hospital say this delusion was a "previously unreported phenomenon".

"A 17-year-old man was referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events."

(So have Alarmist of the Year Tim Flannery, Profit of Doom Al Gore and Sir Richard Brazen, but I digress.)

"The patient had also developed the belief that, due to climate change, his own water consumption could lead within days to the deaths of millions of people through exhaustion of water supplies."

But never mind the poor boy, who became too terrified even to drink. What's scarier is that people in charge of our Government seem to suffer from this "climate change delusion", too.

Here is Prime Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday, with his own apocalyptic vision: "If we do not begin reducing the nation's levels of carbon pollution, Australia's economy will face more frequent and severe droughts, less water, reduced food production and devastation of areas such as the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu wetlands."

And here is a senior Sydney Morning Herald journalist aghast at the horrors described in the report on global warming released on Friday by Rudd's guru, Professor Ross Garnaut: "Australians must pay more for petrol, food and energy or ultimately face a rising death toll . . ."

Wow. Pay more for food or die. Is that Rudd's next campaign slogan?

Of course, we can laugh at this -- and must -- but the price for such folly may soon be your job, or at least your cash.

Rudd and Garnaut want to scare you into backing their plan to force people who produce everything from petrol to coal-fired electricity, from steel to soft drinks, to pay for licences to emit carbon dioxide -- the gas they think is heating the world to hell.

The cost of those licences, totalling in the billions, will then be passed on to you through higher bills for petrol, power, food, housing, air travel and anything else that uses lots of gassy power. In some countries they're even planning to tax farting cows, so there's no end to the ways you can be stung.

Rudd hopes this pain will make you switch to expensive but less gassy alternatives, and -- hey presto -- the world's temperature will then fall, just like it's actually done since the day Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth.

But you'll have spotted already the big flaw in Rudd's mad plan -- one that confirms he and Garnaut really do have delusions.

The truth is Australia on its own emits less than 1.5 per cent of the world's carbon dioxide. Any savings we make will make no real difference, given that China (now the biggest emitter) and India (the fourth) are booming so fast that they alone will pump out 42 per cent of the world's greenhouse gases by 2030.

Indeed, so fast are the world's emissions growing -- by 3.1 per cent a year thanks mostly to these two giants -- that the 20 per cent cuts Rudd demands of Australians by 2020 would be swallowed up in just 28 days. That's how little our multi-billions of dollars in sacrifices will matter.

And that's why Rudd's claim that we'll be ruined if we don't cut Australia's gases is a lie. To be blunt.

Ask Rudd's guru. Garnaut on Friday admitted any cuts we make will be useless unless they inspire other countries to do the same -- especially China and India: "Only a global agreement has any prospect of reducing risks of dangerous climate change to acceptable levels."

So almost everything depends on China and India copying us. But the chances of that? A big, round zero.

A year ago China released its own global warming strategy -- its own Garnaut report -- which bluntly refused to cut its total emissions.

Said Ma Kai, head of China's powerful State Council: "China does not commit to any quantified emissions-reduction commitments . . . our efforts to fight climate change must not come at the expense of economic growth."

In fact, we had to get used to more gas from China, not less: "It is quite inevitable that during this (industrialisation) stage, China's energy consumption and CO2 emissions will be quite high."

Last month, India likewise issued its National Action Plan on Climate Change, and also rejected Rudd-style cuts.

The plan's authors, the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change, said India would rather save its people from poverty than global warming, and would not cut growth to cut gases.

"It is obvious that India needs to substantially increase its per capita energy consumption to provide a minimally acceptable level of wellbeing to its people."

The plan's only real promise was in fact a threat: "India is determined that its per capita greenhouse gas emissions will at no point exceed that of developed countries."

Gee, thanks. That, of course, means India won't stop its per capita emissions (now at 1.02 tonnes) from growing until they match those of countries such as the US (now 20 tonnes). Given it has one billion people, that's a promise to gas the world like it's never been gassed before.

So is this our death warrant? Should this news have you seeing apocalyptic visions, too?

