Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34528 times)


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« Reply #1950 on: April 29, 2014, 08:37:24 PM »
And Putins close elite assets being frozen

America setting up in malaysia

China annoyed

syria on the tv again

poverty camps and ongoing war

children dug from rubble

Anzac day just been

speaking about 40 soldiers killed

yet 96 from suicide afterwards

it goes on yet its becoming concentrated


also a partial eclipse coming

i'm feeling pumped up and have a big boost of energy

ready for something

that's probably blowing around in the wind

everything is going really fast


the division has come down between the colors of the veils

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1951 on: April 30, 2014, 07:39:10 PM »
It is indeed speeding up. The cataclysms, local or global, are coming at us at a faster rate. But we have become to see this as normal. The reason for this thread is to ask ourselves, what are we going to do in the face of these rising storms?

Just treating it all as bad news stories, is not an answer. We have to use our awareness to see into the world. As seers, our role on earth is to see into the energetic flux of the times, and to sense the growing good or evil. Precisely because we have access to a level that has no good or evil, we are in the best position to respond on the plane where good and evil have forever been antagonists. This causes us a strange situation.

It is as inappropriate for us to simply fall into the good-evil paradigm, as much it is for us to wash our hands and say we are not obligated to act.

The question for each of us, is how to act? We cannot pretend nothing is happening, that the earth is not facing a climatic phase, largely brought on by the greed and ignorance of humanity, who have reached critical mass with their capacity to alter the evolutionary arc of the earth.

The difficult question we must each resolve for ourselves, is what is our unique part to play in the remainder of our lives?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 09:45:41 PM by Michael »

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« Reply #1952 on: May 01, 2014, 09:52:34 PM »
One of the blessings of our times, is that the enemies of the heart stand revealed. They have cast off their cloaks of deception, and have walked proudly into the market place, demanding all acknowledge their supremacy.

Where once we had to look behind the curtains of the world, to see these enemies, now we can spot them clearly before us. So long as we don't fall for their enchantment in the world, we have a blessing to overcome them in ourselves.

Lust, anger, greed, possessiveness, arrogance, and envy. It is their time, and they will draw us all into the vortex.


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« Reply #1953 on: May 02, 2014, 04:42:57 AM »

It is as inappropriate for us to simply fall into the good-evil paradigm, as much it is for us to wash our hands and say we are not obligated to act.

The Quero's (The Inca Cups) do not use terms of good or evil either. Instead they talk about Heavy energy versus light (lighter) energy.

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« Reply #1954 on: May 03, 2014, 12:22:52 AM »
This will be a different fight than we have seen lately. Ukraine is not a failed state, and it's military are not a rabble. They have a sense of righteousness on their side, which is a significant factor. Yet they are up against an enemy which can sweep them aside with a wave of it's hand.

Warriors die for honour. Their worst fear is to leave this world in disgrace. But will anyone come to their assistance?


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« Reply #1955 on: May 03, 2014, 07:26:29 PM »
Lust, anger, greed, possessiveness, arrogance, and envy. It is their time, and they will draw us all into the vortex.

Interesting, that you did not mention fear and desire to control that is a direct consequence of fear.


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« Reply #1956 on: May 04, 2014, 05:32:29 AM »
This will be a different fight than we have seen lately. Ukraine is not a failed state, and it's military are not a rabble. They have a sense of righteousness on their side, which is a significant factor. Yet they are up against an enemy which can sweep them aside with a wave of it's hand.

Warriors die for honour. Their worst fear is to leave this world in disgrace. But will anyone come to their assistance?

A few clarifications would be in place:
1) Russia launched an untraditional attack on Ukraine with the aim of annexing as many regions as possible

2) Russia massed on Ukraine's borders about 50,000-60,000 soldiers, brought them up to 95% readiness to launch, BUT with the aim of intimidation. In fact, Russia could not win a shooting war against Ukraine as what we see is almost ALL that Russian Army can deploy now. Yes, it is that WEAK.

3) Russia made a bet on chaos and political disorder in Ukraine. Deployment of SOF to Crimea worked, because nobody dared to resist. Ukrainians had enough forces to squash the Russian SOF (remember Hitler and Rhineland). There were many cases of high treason in Ukrainian top leadership.

4) 2 May 2014 may be the day when tables finally turned on Russia. Russia banked on military threat of invasion to stop Ukrainian government from attacking tefforists-separatists-Russian SOF in Ukraine. Yesterday, Ukrainians realised that they would be royally stuffed anyway if they allowed themselves to be intmidated. Russia would push deeper and deeper in Ukraine anyway. So yesterday Ukrainians started a serious fight-back.

