I am as mystified as others about this global financial crisis. It is all happening deep in the financial sector, and it is very serious, but it hasn't really broken through into most people's lives yet. It is like hearing on the radio of a tsunami coming - everything still looks quite pleasant around, but you just know you have to get to high ground as fast as possible.
I don't understand how Iceland can be affected by selling a home to someone in the USA who has no ability to repay the loan. I would like to hear more from those who do understand, but I am getting the feeling that no one does know - it's all speculation.
I can see that fear has now taken hold in the credit channels, and fear is what brings depressions. Fear is obvious on the currency markets. First the USD has been falling since 2002, and the AUD was riding high. Now the AUD has dropped like a rock, and the USD is rising. People with billions are running scared, hither and thither. The US economy was looking dodgy for many years. So what happens - it finally gets much much worse, and what do people do? They pull their money back to USD - they buy into the very economy that is in the worst situation. It doesn't make sense, except when seen from a fear-emotion perspective.
I find myself sitting back and watching this with bewilderment.
Iceland: overextending. For number of years researchers have been wondering about that state. In terms of population, it is not even small, it is a microstate. Yet, in terms of economy, it is a fishery superstate, and it has grown into a serious banking state.
But what supports that banking? What is the weight of domestic economy behind it? GDP of 20 billion USD? It is the size of Estonian economy!

It is still small, it is microscopic for such an ambition, and therefore Iceland's banking reminds me of a stock bubble we had here a few years ago. Then people bet on rising stock and bought it using loan money (and used the very stock they bought as a guarantee).
Similarly, Icelanders gambled on the growth of foreign economies, and when it stopped, their whole country ran into trouble.
Greed and lack of critical view of self. Trying to punch above one's weight.
Signs have been there for some time to see.
A chill wind blows through Iceland bank's success story
Nick Mathiason on problems at Kaupthing, lender to London's property boom
Sunday 04 May 2008
It is the bank that likes to say yes to some of the UK's most adventurous entrepreneurs. From Iceland but now embedded in London's West End, Kaupthing has in the past eight years been among the most aggressive lenders to property moguls and maverick business personalities.
But as the commercial property market heads closer to the abyss, many are questioning whether Kaupthing has bitten off more than it can chew. Its extensive client list includes TV chef Gordon Ramsay, who borrows money to expand his restaurant empire. Fashion retailer Karen Millen, Scottish billionaire Sir Tom Hunter and exotic real estate tycoon Robert Tchenguiz are all long-standing customers.
'The entrepreneurial spirit serves as a mainstay in our business,' says its London chief executive, Armann Thorvaldsson. 'The possibilities are limitless.'
Indeed, the list of Kaupthing deals is impressive. It backed a Tchenguiz-led acquisition of Somerfield in 2005 for £1.5bn, a business that now is on the market. It also advised Mike Ashley on his £134m acquisition of Newcastle United 12 months ago which, according to reports, is also available. Among its most valued borrowers are the Candy brothers, developers of thousands of luxury flats in some of London's most desirable locations. Kaupthing is also supplying the funding for what will be Europe's tallest building, the Shard of Glass, next to London Bridge.
In short, it has played a significant role in the spectacular growth of property in London since 1997, propelled by a boom that turned Iceland into one of Europe's fastest-growing economies, and the sixth-richest per capita in the world.
But London property insiders say Kaupthing has significantly eased back on lending, amid concerns that real estate, which last year saw values fall by 20 per cent, could plunge even further. These fears were confirmed last week when the Bank of England warned that the UK's big banks stand to lose as much as a fifth of their profits as the commercial property market implodes.
The Bank sounded the alarm on a £5bn-plus wave of defaults that could engulf the financial sector. If this happens many believe Kaupthing is among the most exposed, as it takes equity positions in some of the businesses it lends to.
Kaupthing, though, points out that compared to other banks it is a relatively small property lender. It is understood that its loan book stands at over £500m. It also says that any issues that Tchenguiz faces will not affect it because Tchenguiz did his biggest deals with other institutions.
Yet last week's first-quarter results did not make comfortable reading. The group as a whole turned a profit in its capital markets division of £91.3m into a loss of £30m, although profits in its treasury operation more than trebled.
Earlier this year Kaupthing was pressured by Icelandic authorities to drop a £2.34bn takeover of Dutch financial group NIBC amid concerns that the bank has become too stretched.
Alexandre Birry, director of financial institutions at ratings agency Fitch, said: 'Kaupthing has been subjected to negative market sentiment but, unlike US banks, it's not been triggered by sub-prime or structured products. It does have some exposure to structured products, but it's manageable. Our focus is on long-term trends. They have been growing in capital markets and investment banking. Obviously the outlook here is weaker.'
Analysts are impressed by how the bank meets its targets on reducing costs. It has now cut its asset finance business and commodity trade finance unit and by getting out of these businesses will free up liquidity in excess of £1bn. The capital will be reinvested to further grow the core UK business.
The bank will now focus on providing financial services to small and medium-sized businesses and to high net worth individuals. It has also transferred its property and corporate banking operations in Leeds and Manchester to London and Birmingham.
Recently, the credit market has priced in a high risk for Icelandic banks, sending their funding costs to record levels. Kaupthing has been among the hardest hit. Its five-year credit-default swap spreads, which measure the cost of insuring against default on its debt, are high compared with rivals , though they have fallen recently.
It is a long way from its purchase of investment manager Singer & Friedlander for £547m in 2005, when Kaupthing announced plans to double its London staff to 900. Now thoughts of expansion are furthest from its mind.
guardian.co.uk © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2008
I like the thing about the USD.

It reminds me of people with 5-minute memory being locked into a ward of mental hospital.
USD is doing miserably - sell it!
Buy Euro, buy whatever!
Crisis breaks out!
What do we do?
We need safe currency!
What is safe?
Safe is what we don't have!
Safe is USD!
Buy USD!
Nothing else is available anyway!