Well, no. What makes the Indian report so interesting is that unlike our Ross Garnaut, who just accepted the word of those scientists wailing we faced doom, the Indian experts went to the trouble to check what the climate was actually doing and why.

Their conclusion? They couldn't actually find anything bad in India that was caused by man-made warming: "No firm link between the documented (climate) changes described below and warming due to anthropogenic climate change has yet been established."

In fact, they couldn't find much change in the climate at all.

Yes, India's surface temperature over a century had inched up by 0.4 degrees, but there had been no change in trends for large-scale droughts and floods, or rain: "The observed monsoon rainfall at the all-India level does not show any significant trend . . ."

It even dismissed the panic Al Gore helped to whip up about melting Himalayan glaciers: "While recession of some glaciers has occurred in some Himalayan regions in recent years, the trend is not consistent across the entire mountain chain. It is, accordingly, too early to establish long-term trends, or their causation, in respect of which there are several hypotheses."

Nor was that the only sign that India's Council on Climate Change had kept its cool while our Rudd and Garnaut lost theirs.

For example, the Indians rightly insisted nuclear power had to be part of any real plan to cut emissions. Rudd and Garnaut won't even discuss it.

The Indians also pointed out that no feasible technology to trap and bury the gasses of coal-fired power stations had yet been developed "and there are serious questions about the cost as well (as) permanence of the CO2 storage repositories".

Rudd and Garnaut, however, keep offering this dream to make us think our power stations can survive their emissions trading scheme, when state governments warn they may not.

In every case the Indians are pragmatic where Rudd and Garnaut are having delusions -- delusions about an apocalypse, about cutting gases without going nuclear, about saving power stations they'll instead drive broke.

And there's that delusion on which their whole plan is built -- that India and China will follow our sacrifice by cutting their throats, too.

So psychiatrists are treating a 17-year-old tipped over the edge by global warming fearmongers?

Pray that their next patients will be two men whose own delusions threaten to drive our whole economy over the edge as well.


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« Reply #470 on: July 11, 2008, 12:53:20 AM »
On the fear-mongering topic...

Especially while I'm in California, who is in a different time zone than Virginia is, I tend to listen to a radio show as I'm drifting to sleep. It's an all-night  show called Coast to Coast.

The theme of the show is typically things that are "out there" -- like UFO's, aliens, conspiracy theories, cryptozoology, ghosts, all sorts of paranormal topics, and sometimes the spiritual. The main host, George Noory, is very mellow, with a lovely healing voice. But they have a trend towards covering doomsday and the pending apocalypse, and I have been suspicious of them more than once that they serve an overt fear-creation mission. It's a surprise, really:: one would think that a show so liberal as to entertain the likes of "Bigfoot" and other fantastic phenomena would be unafraid of daring to entertain PEACE.

I was particularly disturbed with the show on some national holiday 2 years ago, when they produced a show filled with subliminal, war-inciting special effects. How does it happen, that one considers and speaks of Spirit on the one hand, but supports war on the other?

This show airs as we listeners are drifting off to sleep: a vulnerable time hypnotically to have hysteria playing in the peripheral of one's hearing.

Last night, a guest was on to talk about Iran, and the nuclear possibilities therein. I listened to his cadence, and watched the mental imagery he was laying out. The images I got were of missiles shooting like stars, forming ellipses over the span of land. He paced it rhythmically. Did he do it deliberately, or was he a natural? Whatever the case, I ended up turning it off, determined to write some sort of letter to the host today.

I'm not saying there isn't a dangerous situation ready to blow between Iran and Israel -- and according to the guest last night, Russia and the US. I'm saying that there is a certain mindset and readiness conducive to its facilitation, and that is FEAR.

Yes, FEAR is here in the US, between the issues of global warming, economic doom, terrorism, war, and the fire-and-brimstone mindset of televangelists.

Some of us will have to be responsible to step above that, though, if any sort of unbending intent can be effective. (And who knows, maybe it won't be effective.)