5) Ukrainians need only a limited assistance - intel, secure comms, money. The rest they can do themselves.

6) Now Putin would be damned if he invades, and he would be damned if he didn't. He cannot win. Not invading means he is willing to sacrifice compatriots he promised to protect. Moreover, Putin has unleashed ultra nationalism that is not that different from nazi Germany. That wave might engulf himself. Hence, Ukrainians use the other edge of a double-edged sword against Putin.

So, there. :)

A few bits of thought I have written in previous weeks:

What I see as a threat emanating from Russia, in light of Ukrainian events, is a type of comprehensive asymmetrical attack. It is not an easy thing to be dealt with in conventional military terms (what good are tanks or artillery in this?), and Ukrainians are clearly struggling to find a workable strategy. Meanwhile, Russians are literally squeezing (and not chopping!) various bits of Ukraine away.

One could call it a “soft power” attack, but that would not be correct either. It is a multidimensional subversion where a military element is employed only when the likelihood of armed resistance is minimised. There are elements of inciting insurgency, economic blockade, military surprise attack, corruption, info ops, political and diplomatic pressure, etc. It is really comprehensive and it hits society across borders with minimum warning time – one could see propaganda, preparations/exercising of a military capability, etc., but not the willingness to launch at any particular moment.

I said yesterday: It is a multidimensional subversion where a military element is employed only when the likelihood of armed resistance is minimised.

My take is that Russians operate primarily SOF in Ukraine and will deploy heavy troops only once the SOF have carried out local coups. If it does not work out, troops assembled on the border could be used for bargaining. The whole thing is set up not like a traditional military op/coercion, but a special op/intel op with multiple paths of development and maximum flexibility. Invasion is a distinct possibility to formalise annexation - once the Ukrainian government has been sufficiently undermined.

If Ukrainian forces do not intervene now – no elections will be held anyway as there will be little left of Ukraine.
If Ukrainian forces do intervene – Russians maintain a threat of a big war and no elections either.

Thinking of having any kind of reasonable elections now may be a major mistake.

It looks like a win-win for Mr Putin. The threat of invasion is, in my mind, an intellectual trap set up for the West who might be pressing Turchinov not to use forces effectively so as to not provoke invasion. The threat of a major conflict is also used to intimidate Kiev itself, and it seems to work quite well.

However, not everyone buys into this logic. The military analysis shows that Putin could not wage a large conflict against Ukraine successfully. He simply is not strong enough to do it. Even limited Ukrainian actions in the east have had visible detrimental effect on so-called people’s uprising and the will of separatists to get on with it. Moreover, people keep pressing Turchinov and Co. to find their stamina and defend the country – and this should not be underestimated.

I have been watching the Western media and news from Ukraine and comparing it to the info from my contacts, and I must say the West seems to underestimate the role of Ukrainian people in this. There is no trust for present rulers in Ukraine and there is an utterly clear sense of growing danger. People of Ukraine will rise and force their rulers to act. They certainly will.

The question is – should one try to play politics in Kiev while losing a massive chunk of the country if not all of it? Perhaps, it would be better to put Kiev on war footing and deal with the “green men” and then have elections.

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« Reply #1957 on: May 04, 2014, 08:24:55 AM »
Good points Juhani.
But as I see it, the 'enemy' of Ukraine is not just Russia, but also Ukrainian Russians. The Ukrainian army has to fight it's own people, which is both politically damaging and divisive within the army itself. It is hard to imagine the Ukrainian government reuniting the country.

What is curious is how the presence of the Russian military across the boarder has embolded the separatists, but when they stay over the boarder, it then embitters the separatists. I get the feeling  the pressures against Putin using Russian military are causing the stalling, creating a strategic uncertainty across all parties involved.

Is Ukraine able to marshal a loyal fighting force against the separatists? It appears in this moment of stalling, a decisive action by Ukraine could succeed, but likewise, civil war could also result, or has already.

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« Reply #1958 on: May 04, 2014, 08:38:09 AM »
Interesting, that you did not mention fear and desire to control that is a direct consequence of fear.

Which comes first? It's like two sides of the same coin: lust, anger, greed, possessiveness, arrogance, and envy are all aspects of desire to control, while fear is the other side of that. There are many types of fear, but certainly one is the fear engended by excessive desire. So the question would be, do you tackle the fear, or the desire to control?

It seems to me the whole package is a spiralling descent, provocating in tandem. The best time to stop it is right at the start - after that it's a long way down and long time before exhaustion releases one from the devestation.

