Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5395 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #135 on: October 04, 2014, 11:37:30 PM »
yes pieces over days

reminds me of something playing out over aeons


the story goes like this

its actually predictive in its approach towards itself

in time

two polar ends of a universe gaiting along side a parallel streaming universe

spinning discs lets call them brother s

for argument sake

first we would have to understand fire

its effect upon/within water

and its predictive reflective properties contained 'within'

the parallel universes stream

then a point leading ontowards significant 'time'

within its journey of polar balance

having set up its streaming disc within 'time'

it seeks to realign polarity closely through union

yet through the illusion of separation creates

identity of power through orgasmic ; capture and release

when the discs pass upon each others spiral

the malee is revealed

it could neither be said one had related to the other

nor the other to the one

without the other having conceived it through mutual pressuring

what i mean to say is this

if a point exists upon 'fire'

within 'water'

spiraling structure would have it meet

and greet

that point would exist in 'time'

as a birth stood upon a scale

nothing could be said for the memory within fire \

as fire is not the same as water

in that its 'point'  awareness spiral    not     reflection   

neither is one fixed

one is responsible for the other only is so much as the advancement

upon it within   'time'

and time itself has originated closely yet not of itself as expansion or density

actually the real answer i got for the subject was this

 what word sounds the same if you remove the

first letter

the middle letter

or the last letter

the word was


next was something about the eagle radiating emanations

as awareness within certain predictive alignments

and the nest was something about eagles laying turds as

was suggested

either way its an argument of predictive proportions

the set up the trap the fall the rise etc etc

that the ones seeking for warned to accost the oncoming fire

were ill prepared and asked the wrong questions of father time

and so came upon the same conclusions in the face of the same malee

had they not as previously pre pared them selves

according to the saparation "literal"

then the oncoming unification would have both answered the call

and having not pre determined their own fate provided provision

for the required growth and stabilisation ' open way . not closed '


you cant stop the fire when it passes that way

its a misunderstanding with disasterous consequences

the other thing that came from it

was "beings"

which were like "eyes without a face"

these were black faces to my mind

with black almond eyes

also like silvio manuel as the master of "intent"

the eyes in the darkn ess

as i saw it just similarly

the larger emanations outside had configurations beyond the scale of the

dualistic imagination surely anyway

therefore the intent of the eyes without a face would

not have to answer to such mathematical equasions

just some things


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #136 on: October 04, 2014, 11:49:30 PM »
i spoke on the phone to Sophia yesterday

i told her two sun birds had come looking gently in the shed for somewhere to

nest and stayed floating there for a while checking things out

and she told me the same thing had happened to her that day also

a pair of sunbirds had come to her front door looking for a place to hang up a

nest also

right now there is a Curlew outside

that is curious also as that is a first here

it just let me know as i was posting this

i think the aboriginals believe they were some ancestor spirits

also it reminds me of my friends daughter who used to be afraid of them

she always said they had backwards knees and that was why


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #137 on: October 06, 2014, 09:10:58 PM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #138 on: October 12, 2014, 05:49:19 PM »
It looks like we sorted it out this time

the tensions and the reliefs are not so much the problem in the

face of the solutions

hard as they may be

one dove remains

another one will be brought in to replace the other as it has not yet returned

i will be leaving

she "Sophia" will be staying

we will wait for each other five years and visit

in our passing and still stay together for this time

i cannot stay and she cannot leave

that tension brought a lot of friction upon inclinations

so i will leave yet well stay together and in five years

pick it up "together" she will be able to leave

and we'll go together then

strangely that has alleviated the stress

it no longer feels i have to chose and the same for her


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #139 on: October 12, 2014, 05:57:08 PM »
i have mowed the grass

