You will need to expand on this a little, as I can't see how it connects to what you outlined before.
If you change yourself the world will change along with you. Each static frame carries intent from the previous frames which carry a thrust of energy into the current experiential frame. Those frames can be as expansive as infinity itself, or narrowed down in focus "toes" If your self reflection fires up all the emanations available in one static frame, then it is free from the past static frames. If a being is strongly attached to static frames of the past they will solidify those past frames into the now. If that same being is attached to a future point in time "something like retirement or death" the emanations at large will accommodate that intent. So every moment counts as we bring ourselves to the next frame, thus each awareness being the center of each reflective furrow ether expanded or narrow will reflect to itself what it is.
Remember there is only a world at large as a description, the shed and earth are the same thing, just emanations at large, they are just descriptions of something unfathomable. When I use the term world, it lives in the backdrop of infinity, the same exact backdrop the shed has. You are assembling that point in time and the power to move the assemblage point of earth to more suitable locations in time are just reflections of other emanations available to each individual as they move along reflective furrows, available to each one singularly. Any other view other than one reflecting infinity creates a fixed construct, infinity is fluid no fixed reflected past and thus creates no fixed reflective future in time.
So to consciously create a world in which the reflection is pleasing such as going to Kashmir again with a partner, would require the ability to move down furrows of time where the reflection there is free from contaminants. What can make the self reflective bubble of the whole world free of contaminants is another expanded topic, but at its core is either we create knowingly with complete knowledge, or we create unconsciously with incomplete knowledge.
When dreaming, we are not restricted to having the same fixed static frames, meaning the world is very fluid, the ground we are walking on may end just past our perceptual field. To see the possibilities available to each moment in time, wherever you are requires the fluidity of the energetic with the stability of the material, to reflect a whole complete self reflection, one needs the intent and energy available from the double, but the double does not comprehend in the same way as a singularity, and that is why DJ stipulates that the tonal should not completely taken out of the picture.
Only a centered balanced complete being, can handle the intent of the double, and the intent to move the assemblage point of earth, is there in the intent of the double.
Michael said:
"In this forum, we do not set out to obstruct the private me. There is every good reason for the healthy growth of the private me. But the forum is what it is, and that means every member eventually finds themselves before a struggle between the private me and the double. Some succeeded in this struggle, whereby their private me came to the realisation that they were not the only ruler of their destiny, and thus arrived at a constructive sharing of power with this elusive being, the double. They were the small minority, and they moved on to their next phase of growth in which a close partnership with the double became the core of their path."
Michael also said:
"The idea I quoted from you above is an aspect of the new shift in the global human AP. It has political backing from the 'right', because it is basically telling people they have no need to feel in any way inferior: they are perfect exactly how they are, no matter how unhealthy, unfit, obese, poor or uneducated they are. This is a conscious manoeuvre by the 'right' to trick the population into compliance, while the wealthy rip them off. It is not by chance - it is part of a very complex and cleverly worked out strategy.
(nemo) On my path, I reached a point of knowing that I was being manipulated, and part of freeing myself from that manipulation, was to become keenly aware of when I was being manipulated and when I was being manipulative. Everyone has a double, our doubles are connected to everything else in a more direct way, when we engage the intent of the double we then have far reaching energetic undercurrents available to affect those controllers in a most inexplicable way. I see the effects of this in a variety of ways in my own personal experiences, that's why I speak with a knowing, a seeing for whomever is ready to hear.