Author Topic: The Third Attention  (Read 1087 times)


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The Third Attention
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:15:37 AM »
THIRD ATTENTION – the state of freedom beyond the eagle, when the warrior has achieved the state of Wholeness. The state of the ubiquitous, non-local singularity of awareness (from Quantum Shaman)

Ke-ke wan

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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2011, 03:08:10 PM »
Thank you for this re-briefing, guys.   


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 11:25:46 PM »
To cross over to freedom does not mean eternal life as eternity is commonly understood-that is, as living forever. What the rule states is that one can keep the awareness which is ordinarily relinquished at the moment of dying. I cannot explain what it means to keep that awareness. My benefactor told me that at the moment of crossing, one enters into the third attention, and the body in its entirety is kindled with knowledge. Every cell at once becomes aware of itself, and also aware of the totality of the body.

This kind of awareness is meaningless to our compartmentalized minds. Therefore the crux of the warrior's struggle is not so much to realize that the crossing over stated in the rule means crossing to the third attention, but rather to conceive that there exists such an awareness at all. (Castaneda)


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 11:41:08 PM »
Chapter (on the first, second and third attentions) missing from the English version of Eagle's Gift
Chapter (on the first, second and third attentions) missing from the English version of Eagle's Gift

Ke-ke wan

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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2011, 06:45:06 AM »
Chapter (on the first, second and third attentions) missing from the English version of Eagle's Gift
Chapter (on the first, second and third attentions) missing from the English version of Eagle's Gift

Thanks.  :)


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2011, 07:37:33 AM »
The Third attention is that point in the manifested universe, that level of awareness, where the awareness of both manifest and unmanifest is assembled in a mutual and fully intelligent act of cooperation. In this respect it is the ultimate paradox, but a paradox which grants access to the blueprint of the universe, and which is therefore termed the The Third Ring of Power. The accent in reaching the Third Attention is not on acquiring power, but on achieving utter impeccability that automatically yields an extremely fine and high level of personal power.

Only sufficiently high level of impeccability opens the gate to totality of the self and the latter is a stepping stone on the journey to the ultimate truth. In order to seek out the ultimate truth, warrior must enter the Third Attention (while being alive). The ultimate truth is to experience the inner self which, however, can never be fully known. The cost of true knowledge is one's life - this knowledge can only be acquired through dedicating one's life to the quest. (Theun Mares)


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2011, 07:43:06 AM »
Interestingly, the above statements reveal two different approaches and views on the Third Attention.

1) Don Juan, Castaneda, Quantum Shaman: Third Attention is a state of consciusness achievable beyond death
2) Theun Mares, Kris Raphael (who frequently refers to TM): Third Attention is a state of consciousness achievable while in physical body

Don Juan and others stress, according to Castaneda, the need to gather personal power and be utterly impeccable to reach the Third Attention

Theun Mares stresses the utter impeccability as a key to personal power and the Third Attention.

In both cases the cost is one's life: in don Juan's words, literally; in Theun Mares' words, in terms of effort required.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 07:45:51 AM by Builder »

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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2011, 07:57:23 AM »
Therefore the crux of the warrior's struggle...
to conceive that there exists such an awareness at all. (Castaneda)

odd that - but also odd is how difficult it is.

Ke-ke wan

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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2011, 08:57:28 AM »
Quote from the excerpt provided:

I asked Don Juan w hat this displacement of aw areness implied.
He said
that the nagual has to strike on a precise spot, w hich varies from
person to person but w hich is alw ays located in the general area of the
shoulder blades. A nagual has to see to specify the spot, w hich is
located in the periphery of one's luminosity and not on the physical
body itself; once the nagual identifies it, he pushes it in, more that
striking it, and thus creates a concavity, a depression in the luminous
shield. The state of heightened aw areness resulting from this blow
lasts as much as this depression lasts. Some luminous shields go back
to their original forms by themselves, some have to be struck in
another point to be restored, and some others never go back to their
oval shapes.

Don Juan said that seers see aw areness as a peculiar glow .
Everyday aw areness is a glow on the right side, w hich extends from the
physical body's exterior to the periphery of our luminosity. Heightened
aw areness is a more intense shine associated w ith great speed and
concentration, a fulgor w hich saturates the periphery of the left side.

Don Juan said that seers explain w hat happens w ith the blow of
the nagual as a temporal dislodging of a center located in the luminous
cocoon of the body. The Eagle's emanations are in reality evaluated
and selected in that center. The blow alters their normal behavior.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 04:18:58 PM by Morninglory »


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2011, 04:13:01 PM »
odd that - but also odd is how difficult it is.

Mares says that old seers did not pay attention to the possibility of Third Attention because it was so plain, obvious and simple. They found manipulation of the world through the magic of the Second Attention much more attractive. According to Mares, living in the Third Attention and acting through it is utterly different from the usual stuff in the Second Attention. It is akin to acting on things that have not happened yet.

I don't think Castaneda provided any comment on Don Juan's views why the old seers missed the Third Attention.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 04:16:31 PM by Builder »


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2011, 04:14:32 PM »
Quote from the excerpt provided:

I asked Don Juan w hat this displacement of aw areness implied.
He said
that the nagual has to strike on a precise spot, w hich varies from
person to person but w hich is alw ays located in the general area of the
shoulder blades. A nagual has to see to specify the spot, w hich is
located in the periphery of one's luminosity and not on the physical
body itself; once the nagual identifies it, he pushes it in, more that
striking it, and thus creates a concavity, a depression in the luminous
shield. The state of heightened aw areness resulting from this blow
lasts as much as this depression lasts. Some luminous shields go back
to their original forms by themselves, some have to be struck in
another point to be restored, and some others never go back to their
oval shapes.

Don Juan said that seers see aw areness as a peculiar glow .
Everyday aw areness is a glow on the right side, w hich extends from the
physical body's exterior to the periphery of our luminosity. Heightened
aw areness is a more intense shine associated w ith great speed and
concentration, a fulgor w hich saturates the periphery of the left side.

Don Juan said that seers explain w hat happens w ith the blow of
the nagual as a temporal dislodging of a center located in the luminous
cocoon of the body. The Eagle's emanations are in reality evaluated
and selected in that center. The blow alters their normal behavior.

Strangely, reading this makes me think of Daniel! Ha!

How's this related to the Third Attention?

Ke-ke wan

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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2011, 04:21:08 PM »
How's this related to the Third Attention?

The Chapter is on the First, Second and Third attentions.  I assume that CC thought the info was relevant, (ie related).  Anyway I just liked this particular passage. 


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2011, 05:14:16 PM »
The Chapter is on the First, Second and Third attentions.  I assume that CC thought the info was relevant, (ie related).  Anyway I just liked this particular passage. 

...and bringing in Daniel. Well done.

Ke-ke wan

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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2011, 06:31:58 AM »
...and bringing in Daniel. Well done.

That was a note to self, which is why it was invisible to everyone else.  Take offense if you like, but  I'm not derailing another thread because you do not approve.  We have places to discuss this if you so choose. 


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Re: The Third Attention
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2011, 06:45:09 AM »
You have already done the deed. Please, feel free to have this thread and all the rest.



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