i paid some body last

to alleviate hay fever

the magpies are almost tame

they bring their babies

the kookaburras sit on the tv aerial too

at least its finding a use

passion fruit vines are choking the fence

what a wonderful thing

the dragon fruit cactus'  are better when treated rough

tie them with stockings says the man to a stump

and so i did

started drinking smoothies again

went fishing this morning and caught a good feeling thats about it

then a call somebody has caught two brim

call around grab them on the way through

got that feeling on the rocks again

it goes away and i forget

but there it was again

fresh as it always was

salt air

whispering freedom

that the earth my friend

my sore feet just want to give it a big hug

the colors came bright again

not like that cloudy grey dream

pebbles finding old fishing lines

cutting them free those little crabs

gypsy folk and all that

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #140 on: October 12, 2014, 06:26:19 PM »
So you're going to leave this place with the doves, magpies, kookaburras, palm cockatoos, and passion fruit? It sounds so much like paradise.  :(
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 08:34:21 PM by Nichi »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #141 on: October 15, 2014, 08:27:46 PM »
i am going to try another angle

yes think i will leave all that

i have worked very hard in that place

i don't mind having worked and making it nice for somebody else

i have done this before

i always knew this place would be busy and no rest "hard work"

now that the hard works investment might buy something new

who knows  perhaps i could get the hang of making even greater money

to proceed with further

although i have always been absolutely practical generally speaking

i would probably buy just more practicality

the burden of "having" is beginning to grind

so the transfer of energy into a new form is something

to be interested in seeing change

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #142 on: October 17, 2014, 11:06:46 PM »
You're not being very clear runningstream - is this because you haven't committed to whatever course of action you are contemplating?

Are you suggesting you broke up with your girlfriend, and she left. Then she came back and you decided to either give or sell your land and home to her while you leave. You are coming across as bananas. I suggest if you want to tell us about this, you be clear what you are talking about, because at present it sounds like you are describing some fantasy.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #143 on: October 18, 2014, 10:21:59 PM »
every thing you are saying i see also and it makes sense

i will add something

a while ago i realized truths could be viewed from differing steps away

for instance a truth can be witnessed in close proximity

within the world

in the seemingly mundane

and framed within a farther away context within the universe

the same truths could be witnessed

whats woven through as bananas for me

for you

is just as simple as the rest

it sounds like fantasy because it is

yet that does not make it any less real or manifest

i am not interest in the concrete versus the abstract

nor am i so much interested in their separation

although i would consider it for somebody elses sake

whats " written " in the water as my life

is both fantasy

and truth

also far away and close

that is this point

i am playing with it as i said i would

the details are running along with each other

i just am adding them together as they are

i am back with sophia yes

i leave yes

she stays yes

we do not live together

for now

although stay together

it is not my commitment to action which is lacking

it is my commitment to spirit which is making the decisions

if it sounds out there and fantasy i understand

if you ask me i will explain how so or even why

you would have to ask though

if you wait for me to supply those details its fine

its artistic license

for my self i wont change it

i can for you if you like i don t mind


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #144 on: October 18, 2014, 10:47:23 PM »
the place where i have been working at home is on land

i do not own

i will be leaving and meet the call of my own heart

i have accumulated through work five cars which i will sell

i have learned to spray paint

i have learnt to replace head gaskets

fit engines

weld etc etc as a course of the way things turned out

these assets will buy some thing else when sold

also i go to work

i also have a place full of things i will sell

i have had it all a heap of times yet i just get rid of it all again and start over

after dong work on the place i stay also i have asked to be paid for the work

as the rent could now be doubled due to the renovations i feel its a fair deal also

so this adgistment will also help

i have a caravan and i will be leaving in it

as far as the relationship with sophia is going a lot of tension was caused

because of me wishing to be gone "from this red neck place "   and what that "vibe"


having left to serenity yet encountering all sorts of trivial personalities entering

"finding in roads"

to the place and adding to that the unhealthy balance and hard work due to the


leaves me with what i already knew

i have come here to work hard

i have now assets for the next leg of the journey

every thing is set in motion and the wheels are now turning "the tide"

what ever will be will be

ill just catch the tide now same as always

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #145 on: October 18, 2014, 11:08:38 PM »
When people speak of why their partner is dissatisfied with the relationship, they usually speak of what they believe is their partner's problem, not what their partner actually says.

If I ask you why Sophia is upset with the relationship, assuming you want to respond, and you are under no obligation to respond, would you be able to relay what she says, rather than what you believe she is really saying?