I live in Norfolk-Virginia Beach, Virginia, which houses the "largest military installation in the world". Like many of my co-citizens, I was duly alarmed around the time of 9/11. Surely my area would be a ground zero, I thought. Surely we would be a target. So I couldn't understand why there was no vigilance apparent, in guarding certain areas, around the bases, around the airports. And initially, when I flew in January 2002, security was minimal. Why wasn't there the appropriate response, I wondered? Where was the vigilance? Or was it the case that "powers-that-be" knew that there was nothing to be afraid of, in the end? I'll always wonder.

Spend one night listening to the radio. Do you ever sit with your radio at night, slowly turning the dial, picking up all manner of stations, some not in your own native language and you don't comprehend? But you can tell what the topic is. These stories -- these ongoing narratives -- these plots -- are what fills our brain. And on some level, in spite of the apparent gravity of the matter, it's in truth as grave and serious as the whisperings at the beauty salon. Is the world really ending, or is it good soap opera?

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« Reply #471 on: July 11, 2008, 01:27:06 AM »
On the fear-mongering topic...

Yes, FEAR is here in the US, between the issues of global warming, economic doom, terrorism, war, and the fire-and-brimstone mindset of televangelists.

Is it like this all over the world?  I notice this "fear" even in TV advertisements.  There is not One advertisement that isn't fear-based.  Whether it's "you won't get a girlfriend if you don't use this deodorant", to "you won't be attractive if you don't wear these clothes".  Or ... god forbid if you fart in front somebody, "you better use this anti-gas concoction" ... or "are you feeling depressed, are you tired at night, but can't sleep, do you have ED?" ... "you better see your doctor because you surely need one of these drugs."  Law firms, car sales, infomercials on what workout machines to use, "so we don't get fat" ... "aren't we afraid of getting fat?"

The whole idea of these tactics and that they actually Work is scarey in itself!!!

Some of us will have to be responsible to step above that, though, if any sort of unbending intent can be effective. (And who knows, maybe it won't be effective.)

Sometimes I think it's too little, too late ... every person for them-self ... and then I see glimpses of people who can See, but they're not sure What they're seeing ... in that I see Hope.  But only time will tell.

Is the world really ending, or is it good soap opera?

Drama ... Soap Operas ... Ha!  The world is not going to end ... human existence, as we know it, will end ... of course, imho.
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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« Reply #472 on: July 11, 2008, 01:55:22 AM »
"Spend one night listening to the radio. Do you ever sit with your radio at night, slowly turning the dial, picking up all manner of stations,"

heh, I have listened to American radio at the hotel room late evening when I was in Texas 2003. It was funny, so different from here. Ok the music stations wasn't but I tuned in to some stations that dealt with religious matters. At least I heard some strange long conversation about a religious or philosophic topic that I have forgotten.

"Is it like this all over the world?  I notice this "fear" even in TV advertisements."

I think fear is more pronounced in the US society than in many other Western societies. Much is built on social correctness and competition, so far from the wise from the East that you can get. But I also see that the US has a difficult time, illegal immigration, a great class divide with a large part of the population outside the insurance system, being at war, having the greatest oil dependence per capita in the world, fraud and uncertainity in the economic sector (real estate) etc. And this all together creates a subconscious fear that manifest in different areas and in media.

So the saviour is entering the scene in the name of Change. But will that solve the problem? Many of these fearful situations take decades to straightening up. And behind all lies this nervous feeling of a coming crash. As you describe it. An interesting development to follow for all I suppose.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 02:00:41 AM by Jamir »


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« Reply #473 on: July 11, 2008, 03:30:38 AM »
Speaking of the US ... I saw a feature news-story which got me to thinking last week or so.

First of all, I was surprised to learn that since 9/11 and the advent of the Iraq War, the sale of SUV's has risen. They are great gas-guzzlers, and we'll see that trend reversing now, with gas up to almost 5 dollars a gallon, threatening to rise to 10 dollars. But what insanity was this anyway -- what kind of denial is this in this country that we seem to be comforted by the action of war? Forget all those threats of global warming -- el presidente has taken care of it by attacking Iraq.

I actually heard a radio talk host call "these people who are interested in developing solar-powered energy" liberal socialists! (dirty terms to him). Alternative energy-explorations, cast as the ravings of "the damned leftists".  Who is paying him? What ignorance and disease is this mindset?

