Quote from the excerpt provided:
I asked Don Juan w hat this displacement of aw areness implied.
He said
that the nagual has to strike on a precise spot, w hich varies from
person to person but w hich is alw ays located in the general area of the
shoulder blades. A nagual has to see to specify the spot, w hich is
located in the periphery of one's luminosity and not on the physical
body itself; once the nagual identifies it, he pushes it in, more that
striking it, and thus creates a concavity, a depression in the luminous
shield. The state of heightened aw areness resulting from this blow
lasts as much as this depression lasts. Some luminous shields go back
to their original forms by themselves, some have to be struck in
another point to be restored, and some others never go back to their
oval shapes.
Don Juan said that seers see aw areness as a peculiar glow .
Everyday aw areness is a glow on the right side, w hich extends from the
physical body's exterior to the periphery of our luminosity. Heightened
aw areness is a more intense shine associated w ith great speed and
concentration, a fulgor w hich saturates the periphery of the left side.
Don Juan said that seers explain w hat happens w ith the blow of
the nagual as a temporal dislodging of a center located in the luminous
cocoon of the body. The Eagle's emanations are in reality evaluated
and selected in that center. The blow alters their normal behavior.