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #146 on: October 18, 2014, 11:45:54 PM »

if she was upset with the relationship i could give you that yet she is not

right now so i can not give you that

i would give you introspection and the words she spoke if i felt it was required

i could do that easily

however as long as i felt i needed help

with it

and i do not right now

i am leaving and even this is not a problem

so her words are she will stay with me ,and wait for the five years

and then well go together

the reason is one of financial investment and the kids

and i understand its a big deal just digging up those roots for her

if we dug we could think of past things

i don t think it matters now though


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Re: Story sake. fresh compost. written experiment.
« Reply #147 on: October 23, 2014, 08:47:34 PM »
Well i have some news now .

We had a fight and broke up . actually i don;t know if thats true because i don't feel

i was fighting so much . although i was stern and did not submit .

It started with me saying , "you are indirectly manipulative sometimes ".

i am refering to having to the dualistic approach to energy and struggle.

i really tried hard to keep that clear.

it was met with much fight .

apparently those were some key words . Biting down hard upon them

She kept asking what do you mean , each time i tried again and again

even saying things like do you know the polarities and about power struggles etc

and that we can speak openly about issues , and introspection

without it having to be attacking somebody

from with in the middle .

this and also i told her you have zero introspection , and that i am not having a go

at you when i speak about something that is happening , that we could speak

without it having to be good / bad , wrong ./right , black / white

the more i explain the more i meet hostility

later being told i am dark inside and just look good on the outside because of what

i said ,

i am hurt , i might be confused ,

yet i resign to just leave it .

we spoke after on the phone the next day .

after some time she says whats something wrong ?

i said yes , i give up , i give up there is no point talking to you about it any more .

you tell me i am black inside


/she even spoke of hitting me over the head with something , a candle holder on

the drawers . '

i am left completely dumfounded . i cannot believe we were even having the same

conversation .

after we hang up . its over  .

next i get the text about asshole this .

i text back , ok you have hurt me thats enough now leave me alone .

she replies , something about what she thinks also , back .

so its done , i felt like it can go no further , and the more it plays out the less

anything becomes over come or done about anything .

that was three days ago now .

i have given up on it .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #148 on: October 23, 2014, 09:00:01 PM »
yesterday after this , whilst going to pick one of my cars up

from her house , i was over taken on the inside of my truck whilst turning right

by a motor cycle on a tight corner which i was already cutting .

i pulled up at the next set of lights , and told him "yelling" through the window ,

you are a flowering cock head .

there were two of them .

next the other one begins to do a mono beside my truck continually on one wheel

on his motor bike ,

so in reply i give a semi swerve towards him with the truck to jolt him .  a half bork

type swerve . mimic.

next the two pull over on the side of the road ahead as though waiting for me .

so i come across the lanes and pull in behind them off the road .

i want to bang their heads together .

on second thought they change their minds as i arrive and ride away .

next my friend / land lord comes around today , to organise what we spoke of .;

me leaving and him renting this place out further .

he tells me about these two guys on motor cycles today he came across in the


spot racing each other through traffic and carrying on . 

could it be ?


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #149 on: October 23, 2014, 09:10:59 PM »
last night i put one of the cars back together . it should pass the road worthy

inspection now .

the rust is cut out , and painted last night , that appeared from sitting too long.

also the muffler repairs.

two others are also ready although one requires a windscreen still .

the other is ready too , and another parts  .

now comes feelings of is this the right thing to do ?

there is new fruit appearing one three different trees/ plants today.

it is that things are fruiting now  .

i even contemplate to just pay the rent and go yet keep a home base here.

my friend would prefer i stay even though he could get more money .

he made a special trip over even with his broken wrist and ribs.

perhaps i have reached a point where i might actually be able to relax ?

could it be , and also

a lot of outside tension was coming from having Sophia around .

i cannot see the light ahead so clear , as i felt it might be for ever ,

now i have an uncertainty as the road is changing ahead of me .

there are other tensions also .

the economy here is in panic mode and for a good reason .

work is drying up for many , and each day more and more things returh from job sites

and people layed off.


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