But behind every cloud a silver lining, if we'll but use it. The feature story I heard last week described how companies which the US farmed out, like to China, are now folding up because they can't afford to pay the exorbitant shipping costs, due to the rise in gasoline-prices. So the mother company here in the US now had to revamp the old factory which was abandoned when they farmed out to China, and lo and behold:: jobs! What do you know .. if we took the bull by the horns, this could be a mixed blessing from which we could benefit. Who knows, if we really got serious about it, we might improve the educational system too, which has somehow allowed the minds of americans to rot. We'd have to think again. We could use this as a good thing, in other words. A productive thing.

Make farm-tractors, not bombers.

</the old hippie's 02>
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 05:23:13 AM by nichi »

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« Reply #474 on: July 11, 2008, 06:59:01 AM »

I actually heard a radio talk host call "these people who are interested in developing solar-powered energy" liberal socialists! (dirty terms to him). Alternative energy-explorations, cast as the ravings of "the damned leftists".  Who is paying him? What ignorance and disease is this mindset?

About 4 years ago I read about an electric car (Chevrolet) that would be available to the public in a couple of years.  This car ran on an electric powered battery that recharged itself on long trips.  Great, eh?!!   I waited for it to come out, and one day last year I was talking to my older brother about this car.  He said that they had "scrapped" that car.  Evidently they test ran a fleet of these cars through a car rental service and guess what?! ... they never needed maintenance!  They were too Perfect!  They called all of the cars back and disassembled them.  I was in disbelief, but as my brother and I discussed, there's no way our government would let a product like that into the public market.  It's all about the almighty dollar (which isn't very almighty at the moment).  Imagine the loss of jobs and oil profits for Dubya and friends.  It would be too soon, too fast.  So they introduce Hybrids ... still using gasoline along with electric.  And from what I've heard, these hybrids can be very expensive to maintain.  My opinion is that alternative energy is coming and Dubya and his friends want to make as much $$$ as they can right Now on oil ;)

But behind every cloud a silver lining, if we'll but use it. The feature story I heard last week described how companies which the US farmed out, like to China, are now folding up because they can't afford to pay the exorbitant shipping costs, due to the rise in gasoline-prices. So the mother company here in the US now had to revamp the old factory which was abandoned when they farmed out to China, and lo and behold:: jobs! What do you know .. if we took the bull by the horns, this could be a mixed blessing from which we could benefit. Who knows, if we really got serious about it, we might improve the educational system too, which has somehow allowed the minds of americans to rot. We'd have to think again. We could use this as a good thing, in other words. A productive thing.

Our company is looking forward to the return of domestic production in the apparel industry.  We use mostly domestic contractors right now, so we'll still be able to keep our pricing competitive, maintain quality, and most likely increase our revenue.  We've also been able to take business from huge corporations who are cutting their staffs like mad, trying to keep their profits up.  These big corporations are letting go of small orders that we handle productively and profitable.  We're Busy ... a good thing! ;D

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

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« Reply #475 on: July 11, 2008, 07:25:24 AM »
Ah... I should inform you guys about who Andrew Bolt is.

He belongs to the 'rabid right' commentators, who were the obsessive journalist cynics who paraded as cheer leaders for the previous right wing government. They find themselves still trying to flog a dead horse in Australia - trying to defend the previous government's anti-climate change, pro-big business, pro US Iraqi invasion, etc position.

Bolt continues to have a buck each way - I have watched him on TV taking a balanced line, then he puts out his commentries in the Australian - a right wing newspaper here.

I would be very sceptical of anything he writes - in fact I wouldn't even read his stuff myself. You will find it's not his nouns, but his adjectives that are the problem.

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« Reply #476 on: July 11, 2008, 08:12:23 AM »
On the issue of fear - to fear being run over by a car as you cross a busy street is excellent motivation to be alert. Fear is intimately linked to survival.