In the case of countries, it's the third generation. The first is all fired up with desire, the second suffers from the pain, and the third doesn't care about all that crap from the past. That's a long time to wait.


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« Reply #1959 on: May 05, 2014, 05:37:40 AM »
Good points Juhani.
But as I see it, the 'enemy' of Ukraine is not just Russia, but also Ukrainian Russians. The Ukrainian army has to fight it's own people, which is both politically damaging and divisive within the army itself. It is hard to imagine the Ukrainian government reuniting the country.

What is curious is how the presence of the Russian military across the boarder has embolded the separatists, but when they stay over the boarder, it then embitters the separatists. I get the feeling  the pressures against Putin using Russian military are causing the stalling, creating a strategic uncertainty across all parties involved.

Is Ukraine able to marshal a loyal fighting force against the separatists? It appears in this moment of stalling, a decisive action by Ukraine could succeed, but likewise, civil war could also result, or has already.

I would say that the main enemy of Ukrainians is within - corruption and treason within their own society. Ukrainians do not trust their politicians, government, leaders. Some of them are openly pro-Russian. Many Ukrainians are still puzzled as to why would a brethren nation attack them.

What we see is a possible birth of Ukrainian nation - birth of Ukrainians who do not identify Russians as their fellow Slavs, but as antagonistic/hostile Slavs. E.g. Poles and Czechs are already there - due to their history with Russians.

Ukrainians are now fighting and trying to wrap their minds around what is happening to them.

Separatists in the eastern Ukraine constitute a clear minority. However, many people in the eastern part of Ukraine hate their government without being pro-Russian. It is a big difference and there is still an opportunity for "hearts and minds" campaign.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 06:38:19 PM by erik »


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What comes first?
« Reply #1960 on: May 05, 2014, 05:50:36 AM »
Which comes first? It's like two sides of the same coin: lust, anger, greed, possessiveness, arrogance, and envy are all aspects of desire to control, while fear is the other side of that. There are many types of fear, but certainly one is the fear engended by excessive desire. So the question would be, do you tackle the fear, or the desire to control?

It seems to me the whole package is a spiralling descent, provocating in tandem. The best time to stop it is right at the start - after that it's a long way down and long time before exhaustion releases one from the devestation.

In the case of countries, it's the third generation. The first is all fired up with desire, the second suffers from the pain, and the third doesn't care about all that crap from the past. That's a long time to wait.

I would say fear is always the first and last. Alpha and Omega.
The utter inevitability of demise, the utter pointlessness of existence. There is no human "meaning" in it. Our parasite, the rational aspect of mind, is absolutely clueless and at loss in the face of its own demise and its own meaningless being.

We can distract ourselves with a nobility of battle, matrial prowess, and despising death (like samurai or monk-warriors).

We can screw around and invent million ways to enhance and amplify orgasm. We can make our lives so full of enjoyments and pleasure.

Different ages, different opportunities to get distracted and avoid looking into the eyes of death - as it is, as it really is.

Even vikings, who thought it to be a highest level of warriorship to look into the eyes of your enemy who killed you, deceived themselves. It was never about that.

At the bottom of it is always the same thing - the inability to grasp and fear of future (where our demise waits).
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 03:00:50 PM by erik »

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« Reply #1961 on: May 05, 2014, 06:54:58 AM »
Not everyone fears death tho. It could be cause of various illusions but not all people fear death.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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« Reply #1962 on: May 05, 2014, 02:58:35 PM »
Not everyone fears death tho. It could be cause of various illusions but not all people fear death.

Yes, samurai, viking, Templars, etc. etc. Many have not been afraid. Does it mean they lived their lives like Don Juan? Very few can be 'not afraid' in 'true way' - for the lack of better expression in our language.

It is a billion times easier to develop some artificial construct in one's mind - belief, if you will - and stay in it. And not be afraid. Fully and completely possible.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 06:39:26 PM by erik »

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« Reply #1963 on: May 08, 2014, 12:40:08 PM »
Putin blinked.


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« Reply #1964 on: May 08, 2014, 04:58:07 PM »
Putin blinked.

I would not hurry with conclusions. It may be anything from deception to blinking.

My take is that Russians operate primarily SOF in Ukraine and will deploy heavy troops only once the SOF have carried out local coups. If it does not work out, troops assembled on the border could be used for bargaining. The whole thing is set up not like a traditional military op/coercion, but a special op/intel op with multiple paths of development and maximum flexibility. Invasion is a distinct possibility to formalise annexation - once the Ukrainian government has been sufficiently undermined.


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