The big problem with fear is when it incapacitates us rather than quickens us, when we become fearful of things which have little chance of affecting us, and when be become obsessed with fear. It seems to me people who have little to be concerned about are the ones who fall prey to irrational fears more than those who live in very dangerous situations.

Should humanity be afraid of a global change that 99% of all experts in the field hold to be coming to us very quickly? I mean what have we to lose?

India and Australia are a good case - current predictions indicate both these countries will be come unliveable.

It was interesting to hear the scientists who study dramatic earth interference techniques - like changing the nature of the whole globe's atmosphere, where we would never see a blue sky ever again. The have some highly dramatic techniques up their sleeve, which they all kept secret for a long time as it freaks out too many people. But they changed their mind, and recently held a conference to discuss their ideas. They said, what changed their mind on the secrecy of their ideas, was the fact that the politicians who run the world, were obviously not moving fast enough to turn the course we are headed for, and it would not be long before the populations of earth would be crying out for anything that could quickly stop complete annihilation of the all life. It would be desperation point, sometime this century, and so they should at least be ready, and have examined the viability of their different techniques.

Myself? Well I confess to not liking pain.

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« Reply #477 on: July 11, 2008, 09:19:42 AM »
on irrational fears, we have another case here in Aust - a known paedophile was accused in a case which the judge threw out for two reasons - one that the child identified a completely different man to this guy, so the chance of conviction was very unlikely, and two, the media had taken up such a drama hoopla that the judge said he could never get a fair trial.

Well, this poor guy can go nowhere. Every place he goes - even to small towns way out in the country - the public have been thrown into a frenzy, much to the newspapers' delight. So he ends up in a suburb in Brisbane, and a mob descend on the house he is in to agitate. One man said he can never take his child for a walk in the park, because this man is in the neighbourhood, under constant surveillance I should add. So there you have hundreds of people locking their children indoors all over Brisbane because of this 'terror' which is lurking there.

never mind that most child abuse is from members of their own family.

It seems people are trigger ready to fly into a panic over things which are irrelevant, but when it come to things they should fear, they don't care.

As I have said - we're stuffed. I can't see human nature changing - they'll panic about some poor guy who's being hounded to suicide, but the pollution and forest destruction and warning by the scientific community - nah! who cares about that. And the politicians know, so they won't do anything either. Lemmings, every last one of them. Certainly not a wagon any sane person would want to hitch their horse to.

Julie has just returned from a trip on the trains through NSW and Vic, with exposure to Sydney and Melbourne and staying with a racist snob of an aunt in Melbourne. She has returned with a very depressing view of Australians - worse than she had imagined. Fat, selfish, gross, stupid, ignorant and proud of it!


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« Reply #478 on: July 11, 2008, 09:38:51 AM »
Speaking of the false accusation of child abuse, m, (shiver), there is the oddest trend here in California, of reporting accusations of child abuse before the trial. Every week, new cases are plastered over the local news. (We don't hear that much of it back in Virginia.) In the last one, it was reported that the same girl who had one teacher convicted was now making accusation about the next one, whose reputation otherwise is sterling. It was never mentioned that this girl might be falsely accusing (because what adult would not be extremely cautious around her due to her history?) -- rather, it was reported as if it really happened.

There's a horror -- to be thrown into the prisons, where child abusers perpetually meet with violence from the other inmates, all on a false accusation.

This is what comes of the state having too much power in the family: the kids learn how to manipulate the system. 


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« Reply #479 on: July 11, 2008, 02:00:09 PM »
Ah... I should inform you guys about who Andrew Bolt is.

He belongs to the 'rabid right' commentators, who were the obsessive journalist cynics who paraded as cheer leaders for the previous right wing government. They find themselves still trying to flog a dead horse in Australia - trying to defend the previous government's anti-climate change, pro-big business, pro US Iraqi invasion, etc position.

Bolt continues to have a buck each way - I have watched him on TV taking a balanced line, then he puts out his commentries in the Australian - a right wing newspaper here.

I would be very sceptical of anything he writes - in fact I wouldn't even read his stuff myself. You will find it's not his nouns, but his adjectives that are the problem.

Precisely! I put his stuff up as an example of how being stuffed looks like. :)


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